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DGM20103 Marketing Broadcast Planning

Portfolio – 23rd of March 2023, 4 pm

Video Presentation – 23rd of March 2023, 4 pm

Submission Aula submission


Project Staff Riccardo Montis/ Robert Ford

Unit Title Marketing Broadcast Planning Level / Term Level 5 / Term 2

DGM20206 Credit / Weighting 30 Credits

Unit Code

Unit Leader Date of Issue Jan-2023

Marketing Broadcast Planning

BA/BSc (Hons) Digital Marketing – Ravensbourne University London 2021/22

Project Brief

Task 1 – Portfolio (50%) (Submission 23rd of March 2023, 4:00 pm)

Work in groups of 2 to write and develop a plan for a video-based marketing campaign, for a product or service of
your choice, which consists of the following:
● A TV or YouTube advert
● A TikTok and Instagram social media campaign
● An audio advert (for radio, streaming platforms etc)
Your plan should include:
● A discussion of the differences between audio and video advertising and the different considerations involved
in planning for different formats.
● Market and competitor research.
● An in-depth evaluation of the target market and appropriate segmentation ideas
● Campaign copywriting and creatives draft.
● Metrics to measure the success of your campaign and rationale.
● Any barriers which might prevent your campaign from reaching particular segments of your target market

Task 2 – Video Presentation (50%) (Submission 23rd of March 2023, 4:00 pm)
In the same groups, produce and deliver a video presentation which demonstrates the creative process behind the
creation of your video content. You should record this presentation and every group member must participate. The
video should include:
● An explanation of the ideas you discussed before choosing the one you did.
● Why you chose the final one.
● The recorded TV/YouTube and audio adverts in full.
● A minimum of two social media videos to be used on TikTok and/or Instagram.
● An evaluation, including a discussion of various marketing techniques, of the TV, audio and social media
content produced, explaining why you chose to develop them in the way you did.
● Refer to examples of other advertising you have seen and watched and draw comparisons and differences
based on your analysis of their effectiveness.
Your submitted video should be no longer than 20 minutes and you are encouraged to think creatively about how you
might go about filming and editing it.

Essential Reading List –- Harvard referenced

Wood, Marian Burk. Essential Guide to Marketing Planning. Pearson, 2017.

Chaffey, D. and Smith, P.R. (2017) Digital marketing excellence: planning, optimizing and integrating online marketing.
5th edition. Abingdon, Routledge.

Kaufman, I and Horton, C. (2014) Digital marketing: integrating strategy and tactics with values. Abingdon, Routledge.

Chaffey, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2019) Digital marketing: strategy, implementation and practice. 7th edition.

Harlow, Pearson. Bones, C. and Hammersley, J. (2015) Leading digital strategy: driving business growth through
effective e-commerce. London, Kogan Page.

BA/BSc (Hons) Digital Marketing – Ravensbourne University London 2021/22

Other useful information

Your work should be referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the
Harvard referencing system.

Assessment and 17th March 2023

tutor feedback

Unit Learning outcomes (including relevant principle from Mindsets and Skillset, from Unit specs)

LO_1 To identify appropriate campaign planning process

LO_2 To understand internal and external marketing environment

LO_3 To critically evaluate factors affecting strategic decisions in marketing campaigns

LO_4 To apply key components of a marketing campaign

LO_5 To conduct a post campaign success / failure evaluation

Assessment Criteria

Plan, deploy and analyse the key elements of the marketing strategy and how they
interrelate with business strategy. (LO4, LO5)

Analyse different strategies adopted by organisations to achieve business objectives.


Explain and demonstrate processes involved in new product or service development.


AC_4 Compare and contrast various marketing planning models. (LO1)

AC_5 Develop a marketing campaign plan (LO4)

Assessment Methods and Tasks

More detailed assessment tasks to be specified in the brief

BA/BSc (Hons) Digital Marketing – Ravensbourne University London 2021/22

Submission Weighting %
Assessment tasks

Presentation Aula 50%

Portfolio Aula 50%

The Five Principles

The Five Principles underpin the Mindsets and Skillsets Manifesto and are the foundation upon which all course
curriculum frameworks and unit specifications are based. The relevant Principles as stated below have been mapped
against the Learning Outcomes relevant to each course unit and at each level (see Programme Specifications for full
description of the Five Principles):

Cultivate Where the individual thrives.

Collaborate Where the individual evolve.

Integrate Where education engages industry.

Advocate Where purpose meets practice.

Originate Creativity meets technology.

Submission Regulations

Students who miss the deadline or fail this project will be required to complete a retrieval project which demonstrates
that the learning outcomes have been achieved.

Students should be aware that retrieval submissions are capped at a bare pass grade, (D-) unless the extenuating
circumstances panel uphold an evidenced application.

The deadline for retrieval submissions will be determined at an Assessment Board.

BA/BSc (Hons) Digital Marketing – Ravensbourne University London 2021/22


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