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Present Simple @ @ Write the verbs in the third person singular. 1 Ify~it 2... fliee, 4 I play - she - | 7 Ido-he ... 2 yourun- he 5 we hurry - he 8 yousee-he . 3 wecatch-she ........ 6 youstay-she .. 9 they take - he Pronunciation ® {2} Puttne verbs in the correct column in the third person singular. Listen and check. Listen and repeat. work play come walk swim visit ride watch talk faugn fish wash close open go dance drive sleep _ stay know teach gay Works, watches, @ Circle the correct form of the verb. 1 Chloe watch /(watches)TV every evening, 7 We live / lives in a big house 2 Our teacher read / reads lots of books. 8 The boys hate / hates fish 3 Dad go / goes to work by bus every morning. | 9 My mum wear / wears a uniform to work 4 drink / drinks lots of water. 0. He ride / rides his bike to school every moming. 5 Paulfly / flies his kite on windy days. 11. L usually fish / fishes in the river near my house, 6 The children play / plays in the park on 12 They are from Italy. They speak / speaks ‘Saturdays. Mtatian. | a Complete the sentences. Long Form Short Form doe: - not like apples. -doeett....... like apples. = Not work on Sundays. . -. work on Sundays. --- not help me, ++ Not drive fast. - not fly «+ help me. 7z Present Simple ® Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple. My friend ci , ba Be «+ (be) a beautiful animal with big eyes anda jong tails nate 3). su ana tee Bella and ieee... (love) people. it 5) (notskick) or bite. It 6) ........ « (be) very friendly. en (not/eat) meat. Horses {notllike) meat. Since it « (rain) a lot in England, Bella ee -- (Sleep) in a stable Cathy 12) - (Fide) her horse every day after school. She 13) ......0+.0+.0seesee+.0+» (not/ride) into the town because there 14) . : (be) a lot of traffic on the roads. There 15) ...... cesses (notibe) many cars in tthe country, so Cathy 16) . cssssseeeses (take) Bella there. WI) cee (novbe) easy looking after a horse but Cathy 18) «+ (enjoy) it very much! « (have) a horse. It @ Look at Ex. 5 again. Then mark the sentences as true (T) or false (F). Correct the false sentences. 1 Cathy has a dog. ee 4 Bella doesn't eat meat Cathy.doest't.have on haga horee...... . 5 Cathy takes Bella to the country. 2 Bella loves people. : 6 Horses sleep in a house. 3 Bella eats carrots. @ Ask and answer questions with your partner as in the example: 1 get up early 4 like sweets 7 watch TV 2 like pop music 5 goto bed late 8 drink milk 3 tidy your room 6 like fruit 1 & Doyouget.up ear 2 A: like.pop musi R Bp: Na. | dou't. | like.rock music. ete Present Simple @ 8 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the list. like (x2) live be travel make sing read go write This is Michael Johnson. He 1) 19... a famous tock star He 2) ......... in America. He 3)... all around the world and 4) ......... in rock concerts. He 5). 2.2... hls songs and 6) .......... hs own video clips. In his free time, he 7) staying at home listening to his CDs. At weekends, he usually 8) ......... to expensive restaurants with his friends. He also 9) --. alot of books about strange things. | can’t wait to see him perform live. 110) him so much. (Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple. A day in the life of a farmer John Fields 1) .../2.. . (be) a farmer. He 2) (get up) at 5 o'clock in the morning. He 3) (wash), 4) (get) dressed and 5) (have) breakfast. He 6 {put on) his coat and 7) (go) outside. He 8) (milk) the cows early in the morning. His wife and children 9) (not/get up) Aya//Nelp / her mum (often) CuVol ies yo omevan eters) 7 The eee itis eomcineeth 8 Josh and tidy / our rooms (always) 2 Use the words and adverbs of frequency to make true sentences about yourself. 1 wake up at 7:30 am 9, wake. Up At.7:20.AIh .. 2 be late for school 3 eu computer games 4 go jogging 5 goto bed at 100’ ‘o'clock 6 tidy my room «—& Present Continuous ) Add -ing to the verbs and put them in the correct column. Listen and repeat. drink = make sit begin fly cut bake take ~— drop te Ait shave play die sleep — meet type water @ Complete the sentences. Short Form feeding the dog. Long Form 1 He ... (9... feeding the dog. 2 They. reading, «reading. at: ~- fying, cose. flying, 4 We ‘not cleaning the floor. cleaning the floor. not crying. crying ® Write the questions and answers. 4 (ski?) m | 1 (laugh?) € -(g.¢he. lavahing?..... Ne. she. iantt. ow BNE COVIG 0 : Present Continuous e@ | @ Look at the picture and correct the sentences. 1 The man on the rock is eating a sandwich. . 7he.mav.on t. sandwich, He's fishing. . 2 The two boys on the beach are reading. . 3 The woman under the umbrella is playing with the sand 4 The baby is reading a newspaper. 5 The man under the umbrella is drinking some juice. 6 The two girls are fishing. . 3 Look at the picture and the list of verbs. Then complete the text using the present continuous. cook — play look snow stay — drink cd listen sleep sing el Dear Diary, it's Sunday, my favourite day of the week. | 1) 21"! sitting. in the living room and 12) 6s. ses-9* . at my big happy family. cess tea, My dad 4) 6.000 eee20 dinner. with the karaoke machine. to the boys singing but yandfather 7) - . The girls 8) « _ Pescara vey con) + . outside, so we Af) -1-bes--+.-- at home tonight. I's OK, though, because we fave lots of fun together. I ove my big noisy family so much! Bs Present Simple vs Present Continuous 8 Write sentences as in the example: 2a pilot, : foday, riding a} a Choose the correct item. 1 Look at him! He ...... a horse. A rides B riding ©)is riding 2 He usually ...... tennis in the afternoon. A plays B play C ispiaying 3 What ...... inthe kitchen, Mum? A doyou 8 areyoudoing © you do 4 She ...... dinner now. A isn't having C don't have B doosn't have 5 He ...... comic books every day. A read B isreading C reads 6 Be quiet! The baby . . A sleep B sleeps —C is sleeping 7 cscs. he like exercising? A Do B Does Cis 8 Look! The dog ...... with the ball A playe Bie playing © are playing & ] 40 Past Simple | Pronunciation a 8) Add -ed to the verbs and put them in the correct column. Listen and check. Listen and repeat. count arrive close regret push wait faugh kiss hurry watch rob start travel post open —look cook add end tidy change ry c a a nT TTA @ Look at the list of irregular verbs at the back of the book and complete the table. ae 1 90 went, feat atm, on io oie aC 2 have Te irre oe st0le: 22 leave Secor 13. drink 23. shine stone 4 be Gaia rion oan put Zann became 5 wake 15 make 25 hear 6 26 a 7 28 Past Simple 10 We use the Past Simple: si] * for actions which finished at a Stated time in the past. ‘She went to school by bus yesterday. (When? Yesterday) * for actions that happened one after the other. First he had breakfast and then he left for work. Time expressions used with the past simple: yesterday, then, lastnight / week / month / year, a week/month / year ago, two days ago, in 2003, when, etc. @ Ask and answer questions about what these people did/dicin’t do yesterday. Then ask your partner questions to fill in the table about him/her. Su ERC aks ee Rega 1 Peter / go for a walk? 2 Peter / play golt? 3 Peter / write a letter? w 4 Mr and Mrs Page / play golf? .... 5 Mrand Mrs Page / wash the car? ® Look at what Maria did and didn't do last Sunday. Then write sentences. wake up late (X) have lunch with her grandparents (x) do her homework (7) take her dog, Fluffy, out for a walk (Vv) ‘speak to her friend, Mary (X) help her mother make dinner (V) 1 4 5 g 6 @ Use the time expressions below to write true sentences about yourself. three months ago yesterday last weekend in 2008 last Tuesday 1 pop.concert. three... 3 4 Present Simple vs Past Simple @ og Write what Edward usually does and what he did yesterday. Oo 2:20 pin. but yeoterday,.he..... finighed work at, © eat / dinner / restaurant, © 90 / bed / early © go/bed / late © eat / dinner / home co) Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the past simple. 1 We went (go) to the beach last weekend. ) (your mum/make) a chocolate cake yesterday? 3 Dad ces esee+ (Notiwork) ‘on Sundays. ees ncaa (not/come) to the party last Saturday. 5 My cousins us every weekend. {novvisity 6 : (Julia/wear) jeans to school yesterday? 7 The children always (do) their homework in their rooms. 8 ooscsssees (Send) Ciaire an email yesterday afternoon, Complete the sentences with the time expressions from the list. atthe moment always 1 We watched a really good film at the cinema 2 Iwent to a beautiful exotic island 3 My mother does the shopping 4 Lemworking . 5 She yesterday lastnight every week _last summer night. The weather was very hot. | can't come with you. brushes her teeth before she goes to bed at night. 6 Hels upset because he failed his driving test 4Ao-b Present Perfect @ We use the present perfect: ‘© for recent actions or states, or for actions which happened at an unstated time in the past. ‘The Smiths have bought a new house. (When did they buy it? We don't know.) © for actions or states which began in the past and continue up to the present. ‘She has been a student at this schoo! for two years. (She came to this school two years ago and she is still here ) @ Write the past participles of the following verbs. 10 break A HOM cas cenecers 7 artive ...eseee.. $10 break ......-..- 5 clean . 8 put 11 make . 6 Gke 2. >.. 9 leave 12 run . @ Complete the sentences as in the example: Long Form Short Form a2... Cleaned the house. « cleaned the house. . not worked hard. «+++» Worked hard. nls visited them several times. Visited them several times. 4 She . « «+ Not finished yet. finished yet. 5 They ... talked tohim. | | They ...0-ssceeseeeeees talked to him. @ Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect. + denny .. (go) to bed. él. - (nitisee) this film 2 The boys . . (not/eat) their. | 7 Thedog. (be) in the brealfast garden all dey B.. . (buy) anew bag. | 8 Chloe . (visit) her - (not/brush) his grandparents twice this week hair yet 9 Mum and Dod ... . .. (do) § lisa... (send) an email the shopping. to her cousin. 10 Nikos . (notihave) a shower. ack Tr Present Perfect Questions and short answers Questions Have lwe/youithey finished? Has he/she/it finished? ‘Yes, I/we/youlthey have, No, \Wweiyoulthey haven't. Yes, he/she/it has. No, he/shejt hasn't Short answers | @ write questions and answers as in the example: Prey ee eee v Tony & Beth a v Ci) Cie) v v 1 Has. Janice.ever. visited Brazil? No, ahe.bagtie. Has Janice evar tried..... sushi? Yee, she, bas, | have already cooked dinner. Have you already eaten? yet is used in questions and neaations at the end of the sentence. Have you spoken to him yet? | haven't spoken to him yet. just is used in statements before the main verb. | have just finished my homework. how long Is used in questions. How long have you known Jim? ever is used in statements and questions. Have you ever visited Paris? Its the most beautiful city | have ever visited 4m Time expressions used with the present perfect: ] already is used in statements and questions. | recently is used mainly in statements before the main verb. He has recently bought a new car so far is used mainly in statements at the end of the sentence, I've typed ten letters so far. never is used in statements but it has a negative meaning. | have never seen a lion. since is used to express a starting point in the past. She's been il sine Monday. I ian ia ieee esereee al perscdlt nied | She's Leen Il for two days, Present Perfect Ty ® Write what Mrs Wood has already done or hasn't done yet. She haan’ takel he haant. map, ea the, » anon > Now say what you have already done or not done yet. ® Write for or since. . six days Tian --. twoyears $11 eee awhole day | 12 1 = 7 4 + AINGE... 2002 SF ofits twoweeks | Q ..sccceceeee syesterday | 6 ..........-.lastmonth {10 . k some three hours: Monday my birthday .. last weekend » Use five phrases and make true sentences about yourself. @ Fill in the gaps with how long, ever, never, just, already, for and yet. 14 A: Have you ....CV@r... been to London? 5 A: \mafraid have ............ visited the B: No, Ihave . . .!6¥¢ .. been there. Melbourne Museum and I've been in 2 A Have you seen the Parthenon Melbourne for a whole year. B: Yes, Ihave ......++ seen it It's, amazing) ; B: Really?! ae its tariasticl 3 A: Has Damien gone skiing? | 6 A: ........ have youand Ben been friends? B: No, he hasn't. He doesn't lke it B: We'vebeenfiiends ........ twelve years. 4 & IsAkimathome, .. - please? | 7 A:|have............ cooked dinner. B: No, I'mafraid he’s gone out. B: That's good because | haven't eaten A-h& and I'm really hungry. @ Present Perfect vs Past Simple | Present Perfect vs Past Simple We use the present perfect: We use the past simple: © for recent actions or states, or for © for actions or states which finished actions which happened at an ata stated time in the past. unstated time in the past. bought this bicycle five years ago. Ihave bought a new bicycle. (When did he buy it? Five years ago) | (When cid he buy it? We don't know) stated time unstated time * foractions or states which began in | * for actions or states which finished past and continue up to the present. in the a | have been a teacher for two years. | was a student fourteen years ago. (He is stil a teacher.) (He isn't a student now. Hes teacher.) J) Time expressions used with the present Time expressions used with the past perfect: simple: | just, ever, never, already, yet, always, how long, _ yesterday, last night / week / month / year, ago, so far, for, since, recently, etc. then, when, in 2004, ete. 8 ircle the correct item. 1. haven't tidied my room just / 7 Billy took a test already / three days ago. 2 Wewent to the cinema already /yesterday. | 8 Tonia has sent twenty invitations yesterday / 3. Helen has already / yet had her breakfast so far. 4 The children have never / ever been to Italy. _ 9 She hasn't watched any new films yesterday / 5 {didn't play football yet / last weekend. recently. 6 I sent you an email two days already / ago | 10 Has Ben gone to school then / yet? but you haven't replied Fill in the gaps with yet, ago, ever, last night, for or since. 1. My father went to Spain two days . .221 4 Have you seen an elephant? 2 He has known her 2001 5 We went to bed at 10 o'clock 3. She hasn't finished her work .........- 6 He has lived in Madrid ........ ten years a:b Present Perfect vs Past Simple @ ® Choose the correct item. Ins sees anew dress yesterday 6 She ...... married in 2008. A buy (B) bought A has got B got have bought C have got 2 She anything since 9 o'clock this | 7 Jane painting. morning, A always like B always has liked A hasn't eaten B ate C has always liked ¢ didn't eat 8 |...... TV last night. 8 Ho... to school last week. He was ill A didn't watch B haven't watched A hasn't gone B went € hasn't watched € didn't go 9 They ...... their homework yet. 41...... sucha delicious cake. A have finished B haven't finished A have never eaten B have ever eaten ¢ finished C never ate 10 Last year, the Smiths ...... to Australia. ros you ...... me last night? A have gone B went A Have, called B Do, call € have never gone Did, call W Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the present perfect. 1 Kevin... hae. lost... (lose) his keys. He .....Jeft...... (leave) them on the bus yesterday. 21 . (not/play) tennis since | was at school but |... (be) very ood at it back then. 3 Mr and Mrs Little +» (visit) Egypt. They ...... cesseees (Qo) there on holiday in 2007. 4k. = you . ssseessees (Choose) a dress for the party yet? BYes, ow) one yesterday. 5A. y = (see) any new films lately? B:Yes, | (wate) the new James Bond film last week. Blithnkeurteacher (forget) about the test! He... (novsay) anything about it in the last lesson! 7 Sarah ......-..-++.++++ (break) her leg. She (fall) off a horse last week. (you/sell) your house yet? (see) it last month and (buy) t (finish) decorating my room. | ............++.- (Paint) it last week and (put up) the new curtains last night (lose) their cat. It vo veeeces (tun) away last week. 47h a2 Past Continuous @ Look at the picture and write what was happening when the lights went out. What was each person doing? Use the verbs to describe the pictures. sleep on the sofa talk on the phone listen to music watch television eat a snack at the dinner table read a book 1 Grandfather .Grandfather.was reading a kook when, the. lighte wert Out... 2 Hakim and Amir 3 Mum 4 Grandmother 5 Alisha 6 Dad @ Oliver was at camp last Wednesday. Look at his schedule. What was he doing at: “TAS am? — 80am? 12:45 pm*?—_4:00 pm? 7.00 pm? 1 A: What.wae. Qliver.doing at.7:46 an.. __ Wedresday April 23rd 1 7:30 am - 8:00 am: hai breakfast ‘i Note: aii = before noon, pin = after noon > In pairs, say what you were doing yesterday at these times. Ack Past Continuous 2 Write sentences using the prompts below and the past continuous. Then identify the use of the past continuous. © simultaneous actions ® action in progress interrupted by another © action in progress at a stated time in the past (Johnflisten music/his parents/watch TV) John, was, listening. to ® Form questions using the past continuous as in the example. Then answer the questions about yourself. 4 you / play football / at 3 o'clock yesterday? | 3 you /talk / on phone / at 8 o'clock yesterday aying Foote: evening? A B. 2 you have lunch / at 2 o'clock yesterday 4. you | watch / DVD / last Saturday morning? altemoon? Armadale et BR A In pairs, think of one thing you were doing yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock and one lie about what you were doing yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Toll your partner. Your partner has to quess which one is the lie. Student A: Yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock, I was writing a book. Yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock, Iwas doing my homewok. ‘Student B: You weren't writing a book! Student A: That's right! t's your tum now. / Shall’) 43) The Future (‘Be going to’ / ‘Wi food Listen and repeat. Then act out. Th learning about What are you doing? eeeeesmummmmmmesel mind reading. I'm really good, r I'l probably be rich and famous one ne day. Will vs Be going to Will is used Be going to is used * to express on-the-spot decisions. * to express things already decided in It's cold. I'l close the window. the near future. He is going to fly to Rome tomorrow. | © to express intentions and plans. * to express hopes, threats, predictions, ete. I think it will rain tomorrow. | He likes acting. He Is going to be an actor. © to express a prediction or a future © when there is evidence that something event that is or is not certain to will definitely happen. happen. Watch out! You're going to fall. He will probably win the race. (prediction) She will be twelve next month. (future event) in the gaps with the correct form of will or be going to. Then act out the exchanges. 1A: What do you want ta do when you fish | 5 a. youtave anciler piece of cake? school? B: No, thank you. I've already had two pieces. B: 1171 golng. C0. ... be a dancer. 6 A:Do you want to go to the park this 2 A‘ | think that house over there is on fire! afternoon? B: Ohno! phone the fire brigade B: Icantt | - visit my grandparents 3 A: My tea is not sweet enough. 7 A: This box is very heavy! -« get you some sugar. Bajecstiecs.: . camry it for you. 4 & Have you finished your homework yet? | 8 AL ccesececesee «. you open the B: No, but! ............ stay up late and window, please? finish it B: No, it's too cold in here. 4-h 413, The Future (‘Be going to’ / ‘Will’ / ‘ShalP’) 10) Match the sentences to the pictures. Then label the situations as in the example: © Fye-getatocthache ti galig i eoc-rryteftiot © She's going to have a bath. © Get up or you will be late for school. © It’s very hot. til open the window. © I think it will rain all night. © like aeroplanes. I'm going to be a pilot intention evidence on-the-spot decision prediction 3 BRAIN GYM What will your life be like in twenty years? How old will you be? Where will you live? In 3 minutes write in your notebook as many predictions as you can. Then tell the class. 4=-b The Future (‘Be going to’ / ‘Will’ / ‘Shall’) @ ri) Complete the sentences by using the verbs in brackets and shall/will or the correct form of be going to. Craig: Hey Mark! What 1) ...2"2 you. going. te do... (youldo) during hal-tetrn? Mark: You 2) . (Not believe) it but 13)... « (visit) Switzerland! Craig: Really? That's so exciting! Switzerland is great. I'm sure you 4) .. «s+ (love) it! Mark: | think so, too. My family and 15) .. (ctay) at a hotel near the Swiss Alps _ Craig: Wow! Mark: Yeah, it's great. 16) ...........-..-... (play) in the snow every day. My brother and | BAEEO . scx os - (try) to learn how to ski Craig: You're so lucky. | wish | could go with you. Mark: Maybe you can. 8) .......- (Vask) my parents? Craia: Definitely! Mark: OK, then. 19)... (talk) to them tonight. Craig: Great! Mark: | think we should go to class now or we 10) .. Craig: You're right. Let’s go. Wouiti a2 Write a dialogue between you and your friend in which you make plans for your summer holidays. Use Ex. 11 as a model.

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