AC3202 WK1 Assignemnt Solutions (22:23A)

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AC3202 Corporate Accounting I, Semester A, 2022/2023

Week 1 Financial Reporting and Conceptual Framework

Assignments Solutions

A. True/False
True for items 1, 5, 6 & 7
False for the remaining items.

Note: If explanations are required to support your answers: discuss the relevant assumptions /
principles and explain why the assumptions / principles have been followed or violated based
on the information in the case.

1. In accordance with GAAP – applies expense recognition principle

2. Violates GAAP – violates measurement (cost) principle
3. In accordance with GAAP – applies economic entity assumption
4. In accordance with GAAP – applies full-disclosure principle
5. Violates GAAP – violates revenue recognition principle
6. In accordance with GAAP – applies measurement (fair value) principle

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