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Mani Shukla

To work hard with full dedication for the achievement of organizational objectives under satisfying job
contract, hence enhancing my skills and knowledge and ideating some new projects for the company. +918957688619 live:shuklamani999

Web Development Tool Development Competitive Programming Security Analyst Computer Networks


Software Engineer 1
Citrix R&D India Pvt. Ltd.
07/2021 - Present,
Working For Citrix ADC Team for Security & Internal Tools Development
Made a Slack bot via Slack API using Python, for Scrapping the daily vulnerabilities reported for various modules used by ADC.
This automation helped various teams to minimize the security risk caused by vulnerable components.
Lead an internal tool development work for detecting Cross Site Scripting Attacks using Java and BurpSuite API's. This tool
reduced the risk for Cross Site Scripting Attacks by almost 90%
Started working on one of the internal website used by ADC team made on Spring Boot Framework.

E-commerce Web application using Servlet and JSP.
Technologies Used : Servlet, JSP, Hibernate, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap. (03/2020 - 06/2020)
Login and Logout features using Http-Session and Hibernate for customers and admins.
Users can Search the items using various categories or by using the search bar available on the home page
Users can add or remove items in the Cart that is stored on local storage and Checkout window is available for users to make purchases.

Java Project-A Shopping Application (08/2018 - 09/2018)

Various users can login simultaneously using multithreading
All the users are connected to a server on LAN where their personal information and product details are saved using MySQL.
Users are given features like cart, transaction history, search bar etc.

Bachelor Of Technology
Motilal Nehru National Institute Of Technology
07/2017 - 06/2021, 8.04
Electrical Engineering

Class XII
Prabhat Public School
04/2015 - 03/2016, 91.2%

Convener at E-CELL MNNIT ALLAHABAD Winner of event CodeSparks in Avishkar-2018 (09/2018)
(10/2017 - 07/2021) CodeSparks is an Pseudo software Interview event for core branches
Managed and lead all the year long activities for our club. Got maximum held under the annual technical fest Avishkar 2018.
participation for our event till date and managed to get 50k sponsorship.

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