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How to make a good first impression on new classmates?

There is a word that “You never get a second chance to make a good first
impression”.If you can make a good first impression on others, they will talk to
you better. And you can make a new friends. We are all new students in this
school, I will meet new people and new faces. All of us have different attitude and
behavior because we came from different places and schools. First of all, people
judge us with their eyes. First day of school we need to pick our clothes right, and
put a little bit makeup on your face. When you meet your new classmates, you
don’t need to act like someone, just be yourself. But don’t be rude to other
people. After that, be friendly. Try to talk to others about lessons and homework.
You can exchange your opinion with them. If they ask you about lecture, you
should share them what you know. You don’t need to talk about only lessons and
school things, ask their hobbies and “what kind of music do they listen?”. Because
in university you wil be study with them for four years. Actually first impressions
are seems like not a big thing, but it maybe desbribe us for a long time to

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