Name: - Gia Hân - Score - /5pt

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Name: ________Gia Hân____________________Score _______/5pt

LISTENING (5pts) 0.2/each

* There are 4 parts for listening. You will listen to each part TWICE before moving on to the next
one. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes.
Part 1: For questions 1-5, listen to part of a lecture about the ancient African city of Great
Zimbabwe. Answer each of the following questions with NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS
AND/OR A NUMBER taken from the recording.
1. What may the name Zimbabwe mean?
2. When is construction thought to have started?
3. What was probably held back by the relatively poor soil?
4. What is no longer believed to be the reason for founding the city here?
5. What role did the city have that made it rich?
6. What was in short supply that, together with the overusing of local resources, probably
contributed to the city’s decline?
Your answers:
1. houses of rock 2. twelveth century 3.crash land
4. gold 5. 6.

Part 2: For questions 7-11, listen to an interview with a young artist called Lynda Buckland, who
is talking about her life and work. Decide whether each of the following statements is True (T) or
False (F).
7. Lynda says that she chooses to draw river scenes because she likes their feeling of dynamic
8. Lynda wishes she’d had more training in abstract art.
9. According to Lynda, she produces her final drawings immediately after seeing the scenes
which inspire her.
10. The disadvantage of Lynda’s previous workspace was that it was in an inconvenient location.
11. Lynda says that the drawings on show in her forthcoming exhibition took longer to produce
than some of her earlier work.
Your answers:
7. NG 8. T 9. F 10.T 11. F

Part 3: For questions 12-16, listen to part of a radio interview in which a writer called Peter Dell
is talking about the Brooklyn Bridge in New York. Choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits
best according to what you hear.

12. What always happens to Peter each time he arrives at the bridge?
A. He perceives things more lucidly. B. He experiences a sense of loss.
C. He is reassured by something he looks at. D. He feels a keen sense of danger.
13. What does Peter become aware of as he walks across the bridge?
A. how vulnerable people on it are B. how symbolic the bridge is
C. how intrusive the traffic is D. how important the river is now
14. What surprised Peter about the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge?
A. It was once the longest bridge in the world.
B. Workmen died while they were working on it.
C. It was built from an innovative kind of stone.
D. The weight of the building was supported by timber.
15. According to Peter, how do most pedestrians today react to the Brooklyn Bridge?
A. They think it compares favorably with the skyscrapers.
B. They believe it is one of the most beautiful locations in New York.
C. They experience the excitement of seeing something unusual.
D. They feel almost as if they are walking on air.
16. According to Peter, what special quality does the bridge have today?
A. It is sheltered from the worst of the winter weather.
B. It is possible to experience brief moments of silence there.
C. It makes you feel as though you are never alone.
D. Its height above the river makes you feel superior.
Your answers:
12.B 13.A 14.C 15.C 16.B

Part 4: For questions 17-25, listen to a talk about the connection between blood group and diet.
Complete each of the following sentences with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A
NUMBER taken from the recording.
 According to the presenter, the notion that fatty meat could be good for us is considered (17)
 People with blood type O can eat red meat apart from (18) ________________.
 Animal products do not make those with blood type A feel (19) ________________.
 The connection between blood group and bad health is a (20) _______________one.
 Bacteria in the bloodstream, for example, will be destroyed by (21) _____________.
 Antigens are (22) ______________ which distinguish one kind of blood cell from another.
 Lectins are often mistakenly (23) __________ as antigens because they are very much alike.
 The diet of humans 100,000 years ago was completely lacking in (24) ___________.
 The last blood type to evolve was type AB, in about (25) _________________.
Your answers:
17. ridiculous 18. pork 19. energetic

20. 21. 22. markers

23. 24. diary products 25. 900 AD


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