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17/02/2023, 19:31 SQLite the only database you will ever need in most cases

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SQLite the only database you will ever need

in most cases
Published on 2021-04-14. Modified on 2023-02-16.

The name SQLite is a nice name, but the "lite" part is misleading,
it sounds like it is only useful for tiny things - which is very
wrong. SQLite should be named AwesomeSQL, because that is what it
is. SQLite is probably the only database you will ever need in most

SQLite is a relational database management system contained in a C

library. It is ACID-compliant and implements most of the SQL standard.

It is a popular choice as embedded database software for storage in

application software, such as web browsers and mobile phones, and it
is the most widely deployed database engine in the world. However,
contrary to popular belief SQLite isn't only useful in embedded
devices. Whenever you build a website that doesn't need to scale to
several machines, then you will in most cases be fine using only
SQLite, and not only that, but you will find that your job has just
become much easier with SQLite.

In contrast to many other database management systems, SQLite is not a

client-server database engine, but you actually very rarely need that.
If your application software runs on the same physical machine as the
database, which is what most small to medium sized web applications
does, then you probably only need SQLite.

Several processes or threads may access the same database concurrently

and read accesses can be run in parallel. Because the database
consists of a single file, a write access can only be satisfied if no
other accesses are currently writing to the database. However, with a
configurable busy timeout set and with write-ahead logging (WAL)
enabled, SQLite enables concurrent reads and writes. This means that
writers queue up. Each application does its database work quickly and
moves on, and no lock lasts for more than a few milliseconds.

SQLite is very fast and it is very well documented.

Even if you start out small and later need to upscale, as long as your
web application can run on the same machine as the database, which it
can in 99% of the time, you can just upgrade the hardware to a beefier
machine and keep business as usual.

The only time you need to consider a client-server setup is: 1/4
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Where you have multiple physical machines accessing the same

database server over a network. In this setup you have a shared
database between multiple clients.
If your machine is extremely write busy, like accepting thousand
upon thousands of simultaneous write requests every second, then
you also need a client-server setup because a client-server
database is specifically build to handle that.
If you're working with very big datasets, like in the terabytes
size. A client-server approach is better suited for large datasets
because the database will split files up into smaller files
whereas SQLite only works with a single file.

I have run SQLite as a web application database with thousands

concurrent writes every second, coming from different HTTP requests,
without any delays or issues. This is because even on a very busy
site, the hardware is extremely fast and fully capable of handling

Most problems arise when you follow trends and hype and put your
applications together by all the "shiny stuff". Then you have all the
added complexity because of all the abstractions, and all these things
cause problems once performance becomes an important factor.

If you setup SQLite correctly, then in about 99% of the time you
actually only need that.

But, what is so great about SQLite then, you might ask?

Well, first of all, all database administration tasks becomes much

easier. You don't need any database account administration, the
database is just a single file.

Furthermore, you don't need a separate database process running that

you need to monitor. If your application is up, then your database is
also up!

You can split up your database into multiple separate databases, and
you can even give each user his/hers own database on the server.
Depending on the application type, you can have a single database that
contains all user account information, such as username and password,
and you use this for the login session, but once the login has been
confirmed, you use another personal database for the work the client
is doing. Should the client ever need a copy of his database, simply
copy the file and ship it.

Please note that it is only safe to make a copy of an SQLite

database file as long as there are no transactions in progress by
any process. If the previous transaction failed, then it is
important that any rollback journal (the -journal file) or write-
ahead log (the -wal file) be copied together with the database file
itself. The recommended way to make a backup is to use the Online
Backup API. 2/4
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Take a look at the Command Line Shell For SQLite to see some of the
really cool stuff you can do with SQLite.

Differences you need to be aware of

There are two things you need to pay special attention to when you
come from one of the popular client-server based databases and that is
that the AUTOINCREMENT command is different, and also that SQLite uses a
dynamically and weakly typed SQL syntax that does not guarantee the
domain integrity.

The AUTOINCREMENT command in SQLite means that on an INSERT, if a INTEGER

PRIMARY KEY column is not explicitly given a value, then it will be
filled automatically with an unused integer, usually one more than the
largest ids in use. This is true regardless of whether or not the
AUTOINCREMENT keyword is used. However, if the AUTOINCREMENT keyword
appears after INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, then that changes the assignment
algorithm to prevent the reuse of ids over the lifetime of the
database. This means that the purpose of AUTOINCREMENT in SQLite is to
prevent the reuse of ids from previously deleted rows.

Dynamic and weakly types SQL syntax means that you can insert a string
into a column defined as an integer. SQLite will attempt to convert
data between formats where appropriate, the string "123" into an
integer in this case, but it does not guarantee such conversions and
will store the data as-is if such a conversion is not possible. This
is not a bug, but it is considered a feature (see under "Manifest

Useful settings
You can list all supported PRAGMA keys for setup with:

PRAGMA pragma_list;

The settings below are some of the settings I use when I deploy SQLite
on a web application. Many other relevant settings exist and your
millage may vary.

PRAGMA journal_mode = wal;

WALand busy_timeout are the most important setting when working with a
web application.

The busy_timeout is associated with each connection to the database and

as such you need to set the timeout for each connection.

If e.g. you're using the native SQLite driver in PHP, you need to set
the following for each connection:

$sqlite_db->busyTimeout(30000); 3/4
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Where the number in the parentheses is the timeout in milliseconds, in

this case 30 seconds.

If you're using PHP PDO instead, then you need to set it like this:

$pdo = new PDO('sqlite:my_database.sqlite', '', '',


PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT => '30000',



Other options that might be relevant, depending on your specific needs

are PRAGMA temp_store and PRAGMA synchronous

Be sure you know and understand what each option means.

Final notes
SQLite is one of those projects that I wish I had known about long
before I did. I had heard about it, but for many years I never thought
about taking a serious look at it because I was under the false
impression that is was a tiny database only useful for personal
address books and small embedded devices.

I highly recommend you take a look at SQLite!

Relevant reading
Consider SQLIte
Consider SQLIte (Hacker News)
Consider SQLIte (Lobsters)
Distinctive Features Of SQLite
SQLite Autoincrement
Why SQLite succeeded as a database (Hacker News)
SQLite small blob storage: 35% Faster Than the Filesystem (Hacker
SQLite: Small, Fast, Reliable – Choose any three (Hacker News)

If you have any comments or corrections please feel free to email them
to me. Also, if you found any of the content on this website useful
consider supporting me on Patreon ;) 4/4

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