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yeah. first of all. is there any questions so we can go over. live or online.

sure we have people coming late. any questions? anything you want to clear up.
okay. that's not a key when you dreamed it very well. there was two really good
looking girls at the club and. they were sent the whole time. they were probably
the hottest girls on the club. i think it was willing to let you know. thought is
senior to the physical universe. but i have an example for you today, which i think
should drive the point home. let's, um. but i went out last night too. i went out
with these guys, but i sat down. right from the beginning. but once i got through
the door to the sitting and i just sat and i observed these laws last night had
some conversations, but anyways, uh. so how do you see this? how can you
demonstrate that thought is senior well, many different ways, but i got a real good
one right now. so pretend for a second. imagine a. maybe a fire plane. a jet
fighter plane with the bottom line and the person inside, right. or imagine a seven
forty seven passenger plane, some kind of airplane and we've all seen an airplane,
right, so imagine an aeroplane. lots of people in taking off. okay, now we're gonna
take that airplane for a minute. and we're gonna strip. like a computer graphic,
right, imagine it got a big seven forty seven, five years and goes. and all the
pieces just kind of float in the air. and we're gonna start taking the pieces and
we're gonna trace one piece back. for example, we're going to take the glass. in
the window. i'm going to pull it back. i'm gonna go to the assembly line wherever
that is when that glass was made. meanwhile, is that assembly line. there's some
workers that show up in the morning just like we do to our work and their job is to
make that glass. that one window pain, one of the budget. and then there are some
machines, but then those machines that mold the glass and cool it off or however
the process is those machines themselves as we look at them as the glass goes on,
we're gonna take the machine and go and break it open. i am going to take a part of
that machine. and trace the machine that made the glass back. and. earlier there
would be a group of workers that made that piece of that machine. are you following
in the stock process. and then we can fast, uh, fast forward, but in the backwards,
very fast rewind today they should have that. there's a fast rewind. and we get to
the point where we go, what was the and we only took the window paint from the
airplane and. how did this plane even start. right. and we get to the point where
maybe at some point somebody was like. um we need to take a lot of people from this
land to the other land in the air. how are we going to do that. okay, and they were
sitting around wherever the fact they weren't asked about the right brothers a
little bit later and okay, we're gonna do this and then the company. so we got the
airplane. take the logo and we're going to trace the logo. two, let's say virgin
airlines or southwest. and we find the owner of that company and we. pause on him
and we go deep in his mind. and we find we're looking for something we're looking
for the time that man sat down and said. i have an idea. i want to take people from
here to there on a plane. ok, he had an idea. we came, let's say, southwest or
virgin or whatever, then we go back to the window pain and we take that. on a
similar line and someone was there and they were like, you know what. i'm gonna
create the window for the plane and then we take the parts of the plane and we go
back and the machines and we go back and we get to the point where somebody has the
idea that said we need a machine that creates these windows. so we need to create a
machine. and as we trace these this airplane back. when we get down to the smaller
kind of like you know breaking down to quantum level as we get down to the small
part, here's what we find. we find some original thoughts. that started the whole
airplane. different men that later all their creations came together and became the
airplane. one did the design, one did this one did that right. hundreds of people
showed up to the to the, uh, plant to make it together. so in that one airplane
when we go, we break it right and we take the pieces. we're always going to find
another mechanical piece that created that piece, another mechanical piece in that.
but at some point. when there is no mechanical piece, we find what life human
means. we find life. live right before. the machine was created, there was life.
there was no machine life did something. put out the thought, boom, this needs to
happen. okay, now no airplane airplane doesn't exist. windows don't exist in the
airplane. all that shit. somebody the thought comes. we're going to. put people on
a middle tube and fly them around. okay, now in order to do that. they have to
understand laws of gravity and physics. they have to understand how to make. you
know i don't know the function, but we know that they harnessed the laws of gravity
and oxygen and whatever they do. so it doesn't explode up there and it flies in the
right temperature like that. right. all of those that i just said are gonna
thoughts. human beings life forms sitting around and looking at the laws. okay, so
gravity, this is how it works and figuring out formulas. then the thought goes,
we're gonna put this an experiment with this machine, okay, and it keeps going. but
every time you trace it back to something working, you find first the first moment
you have to. a requirement. which is life. and the second requirement right after
life creates. how life goes about creating that mechanism, that process. in this
case is thought life sits there and goes, this is what's going to happen again.
from there starts moving so we could take an airplane and go airplane. that's a big
thing, right. but originally it's a thought. okay, now. let's look closer to home.
here we are sitting here, right. office selected instinct videos, whatever and now
we have the ferrero is going to just came out. other things will come out different
stuff, but originally it's a thought. it's it's a guy going. i want to teach people
this. i can do it. i'm gonna teach them. i'm going to teach them. i'm going to
teach them free. so if i can do this thing, if i can get results, that's originally
heaven. so we're sitting again in a manifestation. but originated from a thought.
and everywhere you go, everywhere you go in your life and everything you look at
and that's what was interesting and i was reading the ingredients listening cause
it's like a it's a power bar or whatever the process or is this kind of bar and
then in the back right manufactured on equipment used to produce products that
contain wheat milk, eggs, bungalow. and suddenly because i was doing, you know, i
know it was going to talk about this airplane thing and it says manufacturing
equipment produced and i can then see my little bar. so who knows where the fuck it
is, wherever it says this is machine creating that these people there. and then
there had to be a thought behind on wallace. they all had to sit there and go can
read a bar now and then they've come up with flavor. but every time that there's a
creation preceding the creation right before the creation is the thought. yes. but
because of the materialistic world and materialistic science. that piece is mi.
it's as if there's a bunch of physical stuff and thought just kinda happens when
when you're around it. but everything physical has its origination in thought. this
is how we started the whole weekend. you walk up to this beautiful temple. this is
the temple of your mind. the first key was it's all in the mind. it's all in the
state of mind. this proves that now okay because we could take any object and then
we have to break it down. so okay, i call this deep looking or penetration as you
look, you can take anything. this is an exercise i wanted to give you when you
start to go and kind of fucked up and how do i snap out of it. you know, the world
is heavy on your shoulders and shit. you just look at something and i'm sure you
can do what i just did when you just go in your mind and it breaks open and it
floats in the area. and then you just take a piece of it and you trace it back
further and further and further and then you're gonna find somewhere in there the
thought that created it. then take another piece, the thought that created now this
is what i was doing. with people since i see the girl woke up sitting down with a
group of girls and i'm watching her. i look at her makeup. look at her hair, how
she's dressed. how she's talking body language and then i went, oh, but i didn't
break. i just thought. she's manifesting physically a thought that she has this
action of her being out right now. being with her friends dressed like that.
sitting in that position, drinking this thing all started from a thought she was at
home. something happened. she was she got ready to come out. i have to be familiar
with that thought. i'm closer to her creation. now, what what can i do? what i know
this i can start to. not get so distracted by all of that and just go, what's her
intention. so now i can open. and when i open, i can put out the intention if i
feel it, which is you know it's the weekend tomorrow is off blah, blah, blah. so i
want to come out and drink and have a good time with my friends because i feel that
from her, let's say. alright, look at the next one and she looks like she's kind of
just not having a good time to enter on her phone, blah, blah, blah and i can do in
fact, that's the one i opened that was next to you. as i said, hey, you know you're
on account with us. we're community. we have to know each other. we're part of the
same community. okay, i'm going to introduce you to my friends. you introduce me to
your friends
and then it opened the set and then that's the girl with a broken leg that you
guys walked up and it opened up. but when i looked at her, i was telling him i
said, look how socially awkward everybody is and she was sitting there on her
phone. little chubby. her friend was hearing her phone, her friend was having the
phone, nobody stopped at each other. they went to the fucking bar. miserable ellen
didn't know and started to that fat girl. her thought her intention would be go out
and someone talked to her feel appreciated. maybe even possibly even for her to
reject somebody. so she feels better in front of her friends and then it goes, no,
i don't you see i i just don't want to talk to dice because maybe her life is
fucking miserable, right. maybe she knows that no guy likes her and it's a disaster
in her social friends, so maybe she needs to go out. a guy said cemetery and this
is sort of one opportunity in front of her friends to demonstrate that she's in the
condition she is by her choice. so she's going to fuck him up. she doesn't even
know what to do. she doesn't even know how to talk to him. no one talks to her, so
she might be like, i'm sorry, oh, i hate when guys trying to talk to me and now she
has something to give to her friends, which is i'm not a complete loser. now i was
all of this and i'm telling you it's always happening with me. lazada. i'm looking
at her. and i may be wrong. but the thought process. was beautiful for me. i could
be there the whole night and not get sucked into the interactions last night. and i
kept myself exterior to the emotions and the vibes were going on. okay, now
something else very interesting happened. there was another guy who to my left who
looked like a total slot. and this guy's avatar was just retarded looking. looked
like didn't give a shit. well. huh. these girls are walking by. he's lounging off a
top looking like this. ya. gotcha, walk by. and he goes like this. drama which. and
she walks back. she goes, what did you say? but in a rude way she says it and he's
like this because. i said drawbridge, drawbridge. and she goes, oh, i thought you
called me a bitch. they didn't know each other. it goes drawbridge. as he lay back.
and just ignored her, she came and sat down with four or five girls. can. another
girl sat next to him with her boyfriend and. just i kind of had my attention on him
a little bit because he seemed very comfortable compared to everybody else, but
maybe like you don't want to talk to him. night went forward. i lost track of what
happened. but at some point these girls transferred and the girl that he did the
drawbridge to was sitting next to a massaging his hand. i started getting very
interested suddenly, especially when i started looking at him and he seemed to have
no. and then there was a prettier girl that was with them and the girl that was
massaging his hand. she starts laughing really hard and she says to her prettier
friend, well, i was talking to she says to her prettier friend, he said, you're.
and she's like she started she looked at it and she started laughing. she was not a
six five, maybe eight. she was probably the next better looking girl there. and he
didn't say anything. he's just looking at her right kind of smiling. dorothy
looking white guy nothing special in the appearance, right. and then the girl is
laughing super hard. he said, you're a six. well, her friend is harder than her. he
just handled the obstacle just so you know game for our theory. and the girl looked
at him and he says he doesn't jump and explain. he just says he goes to. out of
six. six out of six, just six out of six, right, but real comfortable. i started to
get really interested in his interaction. now this shape is like. i was in the
middle talk to. she starts talking to him as i back off. i'm going to watch, well,
at some point these girls leave. start talking to the guy and i'm like, hey, and i
started asking him. like what do you think about, i said, you seem pretty
comfortable around people, you know, because he had also opened me in the
conversation at some point said something to me. i don't remember what it was. oh
yeah, some stupid shape said to me it goes with the drawbridge thing. he he looked
at me. he goes, hey, man. because i saw this thing online before i came here, there
was a science that draw bridge and he goes, it was a guy drawing the bridge under
it and then he's like, every time i have a bad day, i just look at uber humor dot
com or something. he goes to check it out. that's how he got to talk to me, right.
i was like, oh god, maybe it's not fully. which is probably what girls think when
we open them. when you think about it. you know you just said some random fucking
fact to me. okay, whatever. and i was like, okay. so i was like him and you know,
what's up with you, like, you seem pretty comfortable. it's like a. i don't care
whatever as we're talking. i'll get to him later, but there's a point to this. the
girls came back like thirty minutes later. all those girls hey, we're back, but
this time the girl was all over him. she was literally reaching for him, grabbing
his his, uh, beanie and then she stood up and was like sticking her her skirt in
his face like this and the whole time is not even talking to her and he's like. he
stopped me now he's like real fascinated because we ever like a good conversation.
right due by the end, she left frustrated and i was like, just it should be
exactly, you know. it's like, no. i like really skinny girls with big, huge boobs
like super skinny, big, huge boobs. my son was with me and i was like, what check
out this guy's body. same thing physically something was manifesting, but i was
interested. in the thought that was manifesting that physical presence. why was he
so comfortable. what did you know who is he. you know how is he viewing the girl
now, he didn't like the way she looked and it was obvious and he said. oh, that was
a good hand massage. but he was very relaxed about it. and he goes. i don't want to
say because i don't want that exactly if i want if i want someone i could get
someone ends up being his bam or jerry's friend, you know, the reality show guy and
they're feeling. a reality show right now. he's in the reality show, right. so
naturally, the guy has a different vibe about him was his name. ya russian guy.
he's very comfortable with himself and he was like, he goes. i'm out and he said,
if i'm not drinking, i'm a social mess. i can't talk to anybody because i still
work, but i'm real scared except but when i drink i don't care. i said, all right,
but it's the not care, the vibe. the attitude, but again, it's like the airplane
we've taken, we break it open phone and we go, what what is the thought that is
manifesting that physical activity because you could take another person who's a
total wreck and say, what's the thought? and he'll tell you the thought it'll be
like, i don't want to be rejected. i don't know how to talk to the person. all that
shit is coming up, right. we're not we're not taught. to see the thought. it's a
good but we're not taught to see the. right. so when you look at her, let's say you
have a day too. you're about to hang out with the growth you met her. you got a
number and all that ask herself before she shows up, just take her and break her
over. and start to go back on intention level. she's about to hang out with you.
right. what are some of your intentions now. she probably wants to be around a guy
she feel safe. she wants to be around the guy which is going to have a good time
with who's not going to sexually push her to the point where she's uncomfortable,
but she probably wants some dick too in a way that seems spontaneous and cool and
right anyway, that doesn't make her feel slutty. those are her thoughts. those are
her beliefs most i'm not saying one hundred percent of the girls, but that's a good
start now once i know that and i approach her or she comes up and i see her, i can
keep. myself aligned with those thoughts and this is what the law of attraction is.
that is what she is gonna attract a version or later. i'm here and that's what the
attraction is going to be. at the same time, what are my thoughts as a guy. let's
say you're thinking, i want some i'm gonna get some okay, good. how are you gonna
do that? and this is the law today that's gonna put this whole castle in a place.
wherever your fortress or castle or whatever it looks like that we created today,
the final day you're going to take that fortress in that castle and you're gonna
put it in a place that's unaccessible. buy people unless you give them a map. so it
could be in the sky. it could be deep in the depth of the ocean. it could be in a
cave that you can't reach. it could be in the pyramids and there's a chamber under
it. no one can get to or whatever. how do you do that this is how it works. in
order for your palace to be untouchable when you get in contact with another human
being and you find their intention or what you think is close to their intention.
we can't say for sure why the airplane was made, but we can guarantee that summer
in that thought process was i wanna take people from here to here in the air,
that's for sure. cause that's what it does, right, okay, once you get a basic idea
of their thought process, now you take your own your own mental thought. intention,
what do you intend to do. and here is the magic here. you take a look at hers or
his or theirs. take a look at yours. and you are lying in a way where if you if you
achieve your intention. there is also we achieve and make it better. this is where
it breaks if you achieve yours. they don't achieve theirs. at this moment, you're
no longer in harmony. okay, so you might get it, you might not, but you'd start to
create discord in your relationships. so when you see like let's say. one of my
girls is
here yesterday or the other one or whatever comes or whatever and you start you
watch carefully. there's a harmony between us. if i achieve my purpose. what i want
from them. they will achieve what they want from me and from my food. so my purpose
encompasses theirs. it's a bigger purpose. it's a bigger game and i'm not thinking
if i get this, then she's not gonna get what she wants. i align with them. so if
you're out and you you ask yourself, what is what is the score one she wants to i
would have a good time. she wants to feel pretty she wants to. you know, see a guy
who gets her chasing whatever the fuck it is, right. all these things go, okay,
what's my purpose, i wanna get her number. i wanna make out the maybe balance or
maybe upset, so whatever your intentions are. okay, how do i achieve that? and she
achieves her. and now we move. as a business is the same thing. okay, how do i
achieve my purpose more and more customers name getting out bigger and bigger and
bigger bigger bank flow, better report. i'll achieve that one time to understand
what the customer needs and wants. and by me achieving that they achieve it were
good. see, then there's no fighting there and the girl, the customer. everybody
else because their their intention, their thought is aligned with yours if anybody
attacks your thought or your intention, they're attacking them so they back you up
suddenly, but on the other way around. if you're using each other in a way where if
i achieve mine, you won't get yours. then at the first opportunity to cut you off
that other person. well, now think about wing theory, right. you and your wing if i
achieve my purpose, you're gonna get more pussy too. and if you achieve your
preference, i'm going to give up as you do now. we're good wings. bad winging will
happen sometimes, right, you're both out and i'm thinking if he gets her, i'm not
gonna get. now, suddenly a little bit of having starts happening in the wing. okay,
subtle. starts fucking up the scent. maybe i want your girl, maybe you want my girl
maybe goes back and who knows, right, and it changes, but as long as the intentions
are aligned, which is yeah. i want that girl too and you want that okay, cool. but
we get it if you get her, let's say i'm convinced that i'm gonna get more too
later. maybe she has another friend or. we're gonna go to a party into our friend.
she's gonna, hey, my friends come good. i'm going to help you get her. now,
suddenly we're in a court. we're in harmony with each other. so what happens to our
power? it magnifies tremendously because everybody else that's walking around that
club. well, i'm not gonna say everybody, but most of the people in the club are the
back. they have isolated themselves as one life unit against all other life units
that night. uh, that's not a good work fight. i wouldn't want to fight like that.
so even if they have like four friends of theirs, if you look carefully the hot
girls shows up, the friends are no longer. the other climbing and each other
ruining each other sad. you know, don't, eh. bro, don't you have a girlfriend? he's
always talking to girls. he already has a girlfriend. go to texas. okay. but this
is the secret that is the law of the mind because what if we harmonize. our
thoughts. ok. so you have a martial arts system called i.q.. i keep it on your
harmonized with the person's movement, very difficult martial art very difficult.
probably one of the most light and martial arts in the world, i think honestly. how
good is it for self defense. well, i don't know. it's not good enough after a year
or two, you know you need to train for a long time. however, the principles that
i.p. don't. even translates to that. okay, the way of the harmony of key or key or
whatever, right, so it's a powerful martial art. but where is that martial art when
it comes to mind. where is the social dynamics master? where is the master of life
that walks into an environment. a set or something and immediately forget himself
for a second. and observes. and picks up not that. he's got glasses and a camera in
front of him. he's got two rings on his hand and he's got longer. he doesn't get
that. he goes deeper. he goes deeper. he goes, why is that person here. why is
that. he doesn't lie to himself because i'm not important at the moment. let me see
why they're here because you must have a clear perception. let me see whether here
and he gets deeper and deeper into their thought process and then he he starts
picking up a more pure intention that brought them here on a sunday morning or
something. uh. got it. that's the math. now he goes back. he goes, why am i.
alright, we need to align these two purposes. now his speech. his movement, his
emotion, all that is designed to align to evil the end result will be. the person
in front of you feeling better wanting you around. okay. so something very
interesting happened when i was out last night. i saw a girl who is a close friend
of a family friend of mine. and i don't have an intention on hitting her hitting on
her you know a floor third because it's not bad. but it's not anything like that
for me. it with her. but about three times in the night she commented to me. he
said, i'm so glad that you are here and i feel safe. she goes, i haven't been out
in two or three years and it just came out tonight and she goes, i feel safe that
you're here. this is so good three times she said that and it wasn't like i was
fighting people off of her and that wasn't even happening and i were just talking
for a while. but her saying that you see. that's your intention. to be out and be
safe. she has a boyfriend, whatever happened. he was doing some poker knife and her
friends like, let's go out. so another guy who doesn't know that is gonna walk up
and he's immediately gonna violate that intention that she has he doesn't know
she's out. she must be wanting to meet somebody to somebody who i truly believe
that's true. but she wants to meet somebody, let's say, to start with who makes her
feel safe, that. now, if it was a stranger that walked up and was kind of right
talking to the sense she was kind of being standoff-ish. but somehow you have the
ability we're just going into the ability to find receipt and go this goal wants to
be here. she feels unsteady and he said to her, hey, you. while i'm here, you guys
are protected. okay. anything happens. let me know anybody hits on you or anything
like that. i have my girlfriends at home and suddenly she was gone. and she would
drop her shield and almost like her savior just showed up, right. imagine a
stranger. oh, yeah, my boyfriends i don't do alright the same conversation i was
happening with her. a stranger could have had with her i. and then they would have
taunted out and at the end of the night. he could have very easily said, it's nice
meaning you i have to go. do you have your phone on you. and now he has earned his
life. let's follow that relationship five, six years later they might be fucking i
don't know. but secondarily, first. he's a social master. he gets out there and by
the end of the night people have given in his phone number. he's met people. he's
made connections. he's networked and if you follow that man's life a week later, he
goes out and say four days a week. one of those four days. he meets a high value
guy, another one. he meets two hobbies, another one. who the fuck knows, right, but
that he now has a social um experience that's reserved for people who are high
value individuals in society, people who themselves don't have social mastery but
have a lot of money or status or fame or something and other people just are nice
to them. now we got a guy who doesn't have that, but understand social dynamics
goes out. has all of these similar experiences, which is where you find my life in
game. right, i have a lifestyle reserved for rock stars and millionaires when it
comes to women, but i don't have those things they have. however, i have the social
life that they have. with these skills. because that's what i like. i want to, you
know, i want to be a rock star which kid doesn't want to be a rock star. well, i
do. good, then this is the lifestyle. meanwhile, keep working on the product to
make it a worldwide product. so that's what a rock star is. the worldwide
recognition of his art, ok. so this is an exercise that you can do, which is you
take a look at an object first as an object if you remember, you wake up, i did it
first thing this morning. first thing this morning. oh, second thing i get up and
i. looked at facebook and then i looked at the wall and i. okay, i'm sorry, man.
it's a bit really late. so i just looked at the wall and i broke down the wall. you
know there's an intention behind the wall event which it separates the people in my
house from the people next door in. in the apartments that i live in. whoever put
that wall up and worked it out there was a bunch of fucking engineer. i mean,
architects, they put the wall, they painted it. there was a strange embodiment and
that little walking there, but just by doing that. it breaks you out of the, um,
the cats. i can't see shit, you know what i mean, it's like, let's talk. can. sorry
to tie together saturday morning. do you have any questions, right. we'll give it a
minute just even out the flow. i didn't tell you getting tired. yeah, you go back
to the beginning of that scenario with that guy who comes in. he said, there's a
protector of loved ones, but he's putting out that's what he does. he's out and he
he is not out to fuck anybody. he has in his intention in his mind, for whatever
reason. this is his thing he has decided that. him and his friends and and the
people in his immediate environment, whatever that immediate environment extends as
far as you want to extend. are all are all gonna. he doesn't do it where let's say.
let's say we have
a vicious dog. that was not vicious to any of us. but every person in the world
buy the dog. it would prevent from new people coming in. as long as a dog, nobody
was okay. that's all we want. we want a dog that's capable of attacking and
protecting. that when a stranger comes up and. is aware of them. checks the
environment. sees how what's the interaction the stranger whatsapp says hi to me,
satire you were talking dot relaxes stranger whatsapp. you don't give a good vibe,
can help you. yeah dog solar. okay. that's correct. the reason i'm telling you that
is because i can see someone taking what i said going out there and going and
insisting i protect people. i protect you this wrong. that's wrong. it's an
internal thought. it's a being this it's knowing that. people around here say.
okay, i like that. i think that i think the world is not a safe place, but for me
it is okay. so an example of that would be my vibe. last night i was. wanting to
observe these laws in an environment. outside of like. you know, i can basically
work twenty five a day. i want to see people and see how they reply. so everything
that was coming from that guy doing a great pick up on that girl to this girl to
that to meet being sexual couple times more more than i normally am with people
just to push and see what this pendulum effect is and how it's gonna just checking
it out, you know so everything that was happening. my vibe was okay with me and
like i was standing aside, i didn't feel a rejection anywhere in the night because
i was an explorer in the night. how could i be rejected. i'm gathering data. you
know, i'm not i wasn't out saying, okay, now i'm gonna get this goal. let me show
you again. it was like, i'm. i want to explore this map, this new territory. i
wanna see what it's like and the best way to do it is fine for this area where i
can see the whole place and interact with people and that's what it was. so my
inner game, you could say at that moment my intention was the purity of that. so
all the interactions that i had ended up being okay no matter what. even when it
was sexual and they weren't receptive of it. it was still kind of acceptable, was
almost like, okay, whatever. it was like that way. okay, wait. it was like. what a
creek if you talk to me like that or i want to fuck him, it was nothing. it was
just like, i'm i'm pushing. certain buttons to see how the reactions are. oh, okay,
that was funny and i turned to her friend. who i knew. and when assad was talking
to her. i said they make a good couple. she was i don't think so. i said, why not?
she goes he likes she's she likes athletes. i know she doesn't. traditionally i
said, no, she doesn't. i said i gave her that i asked five. i said i was being very
sexual with your friend. she was like, he wears it. yeah. because i was like, let
you know i said, she's freaked out, he said, but watch how they're talking when he
was talking to her. i said, you see your body language and she was like. oh, i can
see that i can see that i said, well, that's what it is. i said she may be telling
you, i like, you know. sports guys or whatever, she i can tell you what she likes.
i'm seeing the interaction here is is this is what a person like some of this what
looks like. not the other way she's scared. maybe she has a fantasy of a sports
guy. she's no, she's not going to. a guy pushing up on her like that, you know.
okay. good. any other questions. anything online. no. okay, deep scene. penetrative
scene. let's take a look at this. tonight. well, maybe tonight i do know that in
the next few hours things are gonna change for me. so. let me touch on it if i
don't go into a deeper tonight i will in this upcoming week in the round table
because this is a very powerful piece that's opening itself up to me, especially in
this morning. when you look at nature. and i look for natural laws, right. when you
look at nature, there's something that we haven't been told. kind of basically
touched on it lightly yesterday, but it's very obvious at an hour walk this morning
to get here. so i'm looking for this law and i'm trying to keep one thought there.
seeing nature. filled with abundance. how many insects do you think there are in
the way. how many fresh. how much h two o water. how much sunlight is it gonna be.
wind signature anywhere leaves. trees, people, bacteria, um wherever nature is
available, rocks. what you see is that it's abundant. beyond what's necessary. in
fact, you could probably kill five billion insects and there might be another
seventy billion though. i don't know if i can say, like there are just so many
right? a fucking tsunami assumption comes two hundred thousand people die and like
nothing happens. the population goes to think and then you come back like you know
two examples of what the fuck right everywhere we look. there's a drought. but then
suddenly there's a fucking you know, like for example, africa, you know, you watch
these national geographic shows. there is a time in one of these areas in africa
where the biggest drought hits and the same thing happens every year. all the
animals the water hole keeps getting smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller
and they all congregate. then you got crocodiles and lions and cheetahs and and
even a gazelle, they all have to extreme from this wonderful water and then some
die and buffalo die and it becomes. and then there's this like monsoon suddenly
appears and in a matter of days the whole fucking thing is flooded. and then
there's abundant water and then there's abundant life and this is this is nature.
that's what happens. in fact, they could say, well, you know what. how do you
describe the dinosaurs, you know they were all wiped out, yeah and we're still on
the same planet and look at all the fucking life suddenly, like where did that come
from, suddenly nature is abundant. in fact. this is the key item here for me.
nature is not only abundant, it's wasteful. think about that. you see, that's a
word they've been using. to control. wasteful. is a, by the way, don't don't make
this into a collage from what to say because it's gonna hurt. i tell you why it's
gonna be very powerful, but it's going to be out of context unless they get the.
okay, because it's such a button. you know, wastefulness don't waste food. there's
kids dying in africa. this is what you grew up with, right, don't waste this. don't
waste that you go to a fucking hotel right now. they have these signs, you know in
l.a. don't waste the water, you know, it's like what, you know. recycle your towels
like fuck you. okay, fuck you with this all fucking recycling thing you demonstrate
to me where in nature. there's the idea of don't waste it. i just i just want to
know i want one. i want one example. i don't want fucking three. i want one example
where in nature it doesn't waste it doesn't have an abundance. it doesn't just go
out and use everything that it has. i want to know where the fuck it is, where it
is. i can't. right now. you know, i mean, the cat or the lion is eating and he's
like, well. i should think about, you know later i'm going to put this team on the
side right now. it's gonna eat until these four. and then we need to pull that in.
and he goes out. and what happens with that, well, then the fucking vultures come
and take it and if you get hungry and he'll come back and take it if it's there,
it's not he's going to go hunt again. that's what nature does and and we go, well,
you know. that's why it's a lion and that's why, you know we have thought process
good. we do have thought process so we should have the thought process to look and
go. there's an abundance in nature. there's so much and it's so fucking wasteful
now. why is that even important, because when you align yourself with these laws,
then you have electricity. that's electricity things have been tripped me out last
couple of days. because it's been there. it's not like we didn't create
electricity. it's understanding some natural loss and then putting them together.
it's understanding clarities. and making this potential flow between these two
negative and positive things right now, if you don't get a ah electricity really
well and you and there's like a open socket and you go, oh, that's cool and you
stick your finger in it, you know and you got to get hurt. right. maybe even really
hurt and it's the same thing with these laws. this is why i'm saying at that moment
we can't make a collage that says wastefulness is part of the nation, blah, blah.
because if they don't get the rest of it, it's like. okay, no, it's not right, guys
got a dollar and fifty dollar fifty two as things like, fuck this. i'm getting some
cigarettes. i don't know if that's a good idea. okay, but. what about that in our
temple in our house in our mind. we've been taught. we've been taught don't be
wasteful. as if there's a finite amount of something in our life. what is it?
that's finite girls not true. money not true. there's not like there's only this
much money that you have access to. there's the whole world of money. you have
access to. in fact, on deeper inspection, i can't find anything in the human world.
that's scarce. love is not scarce, friendship is not scarce, money is not scarce
cars and i wear what what where is it, shoes are not scared. where is the scarcity
in the fucking resources, water is not scarce. i don't see it, but that's true.
then why do we walk around with the scarcity mentality and. because if it's a
universal thought, then that means the thought will create the scarcity in our
world, then we look where we go. well, i have scarcity of money. i have scarcity of
women and i go there because you have a scarcity of thoughts. because you actually
thought there was such a thing as scarcely in fact, nature doesn't allow that shit.
there's no shortage of vitamin a or b or minerals in the
world. there's no shortage of air. there's no nothing like that and they can keep
trying to scare us all day long with. i don't know how many years now the ice has
been melting on the fucking north or south pole. i don't know how many fucking
years the sun's rays have been destroying killing us. i'm sure they are. actually
they been. and yes, conditions change and dinosaurs came and died. and if you look
at it and they were wiped out. they didn't suddenly die. someone did some ship to
those motherfuckers skull the fucking nuclear bomb. you kill everything to store
all of it as all kinds of checks have been on this planet before. yeah yeah we're
still here yet. life continues and then we go the only scarcity that they could
give. now i was gonna get kind of metaphysical. i'll try to keep it less
metaphysical, but just the truth of it. okay, the only thing you could scare human
beings with is that their life will end. okay, that's only fear there is. you might
die. it all stems from that. yet if every other if every other. area of life that
you look at. and i challenge you to go find something that scares you. i haven't
been able to do it. i walked an hour and i was looking for it everywhere. i loved
that sauce. now there's a billion fucking grass as a billion. i don't know what is
this thing. they're everywhere kind of fucking humans everywhere. so i was like, i
have nobody yeah, nobody go out down the street. they have all bodies. you just
don't know how to fucking talk to them, figure it out if you got the laws of
electricity, then you can go talk to them light up your your day. so if all around
there is. no such thing as scarcity and yet everything depends on the final
analysis when you keep pulling it back without life without life. the actual living
force that we are. none of it would exist because we make the camera. we give
interpretation to these. we decide what we're gonna do later. we life is at the end
of every airplane, every water bottle it has it doesn't manifest itself. this is
why the big bang theory is bullshit. just you know you gotta look at it a little
bit deeper. it wasn't like boom and life. yes, there was a boom, but life was there
before the boom life is there after the boom, life has always been there and what
is life or fun that you and i and then you keep going and then you get to all the
deepest religions of you look in the mirror. you see god, that's where you are.
okay, that that sounds real good, but be careful. don't take your finger literally
again. cause people could take that shit and go run with it and go crazy, you know,
like my dog jumped from a second story window. she's survived. but my job was to my
roommates and friends. i was like, you know, she hears me talk all the time, so she
was like, fuck of this. i can fly by the fucker, you know what i mean. i'm going
for it and she was like, this is just the universe of five. she's. and then she's
like. see, i'm still alive. that works, but anyways, you can't just take your
finger in the socket. you gotta know the laws you gotta you gotta play with it.
this is why even last night i had an opportunity honestly to hang out with a very,
very attractive girl, very attractive girl. and last minute i told her. gonna take.
because my availability to go out is rare and last night i needed to go see that i
needed to observe this. because why? because i see the law and i don't want to just
stick my finger in it. i need to go and see is there a scarcity of women. people
booze. places to go. no, there's not. there's just we have a scarcely thaw, so
something like that. oh, there's no girls. yeah, there's well, okay, go over there.
i don't know why why is that? it's not even a factor unless you want to just change
locations and that's a factor you go we went to the first one, the spa, nobody else
go next one and that's what you do. you just handle life. you go, okay. well, i'm
looking for ghosts and all over it. no, we have to go over here the worst case. oh,
there's no girls going to make us like i said. there's always girls in vegas
always, so they do they go with their party. the scarcity law takes that fucking
castle that we have that that whatever it is and suddenly says, okay. look, when
you're inside your mind when you're inside your life. be careful. because you may
lose it. that right there. needs to be re-evaluated because true power comes from
this. lucent. i created. okay, this is what model would always say when you can
create, you sit next to god who would say it's my teacher. first tattoo i regard
people asked me about my dad my first tattoo ever was eighteen create on my
shoulder, right, was this study. it impacted me so deeply, said. when you create.
he says, take your seat next to that. oh, i love those words. now on one on one end
with one breath, we want this ability and and this power that i'm talking about
because it's inspiring. i know. and in the next breath we want to celebrate easter.
like my my friend does as an example, i think everybody was here, right? so one
brother. she's like, i don't know, my mom and i watched the video. she doesn't get
the truth and i don't know why she's still taking chemotherapy and then on the
other hand, she knows the truth about easter watching a video and and reading and
then she's like, well, i'm okay. hopefully just listen, you can't have both the
same coin. you gotta go. i don't deal with that coin like with fear because that's
it. that's it. don't deal with that same thing last night. that was part of the
process last night as i was looking around and i was observing and i would see
someone want to talk to somebody and then i would ask myself is if i had a a fear
gauge. how much fear is in that person right now and how much of it is preventing
the movement? now think about your sets last night if you are out wherever you are
and and recognize how that fear as you were gonna go forward, just pull the.
emergency break. shot the end of night last night i texted a bunch of people. it
was a good text which she tried. i just put drunk dot dot dot. it was like three a
m got a bunch of responses. got a bunch of responses this morning from last. you
know. but before i sent the text because i sent it to a few better semi celebrity
girls, you know that i'd have. and then i don't like to text them all the time
cause i'm gonna lose them, you know, before i sent it out. they went through my
mind. i was like, no, dude. no, why? because these laws go together, fear i might
lose sir, get this one abundance. i'll get one. i created the relationship with
daisy. i created a relationship with jasmine. i created a relationship with mary
carrie. i did that. they didn't come and find me. i found them. i put it there.
that means i can do it again now thinking like this now gives us power. and power
is what i'm interested in. so we're gonna end on this note. i'm gonna finish with
this piece while i'm looking at. this is sort of like. if you want. a lot of money
in the world you want you want to have a lot of money, okay. then i want you to
find this synonym as a word like you know synonym is a word that describes the same
thing. but a little bit different. so two of them we send them to. what. i can
think of some. no, that's not a similar system would be two words that describe the
same object. but with slightly different meaning. so if you say i i adore you. i
love you. i, uh, it's not like that. those are similar to each other. but they have
a little bit different. okay, so um power. if we gave it a synonym because you're
not going to find this in dictionary, but if i said. power, um, synonym. synonym.
sentiment, health. health. women, money. our versions of power. uh. as a villain.
cause power is not defined. you know, how do you know if your powerful okay, what.
if you were sitting here right now with a hundred million dollars. in your checking
account. you would have a different sense of power and we would too about you. and
all that would change is you have a lot of money without a centimetre power if you
were sitting here right now with access to let's say, three hundred of the most
beautiful women in the world. well, you'd have a different sense of power. so would
we about you. if you sat here right now with extreme health. like total vibrants
and you just don't get sick. and you have energy at the roof and you could probably
break that door, which is hitting it like that. it's a lot of health. it's a lot of
energy. you have more power. now knowing that. we could do the degrees. it's
clarity, love, clarity. so. you know, cold and hot. where does it start, where does
it end up and down. where does it start. what is it in black and white. what is the
black. where's the white? where okay, same thing with this. you want more power,
take the money where you are and increase it, take the women where you are and
increase it, take your health and increase it. but now here's what's interesting.
you just took three aspects of power. so your powerful. grow much bigger than just.
focusing on the money or just focusing on the health or just focusing on the women
you see the power can be viewed like this. instead of a a nebulous don't understand
it. i don't get it. okay now. there's one other thing. maybe this will be designed.
because we've heard this knowledge is power. you. pretend for a minute that you.
arguing with somebody. and then they brought out the truth. you couldn't argue with
the truth. so what would be an example of this. okay. example of this would be you
were cheating on your girlfriend. you are out with other girls, maybe you are.
whatever. and then you got mad at her. and she was like. wow, you go back and forth
and she was defending herself suddenly she stopped. and she said to you exactly the
people that you were cheating with, she knew the truth. imagine that for a second
she was like sandy,
agnes and janet and she gave you the exact time. date and location of the truth
she goes. you know, sunday night seven pm you at her house wearing that. imagine
what would happen to you if it was actually true. imagine it would be like. two
choices. one run. that's the feeling we would get. it's too much to confront if she
gave you exact time. place and date like this time at this place. this is what you
did. and it was exactly right. it was you knew because you do it was exactly right.
it would be so much it would be too much to confront and at that point you could
not say anything to her. if it was exactly the truth, you get that truth has a way
of just cutting on. this is why. people that bring it at a high level are killed on
the planet. quickly. because you could tell people about this and that and oh.
well, that's paint bunnies and whatever the fuck they do. but if someone gives you
the exact. time, date, location and information at that moment you. everything
flies out the window. everything flies out the window. if it's proven without a
doubt that the word easter comes from this word, this one, you look at every
dictionary, you look up every and you go, oh, that's what you start this it comes
from this god, is this word. oh, okay, why, and then you look at the the bunnies
and you go, what's the symbol of the bunny and where does it go, and which girls
have that and why do they and you go, okay, so and then you look at the egg and you
go. okay and and you keep giving them time, date, location data true, true, true,
true at some point if they keep watching one of two things as i have one, they have
to run cause they want to confront it just like if your girl gives you the exact
moment. it's too much. or two, you have to suck it up and say, okay, you're right.
at that moment, things change. at that moment, everything physically changes to.
you will totally have a different physical relationship without even being after
that guaranteed you'll act differently. you'll talk differently because they give
you exact truth. oh. alright, this is why people that are manipulating people all
the time need to have the lies. because exact truth. cuts everything and changes
the conditions of this universe like this. but truth starts here. okay. maybe
that's what we'll get into tonight and why am i telling you that because that is
above power is what we get. they say knowledge is power, but they can't define it.
this one, i just said is the knowledge that we seek true knowledge. this is what it
is. this is what it is. here's an example. they can't tell us what the fact that
pyramids are egyptian permits. there's so many books on it and so many theories.
yet none of this true. and how do i know, how do you know because when you come
across truth. it changes everything for you. you get it. you go well, and the
analogy is that if you're girl. or let's say you were doing drugs and your parents
found out as a child or something if they give you the exact moment, see, they
can't kind of get it because if they kind of get it, you still kind of move around
it. they have to tell you, look dude. at this time at this stage, this happened. so
there's a tv show called mystery diners. okay, we're gonna check that show out this
good one where they put up cameras in a in a restaurant that's losing business and
they catch their employees stealing and share and at the end they bring their
employee. and they have all the videos of of him stealing and doing this. and then
i at first do tell it. no, but my wife i don't know and then he gets into my rights
are violated and then he gets into but he'll justify but do you know how hard i've
worked for you and you don't even paying enough and then event it always ends up
being this one or two fuck this. i don't need this leaves, which is what happens
when you give shoot to somebody. exit. get out because too much you have to
confront. that's what you want. that's what you did, buddy or two. sometimes barely
the guy will break down and say, i'm so sorry, ma'am, so just give me another
chance. give me another chance, give me another. either way, just by presenting it
with the exact information his life is totally different after that physically he
cannot ever operate the same way in that environment. okay, this is the power of
the mind is the power of truth and this is why all of us are drawn towards
knowledge and want to know. but this is also why the knowledge on this planet has
been skewed and twisted and thrown in and and uh perverted. so that we can't see
the exact time location date on what the fuck happens because if we knew there
would be no more mystery of our lives and who we are and we would have no more fear
and we would live and we will be able to connect to the right. um. thoughts,
energies and we would be able to do what they did with electricity and all that.
and that's the path you see that. so anytime you're out there and you're suffering
when it comes to a woman or social dynamics, i can guarantee you missing an exact
time date, location data, you're missing the truth because if you had it. they
would walk with it and the world would change. it would just change. you would have
a different experience. it's not knowing it and having false information, right,
the first time a guy comes to a pick-up company and really like. gets that you
can't actually walk up to a beautiful girl and tell you a beautiful can i buy you a
drink? he doesn't believe that it's not real to him. when it becomes real to him
when he gets it, he sees the truth of it his whole life changes from that point
forward, he has a different relationship with women. he'll never be the same again.
never be the same again. you've heard me say those words. the only way that you're
gonna find and you're going to make the dramatic changes in your life is by finding
the exact information. that pertains to the subject that you want and keep.
shifting and sifting through it and finding more truth and more truth in the next
layer and the next layer and when you find it, you'll know and you gotta trust
yourself in this part. you'll know, how do you know. it feels different when it's
true. and the way to have an analogy is when someone confronts you with it and says
you are here doing this and imagine that we can all do the thought process and how
for a moment you would just freeze. nothing to say, nothing to do, scared. two
choices. fuck you, i don't eat this. and leave, which is what happens. people run
or okay. yeah. now, what are we gonna. okay. now what are we gonna do? you ever
catch a girlfriend genie on you and you will at some point, okay. if you haven't if
you have a girlfriend for a while, you'll. then. then be ready because when you
confront you with the truth. she'll most likely run or break down in. you know, and
then you have a choice figure out what you want to do before it happens because it
don't happen. i know it all riding. that's it for them. i will go into it tonight
more. maybe do you have any questions. questions, questions. did you get a good
text then i did it. okay, anything online. all right.

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