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1. Global Warming when carbon dioxide and other air pollutants and
greenhouse gases build up and linger in the atmos-
phere, which causes radiation to escape into space,
and heat to be trapped in our planet which then makes
it hotter.

2. Effects of Global temperature rises on average


3. Effects of Global seasonal changes


4. Effects of Global water & food shortage


5. Effects of Global increased health risks


6. Effects of Global increased frequency and intensity of cyclones and hur-

Warming ricanes

7. Climate Change has arisen as a result of global warming, and refers to

the rise in sea level caused by warmer oceans expand-
ing and melting ice sheets & glaciers

8. Adapting to Cli- practice conservation of natural resources

mate Change

9. Adapting to Cli- reduce pollution and waste

mate Change

10. Adapting to Cli- reuse water

mate Change

11. Adapting to Cli- recycle products

mate Change

12. Adapting to Cli- conserve energy

mate Change

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13. Transnational Mi- occurs when people move from one country to another
gration while maintaining their social ties

14. Transnational Mi- is a global phenomenon that's only becoming bigger in

gration terms of scope, complexity, and influence

15. Migration is a source and results of larger development process-

es, as well as a fundamental component of our global-
izing world

16. Trans-migrants immigrants whose everyday lives are reliant on many

& continuous interconnections across international
boarders, and whose public identities are shaped by
multiple nation-states

17. Factors of Transna- Overpopulation

tional Migration

18. Factors of Transna- Poverty

tional Migration

19. Factors of Transna- Underemployment

tional Migration

20. Factors of Transna- Unemployment

tional Migration

21. Factors of Transna- Low wage level

tional Migration

22. Overpopulation people relocate to other countries because they believe

their current home no longer has adequate space for

23. Economic Oppor- people are motivated by profit; they send money to their
tunities family in their home country

24. OFW Overseas Filipino Workers

25. POEA Philippine Overseas Employment Agency

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26. OFW Remittances provide the country with greater economic benefits

27. State is basically shaped by three institutions: social, cultural,

and political

28. Social Institution consists of a group of people who have come together
for a common purpose; ex. family

29. Family the basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two

parents rearing their children

30. Family Orientation the family we're born into

31. Family of Procre- the family you create through marriage and by having
ation or adopting children

32. Practices in Trac- Unilineal System, Patrilineal, Matrilineal, Bilateral

ing Family Lineage

33. Unilineal System a system of determining descent groups in which one

belongs to one's father's/mother's line, whereby traced
either exclusively through male ancestors (patriline), or
female (matriline)

34. Patrilineal relating to or based on relationship to the father or

descent through the male line

35. Matrilineal refers to familial relationships that can be traced

through a female; to follow the matrilineal line in your
family, start with your mom

36. Types of Marriage Endogamy, Exogamy, Polygamy, Polyandry,


37. Endogamy marriage within one's own tribe or group as required by

custom or law

38. Exogamy marriage to a person belonging to a tribe or group other

than your own as required by custom or law

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39. Polygamy having more than one wife at home

40. Polyandry having more than one relationship, husband at a time

41. Monogamy married to, or in a sexual relationship with, one person

at a time

42. Sovereignty is the supreme power of the state to command and

enforce obedience to its will, from the people within its
jurisdiction and corollary, to have freedom from foreign

43. Functions of the Establishing laws and norms, providing social control,
State ensuring economic stability, setting goals, and protect-
ing against outside threats

44. Establishing Laws the state is the focus for the establishment of laws that
and Norms formally specify what is expected and what is prohibited
in the society

45. Providing Social the state has the power to enforce laws; the police,
Control courts, and various government agencies make sure
that the violation of laws is punished

46. Internal Revenue seeks out tax evaders


47. Courts sentence criminals to prison

48. Police maintain order

49. Ensuring Econom- the state tries to ensure that a stable system of distribu-
ic Stability tion and allocation of resources exists within the society

50. Setting Goals if the society is to minimize drug abuse for instance, the
government must promote this as a goal

51. Protecting Against the task of maintaining a society is to protect it from

Outside Threats outside threats especially those in the military nature;
hence, the government builds and maintains armies

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52. State Organiza- Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, Judiciary Branch

53. Executive Branch the Office of the President

54. Legislative Branch the Senate and the House of Representatives

55. Non-state Institu- are establishments which are not owned and controlled
tions by the government; some are for profit and some are
nonprofits, and some are for personal investments and
for financial help.

56. St. Thomas believed that man by nature is a social being, and he
Aquinas needs the state to guide him towards perfection; the
state is like food, for it is needed for man's nourishment

57. Karl Marx and the state is the instrument of the exploitation of the
Friedrich Engels proletariat and predicted it would wither away

58. Harrison and Boyd, the state is the political association that establishes
2003, 17 sovereign power within a defined territorial area nd
possesses a monopoly of legitimate violence

59. State is the most powerful social and political institution; and
represents a group of people in the international com-
munity of nations

60. State is a community of persons more or less numerous,

permanently occupying a definite portion of territory,
having a government of their own to which the great
body of inhabitants render obedience, and enjoying
freedom from external control

61. Elements of the People, Territory, Government


62. People are human beings, male and female, who live together
for a common end, notwithstanding differences in race,
color, religion, or culture; must be sufficiently numerous

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to assure continued existence as a collective body oth-
erwise the ends of the union may be frustrated

63. Territory includes not only the land over which the jurisdiction of
the state extends, but also the rivers and lakes therein,
a certain area of the sea which lie alongside upon the
coasts and the air space above it; thus, the domain
of the state may be described as terrestrial, fluvial or
maritime, and aerial.

64. Government refers to the agency through which the will of the state
is formulated, expressed and carried out

65. Examples of Banks, Developmental Agencies, Internal Organiza-

Non-State Institu- tions

66. Banks are places or institutions where people place and de-
posit their money or savings with corresponding inter-
est on a given period of time, and/or assets for safe-

67. Corporation is a company or group of people authorized to act as a

single entity (legally a person) and recognized as such
in law; a legal entity created under state law and is
designed to generate a profit

68. Cooperative is a legal entity owned and democratically controlled by

its members

69. Trade Union is an organization whose membership consist of work-

ers and union leaders, united to protect and promote
their common interests

70. Transnational Ad- are fluid and open relationship among knowledgeable,
vocacy Groups committed actors (individuals and organizations); they
exist to change international policy as well as make
these changes real in the day-to-day lives of ordinary

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71. Development an organization committed to distributing aid; ex. Au-
Agencies sAID, USAID, DFID, EuropeAid, ECHO

72. International Orga- is an organization with an international membership,

nization scope, or presence; has two main types: Internation-
al Non-Governmental Organizations and Inter-Govern-
mental Organizations

73. International include international non-profit organizations and

Non-Governmen- worldwide companies
tal Organizations

74. Inter-Governmen- mostly associated with the term international organiza-

tal Organizations tion; ex. United Nations (UN)

75. Education was derived from Latin "E" or "Ex" which signifies "what
is inside is brought out", and "ducere" which means "to
draw out", "to lead", "elicit", "develop" from the latent,
rudimentary or potential condition"

76. Education refers to that deliberately and consciously planned

process of systematic instruction, schooling, or training
in preparation for life or some particular task

77. Sociologist and view education as the process of transmitting a soci-

Anthropologists ety's cultural knowledge, skills, values, and behaviors

78. Education is the process by which one draws out what is within a
person; helps a person to externalize what is internal
and present within him

79. Formal Education based in the classroom and provided by trained teach-
ing and nonteaching personnel; has an approved cur-

80. Non-formal Educa- organized educational activity that takes place outside
tion a formal setup; usually flexible, learner-centered, con-
textualized, and uses a participatory approach.

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Manifest Function Emile Durkheim described schools as agents of social-
of Education ization that prepare children for their future economic
roles; not just math and science, but also how to wait in
line, share what they have. it is also the transmission of
culture, skills, and values.

82. Latent Function of the unintended functions that are brought about by
Education the school environment; where you can possibly find
a spouse, a business partner, or friends that you can
keep for life; and is also the ability to work in groups,
whether as a leader or as a member

83. Functions of Edu- 1. Giving training in specific skills or the basic general
cation education literacy.
2. Prepare people for occupational roles.
3. Preserving the culture from one generation to the
4. Encouraging democratic participation by teaching
verbal skills.
5. Developing the person's ability to think rationally and
6. Enriching life by enabling the students to expand
his/her intellectual and aesthetic horizons.
7. Improving personal adjustment through personal
counselling and such courses as applied psychology,
sex education, family and drug abuse.
8. Improving the health of the nation's youth by provid-
ing physical exercise and courses in hygiene.
9. Producing patriotic citizens through lessons illustrat-
ing the country's glory.
10. Building character.

84. Universal Declara- states that everyone has the right to education
tion of the Human

85. Goals of Education self-actualization by Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of

needs wherein it refers to the desire for self-fulfilment;
and productive citizenry, which refers to the idea that a

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citizen by him/herself must create the environment and
opportunities to become productive

86. Society is composed of different individuals who possess dif-

ferent characteristics and are born in different circum-
stances; thus, they have different attributes, wealth,
power, and prestige

87. Sociology the study about people

88. Organization refers to a formally constituted entity, composed of

individuals performing a set of functions for the achieve-
ment of a certain mandate, obligation, or task.

89. Institution refers to a structured domain, norms, rules, and even

practices that give a sense of order to a specific set of
relationships; govern a given society or community

90. Inequalities sociologists speaks of social stratification

91. Social Stratifica- can be defined as structures/inequalities between dif-

tion ferent groupings of people.

92. 4 Basic Systems of Slavery, Caste, Estates, and Class


93. Slavery is an extreme form of inequality in which some individ-

uals are literally owned by others as their property.

94. Caste is associated above all with the cultures of the Indian
subcontinent; the term caste itself comes from the Por-
tuguese term 'casta' meaning race, or pure stock; the
two main ones are varna and jati

95. Varna consists of four categories, each ranked differently in

terms of social honor; below those four are the untouch-
ables, the lowest position of all

96. Jati the locally defined group within which the caste ranks

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97. Estates were part of European Feudalism

98. Class is a large-scale groupings of people who share com-

mon economic resources, which strongly influence the
type of lifestyle they are able to lead

99. Class systems differ in many respects from slavery, castes, or estates;
they are not established by legal or religious provi-
sions; are typically more fluid than the other types of
stratification and boundaries between classes are nev-
er clear-cut; no restrictions on intermarriage between
people from different classes

100. Upper Class the wealthy, employers and industrialist, top executives

101. Middle Class includes most white-collar workers and professionals

102. Working Class blue-collar or manual jobs

103. Peasants people engaged in traditional types of agricultural pro-


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