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Chapter Five: Case Profiles

Case no-1

Client Personal Information

Name Rabby
Age 16
Education Class 10
Family Structure Nuclear
Address Talshar, Maheshpur, Jhenaidah

Background of the Case

Rabby is a 16 years old student living in village with his parents. He is now affected with gaming
disorder and having a dissatisfactory relationship with his parents. His father staying at Saudi-
Arab and he is the only earning member of their family. Rabby use internet for gaming and
social media up-to 14 hours. During the pandemic his gaming activities are increasing
I conduct interview, homevisit to collect necessary information for assessment, treatment and

The family structure of the case

Name of the Relation with Age Education Occupation Monthly
member client Income
Hafiz uddin Father 56 Class Nine Immigrant 20000
Rabia khatun Mother 50 - Housewife -
Shabbir Ahmed Brother 24 Under graduate Unemployed -
Minuara khatun Sister-in-law 23 Under graduate Housewife -

Family Condition
The client belongs to a middle class family. He lives in a nuclear family system. Client’s father is
working in foreign. Client don’t have a satisfactory relationship with his family because he used
to play games and spend most his time with his mobile phone. On the contrary client’s mother is
an uneducated women. She is a housewife and by nature calm and quiet person also less aware
about him. His elder brother and his sister-in-law live outside the village. Overall there remain
so much gaps present in the family communicative system.

Physical Condition
The Client have a poor health and he is suffering from various physical problems such as
insomnia, Back pain, Headace, aversion to eat. He sleeps less than 7 hours and he awake in night
and keep sleeping all day long. Thus he lose much of his weight and having a poor health
condition. But he evaluate his own health as excellent.
Psychological Condition
Client has many psychological problems mainly his physical illness are caused by his
psychological condition. He is facing Depression, Frustration, Anxiety, Stress but no guilty
feeling and negative intrusive thoughts. He has mental satisfaction when he spent much of his
time in gaming. When he has taken away from gaming he become sad, angry and irritability. He
never try to prevent himself from gaming related activities. He spent his time in gaming to
escape from real word he creates his own virtual life inside the game and to entertain and to
escape from real word he play online games. He gave much priority to gaming than any other
activities in his life. Due to his serious addiction to the game, he has faced a number of
significant problems (personal, familial, social, educational).
Nature Restless Upset & anxious Always
Temperament Bad-tempered Attention Less

Memory Not Sharp Thinking power Not so Good

Working less Problem with Insomnia, can’t sleep

Interest sleeping properly.
Incapability Fear of Tends & Gaming, Social
Feeling Establishment in Attractions media, Tik-tok
Guilty Feeling No guilty feeling Suicidal tendencies Never

Recreational Condition
The client doesn’t like any outdoor sports. He just like to play online games and spent much of
his time in gaming related activities and using social media. Due to excessive gaming he loses
his interest over his previous hobbies and other recreational activities.
Social Condition
He has conflict with his family members, neighbor and friends. Because of spending excessive
amount of time in gaming he has jeopardized and lost a significant relationship with his friends
and relatives. The game becomes the absolute priority that usually leads to interpersonal and
intrapersonal conflicts. As a result, his real-life relationships gradually deteriorating. To avoid
conflicts, he lie about his online activities and about the amount of time spent on gaming.
Rabby was a boy who loved to play outdoor games and hanging out with his friends. He become
addicted to gaming due to influence of his peers. Most of his friends had smartphone when his
father send a smartphone it fueled him to addicted towards gaming. He play game as a form of
escape from stress and bad academic performance he just want to take his mind off from his
current position. Most of the company rabby keeps are addicted to online gaming they find it is
fun and love to play together thus it become their social activity.
Gaming is the most dominant activities in rabby’s life when his family members or friends talk
to him to quit gaming he become angry and try to avoid them thus he creates a communication
gap with his surroundings and becoming lonely. He never try by himself to quit from gaming. He
try to avoid people who try to prevent him from playing games thus he privatized his life and
wants to stay alone. He spend 14 hours in playing vedio games which is almost 60% of days. He
love to play games at night because at night there is no one to disturb him from playing thus he
keeps awaking at night. Due to excessive gaming his academic performance is very low but he is
less aware or concerned about this.

Treatment Plan
1. To reduce his gaming related activities I talked and discussed with him long time also
take few interview.
2. Provide Counseling and help him to break his association with gaming related activities.
3. Provide guidance to leave his current company and to hang out good friends and play
outdoor games.
4. Provide guidance to maintain proper diet and his doctor’s advice and suggested medicine
to get over from his illness.
5. Advice him for creation of religious feeling he should pray 5 times salat and also inspired
him to explore and read about islam.
6. Make him awareness about the negative impact of gaming addiction. Inspired him to play
outdoor games and take physical exercise regularly.
Rabby is the boy who never tried or wanted to quit gaming related activities. Now he realized the
negative impact of gaming addiction. He find out that gap created between him and with his
friends and family members. Though he has few unsuccessful attempts to control his gaming
activities now he want to change and want to control his gaming related activities.
Case no-2

Client Personal Information

Name Aronno
Age 15
Education Class 9
Family Structure Nuclear
Address Talshar, Maheshpur, Jhenaidah

Background of the Case

Aronno is a 15-year-old student who lives with his mother in village in his grandfather’s house.
He currently suffers from a gaming disorder and has a rough connection with his family
members. He lost his father in 2010 at the age of 5. He and his mother lived with his
grandfather’s house. His father's family is quite well off and they fulfill all his desires. They
bought for him a gaming tab and slowly aronno become addicted to video games. His gaming
activities are escalating throughout the epidemic school closure. I interviewed him and his
relatives in order to gather information for assessment, treatment, and evaluation.
The family structure of the case
Name of the Relation with Age Education Occupation Monthly
member client Income
Hasan ahmed Father Late - - -
Jusmi khatun Mother 36 Graduate Housewife -
Amzad Hossain Grandfather 58 Graduate Govt. 30000

Family Condition
The client belongs to an upper middle class family. His relationship with his mother as well as
his relatives becoming unfavourable day by day because he used to play games and spend most
his time with his mobile phone. As his father had died most of his relatives and his grandfather
give him money and he used this money buying gaming materials in online. He play free fire
mobile game and spend almost fifteen thousands taka in his gaming ID most of his relatives as
well as his mother is unaware about this.
Physical Condition
Aronno used to play vedio games up-to 10 hours daily for three years. His health is in bad
condition and has a variety of medical issues, including sleeplessness, back pain, urinary
infection, headache, and aversion to food. According to his mother, he is getting thinner day by
day and becoming lazy and lost his interest towards study and work.
Psychological Condition
Aronno is becoming much aggressive the withdrawal symptoms inside him is much stronger. If
any one ask him to stop playing games he misbehaves with them sometime engaged fight with
his friends and abused them if they ask him to stop playing video games. He always thinking
about playing games which increase his inner tension which leads to aggressive behavior. When
his mother took his phone, he become furious and feel panic and anxious without playing games.
Nature Agitated Upset & anxious Always
Temperament Bad-tempered Attention Less

Negative Never Thinking power Not so Good

Working less Problem with Insomnia, can’t sleep
Interest sleeping properly.
Feeling Restless Always Tends & Gaming
Guilty Feeling No guilty feeling Suicidal tendencies Never

Recreational Condition
Aronno once loved to play football he was a good goal keeper but as his addiction to mobile
grew, he lost interest in playing football. Now he spends most of his time in a lonely area or in a
corner of the home, playing mobile games.

Social Condition
He has disputes with his family, relatives, and friends however he gets a lot of support from his
family members. But Aronno grows a tendency to tell lie with his family members about his
gaming activating and always try to avoid them. He has a conflicting relationship with his
friends. Most of the time he remains angry towards his friends because they complain against
Aronno to their teacher. He now spends the most of his time playing games with the seniors.
Aronno doesn’t listen to his neighbours advice he become very much irritated and angry when
they asked him to stop playing video games and focus on study.
Aronno became addicted to gaming as a result of purchasing mobile phones and spending time
with elders. Aggression, anxiety, restlessness, and a drop in academic performance were all
caused by his gaming activities. The sources of his conflict with his family members and friends
arise due to difference in perception and expectations about gaming.
Aronno spend a lot of money influenced by his peers thus his rank level in gaming icreased these
achievement encouraged him to increased his gaming activities. During the pandemic gaming
become a habit of addicton for Aronno and it become dominant activities to his life. Due to much
playing video games he develops tolerance and time to spend more in gaming has increased.
Aronno spend most of his time about playing and thinking about games thus he has less focus
towards his study which results his poor achievement in academic side. He has become apathetic
to his studies as a result of his gaming addiction.
Treatment Plan
1. To control Aronno’s gaming activity I talked with aronno and his family members and
make them aware about the negative impact of gaming disorder.
2. I suggest him to increase his initial investment in playing video games such as after
playing video games he should delete the game thus every time when to wants to play he
need to re-install the games this aversion techniques will help him to reduce gaming
3. Provide guidance to keep good company and start to play outdoor games again.
4. Provide guidance to find out new hobbies and work for that hobby.
5. Make him aware about the negative impact of gaming addiction.
Aronno now understand the negative impact of gaming addiction in his life.He also internalize
the reason provided by his family members and neighbours’s willing and agreed to abide by
rules which they set.
Case no-3

Client Personal Information

Name Sakhawat
Age 19
Education H.S.C
Family Structure Joint
Address Talshar, Maheshpur, Jhenaidah

Background of the Case

Sakhawat is 19 years old students who lives with his parents in village and continue his study in
local college. He suffers from a gaming disorder and has a rough connection with his family
members. He used to play PUBG all day long and misbehave with his parents and other family
members. A detailed history revealed this was triggered by his parents’ refusal to supply a
recharging internet pack on his mobile phone as he desperately wanted this to play PUBG. His
parents had noted that he was routinely playing PUBG for hours even till late at night. He
became distanced from family members and fought with anyone who tried to stop him from
playing. In order to gather information for assessment, intervention, and evaluation, I
interviewed him and his family members.
The family structure of the case:
Name of the Relation with Age Education Occupation Monthly
member client Income
Abdul Kuddus Father 55 Class 10 Farmer 10000
Parul Akter Mother 46 - Housewife -
Altaf biswas Grandfather 70 Class 5 Farmer 2000
Khodeja khatun Grandmother 62 Housewife -
Sharmin Sister 16 Class 10 - -

Family Condition
Sakhawat belongs to a lower middle class family. He lives in a joint family system. His father is
a farmer. They have a small amount of land and a pond in their village. His father mostly grow
paddy and his grandfather grow fish in their pond also help his father. But Sakhawat is very
unwilling to help them and always try to avoid work. He become very irritated and angry if his
family members ask him to do any work. On the contrary his mother is a uneducated women.
She is a housewife and by nature calm and quiet person He doesn't have a good relationship with
his family since he spends much of his time playing video games and gazing at his smartphone.
Sakhawat has also conflicting relationship with his sister
Physical Condition
Though Sakhawat has a good health and he is suffering from various physical problems such as
insomnia, Headace, over eating. He is facing fatigue, Migraines due to intense concentration or
eye strain. He used to eat food that is quick and usually unhealthy. Multiple system physical
health disorders were found to be associated with his long-term video game activity.
Psychological Condition
Sakhawat said he cannot visualize his life without playing video games, He grow anxious and
nervous without playing or refraining from gaming related activities, He panic when he cannot
have access to games. Thus Spending huge time on gaming has become his habit. When he
cannot play video games, he feel like he has lost the entire world. He said his gaming related
activities does not distract him from studying. He had a hard time achieving what he had
planned. His school grades dropped because of excessive gaming activities. People frequently
comment on his excessive gaming activities which makes him angry.
Nature Agitated, Lazy & Upset & anxious Always
Temperament Short-tempered Attention Less

Negative Sometimes Thinking power Not so Good

Working less Problem with Insomnia, can’t sleep
Interest sleeping properly.
Feeling Restless Always Tends & Gaming
Guilty Feeling Sometimes Suicidal tendencies There was one time

Recreational Condition
Sakhawat is very excited to play online video games staying at home sometimes he play outdoor
games but that is very rare. Mobile gaming is his hobby and he love to play game again and
again. He said that using a smartphone is more enjoyable than spending time with family or
friends. He is often less interested in work and other physical activities. He always feel tired and
failed to focus properly. Moreover playing more games causes him to stay at home, which lead
to his lack of activity and getting fat.
Social Condition
Sakhawat’s family and friends complain that he spend his time in gaming related activities too
much. Due to video gaming his sharing emotions with family and friends is reducing. Multiple
friendship hampers close friendship due to online gaming. However gaming rises online
gossiping and reducing his direct, intimate gossiping with friends and relatives. Thus gaming
decreases his sense of responsibility toward the family members and friends.
PUBG addiction has caused more harm than good, which is clearly seen in poorer performance
of Sakhawat’s in his studies, work and behaviour. His gaming behaviour takes precedence over
other life interests to the extent that he misbehaves with his family members after being
confronted. His focusing on the apparent reasons for gaming, while ignoring underlying causes
stress, anxiety, or depression, for which gaming is employed as a coping mechanism. Sometimes
his father scolded him and beat him to stop gaming related activities. Scolding or advising
distance from gaming, which results in even more harmful or dangerous behavior, is the source
of his harsh temperament and restless nature. He to spend a lot of money on the game without his
parents knowing, he had stolen money from his father’s pocket to buy items inside PUBG.
Treatment Plan
Counselling and behaviour modification are the primary means of treating addicted gamers.
1. To provide treatment for him I focused on behavioral modification techniques that guide
him away from the obsessive thought patterns and obsessive habits of addiction. For this
I helped him in Setting goals, improving interactions with family members, developing
coping responses and skills, Enhancing self-esteem and help him to Set time limits for
play and stick to them.
2. I provide guidance him to Keep his phones and other gadgets out of the bedroom so that
he won’t play into the night also help him to Remove from triggers and other negative
3. Do other activities every day, including exercise and outdoor gaming finding new
hobbies and to hang out good peers.
However, he has not completely given up the habit of playing games but he realize the negative
impact of gaming in his life. Now he thinks to change and want stop his gaming related
Case no-4

Client Personal Information

Name Abrar
Age 16
Education Class 10
Family Structure Nuclear
Address Talshar, Maheshpur, Jhenaidah

Background of the Case

Abrar is 16 years old student he lived with his parents. His parents are remaining busy with their
work. When he lived at home, felt isolated, and developed symptoms of major depression and
social phobia (the inability to interact with people other than his family, fear of going out alone,
extreme tiredness, and low self-esteem). These symptoms went unnoticed by his family, and his
family was characterized as disorganized and conflict-minimizing with little authoritarianism.
During the pandemic of his self-imposed isolation, he spent 12 h a day playing Free fire and
exhibited typical symptoms of addiction. He became irritable when he could not play (such as
being prevented from playing by a family member or when the Internet connection was lost). He
had given up all his hobbies, reading books. At the height of his gaming, he ceased to interact
with his few remaining friends, preferring instead to interact with people online.
The family structure of the case:
Name of the Relation with Age Education Occupation
member client
Isaful Hossain Father 50 Post Graduate Teacher
Nazma khatun Mother 49 Graduate Housewife
Munni akter sister 13 Class 8 -

Family Condition
Abrar belongs to a well off family. He lives in a nuclear family system. His father is a
headmaster in local high school and the authoritarian figure of the family. He doesn’t have a
satisfactory relations with his family because according to him his father never gave a quality
time to him like all father gave to their children. On the contrary client’s mother is also a head
mistress of local primary school. They guide Abrar very well but they are unaware about his
psychological condition of feeling lonely and isolated. Abrar is also a meritorious student but
due to his addiction towards video games his academic performance start to deteriorate.
Physical Condition
Abrar belongs to a very thin and poor health. Most of the days he does not notice the time
passing and even forget to eat. Extensive and fixed staring at a video game screen causes his
eyestrain and headache. He has Sleep disturbances and can’t get a good night’s sleep simply
because he continuously thinking obsessively about the game he was playing. In some cases, he
will even play through the night to the detriment of his performance at school the following day.
Psychological Condition
He playing too much games causes his physical damages and increases his anxiety and
depression and having too much excitement and stress. Abrar's mental state is negatively
impacted by gaming, which has a direct impact on his aggressive behavior, anxiety, sadness, and
loneliness. His parents talk about his negative attitude, depression, and overuse of the Internet
and gaming are increasing day by day. He withdrew from his friends. He started playing Internet
games at the age of seven. The hours for playing games increased rapidly because he spent a lot
of time alone. His parents worried about his negative attitude toward them.
Nature Apathetic Upset & anxious Always
Temperament Short-tempered Attention Average

Negative Always Thinking power Good

Working less Problem with Insomnia, can’t sleep
Interest sleeping properly.
Feeling Restless Always Tends & Gaming
Guilty Feeling Always Suicidal tendencies There was one time

Recreational Condition
From the childhood Abrar doesn’t live to play outdoor games. He had given up all of his
interests, even reading books. He stopped interacting with his few remaining friends during the
pinnacle of his gaming, preferring rather to interact with individuals online. Now when gets time
and most of his time including his leisure are spend by playing games.
Social Condition
His interaction with his relatives and neighbor is generally positive. He has a satisfactory
relationship with his few friends. His Differences in perception and expectations regarding game
play cause conflicts with his parent. In regards to his game play, he had disagreements with
others around him. His Parents had regularly disagreed with him over gaming issues, such as the
purchase of games and the length of time he was permitted to play. They frequently have
opposing viewpoints on the acceptability of game materials, gaming habits, and other real-life
priorities, resulting in disparities in criteria for playing video game and the amount of parent
Abrar’s addictive behavior leads to a persistent and uncontrollable urge to engage in an activity
that results in significant personal harm and interpersonal conflict with his parents. He plays
games as a stress reliever and to divert his attention away from his current situation, which has
resulted in a drop in his academic performance. Abrar play video games because Games provide
him with a new challenge on the social ladder. Games are interactive it allow him to engage with
his friends while conversing in real time and virtually connecting with them. This interaction has
turned into a pleasure for him, and he wants to do it more. He also enjoys it and motivated to
play more.
Abrar used to stay inside home and less talk with people thus he loves to be alone. By spending
excessive amount of time in gaming it becomes a habit of addiction to him. Thus whenever he
stay alone his gaming habits are triggered by his association and he start to play games.
I provide few suggestions and guidance to control his gaming related activities. I recommend
him that he raise his initial investment in video games by deleting them after each session and
then reinstalling them whenever he wants to play again. This aversion technique will help him
reduce his gaming habits.
I suggest him to try to reduce the time spent on games and increase time spent on other healthy
activities and finding new hobbies. His mother promised to give him half the money he needed
for a new computer if he reached his goal.
He internalize the reason provided by his family members willing and agreed to abide by rules
which they set. He tried to talk with his parents and watched television dramas instead of playing
games. He is trying to decrease his gaming time and also try to show less agagitation and start to
share his emotions with his parents.

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