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Name:Francine Julia B.

Daug Section:12- Galileo

Instructor:Samuel S. Zamora Jr. Date:________________

Activity no. 1: Reproductive System

Gross Anatomy of the Human Male Reproductive System

Match the terms to its descriptive statements. Just indicate the letter of your answer in
the space provided.

a. bulbo-urethral glands b. ductus (vas)deferens c. epididymis d. glans penis

e. intermediate part of the urethra f. penis g. prepuce h. Prostate

i. prostatic urethra j. scrotum k. Seminal gland l. spongy urethra m. testes

____F____1. copulatory organ

____M___ 2. site of sperm/androgen production
____B____3. muscular passageway conveying sperm to the ejaculatory duct; in the
spermatic cord
____D____4. distal urethra that transports both sperm and urine
____C____5. sperm maturation site
____J____ 6. location of the testis in adult males
____G____7. loose fold of skin encircling the glans penis
____I____8. portion of the urethra that is located in the urogenital diaphragm
____H____9. empties a secretion into the prostatic urethra
____D____10. distal urethra that transports both sperm and urine

11. Term used to describe the event at which the penis contains erectile tissue that
becomes engorged with blood during sexual excitement. (5pts)
Erectile tissue can be found in the corpora cavernosa of the penis, as well as the
clitoris and vestibule bulbs. The corpora cavernosa becomes engorged with arterial
blood during erection, a process known as tumescence.

12. Using the following terms, trace the pathway of sperm from the testes to the urethra:
rete testis, epididymis, seminiferous, tubule, ductus deferens. (5pts)
-Seminiferous Tubule -> rete testis -> ductus deferens.-
Initial production occurs in the seminiferous tubules, sperm mature in the
epididymis, they then enter the vas deferens, they then pass through the ejaculatory duct
and exit the body through the urethra.

13. Define emission and ejaculation. (5pts)

Emission, as the first phase of ejaculation, is a sympathetic spinal cord reflex and
is defined as the deposition of seminal fluid into the posterior urethra. Ejaculation or
expulsion is due to the combined action of sympathetic and somatic pathways.
14. Define semen.(5pts)
Semen, also known as seminal fluid, is a fluid produced by the male reproductive
tract and containing sperm cells capable of fertilizing the female's eggs.

Gross Anatomy of the Human Female Reproductive System Identify the female structure being

Inside the Uterus (Womb) 1. site of fetal development

Vagina 2. copulatory canal
Fallopian Tube 3. egg typically fertilized here
Clitoris 4. becomes erectile during sexual excitement
Fallopian Tubes 5. duct extending from ovaries to the uterus
Hymen 6. partially closes the vaginal opening; a membrane
Ovaries 7. produces oocytes, estrogens, and progesterone
Fimbriae tubae 8. fingerlike ends of the uterine tube

9. What is follicle? What is ovulation? (5pts)

10. What ovarian structures produce estrogens? Name the second hormone produced
by the same structures. (5pts)
Estrogens are produced by the ovaries, it also produces progesterone which gets
the uterus ready for fertilization.

11. What is the importance of menstrual cycle?(5pts)

The menstrual cycle supplies vital bodily chemicals known as hormones that help
you stay healthy. Each month, it also prepares your body for pregnancy. From the first
day of one period until the first day of the next period, a cycle is counted. The menstrual
cycle lasts an average of 28 days.

12. Put the following vestibular-perineal structures in their proper order from the anterior
to the posterior aspect: vaginal orifice, anus, external urethral opening, and clitoris. (5pts)
-Clitoris -> External urethral opening -> vaginal orifice -> anus-

13. Assume that a couple has just consummated the sex act and that the male’s sperm
have been deposited in the woman’s vagina. Trace the pathway of the sperm through
the female reproductive tract.(5pts)
-Vagina -> Cervix-> Uterus -> Fallopian tube-


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