Tinywow - Arash - Solomon Temple Lecture 2 - 6215174

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let's go over eugene eugene, go over with everybody briefly.

what happens so that

people can understand from your experience. so i see. a good girls. two girls, one
guy well, i was like before you get into the whole thing. just get to the point we
walk up. it was packed. i was a little bit nervous and then give me the moment so
the girl pulls me inside isolation. we i call that a little bit. but i feel weird
saying it wasn't enough at the same time. she said, i don't like the way you dress.
i say the word downloaded the way you dress and she on pops my collar so she pulls
you to the side. it takes her head. she's talking to you. she's laughing. okay,
indicators are good. and because i don't like the way you dress. there's one thing
i want to say and then she goes. i don't like the way you dress. can you do this
and then she goes and your collar was up and she brings it down. okay, got it. so
then what happens? so then i go, ah. i love from your fitness and pop it back to my
friend. like it wasn't like. laugh therapy is just kind of drunk because it's just
like. coming along with it and it's like. well, there's like these douchbags in
iowa and i was like, what talking about. so i was just wondering, like, what do you
like to do. the bread. and then she goes. uh, this is really annoying me. like just
i know i'm gonna test the next merchandise one more time, she said from the
absolute only time she says, i'm going to touch the merchandise. it's a y. and then
after that. blah, blah, blah, blah. blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah. blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. blah, blah, blah, blah.
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. whatever, which is i don't know what happens
that way. and she puts down on the clock for the third time. which i put that time.
what's your vibe, and. provide is like is playful at the same time. it's like. to a
little kid and i was like that, like, you know. it was like, what's going on here.
and she i guess her last boyfriend. she said it was like a six year old. that's
what she said to me, a sixty a six year old. okay, like she's like she's a thirty
six year old man and a six year old. like a boy. oh, that's right. i know i was
like, whoa, whoa, i'm not like that. so don't treat me like that. like i don't know
when i was like that and the last time i said. okay, this girl is pretty cool. i
won't put in my head. we'll put down like all i know. you said you could put down
my phone up and that that one is like. no, i don't wanna do anything. okay, so.
looking back on it, what do you think happened, i i o d all the riot was. so her
putting his. her, um. putting down this collar. he took that as an indicator of
interest. ok. as on the merchandise, correct, move the first time both. she says it
again, does it again. but she says, i'm gonna touch the merchandise again. that
wording to me is important because she's taken your frame that that is merchandise.
you know what i mean, she came back and said, but i don't like the way you look.
that's different. it's still i'm going to consider an i o r because why is she
standing there talking to me and touching me, is she gonna go say that to someone
she doesn't like, you know, she's gonna. she's gonna go to some dude who she
doesn't like, who she thinks is ugly. it doesn't want to be around and go. i don't
like the way you look. of course not, right, that's ridiculous. it will be like you
and i say, take your hair off out of the ponytail. right. and she goes, no, but i'm
comfortable and she puts it back. and. she says she uses the word she goes, no, i'm
comfortable. i'm a librarian, you know, and then she puts it back and you go, ok,
enough librarians. but as you're doing that, you're you're going along with it. so
she's iowa. i know what would have been another move, eugene, that you could have
done to have done it correctly. after the looking back on it, yeah. well, it's
like. you know, i don't let many people touch me for like. you know, but you
something cool about you like what i would have gone into qualification with that
after letting her put it down. okay, let me give you a move. okay, so she does it
again. i look at her. i go, is that really a big deal to you, right. is it really
that big of a deal to you, honestly. okay, fine. and then color stays down and then
i go like this, dear, come here, turn around and i fix her shirt or pull her hair
back or like this. okay, now i like you better too. and that's it. and then that
would have been the end of that. you see how that works. instead of, oh. i don't
normally let people it doesn't matter. i just move with it. fine. is this such a
fucking big deal to you because that can always walk over then pop it up, right?
that's okay. now here you come here. even if it's. during turn, i mean, you got to
look at it quickly and find something, but it'll be very easy though. you just do
this to her go cream. that lid is bothering me too, but i didn't want to say
anything. ok, now let's talk. i guess i took it as a friend natural situation. yes,
and that's fine. that's fine. another way of that would be like if she says, uh,
what's your sign? you go, uh, take a guess she goes with your son. yeah, this is
what happened. you haven't given the answer four times almost. or you might just
push it goes. what's your sign and go take it guys. okay, now just tell me what's
your sign you see it and you go. aquarius right looks like about the frame and then
you go you must be vertical. now i'm about to steal the frame back and she goes, if
she goes, yes. how do you know i got it anyways cause i can tell cause i i know you
and i wouldn't get a longer i would be ripping my hair out for sure. sex might be
great, but that's not what i'm interested about it or i go then you must be very
good and she goes, no or whatever. and then you go, okay. so what are you and
she'll go leo, whenever you go. okay, great. now i know we're not gonna get a lot.
i'm just baiting her right afterwards. so what we don't wanna do is like so much
insists on our frame. my color has to be up or whatever unless she's being rude, if
she's being rude then i can call her on being rude. i can say you're being rude
stuff. but that may not go anywhere, but if she's being flirtatious. she's giving
you ios and it's time to go. okay, fine here here. take this for a second because
why. because in a few moments i'm going to take it back. right, just go to the
principal vibration that we were talking about earlier. there's no static in in
this universe besides. the spirit meaning you and i that's the only static in the
world. okay, the background to everything consciousness is static, but. different
subject, however. knowing that the moment will change in the next moment, the
vibration then fine, take it now and i'll take it next moment. you'll witness this
if it happens in a match in a fight, sometimes you're gonna have to lose position
or hurt yourself. you know, if you put your arm down, you got it's gonna break so
you have to put it take down comes but there's moments after that that you have to
recover. you have to say so you just insisted on the arm being down and then the
match is not gonna happen. okay, good, everybody get that how it could have worked
right from that experience. okay, good. anything else coming from yesterday. if a
question, uh, from the lecture or you went out and anything come up that you maybe
wanna look at it again in comfort. yes, the girl. she's at a. you're too cool for
me together. oh, what was she now saying in a negative way i took it in. i had
already a number of clothes of rules and comfort. but i took it as i o d, so i
said, i don't know, maybe so kind of a narrative. and i kind of just pushed down,
but i just. looking at that, i was wondering. calibration in the correct way to
wear. well, i'm curious what happened after that after you said that and how what
was the interaction. she lets you google and i tell you. i think, um. going to like
the ring finger and something something else. did i didn't. i i wasn't re not
reacted to it, so. i just wanted to know about it. but it kind of did it the right
way. i think it's really. the question is how it ended up if she would have fucked,
you laughed and of course not. if the set kept going. it's like a little shed that
sheet throughout. it happened a few times before. what is the i.o. is that iod is
that just kind of a shed test man too cool for me or whatever, you know depends on.
she says it you know the first thought comes to my head is i would look at her. i
will pause. i go, oh my god. yeah, yeah, that's right. which is friends. so, you
know, someone ever but yeah, the. it's not that this it's not that this wording is
better than the way you said. it's because the vibe is what's important if your
vibe was you know whatever you say is kind of a nerd anyway, it's kind of funny,
you know if you say with this is actually really good. so it's a delivery of that.
it's that i'm not reacting to you. you know, she's trying to push your button. are
you too cool for me? you do whatever, blah, blah, blah. you just don't react when
you notice that too have noticed everybody's thinking about sorry. if you like my
little sister career and then ring reaching about the fuck, you do what's the right
thing, you pass the shuttles and you move right forward. her reaction, the reaction
in the field will tell you if it's right or wrong. right, that's why before we're
not before even whatever a question you ask the question that comes back for me is
what happened afterwards that will decide what the move, how correct or
how incorrect it was. okay, good, what else, anything else. yeah, the other thing
when when you're trying to set up set up something and they say, i will let you
know it kind of just happened for you. i let you know it. handling in that handling
that. so you're trying to set up a tub and you're trying to set up something for
like tornado or something tonight and it's like errands. why do you don't have a
living room. okay. so it's always. okay, i have a real good one for that when i
come back there depends on where they are. this one that i just talked to is my my
girl is like, no, right. there's no it's a different position where but if it's in
the beginning, two two answers that come back, she says, okay, no big deal. okay.
talk to you later or i will talk later. maybe we'll talk later, whatever,
depending. however, if it's not there yet, there's not enough attraction. maybe we
haven't seen each other that much. it's the first time she'll let me know. i
normally come back and i say, yeah, no worries, you know. you sound like you're
busy. have a good weekend. okay, maybe we will talk later and then i pull back.
this is what i did with the girl flake told me yesterday, you know, oh, i can't
blah, blah. blah. i said, it's it's a good idea. i don't think it was a good idea
for me to come over anyways. have a great weekend and i just let it go, right. so i
just turned the willingness to walk away what i would do is take. so did you decide
what's up? so it's up, it's like four now. he said, but it too you were going to
get back to me. it's four. i thought maybe you left your phone or something. i
mean, like when you when you break that down from the outside, you see how pathetic
it is, but i've been that guy. that's how i know those those things, you know what
i mean, so, hey, did you blah, blah, blah and then and then we try to come up with
solutions for them. why you put your kid over there now, like, you know, if dude,
okay. how about this, you sound like. have a good day. take care of whatever you
guys take care of. we'll come another time. yeah, it might be even good wording.
we'll look up another top or something like that. okay. we're not going to hook up.
okay, guys have a great weekend. yeah, there's no reaction like the fuck at it. i
don't even know you. i'm gonna like. how do you like it. okay, good. what else any
questions from last night or anything that came up with a question i've been trying
to just focus on opening the girls. how do you react when you get out. i'm not
interested in this pacific issue. okay. if you're getting i'm not interested or
fuck off, alright. there's two answers. one is you may have come across a girl who
is in a situation where she might be saving her life, like i could be her boyfriend
and i'm in the bathroom. and she has a second to just get rid of you as quickly as
possible before they come some kind of stupid drama for her as the guy walks up,
right. so i keep that in mind. you don't know. i'm i'm gonna go talk to nine or
ten. she gonna give me that reaction. that's not a normal reaction in my life. so i
immediately take note and go. okay, maybe i missed something because i know that my
girlfriend well, she should do that, you know, she does not that's what i expect
her to do is give her the guys quickly as possible, if not around. not give any
signal where he feels like he has a chance, right, so that could be the case.
although that's rare, then the major reason. if that's happening. you're coming
across as if you're hitting on her, for whatever reason. it's either body language.
it's either creeping around her a long time before opening her. it's her seeing you
not talk to anybody and then directly approach her. you know all of these things
will signal to her. the guy is coming to talk to me. sorry, i am not interested.
because that's not the reaction if she feels, um, i mean. what does that mean. i'm
not interested unless you're saying i'm not interested in having sex with you or
hooking up with you. but what do you mean, you're not interested, i'm asking a
question. no, no, no, no, no, no, i'm saying the frame of mine, i mean, is i'm
asking you like. it's too human beings talking. if i if i went right now. knocked
on the door and they opened it and i said. excuse me, you know a quick question.
i'm from out of the area. what's the best theater around here, you know that i'm
looking for a clean theater, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. blah, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
blah, blah, blah, blah. blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. anything
outside of that is not a good opener. and the practice of opening is so that you
don't come across as creepy. now we will today practice openness here. okay, so you
get a chance to do it. and this is the first boot camp you are. so i'm going to
have you do it. okay, it'll be nervous and all that. it's fine. everyone will all
the older guys have done that before. okay, so then i'll get we'll get to. you'll
see you'll be stiff. you're buying english, you'll be off. you'll study all basic
stuff that happens. you lean it. okay. good. any other questions. okay, anything
online. alright, love, let's do this. so. i was very pleased yesterday with the
with the. the intro lecture. and. as i went about my day and night, i was saying to
the guys who were here earlier, i had one of the best nights in my life yesterday.
and that's saying a lot, honestly. so. part of it was that i was applying. these
same principles. uh. in the world. so things kept opening up for me and i can see
the next aspect of it. like, oh shit. okay, alright, you know, as things are
happening, i'm doing the next piece and i'm doing the next piece and it's like,
wow. this is amazing. and why would i be doing that the week before? well, it was
yesterday morning that all of that became very real to me. and i hadn't well, i
interacted with one girl before you guys showed up, but it was different just going
out and doing my thing, right. so. we're gonna go to the first principle. which
opened so much bigger for me and i have a real nice way of explaining this view.
the first key is that it's all in a state of mind. the the world is a thought,
okay. i'm gonna give you a lot of proofs. and the things that i saw is sitting
right, i know now. let's think about this for a second. modern science has taken
matter and broken it down into molecules and atoms and it just keeps getting
smaller. now some of the stuff i say you're gonna be familiar with something or not
and you can look it up later into all reference. okay. broken it down to to atoms
and molecules and atoms and it just gets smaller and smaller and smaller and then
it gets down to the quantum level and at that level they break it down more and
more and more. what do they find nothing, they find it, uh, a potentiality. it's
either a wave or a particle and what does it depend on on the observer. on the
person observing it, it's either gonna be a particle or a wave. it has infinite
potential to be anywhere it can be in two places at once. this is all quantum
physics stuff. okay. alright, well, what is that to do with anything? well, because
of its own state. when they take material objects and they break it down and they
get it into molecule form and atoms, then they break that down. they find energy.
it's energy that's broken down even further after that, right, it's the flow
vibration, energy. but what is energy created from and that i don't know if they've
answered yet because they're going to have to step out of science for a second and
get. you know, the world's mechanical thing and start to look in the east for a
minute. and what do they find the ease that energy is a manifestation of thought.
now they used to say that the speed of light is the fastest speed. i don't know if
you still believe that to be true or not, okay because maybe you haven't heard
about it. but they said. there's nothing the universe faster than speed of light,
thus they couldn't understand how even another spaceship from another planet could
travel here when it takes light five hundred million light years to arrive. closest
planet or some shit. but they found something else and you need to look this up.
there's something much faster than light. and it's the speed of gravity. it's
supposed to be way faster than light. you didn't know gravity. take a look at it
and also recognize that gravity acts online. i don't know if you know that. ya do
you know that. ya. so as as light goes through gravitational force, it gets pulled.
now these two forces actually act on each other. what's faster than gravity. okay.
well, there is something no one's talked about it yet, but i guarantee they will
get to it if they want to confront life at some point. fat. because thought is
instantaneous. okay. now how do we measure that? the last piece that i said to you
thought that's just my own understanding of it, the gravity one you could look at.
good scientists shown it thought is instantaneous. but they don't think of it a lot
of times as a thing yet. it's a thing you and i can have a heavy thought, right. we
could have an inspiring thought, a like thought, a playful thought, a sexual
thought. they all have different wavelengths and it's instantaneous. okay, good. so
what creates energy is thought and we can we can do that. we can literally sit
down. i think certain things and the energy will change the body for sure. we could
talk to someone through communication. get them to think a certain thing and their
energy level will change. you can make someone sad, depressed, happy except you
know go give someone to come here is one you're walking in the morning. and a girl
looks at you. you're feeling let's say energy
level five k. she looks at you. she checks you out. she smiles and she says,
excuse me. you have a very nice start. thank you, energy level seven. literally
right. and none of us would go. thank you image level two. feels worse about myself
or thank you in a global five. there's an instant reaction in energy basis. we have
more we can run a little faster at that moment to do something far. instantaneous
thought creates energy. what is it. so i have to do with it. well, if it's on a
state of mind. then. we take a look and we ask ourselves a question a couple of
weeks ago. i gave a lecture this morning. you were out wherever you came from. left
your house and you came here, right. what was the thought. that you were carrying
with you. and you may think why i wasn't really caring. i thought i guarantee you
working. okay, i guarantee you work. we have two versions here. we have something
called a conscious thought. which is i'm gonna think this right now. so example,
i'm gonna think as i walk in that i'm very attractive, but i'm gonna think that
everyone looking at me is going to want to know who i am and talk to me. that's my
conscious thought. okay, i created that thought. good, that thought can go for so
long. until i forget about it and the environment starts kicking in. when i started
to react and i forget my thought, right. however, there is still a thought process
that other thought process that's taking place without me knowing is the
subconscious stop. and that's how you can differentiate. now the subconscious
thought is the thought that goes on without us thinking about it is the thought you
always carry is the one that fucking re stimulates reactivates when the environment
kicks in, right. we don't know about it something you're starting to feel a certain
thing. you take a look. yeah, i am thinking i am thinking no fucking good. what
happened, bro. why why would you think that i don't know i was walking. she looked
at me wrong or the copy of wine and i got nervous and. what what's the thought
you're running, i'm thinking i just need to go home, visit bull. that's a thought.
i'm thinking, fuck. i fucked up, man. i needed a home. there's a lot. it's not a
conscious thought because you didn't go okay. now i'm gonna think. this is bullshit
and i'm gonna go home. that's a conscious thought. the unconscious thought is what
runs the heartbeat, the breathing, it just takes care of it. now there is a process
to take that conscious thought and. and this is a very nebulous term, unconscious,
subconscious. all that shit. okay, this is just for the purpose of what we're
doing, which i'm saying, you take a a thought that you create and you put it in a
place where that thought becomes a habit. that's what i need by unconscious. it
becomes a habit. i'll give you an example. okay, when you first start. when you're
being attacked and you're in a bad position. you subconsciously. tents up and try
to push away and get away. then you consciously are told by the teacher relax.
relax right now. okay, i know all my digital people will hear that from me relax
right now. you need to survive, breathe and relax. there's nothing happening right
now. and the person is going. and they have to override it and they go, okay. and
then as long as they keep that thought, they're literally cautiously thinking, i
gotta relax. their body will change second, but then again the environment presses
on them and they forget the thought, surprise the thought kicks in the old habit
and they started pushing the teacher. don't push, relax orange and breathe through.
you're gonna be fine. just have if you have to stop, okay, okay, so that is the
process of the teacher stepping outside and saying, i'm on the outside that i can
give you the correct conscious part. because you are going off of habit and if i
let you go, the environment is pressing on you and you're going to do what you've
always done. but if you do what you've always done, there's no way you graduate to
the next level, much larger. you have to learn the process. okay, good. so teacher
says blah, blah, blah, the student. starts to consciously put that thought. but
it's a progress. it's a step by step practice. they show up the next day they start
they get smashed. they do the same thing, the teacher says. relax, told you that
before. okay, fuck and you know, a lot of times the student i've been both sides.
the student is thinking, god, the fuck. why can't i just remember, you know, they
just okay, relax. oh, i did it. i didn't even think about it. i pushed. it the
habit continues. the teacher will step out and continuously remind a good teacher.
a bad teacher doesn't give issue. okay, fine. at some point, the student himself.
hearts doing what the teacher. something happens. it's negative in the environment,
negative. it's pressure and the student goes and then goes, oh shit. cause i just
wanna get yelled at or remembers cause it's been you know, a week, two months,
whatever the fuck it is. and as soon as i got relax. and they start taking over
that old habit. you follow that student over time. months go by years, go by. now
the student is tense as they start. maybe they're not thinking they're little
nervous. they start pressure comes on to get in a bad position. you watch them.
their habit will be to relax their body suddenly. suddenly they have a new
subconscious movement. which is when they're under attack, they seem to remember
like i remember when i'm being attacked suddenly, but i need to relax. it's
burning. okay, but that process of taking a conscious thought and then making it a
i don't want to say subconscious this case, but making it a habit. is a process.
the moment that happens, the person's experience of fighting changes. completely.
now they're relaxing at the right time, okay. alright, what does that do to pick
up, it's the same thing. go out there conscious thought, listen to the right music.
listen to the right lecture, whatever you're doing. i'm ready to go. here we go.
boom, conscious thought i'm going to have a good time, whatever it is. you put it
there. environment presses on you. okay, dude, bluetooth wrong girl mutsu wrong,
not interested immediately conscious thought has gone old. and the old habit is a
thing. what is it? it's the same thing that you always do when that shit happens,
just like when pressure the guy always pushes away, it's got the same thing every
time. in fact, you could predict the guy's motion introduced to after a while, you
know that if you press on his face and he's new, you'll probably throw you off like
this or two. two. so it's the same reaction. it's a reactive process. he's not
thinking anymore. he's doing the wrong thing. okay, good. so you go out there with
a great thought. you get dressed up, listen to the right lecture, talk to the right
people. you're doing your thing environment. thought conscious thought goes out old
habit comes in with the old habit. it's what ended up making our lives miserable in
social dynamics up until present time and we become that scared little guy shy and
secure, weak with that whatever the fuck is and we start reacting like that,
there's no code that says, hey, i'll come back. it's fine. go open that set. spot
the girl there. straightened up. okay, put a small interface. do it again. that's
the conscious. the guy was a. it doesn't feel right. you gotta do it, but if he's
willing to learn. okay, goes in there. cleans up, tries again. same thing happens
for a while eventually though, if he keeps doing it, we get to where we are now.
which is now the habits. formed are socially calibrated. you see that and there's
no longer a conscious thought. you just suddenly, you know, if you guys are, i'm
sure the guys were out with me. we're talking and we're in a restaurant. it could
be a serious conversation like this. and if i catch from the corner by my target
looking at me, this conversation suddenly becomes the same way with just a smile on
my face and i just do this for a second until she stops looking around back. if you
were to talk to me. it happens without me thinking sometimes i call attention to it
because it may look funny, right, we're just having a serious conversation and then
suddenly this is how it looks like it may look funny, right. he's about to say
something important or he's thinking something. no, she was just looking. and her
look gives me that reaction. that's my target. she looks she has to see high value
and i'm going to show it to her. she's not going to look at my table and see this
cause you know what if a guy wouldn't approach that table? imagine you walk up and
three guys high value, high value donald trump are having a serious as
conversation. boom, boom, boom ya. even if you wanna go and say hi, mr trump or
whatever. again, you think she's going to. on the other hand, you walk up and
there's donald trump and is it whatever a bunch of rich people or whatever, you
know, bill gates and. lounging, talking, relaxing. having a good time and they seem
to be laughing. it's more likely i might approach it's the door's open more for me
to say. excuse me, you know, but not if they're serious and that's very important
social dynamics. you wonder sometimes why are they approaching. take a snapshot.
step out and look at the picture that you guys are painting. would you approach
that table even as a diaphragm, think a girl, a girl. you know. she can't fight.
she can't do anything. she's afraid she gives you the wrong signal. you might
fucking rape her in front of everybody. like, okay, you gotta make it comfortable
for her warm and friendly and playful. thus if there's a girl that said. it's
easier. you know what i mean. okay, good. so we gotta take the conscious thought
and make it habit. but what what is that, what are we trying to do, okay. what if i
told you your experience right now that you're
having a life as a direct relationship. to the thought that you carry, i know
you've heard this before, but i actually have a tangible proof in my hands from
last night. you are literally you and i are. walking in the universe of thought
created energy. it sounds pretty intense, but it's true. okay. so what do we do
with it. let's get some actual practical like, okay. well, that sounds great. how
do i fix it easy. before i went to bed last night, i was wrong. i know last time i
left the clock was four right. four a.m., but it was. it's gonna be difficult to
sleep right now. plus i got to get over here. but i was curious. so i lay there and
i was like, alright. i'm gonna see what thoughts come up if i if i'm just like,
okay, cool. let me check it out. and then there was a thought that that was like
this. i wonder what thoughts kind of cop i was like, there is. that was a thought.
it sounded like it was me. but it was a thought it was like a thought bubble that
said, i wanted to talk to come up. and then i was like. i saw i was like, oh, shit,
there's another one. and they kept creating this thought that kept observing the
thought like this. and the moment i would get into the thought. i would forget that
it's a thought i would be like, oh, i was like. oh, shit, i'm doing it again. oh,
i'm doing it and it was a never ending bubble cycle of i'm observing the. but it
was the same thought that kept going on automatic me laying there and try to
observe my thought was a cycle of thoughts, observing thoughts. it's like, wow,
this is drippy. oh, that's a thought. oh, that's a. at some point i was like. and
then i was observing. i kept seeing the whole and then it was like. and i was like,
oh, oh, there's a lot. it was crazy. when left alone. i'm gonna observe thought you
see now here's what's interesting i gave the. to my mind. i'm gonna observe the
thought. so then i created this little circle of thought observing bubbles. okay,
now let's change it. i'm gonna go out and i'm going to observe. social interactions
and body language i'm gonna observe people's relaxations and i'm going to look for
things that remind me, um. about why it's worth it to live. honestly, you know,
that's what it was for me last night. last night i had certain experiences that
when i look back on it, honestly, man. it was worth every minute of my drive. it
was worth every minute of me being tired today or not. i don't give a fuck because
in the shittiest world that i live in. it's a city world. honestly, ah those were
the key moments for me. they made everything worth it. they made all my skill worth
it. they asked, yes, this is why i do the shit, man. so i do the shit. so at three
thirty a.m. i can be in another city with two different girls and having a great
time and and them just telling me i'm the greatest thing in the world and i can
drive back and be like. yes, i am. yes, i am okay. so then this morning was an
experiment. this morning i was like, fuck this. i never think of myself as a good
looking guy. i just don't it's like it's a thought that i have not a good looking
guy, but i could give a shit. that's how i justified it. fuck this, i'm gonna go
out and i'm going to be a great looking guy today. now the moment i said that i
felt the reaction of the habit. it was like, dude chill. i was like, no, fuck you.
i'll fuck you with the whole chill thing. i'm gonna go out. i'm gonna be
magnetically attractive. i'm going to be where every mother fucker is looking at
me, guy girl, like you see that guy and as i was like. you know what, i'm going to
keep the start and the moment i forget it. as i see anything pretty, i'm gonna
remember me. i know me too. and that was my. interaction before i came here because
i went to whole foods and when i rushed i went to cbs or something, right. it was
interesting what i experienced was two things. one, i felt good looking. whether i
was or not, i can't tell you. i can tell you, i felt i carried myself as if i was a
very handsome man. and there was a ease about my staff. there was a smile to my to
my presence because i was like, god, i am a fucking magnetic attractive man. fuck
this dude tattooed, pierced out you know, got the style and i started i was like,
okay, but that's a conscious style i kept. yes, a few moments i forgot it. but then
i remembered very quickly that was my task. that's what i wanted to see what would
happen. so one, i felt great and when i came in here. i was feeling great and. two
did the world react differently to me, yes. yes. so just as the physical proof of
it for me, i take a look to see what the hell is happening. so i wake up and. oh, i
don't see the text. scott haven't been able to get hold of. check. then i saw an
instagram, she has a boyfriend. okay. i get a text in the morning because i'm doing
my thing right comes through. honestly, it's the last person i thought would be
texting me this morning. and it says libra moon is gone. thank fucking god past
four days have been crazy. just f y i lions, cosmic lion. my answer. how do you
live and do well in life without me. she says, it's pretty amazing, right? i say
it's not natural and it's mistake. she says, now i'm feeling very good looking as
i'm doing this, by the way. it's a vibe as i have it, she says. what are you doing
later today. first time her originating to me, what are you doing today. i swear
it. i say. she says i'm working until about three thirty. i say, let's do something
tonight around eight thirty. she says, um, that won't work for me. i got the
feeling of the boyfriend when she said that. but it doesn't mean it's true. i said,
ok, i'm teaching till then she says boo. then. a little bit earlier. i get the text
it says um in my thoughts. didn't answer it then the text comes back. keep those
items safe. someone left their things. there are priceless to me. thank you,
darkness. she calls me darkness. so now in the last hour. i've had two interactions
from two bond looking girls who i appreciate who give me that bob and i'm going,
okay, wait a second. now is this chance this luck? i don't think we give a ship.
here's what i'm gonna do, whether chance or luck. one thing is for sure, my
experience for the last hour has been good. and i do know, like i said to you, the
fighting experience that i can take a conscious thought and make it where it
becomes my habit. there's no reason why i can't get up every single day or every
hour. i look in the mirror and say. man, i'm one attractive mother fucker like
without a doubt i know. you're lying yourself. okay, that's cool. i've been lying
myself for a long time on many things. it's time to change a lie a little bit now
if it's all in the mind, if it's a mind created world. if energy comes from that,
then it's time to. what happens when a guy starts fighting. i'm giving you the
fighting world. so you understand because one of the things i learned is you learn
an art by comparing to another art that you know then you can see the laws that are
universal. that's what happens to a guy who doesn't have confidence when he starts
fighting. he doesn't believe. he wins one time because if you keep training sooner
or later, you're going to win and he was lucky. keep watching that person at some
point. they they themselves start thinking of themselves as dangerous. they start
thinking of themselves as someone to reckon width. the moment they do that, the
alzheimer's. so i got a text last night i told you was. from my boyfriend or
someone i know i was like, what the fuck is that one. can i talk to you, i said you
could text so as i was out of text and he said, look, man, in the last couple of
days in the last couple of months i've had three incidents. where guys tried to
punk me, two of those incidents were with my girlfriend. and i feel like she thinks
i can't protect her. i will do anything to learn how to fight from you. this person
has asked me three times and i said, no. every every time i've said no. can. i
said, go somewhere else. i told his girlfriend, i said, no. because you're really
close to me and i have no desire to get close to. cause that's gonna rule my
relations with you. see if he becomes my good friend. she's not going to be cause
i'm loyal, my friends. and her value is too much for me, so i won't teach. because
i can't teach somebody and at the same time, not like them. not if they're going to
be true. so, no, i i can't teach him, so that's not he asked again, but then he
give me a sentence. that's struck accordingly. and he said. i'm tired of being
bullied and i don't want to be bullied anymore. now that is a a line that i live
for. so i answered them. i'll work it out for you. i don't know how yet, so i am
trying to come up with an answer. and i have an answer because in my academy, my
brother in law teaches mixed martial arts and boxing and i'm gonna tell him, look,
dude, i'll pay for this guy. let me go over there and then i'm going to tell her
i'll see you later. your boyfriend can train my academy, but it means to train with
that guy and this is the reason why and then i'm gonna tell him this is the reason
why you can train and i see the reason i don't want to train you is i don't want to
get close to because i'm close to your girlfriend if i get close to you. i'll do
that relationship. i'll never get close to you and i can't be not close to you as a
student. do you understand, i'll teach you how to find, okay, now this is very
interesting because he's getting pounds in the last two months. it's the way he's
viewing himself. he just told me. he doesn't feel he can handle it. so when he's
out with his hot girlfriend, she's hot, a guy sees and senses in him what's
happening. he doesn't feel like he's a threat to the other guy. so the other guy
that gets bigger suddenly. and sense is something and of course he's gonna punk.
why is it happening with me? i'm walking around
with a fucking girl that everyone stares at it when i'm with her. she's like, no
one's looking at me. it's good. there would be a fucking problem if they were being
rude. i tell i don't mind them glancing and looking or not looking, but they'd
better not be walking. and they don't and they don't right. why my belief is i am a
threat to that guy. i know i am. coming from a guy who was bullied, growing. but
the moment we change the way we think about it. and it becomes real. the outside
world starts to look differently. okay. so we're talking about thought. does a
carrier wave to it. which i discovered this morning, but mom would always tell me
now now i can see what he was talking about when you play. emotion behind the
thought. it travels. to the other person. okay, now think about this shit. this is
a magical shit, man. okay, you have a thought and the thought is. god, whatever
thought you okay, the thought is i am dangerous. i'm dangerous to the environment.
there's a thought. and the other person doesn't feel like it. add an emotion to
that some anger. and watch them feel how dangerous you are to the environment. the
emotion carries it from one to the other really quickly. it's like it connects the
line and then it intensifies the line. or it doesn't have to be anger. it can be
cheerfulness. as you are dangerous, what does that mean. well, but there has
there's an emotion because people feel emotion. so suddenly the guy's trying to
punk or whatever, at least based on a crazy motherfucker, would love to. one of my
students. from new york just started fighting. he put on facebook. i haven't
trained for a couple of days. i'm gonna go out. i'm going to cover my tattoos. i'm
going to dress like a door. whatever i'm going to walk in a really bad neighbor. i
don't hope somebody fucking comes up because it was a combination. i didn't want to
try out. okay, now let's say it carries cheerfulness with him as he's walking and i
was like, was up punk and he gets excited. but you know. she's dangerous and i was
like, what's up here. the person will feel the thought carried on that emotion. the
only proof i have of this is my own observation right now, but guess what today's
going to consist of what i just said now, you know that when you hear a speaker who
emotionally charges you those thoughts that the speaker was having transfer easier
to you. otherwise, the speaker can get up and give you all the facts of life and
the greatest facts and it's like, okay, that's good. you don't get it, but
everyone's not speaking, get out and just with an emotion hit with one thought. one
thought, like for example, be true to yourself as a thought that i have. right, but
let's say he is there with an emotion. you feel the emotion boom and i see it like
a wave boom and then the thought comes and the emotion seems to carry the. to the
other being. if you and the other person are resonating around the same emotional
wavelength. you your thought will carry much quicker to the other person. you see
if you're resonating in different thought waves, like for example, they're very
angry and you're very happy. it prevents it from going there. they resist the
thought. so to is. a fog transfer. you calibrate your emotion. close and similar.
to your audience and to the people around you, then your thoughts will carry
through it. this is why angry music will have a bunch of angry people listening to
it. right, jazz music. you're not gonna see like heavy metal heads go to fucking
jazz and sit there and bring their heads as the jazz. it's a whole different vibe,
vibration, different emotion being carried. however, all of those all that music
and whatever has a message behind it, if it's done right. and when someone goes out
there and says, i listen to marilyn manson or two box occur the doors. this is some
of the people i listen to. because those people. are speaking on my emotional
wavelength. they're a little bit angry. a little hostile towards what their
environment they're saying. fuck you, the environment and i get that shit. that's
the emotion i feel. so they carry that emotion, then their message comes to me so i
can sit and tell you about those artists and go out. never do they said that yes,
because i get the message why it's on my carrier way, but then if my dad doesn't
say that, i guess the bullshit. that is just shit. dad, do you know what he said.
it just sounds like garbage to me because it's the wrong emotion. okay, but then it
was the scenario. okay, what i don't get that that's not my world. that's not my
world. i'm not walking down the world and seeing that no, no, no, no, no, no. i'm
seeing some other shit going on when i go. so now we have a thought you have a
thought, you say you save yourself. i'm very attractive. i'm beautiful. i'm strong,
i'm confident whatever thoughts you would like to have. you go, this is it good and
now you walk out, you go, okay, now i want to carry that to other people good, so
you start to look around and you see her and she's let's say having a bubbly time
and you walk in there. hey, ladies quick question for you. i gotta get back and you
still keep the thought on i'm attractive or whatever should look at you
differently, match a match or wavelength match your total. okay, have the
conversation watch how she carries. you look at you and see what you're presenting
to her. but go with a long time to watch what happens, right. go being nervous and
scared as she's bubble. the other way too, she's pissed off and you walk up. hey,
quick question for you, like, fuck you. i'm on my period and stuffed out with my
boyfriend, my whatever. so you guys see it because last night at some point. so
from the first girl, drop her off. when i go to pick up the second girl, she says
to me, i don't look very good. i've been crying. it's like one thirty two, right?
let's be crying on thirty. and i said that i said, you have a new boyfriend because
i haven't heard from you just now. and she said. i've been crying. so it's a
relationship said no, it's not. i said, okay, fine. skin the car anyway cycle, pick
her up. her not looking good looks pretty fucking good. wake up, go to the park,
hang out for a while. and then. we end up in a very serious conversation. see, i
love that is, by the way. i always think about that when i'm without rumor, i focus
here everything. probably be quarter. that's true. so so. our conversation got very
serious at the end of the night. she said to me. what do you suggest. and i was
like, that's what do you mean too too big of a question. she goes for my future.
how do you think i should approach it now, that was a very beautiful question to
me. i i not answered that i am that person. and i haven't been that person for this
girl for a while. so we were now violent correctly. so suddenly i went into this
whole like twenty five minute lecture to her. about some principles of life, but
check this out. she was crying. she was crying because a family member of hers
passed away years ago that she was very close to today is the anniversary and last
night she was thinking about it so she was drinking wine and thinking about that
and crying. now i understand loss and i understand family and i understand how she
this world is. so when i gave her my words of you gotta be true to you, you gotta
take a life by the bed and i told that i gave it from that bike because i could
feel that i know that that's what i live with and when i'm talking she is just
absorbing it and when the moment was over, she said to me. i'm yours said, of
course. i know that already. you see, i do know that already. but i needed that
there was the right emotion that carried my message to everyone. alright. this is a
powerful shipment. our thoughts create our world, you go as far back as you can
find in literature on this planet. you're gonna find something about what i said
from anybody, anybody who had a slight awakening or understanding of life. simple
from every cultural religion age, somebody who was acknowledged as as a more
enlightened person than the people around them would give you a version of what i
said that your thoughts create your reality that we are living in the world of
thought and all that shit. okay, the problem is that it was contact with reality
and after a while some people just live. that's not good enough for me. that's not
good enough for me because see, that doesn't take care of my family doesn't take
care of friends. i need to go out there and make the billions. easily. so when i
say that you see when i say that there is a habit form about the thought of
billions and the habit says that's not real. if you told yourself right now, you're
gonna be a billionaire. watch how you would look like to yourself that you're lying
to yourself. ya. and then you might drugged the thought down to like maybe a
millionaire and then. you know, that's more reachable and then you might even bring
that down after the baby. i just want to make enough money to. right. and then
you'll see where the thought is that you carry all the time. it's the one that is
easily thought without any effort. like for example. i'll give you it's not mine,
but i've seen it and i've had it, which is like, look, all you need is enough money
to and then you got the basics food. shelter, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
you don't need any more than that. there's people that are starting all that see
those thoughts. i can say it and it just comes out without effort. now if i tell
you, i need to be a billionaire because i need to be a billionaire to do what i
need to do that has effort. it's almost like online. it's the same thing happens
when you walk into a position and pick up and you say. it would be great to get
beautiful women to have women texting you in the morning at
fucking saturday morning. and we grow in it to them. they want to fuck you. they
want to have everything filled with anything for you could have any girlfriend you
want and then suddenly go, wow, bring it down. i don't need that many women cause
that thought it was just a lot of control, right, i don't need that many women and
get down to it. a few wouldn't be bad and you go, well, what i would want is a is a
good relationship and a few friends that i can hang out with and, you know, well,
you know. i'm not really a good relationship, be good because i'm too busy working
and, you know. maybe i wanna say, look at what you did and then you get to the
thought that you carry. which is that reality which you're gonna have guaranteed
that thought that you're carrying will be a reality, maybe not today, maybe not
tomorrow, but that is going to be. you will find that one. you will go forward, but
i encourage you to pay attention to that thought again because there's another
thought with. you've seen people who have done that. grow old and miserable, maybe
even confronted. but you definitely we're not walking around looking at your
parents and your your uncles and aunts and although if you look at that passionate
relationship, they're having you've seen them settle into a. we'll watch some
fucking football or something or get excited to fucking do a barbecue. fourth of
july or so that becomes their fucking life. come home, don't talk to each other.
that's exactly what you did. and then look at you after. okay, and that's different
now that doesn't mean you want that look. billion dollars million dollars. well, i
just want to make enough money. it'll be good to have a good job. i just want to
live comfortably. you just want to live comfortably. there's no situation in this
life that static man comfortably ten years ago is broke today. okay. and
comfortably today is broke ten years from now. so this is what they miss. yes, i'm
sure all of our parents were comfortable ten years ago whenever twenty or thirty
years ago on this side of fucking pop us out, right. they were like, i'm a broken
mother fucker and let me just have a kid. hey, honey, what do you want to do, we
have no money to eat. let's have kid. great idea, huh? ok, it was fine. but they
kept making the same fucking income. they kept getting older, they kept getting
laid off and now they're in a shampoo and then we have to pay for it. fuck that.
living comfortably, never been defined. now let's look at pick up. a man wants to
live comfortably with his girlfriend. hold on, that's not gonna happen. living
comfortably for the first year in your relationship is different than living
comfortably for the next two years in your relationship. in fact, if you were there
for five to six years. and you want to try to act like you did when you first met
each other, it's over. because in five to six years you're not gonna be having sex
every day. at the beginning you are. maybe twice or three times a day. so they're
going to be something else. one of my friends told me she was on drugs for a. i am
talking to you yesterday. i was like, look for having your boyfriend. i would watch
or put. the love of my life hashtag my one and only love. i swear, and i would sit
there. we'll we'll we'll serena. i think serena is coming today and if i remember,
i'll tell her i was like. this relationship is about to break up. that was about a
month and a half ago. yesterday was confirmed. what happened? we're not together.
oh, really? i was like, do you remember all the stupid shit? you actually start
laughing. i was like, but what the fuck happened. she said, well, i became sober. i
said, but life is a relationship. she was i became sober and i realized we have
nothing in common besides trucks. we got together and we would always be high and
that's how we relate to each other. i wasn't high. i didn't want to even do it with
the guy. we had nothing in common besides drugs. yeah, i know. can i know. the life
moves forward. alright, life moves forward. so we have to be aware of it. these are
the principles of the mind. these are the principles of the universe that i want to
know. these are things i want to teach my son and my daughter and my family, my
friends, this is it. this is something somebody should taught me. instead of
christopher, columbus discovered america tomorrow's easter. you mean ishtar. i
mean, tomorrow is the pagan holiday of fertility and sex, yeah because it is. of
course it is. so. what about pick up, what are the thoughts you're carrying with
you, we went over this. i think two round tables ago, sundays, two sundays. what
are the thoughts you carrying with you. how do you see yourself. and that's the one
of the biggest realization of this morning was this process of a conscious thought
making itself into a habit. i saw it. because of my martial arts training i saw i
saw i have transfers. even as a magician, as anybody skilled in any art, you
consciously do it for a while, then it becomes a. subconscious or a habit, but why
not. why not our thought process, cause if it's a universe of thought, if it's on
the state of mind is your mind is is your thought process, your friend and your
ally? is it pushing you forward today, is it making you feel great, cause i tell
you, if i had maybe you have three and a half, four hours of sleep, but along with
eight. i wanted to be showered, clean, eaten. fed, ready to go feel pretty fucking
good right now. i don't know. maybe i'll crash later. i don't fucking know. i don't
really care how handle it. but it's important that my mind in the process of
living. contributes to my life. and i'm not fighting my life. i'm not fighting
myself. now this is the disease we have as humans, you have one goal and the other
is a goal. you take one step forward and you got your leg right. i haven't removed.
i know i really want to. i really want to wow, i've got my foot over there. yeah,
but movie for i know and it's like this whole explanation. see if i put my foot the
walls gonna fall and then like, no, it's not gonna fall. do you take your fucking.
okay, it's gonna be fine. we fight ourselves. what would happen if she's popping
your collar up and down and you say to her genuinely and strong and with good
emotion. you see she's not affecting you negatively because she can't. because the
moment she does, you'll either handle her or you'll lock off. that's it just like
she did. so you have that right, i'm not having a good time. hey, you suppose you i
like that. what's up. paul calling down hands off the merchandise. maybe okay, it's
changing for free. okay, hold on a second, so i will doubt, okay, look. is it that
big of a deal to you really? is it that big of a deal. i'm gonna take off my shirt.
i don't know. my god embarrassed you. i think of it. okay. now i'm a rock star.
right. and she could either appreciate it. and they're like. or she could be like.
and if she does that, that's great move. because somebody in that place will react
to a rock star status and when rock star is just like an article type of this
thing, the guy was like. we've seen jim. have you seen the doors, the movie, the
doors i highly recommend you watch that movie one of the best movies i've ever
seen. i've only seen three movies, four moves. over and over because i can't
honestly watch the same movie over and over the doors, i can almost call everyone
and everyone. okay, i've seen it so many times. it's unreal, but there's a scene
and he i mean, he was on drugs, man. like that guy was gone. i just remember his
life and eternally. but. he greeted us into the. a bar and get some on the bar and
he starts pissing. on the floor they take him out. they kick him out, they throw
them out. he gets arrested. but. understand that. because there's something really
attractive about that. you don't have to get up and pee on the fucking thing,
right. but understand that. because if you understood that as she goes like this,
there's a million choices you had suddenly. because your parents your different
thought process. she does that she gives you a million opportunities now, right.
but if we go back to being us, whatever that is the tiny one. oh, i can't what if
you got another option, she pops it down and you again. can be genuine with her and
say, hey. you know, i i like i like the way you look use the right light. you got
the right hair. and. i like you are forward when you pulled me. but don't touch my
shirt. okay, don't touch my shirt unless you want to buy new one. i don't know. but
see this energy will make her start to act differently. but i just told my guys
that but she'll be comfortable. or she'll be a dude. i'll touch whatever i want.
whoa, whoa. fuck out of here. oh. i have no obligation to spend my time with some
bit. definitely not. in fact, let's remember you told me i was talking nice meeting
you. here we go when you wanna be polite and respectful, we'll talk. now you're
walking through the night as a cause for me. causing effects. but you better make
sure that your mind is with you the first key. it's on a state of mind. so at any
moment you have to be able to check in and go, where am i mental. what am i
thinking. am i thinking before i start that this is gonna be the best lecture i've
ever given, yes, i am thinking. do what if it's not see that right there is a
thought also, it's not a truth. why do we give that one more validity than the
other thought. they're both thoughts. they're both bubbles blue blue. i'm gonna get
the best. that's your my life. what if it's not. the both thoughts. and i will now
put my energy and focus on this one. why? because i want to. they're both thoughts.
this one's not anymore real just because everybody in the world doubts themselves.
i mean, i need to just means i now have an advantage of everybody. they can keep
doubting themselves. okay. when you
understand that it's a thought you can do something with it because until then you
think it's you it's not you it's a fucking thought it's a thought that you can't be
a billionaire. wow, i'm not a billionaire, only ten people get whatever. i mean, go
ahead if you want to prove your thoughts. then go that direction because you could
also prove. you can also prove how anybody could be a billionaire, how people with
no education to have a passion about that. you could prove both. you decide which
direction you want your mind to go, but remember you are guiding your mind to go
somewhere. whereas up until now others have got in your mind to go somewhere and
this is where the master is. this is what we enter the temple. what is that temple,
that's the temple of our mind. we have control. we can move in our mind, which
means what we have these laws that tell us look the polarities you can shift is
degrees of something. i'm more of a billionaire than many people i know. on the
scale from zero to billion. okay, and i just gotta keep turning up the degree on
it. i don't know. i'm on my way to go, billionaire. i don't know where to being.
world famous am i what i ever heard. there's no finite. now this is what it is that
this universe doesn't have that condition. that condition doesn't exist in the
mind. this. temple that we walked into was the temple of the mind. solomon temple.
have you ever heard that before. we found the key. well. we refund the key cause
they have the. you start thinking about your questions kind of leaving until. now
we have a different flavor to our game. and i don't mean game picking up chicks. i
mean, game life. picking up chicks is another aspect of of life. you should go
about your day today and as an experiment. because you're in the three day
transformation, you're in our boot camp. so just allow yourself for the next you
know, five hours today and i see you again just to keep powerful thoughts with
your. just say that's just what i'm gonna think until i forget. which i will then
when i remember. i'll think it again and that's all there is to it and i'm going to
keep doing that and just for size and see what happens. once again, if we relate it
to fighting, there are times when you submit too quickly in a match because. gave
up in your mind and there are times when you get out of a situation which you
should have never gotten out of. and you surprised the guy who was getting you
because you didn't give up yet. and in between that, you find the person who breaks
an arm or. passes out because you didn't have passed enough. and the person who
taps too quickly. it's a it's a scale again, okay, techniques that i'm gonna share
with you guys later because there are ways there are other doors that have opened
for me in the last whatever ten hours. which you can actually. sorry to affect. one
your body and its energy. yes, i take five hour energy is my thing, but. you know,
i don't know if, you know, people that take five hour energy, i you know, i'm in
martial arts and. like high level athletes, everybody tells me to joke. they say
that shit doesn't work. actually, it's like crack for me. i don't understand. no,
it's crazy. like i have to watch when i take it because it just wow. but i don't
know anybody else who says that ship in the march large world. which is like this
is nothing what some b vitamin no row, it's crap for me. but anyways, one is. we'll
go over before this is over maybe tonight. energy. how we could have more vitality
because it's important because life is responding to that. you see you are right
now responding to my vitality and i know it it's part of the carrier wave. we are
attracted to health and strength. we don't wanna go on the jump on the gorilla.
that's like. from time of time. we wanna see that. running up and down and swinging
from tree to tree breaking branches king kong shit. oh, dude. we we feel inspired
by strength. she feels inspired by strength. she has to see that in us she has to
see that she can't break you. i sent that to. the first score last night when i was
taking her home. blah, blah, blah talk. i thought guys and. i said you have to use
men. i get that advice to every girl. i know you have to learn to use men. they
always laugh because no one tells them that, but they all kind of know they should.
it's like the underlying thing. all girls, you know, use them. so they're monkeys.
the bedrooms, they know nothing. and you would think. well, you're a guy too. okay,
whatever, obviously i'm not, you know. obviously i'm not a monkey, but i'm smart.
and then i said. she was telling me about her passion. i said, look, dude. being a
man who is emotionally able to handle you, a man should be stronger than
emotionally. you should be able to just know that he can't break. and she's like.
you know i said intellectually he has to inspire you. and by the way, i'm of
course. the extreme myself all the time as i am. so i guess we'll inspire you. you
have to talk to him and his intelligence has to be like, wow, i'm inspired. i said,
i'm physically he has to build his fenju. you have those three. i go those are the
three main categories that you want to have before you consider someone to mate.
simple, you get it. and i give the advice to the second girl. now, why am i giving
my girls advice on how to get guys because i want to get. because one thing is
clear. you always mind anyways. what does that mean. they always aren't. no,
because just yesterday when we were eating, one of my x grows. was there? and it
was awkward. i want to say hi to her. and she was with her man before and she was
married with a son that she decided not to imagine. so what but you know what is
the law of vibration changes, it's okay. it's fine. those one take five. but i'll
take five anyday in this one. it's okay. because i'm not trying to keep the four
that i have or the nine that i have and twelve that i have, i'm keep going, keep
going and i don't feel like it. i'm gonna keep going because i know i know they
need to make more money because in five years a little bit i'm going to need more
money. okay. a few things about vitality. okay, and how it's not. such a big deal,
but it works okay and. you see, we started and this is something that i keep
thinking about yesterday and within i remembered it. we started with saying it's
all in a state of mind and so mind made there's something that's very important.
that needs to be. illuminated. you have to know that you have the ability. to
change your mind. okay, that sounds very little, but it's very big because if it's
all made from the mind. right. and if the outside, you know as above, so below,
alright. that law also goes as inside. so outside, okay, like there's a whole
system in our body right now. bacteria, they're living and they're fighting and
they're eating and it's crazy and it's almost like exactly what we're doing on the
planet, right. and you take a bigger, bigger, bigger, bigger. i think doctor susan
has a movie about that. hmm, if if if all of that is true by observation. then this
is true, then this is true by observation, then this is true too. you have to know
that you could change your mind and you have to know that the way to change the the
way to change. the world around you is first change your mind. the world will
change. the beautiful example of this is right now we have electricity, of course,
right. we go back some years back on this planet. there was electricity. by the
way, thousands of years ago. they just don't want us to know that, but at some
point we lost it. and then we rediscovered it, but here is what's interesting
during the whole time there isn't any more electricity today than there was. let's
say, eight hundred years ago or six hundred years ago. whenever there was an
electricity, it's not like suddenly there's this thing in the world called the
electricity that didn't exist and now there's so much of it. this shit has been
here. we just figured out the laws now we can go, boom. and boom, that was crazy.
that's the what i'm interested with the mind. it's here the potential is been here.
so. once we get it, then we can harness it and. but it's not like it's anything
that's out of the ordinary. i think that's what people miss. sometimes people are
like, what, you know, how what makes you think you could discover that not in fact,
i'm not discovering anything. i'm looking at the people who have done it before and
finding out what they knew and then i'm putting the ship into practice in my life
and when it works, it works. that's it and then die down. you know, someone tried
to convince me because when i know i know. but it brings us to our to our final
thing for today. you have to start putting these things into practice so that you
gain your own certainty on the subject. richard, are you online, is richard blue or
online. okay, so you asked me a question i answer. and you wanted more more
understanding of it and i couldn't i couldn't type it on that, so i'll give it to
you right now. i said certainty itself is knowledge. remember. okay. let's think
about this. everything you're learning. you have to put them to practice. until you
yourself have certainty on it. when you know. you know, at the moment, you know.
now you have the knowledge. until then, you don't people can come around and knock
you over with it. the strip doesn't work well. well, well, well. why am i we're
just not talking about pick up only i mean, anything, right. i have certainty on
these laws. that's why i can stand here and defend them, talk about them, put them
out like as if they are the truth, why cause they are the truth for me, my
certainty itself is the knowledge that i have. otherwise it would just be a bunch
of facts. we'll go to the building and read them anywhere, right, read them
anywhere. computer age, google anything i said and there will
be some some books somewhere about it, right, so you need to gain certainty. she
will feel your certainty how you gain certainty is by applying these laws and
putting them into practice the same thing in the martial arts. i know the move
works. you have to know the move works when you know the move works, you have the
knowledge of the move now. the moment you could give that knowledge to another
human being and they didn't believe in it. and they listen to you and they did it
and they believed in it. you have a different level of knowledge. because now
you're able to take what you knew and presented in many different angles. and by
doing that, you observe it differently. when you teach. you have to take one
statement that's true for you and present it in a hundred different ways until
people go ah i get what you're talking about by doing that. it allows you. to
observe that knowledge from so many angles, then you become more familiar with the
knowledge and any teacher knows you learn more when you teach. but a lot of
teachers as they teach, they stop. themselves practicing, whether it's martial arts
or game or whatever and then their knowledge again becomes half. full knowledge,
full scope. is you're the student, you're a teacher and you continue that. you
continuously learn and practice. meanwhile, you teach it now you're becoming full.
okay. alright. that'll do it for right now. let's go over any questions that you
have. yes. should you win ever. can you know your target in the g.h.. wow, good
question. i wouldn't do it. right. something i violate something for me right on
both ends if my wing is key knowing my target, i'm gonna get angry. i don't know
why, but it's just i'm gonna get angry even if he's like trying to give her to me.
it's like a man is off one two if i'm waiting for him and i start touching her, i
gotta check myself, man. right. it just doesn't feel right. the weighing rules are
between you and your wing really. i wouldn't do it. i wouldn't have my windows. i
have to examine it. this is my target and inspired, you know i don't want the best
friend, like. hugs my girl and gives her a ride and massages her you know, lets her
sleep at his house cause she's so cool. you know, it's like. hey bro, can you take
care of my girl out of town, yeah, i don't know, man. aiya. jack and we're eating
sushi. it was up, bro. oh, yeah. it has not my style again. the browser code or
whatever, like in the game. was was eugene keynote your target. egg. i don't know.
oh, man. did you feel like there was something wrong where you thought it was okay.
no, i don't even know this. i thought it was like, whatever these are girls were
like whatever i wanted. they were not. so you're doing you guys, ma'am, but come on
the magic. you already knew it was yeah the question you already knew the answer.
beijing is funny, man. they are. i mean, we all already know. i just see you the
funniest i need. okay, what else. maybe now we don't know. doing the wrong thing,
knowing the right thing. and i was like, you're like, oh yeah, this is wrong. it's
going to do. i'm gonna get away with it and that's what happens in the opportunity
last night. ya ya. what would you do with saga sleep. yeah, i really just. i'm sure
you dad. known as i was driving to austin about twenty minutes into the first
drive. my legs started to have that. it doesn't go numb. it's like you have to move
it. you never get that like, damn, i can't sit anymore. i gotta move my leg so i
was like, you know. the navigation says you have another like thirty five or
whatever minutes and i was like, oh my god. dude, so i'm driving and. guys drive
with the left foot on the paddle and i'm taking off my shoe. putting it up like i'm
not fucking crazy. i mean, it was hell. it was hell then i got there. picked up and
i had to drive back an hour. climb back, but. you know, when it was all over, i'm
telling you. it was worth every fucking second man. remember that shit, ma'am. and
you know some of the things i told the girl next to me, i said, look. you gotta
find this model would always tell me this. you have to learn to find the ecstasy in
the moment right now cause life is not the next moment it doesn't come. you gotta
you gotta see it for right now. i mean, literally right now as we're. if you guys
are waiting for the next moment to enjoy it that you missed it already and the next
moment will be another moment and next month and just never far forgotten. so it's
a practice. one of the things i recognize today is that we have to practice our
mind a lot. it's just so much an automatic since being a child, we're told so many
things and it's just running now and every once in a while we have a conscious
thought. but it just gets destroyed by all the unconscious thoughts that are there.
so it just goes like one little voice. it's a good idea to be a billionaire. shut
up. okay, i just thought maybe i should think about it for a second, but you're
right, i should be more realistic and i should be realistic that every other
function person was realistic. who never made shit happen. meanwhile, like all the
unrealistic people aren't making shit happen. you know, they're like traveling to
the fucking mars and creating ipods and fucking those people are unrealistic as
fuck. yeah, it's just be realistic because it's stone accessing and caves as real
shit gets, you know. okay, what else. so we find out, gene. you try to fly your
head can. what else. any other questions. okay, yes. uh, last night just being
said, once you're instead by spray wicky stuff as far as like conversational
tactics and at times when like you know you just said, these were like matches and
they just all reps, you know. once i find like a common thread or bond or whatever.
yes, i can see the temperature rise in the solidarity. yes, but then something
happens and then it drops off and then i'm sitting there like, fuck, you can sell a
call and watch and keep it in like, non stop. and i'm like, yes, how do you ring
egg, you just start with another opener or do you just say whatever, fuck every
cause you're already instead or we bought with those, okay, both of those now
you're saying that about the keto. i've seen a key to this game, you see and he
wasn't like that. he got to understand his. like a fucking freezer. yeah, i mean.
he was when he was getting good, you know, i remember he because of his look. he
creates very immediate attraction, fast attraction and then the set will go for
like a minute or two and then it was just like, um you know like the rocket. but
then i brought that fuel and that's it would crash a lot hard so he would go from
set to set to set to set attraction attraction, attraction, attraction, die. die,
die, die, die, right, but it's with practice. so to practice, i mean, the last
memory i have was when we were in l.a., by the way. that chick added me from that
fucking, uh, games and diamonds place on facebook. i didn't know it was her until
yesterday actually. well, yeah, the girl you talking to. so it's talking to her,
right and then, uh, it's going and at some point we're talking here and it started.
so as a wing i came in reinitiated, it handed it back then. later i said it was
feeling, yeah. yeah, i really have no interest in her because, you know. she wasn't
all that great, but my answer was yeah but his practice. but she's here. i've got a
practice just keeping the ship going and now you know months later you're saying
accused goes. goes, goes that's practice, talk to him and find out how many times
it's fizzled out and it's a progress in the game. we've all felt it right if you
haven't felt it yet, you will feel. when you're now getting inset. and it dies.
that's one of the good things going out with the coaches. you're guaranteed if you
go out of the coaches, you're going to end up inside if you're hanging out with.
okay, not on our coaches. i can't guarantee if you literally be talking to girls in
set, but i don't know if he's there. i know if he's there it you're gonna be
talking to girls. you might not make out, but you will be in there and you're going
to have to be okay. what do i say now, what do i do. so. it comes awesome. yeah.
and then and then you add a new card. okay. yeah, but it doesn't mean yeah, it's
practice. yeah. it's practice, practice. but you've got to see how they were
interacting a couple of times, excuse me. okay. sorry, go go back. it's fine, man.
it's fine. we'll all go through it. every one of us is at a certain level of. i am
sure i am sure i'll look back to where i'm at. in years to come, if i keep doing
what i'm doing and i will be a joke to myself. like who i am right now be like.
wow, dude, i remember when. you know what i mean, it never ends if it does. there
is a problem. you have to continue evolving in this thing so and seeing it all the
way through this is the beauty of having. you know a group of people who study.
anybody who's done martial arts knows that you're going to make those mistakes and
even though in martial arts and we're very nice here. but my martial tradition from
pattaya. we make fun of each other. all there's the only interaction those guys
have on the map is everyone clowning on each other. like every day there's no
nothing kind ever said. so but you know, as like the new guy is making the
mistakes, everyone's clowning on him, you damn well know you were that fucking guy,
but he's not going through his bullshit and you're gonna fucking calling like you
were being caught on in the beginning, you know what i mean, whatever. the other
day. one one of the few people over there that can beat me up pretty easily is
pattaya partner. whereon is me. but not on his name is julia when the office
talking. and we always planning on each other and then julius said something like.
i thought i said something, i said something, but i was like, yeah,
but that guy's a flag. and then i like it. and then he was like, well, so it's a
rush, but. real real like calm, you know. i say no. i delay you can get away with
that right now. i said, but i showed you that sunrise tomorrow. want to kick your
eyes on the maths so bad one day, bro, i said. you just know because i know what's
going to happen. i said, yeah. but remember this moment right now i said, because
you just gave me so much fuel because what you better training hard is that i'm
training hard because i'm training hard. do we see that the interaction is like two
two brothers going up like that. and he's my older brother in in in martial arts.
he's been doing it along with me. but anyways, it's good, man. i know i know the.
what do i say now, i know that so you come here often and then you go, oh, i
remember something in the game. so how do you know each other and then you realize
that you've asked the question that your friend already asked and you missed the
answer to you know you come up with that. a gambit in the game and you're like, oh,
i should say. so how do you guys know each other. and you were so out of it.
because you were in the one hand they had already said that i was just like, well.
i already said we're best friends or something like, oh yeah, fuck. what kind of
shampoo do you use for your best friends. fuck, i'm fucking this one and then your
friend was you over. comes back, says he's drunk. he's a good guy. okay. say.

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