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Geology Personal Statement

Throughout my life I have possessed a keen interest in geography. I am in awe of the natural
power of our world. When I was young, I was mystified and enthralled by the sheer size of the
oceans and the mountains. During my school years I studied geography, building up a foundation
of knowledge. On top of this, my personal study has given me a deeper understanding, and
engaged me with a desire to learn more. Through talking to my Uncle, a practicing Geologist, I
became particularly fascinated with the makeup of the earth. To further my understanding I now
wish to read Geology.

At Bolton School I studied Geography, Physics and Systems & Control Technology to A level.
This diversity in subject has given me a scientific approach to problem solving, an understanding
of the physical systems at play within geology, a technological grasp of systems and
instrumentation and a more in depth understanding of geography. While I studied both the
physical and human side to geography, it was the physical side that sustained my interest. I
believe the analytical skills I have developed will further aid my study. Alongside my school
academic life I went on several field trips. These included one to investigate beach erosion in
Bournemouth and another detailing land usage in and around Bolton. For my GCSE Geography,
I conducted a detailed study including field work, into the relationship between the velocity of
water in relation to the depth and erosion levels of a stretch of river. I have found field research
to be invaluable, and have gained an appreciation of how theoretical systems translate into the
real world.

My favourite extracurricular activity is music. Following the completion of my A-Levels I chose

to take a double gap year, to pursue my musical interest. This evolved into reading a 2 year
course in Music Performance and Technology. I have emerged with a strengthened work ethic, a
more mature approach to time management and an even greater drive to take my studies forward
to university. Last year I helped to organise my college open day, which allowed me to apply my
managerial skills through the organisation of promotion, event planning and delegation. The day
proved extremely successful. I have achieved a pass with distinction and merit, respectively, of
Grade Five Exams in Drums and Cornet, and I expect to receive a merit on completion of my
Music Performance and Technology HND.

During my first gap year I took a part-time job at Starbucks to help fund my higher education. I
gained promotion rapidly, ahead of many long-standing employees, to Supervisor and 'Coffee
Master' status. I relished being given the opportunity to demonstrate and improve my skills,
which I believe to be working confidently and making decisions under pressure, my
communication skills and my intuitive and qualitative analysis. A love of the outdoors and the
landscape led me to enjoy outdoor pursuits, which in turn led me to take up rock climbing as a
serious hobby. In my AS year, two friends and I applied for a grant from a School Trust,
enabling us to travel to Spain for a week. The purpose of the trip was to further pursue the sport,
as well as my personal interest in the geography of the landscape. We documented the
experience and presented a written report of our accomplishments.
Throughout my varied educational and vocational background; studying Geology has always
been my eventual aim, and I feel that the wide knowledge and experience I have gained has
improved all my personal attributes which I believe will play an integral part in my studies of
Geology. Looking beyond university, I want to pursue a career as a Geologist, eventually
furthering our human understanding.

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