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Currently studying at Mati Doctors College, my name is Allyza A.

Sobosobo, 25 years of age, a 4 th

year student taking up Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Major in Science. My family is living
now at Upper Naserio V. Lamonon, Don Enrique Lopez, Mati City. Both sides of my family had someone
chosen teaching as their career but my maternal family is commonly known as “family of teachers”. My
two grandmothers were a teacher at Mati School of Arts and Trades during their time, my tita is an
elementary school teacher at the province of Alimodian, Iloilo City, my mother is a preschool at Don
Enrique Lopez Elementary School and currently, my sister is a junior high school teacher at Don Enrique
Lopez National High School.

Being in the third generation of family that teaches, it is quite a “rollercoaster ride” kind of life.
Well, in all years of my education, it is an advantage. Whenever I have a difficulty about the lesson, I
have my own resources such as books, magazines and encyclopedias at home to read. It’s either new or
a passed on resources. The only disadvantage is that you have to learned it yourself. If you think that
since you have a teacher in the family, you can have your own “tutor” at home, you are mistaken. They
won’t have enough time to teach you at home because of the activities they have done at school. They
will be too tired to do anything but to rest for the upcoming day. When I was a child, I was always
irritated because of it. I felt like she spent more time with her students than her own children. But as I
get older, I finally understand why my mother chose this career.

I became interested in teaching through helping my mom in making her modern styled
instructional materials needed in her class. I got feedback that, since starting doing those instructional
materials, these children were going on to be more engaged at school in the class and were making
more progress than before. Because of this, I realized the reasons why I wanted to become a teacher.

First is every child is different. While helping my mother, I learned quickly that children don’t fit
into stereotypes – the sporty one, quiet one, high achiever etc. It doesn’t end up like that. They all have
different backgrounds and you get to see the children grow in all sorts of ways. I can support them with
their home life and relationships with peers as well as their academic work – I just have to find a way in
with each individual. Second is being a teacher really do make a difference. You get wins with both
individuals and the whole class all the time but sometimes you can really transform a child’s life which
can lead to their better future.

These reasons make me realized that teaching is really rewarding. It’s satisfying to see children
progress both academically and non-academically as rounded people and future citizens. You might not
realise it but as a teacher, you are the children’s role model. They have different backgrounds – and
some don’t have the role model they need at home – but for that time in their lives you are the one they
look to for help and guidance.

Also, teaching is a noble profession that comes with so much responsibility and duty towards
students. Teachers do not only teach and impart knowledge but inspire and motivate students for life
and take important steps in life. They keep working to boost the confidence of students and direct them
in the right direction.

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