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RELIGIOUS LIFE IN ITALY IN THE FIRST HALF OF implementing reform through deeds of

THE XVI (16th) CENTURY mercy.

- Italian brotherhoods, one was
- St. Jerome Emiliani lived in the history
particularly renowned: the SOCIETY OF
of the church in Italy.
DIVINE LOVE goal is to “sow and root
- The religious and moral conditions of
love in hearts, by moving the brothers
Christian life were troublesome.
to true humility, from which all good
- Appointment of ecclesiastical offices on
customs proceed.”
the basis of economic reasons was
detrimental to pastoral action.
remembered because of the numerous
- Clergymen were incapable or unworthy
foundations established in Genoa,
and religious led anything but an
Rome, Vicenza, Verona, Brescia, Venice,
exemplary life.
Padua, Naples and other Italian towns.
- Christian people lived in dreadful
- Because of the enthusiasm and fervent
ignorance of their faith.
activity of its members
- Devotion to religion, while still deep
- Because from its womb were born
and sincere, expressed itself in a
some of the most remarkable
practice that was often coated with
characters of the reform, such as St.
Catherine of Genoa, St. Cajetan Thiene,
- Moral discipline was quite poor and
Peter Carafa, who later became Pope
participation in sacramental life was
Paul IV, John Mathew Giberti, St.
very weak.
Jerome Emiliani, St. Angela Mercici and
- The quest for deep renewal of life and
many others who worked for the
customs is the theme that recurs with
renewal of Christian Life: Because it had
impressive frequency in the writings of
connections with the Somascans and
the end of the fifteenth century and
Theatins and with other congregations
beginning of the sixteenth century.
of the Catholic Reform, such as the
(Summed up in one word REFORM)
Jesuits, the Capuchins, and the
- Several attempts at reform designed in
the fifteenth century by MARTIN V,
- When the Papacy under Paul III
decisively placed itself at the head of
ALEXANDER VI did not achieve
these lay movements, many scattered
satisfactory results.
rivulets took the shape of a wide and
- The need for reform was beginning to
mighty river, which finally produced the
stir up various components of the
authentic reform of religious life.
- In 1545, council of Trent began.
- Monastic and Mendicant orders began
- It is in this frame of reference, very rich
partially to go back to their ancient
in ideals and enthusiasm, that the
character and work of St. Jerome
- ZEALOUS bishops started to exercise
Emiliani must be placed.
their pastoral ministry.
- In many towns, Clergy joined small
congregations of reformed priests.
- The Italian lay movements had the
distinct common characteristics of
St. JEROME’s FAMILY and HIS YOUTH friend wrote of him, “but in him love
surpassed intelligence.”
- Born in Venice in 1486, of the patrician
Emiliani (Miani) family.
- Mianis belonged to the Grand Council.
- In the magnificent Venice of the early
Could number of people who had given
1500s he spent his youth “variously”
important services to the Republic.
and in some bewilderment.
- Jerome was related to his mother, to
- His niece, Elena, who had become a
the illustrious Morosini family.
nun, described him as a “youth who had
- His family lived just behind the church
a good time.”
of St. Vital.
- At 25, Jerome involved in the events of
Father : Angelo (Died in 1496)– in 1483
the war against the League of Cambrai.
had been a captain of the galleys in the
- The League established against Venice
Marca. In 1486 he was podesta
in 1508 and brought together the forces
(governor of chief magistrate) and
of Maximilian of Austrice, Louis XII of
captain in Feltre.
France, Julius II and later on the King of
- Later on, he was superintendent in
Spain and the Duke of Ferrara.
Zante and Lepanto.
- 1510, in the last month, Jerome was
- Member of a senate.
entrusted the directorship of
- His sons followed his political steps as
Castelnuovo of Quero.
soon as they became of age.
- Castelnuovo overlooks the road that
Mother : Leonora (Died in 1514)
connects FELTRE to TREVISO and guards
Four Children : Luke(Died in 1519
the course of the river. Passageway
leaving 3 children and the oldest was
toward Treviso and Venice.
only 4), Charles(1523 got married),
- Jerome went to Castelnuovo in the
Mark(Died in 1526) and Jerome.
early days of 1511.
- Their finances were fairly strong. Family
- August 27, 1511 is the most important
owning properties near Castelfranco
events of his regency.
Veneto and in Piave Valley, and small
- From the French camp in Montebelluna,
buildings in Venice, and being involved
the mercenary captain Mercury Bua
in the woolen trade on the mainland
moved his troops and attacked the
and in the Levant.
- In 1496, Jerome was 10, when he lost
- Abandoned by the soldiers who were
his father.
supposed to defend the castle, Jerome
- Jerome pursued a course of studies
took the military power upon himself.
befitting his family’s social class.
- August 27, 1511 a german army
- He never was a scholar but a man of
launched a furious attack against the
castle of Quero.
- He had the characteristics of a man of
- Jerome with only a handful of faithful
action: making and keeping friends
men held out all day long. He survived
easily, and being cheerful, strong
with only 3 men and was taken captive.
minded and enthusiastic.
- His imprisonment lasted for a month.
“His intelligence allowed him to hold a
conversation with his equal,” an anonymous
- On the morning of September 27,
Jerome showed up, completely free, at
the gates of Treviso.
- In September 26 and 27 the prisoner
had been locked in a tower.
- His feet had been bound in chains,
stone ball had also been hung at his
- During this time, Jerome reflected on
his past life.
- His dreams of glory were shattered and
he felt that death was close. Feeling
totally abandoned, he turned to the
Blessed Virgin of the Madonna Grande’s
shrine, with humble heart, he promised
he would change his life if he were
- “ A woman clothed in white” then
appeared to him. She handed him the
keys to open the chains and the door of
the tower.
- As he did not know the way, Mary led
him to the sight of Treviso’s gates.
- Jerome kept serving the Republic until
the end of the war in 1516.
- He was engaged in several military
- At first, he stayed in Treviso to defend
- In 1513, he was in Padua.
- In 1514 he was in Friuli at the side of
General Provisioner John Vittori.
- At the end of the war, he again took the
directorship of Castlenuovo, which he
held until 1527.
- He took care all of his orphaned
nephews and nieces.
- He was 40 y/o and he had not produced
a family of his own.

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