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NMIMS Global Access

School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)

Course: Management Theory and Practice

Internal Assignment Applicable for December 2021

Table of Contents
Q.1.............................................................................................................................................. 3

Answer ....................................................................................................................................... 3

Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 3

Concept and Analysis ............................................................................................................ 3

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 6

Q.2.............................................................................................................................................. 7

Answer ....................................................................................................................................... 7

Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 7

Concept and Analysis ............................................................................................................ 7

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 9

Q.3 a ......................................................................................................................................... 10

Answer ..................................................................................................................................... 10

Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 10

Concept and Analysis .......................................................................................................... 10

Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 11

Q.3 b......................................................................................................................................... 12

Answer ..................................................................................................................................... 12

Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 12

Concept and Analysis .......................................................................................................... 12

Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 14

References ................................................................................................................................ 15


SWOT is a four-letter word formed from the initials of each letter. Swot is an abbreviation
for "strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats." Opportunities = letters of
opportunity, while threats are depicted more by letter T. Flaws are depicted by the letter
W, while advantages are displayed by the letter O. SWOT analysis helps us identify but
also evaluate our strengths and weaknesses. An evaluation technique rather than a word
used to identify areas for improvement in an organisation or person's effectiveness.
Concept and Analysis

It is beneficial for both new but also businesses to conduct a SWOT analysis. The SWOT
Analysis helps a business see its advantages and disadvantages up front. There will always
be plusses and minuses to starting a new business. Those who already have a business
can, however, see both possibilities and challenges. Swot of your competing companies'
weak points can lead to a competitive advantage over your rivals. Once you've recognised
your contenders' strengths, you can use them to improve one’s strategy of the company.
When dealing with an enemy, you should always be one step ahead of them. You can
continue taking care to minimize danger, and you can alter the series of events once they
have begun. Work harder when you know your company inside and out. The head of state
or another senior executive is typically in charge of this.

Many internal elements have contributed to Nestle's long-term success.

This makes up Nestle's strengths

• Nestle has an appearance in 187 countries, that aids in the country's success. In the
local ecology, the brand name has been around for over 150 years. They have quite
a global presence since their product is sold in so many countries.
• Increasing Nestle's cash flow increased to CHF 11.9 billion in 2019 from CHF
11.9 billion in 2018, an increase of 10.9%. It can also mean that a strong financial
position allows the company to invest more and grow faster.
• efficiency throughout the entire supply chain Because of this, nestle encourages
local creativity while incorporating cutting-edge technology and improving the
traceability of the building ingredients used in its goods. As a matter of fact, the
business expects to save a significant amount on operational expenses. As a result
of utilising science among all touchpoints and entrepreneurialism through
collaboration with local characters, nestle does seem to be able to be successful
more quickly but then in line with appropriate requirements. The ability to produce
more innovative ideas in less time This year, nestle expects to cut science-to-
technology delays by 30% while launching 50 new innovative projects.
• Using big data has allowed Nestle to become nimbler and more effective in areas
like social media and e-commerce. Nestle has also made a financial commitment
to the digital transformation underway. Due to this, customers are happy than
before because they can meet their specific requirements. Nestle used i.e. in 2019
to alter 70 ecologies and tailor 20% of its customers to the individual.

Weaknesses in Nestle's business model

• Despite Nestle's dominance, there are very few holes which have to be filled.
You can clearly see Nestle's flaws:
• The failure of Nestle to adequately put and sell goods has resulted in harsh
criticism from customers all over the world. Long have people in less
industrialized economies purchased childbearing baby milk.
• Many individuals became ill as a result of the product being made by mothers
who were not properly trained and using polluted water. Nestle has shifted
away from a regionally dispersed corporate structure in favour of one related
to product holdings.
• It's difficult to react quickly when there's a big gap between choice and
functions. It's octenyl a major roadblock once it tends to come to growing the
company. Thus, Nestle's marketing expenses soar, raising the likelihood of a
customer sending back a product in the process Due to upcoming changes,
Nestle's long strategy will be unworkable.

Nestle has a lot of opportunity.

Everything is now more interrelated than ever before in today's dynamic environment. It
offers a plethora of chances for personal and professional development for everyone
involved. I'll give you a sample of a few:
• Customers now have access to an unprecedented amount of relevant data. As the
internet becomes more widely used, it will be beneficial to increase transparency.
Encouraging customers to know more about where ones basic needs come from
and who provided those supplier sources is one way to improve transparency.
Thus, the customer has a better sense of belonging and trust in the business.
• Increasing the coalition's ability to cut costs, make it more efficient, as well as
properly utilise labour will be easier with integration and protracted operational
processes. Things go right and fabrication can save money over the long term by
simplifying procedures.
• Nestle sees rising average annual income as a potential for advancement in Asia,
Oceania, but also Parts of Africa. By having to introduce current products, the
company's providing can be augmented, resulting in a better involvement and
higher revenues.
• Nestle's products have the potential to expand into new industries outside of food
and beverage, making it imperative that the company expands its investments.
Nestle could profit from strategic alliances such as those formed and via mergers
if it wants to go beyond f&b. By 2024, the new tech industry is expected to grow
at a 6% CAGR.

Nestle is under threat.

There are numerous dangers in this environment because it is constantly changing.

Disruptions, new technology, and continuing breakthroughs all contribute to change.
Nestle needs to keep an eye on these things if it wants to keep growing:

✓ Numerous Nestle products' natural resources are changing owing to the dynamic
surroundings. Raw materials like coffee, grains, and milk are all affected by
climate change. The effect on Nestle's lengthy growth is highly probable.
✓ Investing options are extremely limited if you can't connect with a large product
run band. The company runs the risk of losing both name recognition and a
significant sum of money.
✓ Nestle's reputation and consumer confidence have taken a hit in the past because
of violations of food safety standards. One example is Maggi in India, which failed
a lab tests and so as an outcome lost some of its customer base.
✓ Nestle's product line now faces greater competition from many of the
multinational firms and regional players. Because of new technologies and market
changes, nestle is continuously in fearful of missing its existing customers.

As with marketers, who are constantly up against the contest and are required to conduct
SWOT analyses for their non-profits, this is the case. Companies must overcome
challenges while maintaining focus on their internal capabilities. Because of this, nestle
now has a geographic reach as well as an ever-expanding service offering. As a result,
they have narrowed their focus to their core competencies and are better positioned for
the future. Nestle, on the other hand, must remain alert and try to rectify its flaws as the
seasons change.


Companies have a plethora of options when it comes to establishing their brand. Lean
manufacturing and just-in-time supply chains are both effective business practises right
now. Even though they are often used interchangeably, there is a distinction between the
two terms. Using JIT procedures allows companies to develop products faster while also
saving money. However, these advantages come with higher risks. A JIT-based
organisation in order for JIT of being successful, suppliers' finances must be closely
integrated. An estimated average potency stipulation may seriously damage companies.
Concept and Analysis

Milligrams Motors' Swot analysis shows the firm's advantages, disadvantages,

opportunities, and threats (SWOT). ITC India's leading business conglomerate with a
wide range of activities. There are vertical factory segments throughout agriculture as well
as in the ITC industry. Each industry has its own, whether it's in FMCG or hotel

▪ Inside an effort to cut stockpile and operating costs, MG engines introduced the
Jit 50 years ago.
▪ By lowering potential costs, the JIT experimental proof every stage of both the
▪ We could buy in small batches more frequently without having to keep a large
level of inventory. fifty years ago, MG electric motors presented the JIT concept
to combat a cost-cutting strategy aimed at reducing inventory. The system worked
perfectly once "Just in Pretty much any time" modules were implemented (instead
of stock).
▪ The JIT operation analyses each stage of the power generation process. it includes
through order to lower costs and delays.
▪ Smaller, more frequent commands with same parts were placed that rather than
large, one-time buying. During using "Within only Time" (JIT) constituents
instead of stock, Toyota cut order production schedule but also production costs
in half. Even so, JIT's victory was far from over when it came to this point. The
tactic has distributed throughout the manufacturer due to its success in other parts
of the facility.

As a result of a smaller pipeline current assets, transportation costs were reduced.

Toyota's buying lead time must have been cut in half as either a result of JIT, or the
company saved money on production. It wasn't over yet for JIT. Due to its success in other
fields since its opening, the strategy is now becoming a production rule.

LEAN: Lean manufacturing is characterised by a concentration on the needs of the

customers. To better serve people, instead of just cutting prices, an emphasis is placed on
what they want or even every step of the sense is painstakingly reviewed

Lean thinking, for example, involves integrating persons from customer services in into
manufacturing. Relevant stakeholders there in JIT method are prioritised both on shop
floor and throughout supply chain. When manufacturers interact directly with the
customer and offer new platforms for customers to discover about their products,
everyone benefits. WDC predicts that half of makers will collaborate directly with the
customers by 2019 on new and improved potential projects using fog sourcing, Virtuality,
or product virtualisation. Simple logic dictates that taking such steps is a wise move.
According to IDC, organisations can increase current output by 25% by taking this step.

Choosing between lower prices and more options

The distinction among lean & traditional manufacturing techniques must be understood
as well. JIT was initially intended for procedures that only needed a single item to be
produced. Processes will become more rigid in order to meet manufacturing's changing
needs, necessitating the hiring of workers with much more unique technologies. It's
possible to construct in medium and big quantities depending on the market demand
thanks to lean. Lean is more adaptable because of this. Product innovations necessitate a
production process that is flexible enough to work well under pressure without the use of
specialised machinery. All employees must be aware of the overall structure of the
business. Instead of interacting outside of the plant, labourers collaborate with marketing
experts and other industry sources. JIT brings like-minded individuals together to share
resources and save money. Other advantages, such as improved durability, will be more
appealing to customers. This review is performed to verify that now the item's long-term
viability will be assured. A costly, but lengthy, component is included in the final
company to satisfy customer expectations.

Workers in this location have already begun devising ways to make the company run more
smoothly. A group's activities can be examined and treated effectively by utilising JIT and
Lean. Many times, technology is needed both in the storeroom and also on the shopfloor
(via JIT or process improvement).
Q.3 a


Gov'ts must put safety of about their citizens first in light of COVID-19's huge influence.
The share market will see sales increase if investors keep their focus on macroeconomic
profitability. And as a result, we're working round-the-clock on studying the effects of
extreme storms on our hotel firm's tourist clients.
Concept and Analysis

The impact just on Indian hotel industry in political terms will be significant:

The Indian hotel industry is anticipating a "far wider" 2020 after a successful year in 2019.
COVID- end of February/beginning of March 19 civil unrest outbreaks have been reported
and around world in April 2020, with repercussions felt across the continent. This week,
hotel vacancies in major cities may have fallen by as much as 60%, based on our
projections. This is the steepest decline in the company's history, and it won't last.
Everything could be out of control by the outset of the year. Rather than increasing their
prices, hoteliers should offer huge discounts to remain competitive.

As accommodation falls from 16.7 to 19.3 basis points in 2021, Agents are expected to
fall by 7 including a half percent annually. As a result of this change, RevPAR could very
well drop from 31% to 36.2%.

Simply looking at the financial impact on India's hotel industry is significant:

This same pandemic's financial repercussions have been catastrophic. For the time being,
most experts believe this pandemic will induce the most financial harm to the United

▪ Economists now expect a deep crisis in 2020 for the first time but since financial
crisis of 2008. Although the disease was quickly contained, the number of cases
is still rising, with global ramifications and last until the end of the year. When
something like this happens, it has the potential to cause global economic
▪ As occupancy in US hotels has fallen by 59% since 2007, tourist industry and
around entire planet are starting to suffer. This will have a huge place in the Indian
hotel alone. By 2020, the current average return (ADR) will indeed be significantly
lower, and supply, desire, and earnings per available space will all be decreasing.
▪ GDP is expected to rise significantly in the second period after falling sharply in
the first half. Even though the economy is growing at a faster pace, there is still
some uncertainty. Because of the current state of the economy, hotels must
consider how shifts in their operations and organization structure may actually
affect their cashflow in their banks.

There is a severe lack of interest in Indian hotels as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Travel advisories are currently in effect for a number of countries around the world.
Q.3 b


There is no single solution to every problem, so the management financial settlement is

based on this idea. There's always the chance that something unexpected will happen in
the future, and that's what we mean by continuity. A business must be flexible enough to
adapt to changing conditions while still upholding its core values in order to thrive. Rather
than focusing solely on their daily tasks, managers should consider the big picture.
Judgement call must consider all these factors prior to actually deciding. and the same is
true here.
Concept and Analysis

Because there isn't a single best option, it's simple to see how backstop links into the
predicament concept. The situation - specific point of view, on the other hand, is more
concerned with the party's stance than the situation itself.

▪ Many factors influence theoretical framework. The business has a significant

effect on the capacity to adapt to its own outdoors, or its qualities and other traits.
▪ Resources but instead operational operations have wide qualitative inequities.

Made assumptions concerning managers' abilities to use technology

Changing climate as well as difficulties, able to work technologies, and company size all
have an impact on an organisation's success. Mechanical creations that emphasise
uniformity, consistency, and requirements are available even before functioning in a
stable environment because they improve efficiency. Self-belief and consistency are
important for policy and regulatory oversight implementation. External factors like
climate conditions and barriers, able to work new tech, and company size influence how
effective diverse corporate models are. For the sake of simplicity and dependability, stable
advanced centralized management, high formalization, common standards, or explanation
in their design aspects Where there is continuity and certainty, policies, standards, and
processes can help guide daily choice. Natural resources focus federalism even though
they increase adaptability in volatile environments. You need a broader strategy for
dealing with uncertainties in non-routine employment and events because they are more
complex. Separating environmental organisations is a good idea, as per Paul Green and
Jay Lorsch. A company's ability to act effectively within its divisions can be influenced
by the surrounding environment. Collaboration is becoming increasingly critical in the
effort to close institutional gaps. As according to Joan Woodward's investigation,
manufacturers using different operational methods had a wide range of leadership roles,
tenure but also staff degree days (include small and specialised).

In this study, investigators looked at the differences in organizational effectiveness and

organisational imbalances and found that some institutions are perfectly adapted for a
variety of job technology than others.

There was a widespread belief that blue-collar labourers didn't have to alter their
interactions with factory workers because they could simply get on with their work. On
either hand, scientists were quick to notice the prevalence of large-scale industrial
operations trying to take us and around the world.

Involving retail workers in choice has produced exceptional results in ongoing

improvement for Chinese industries.

Routine decision-making procedures for everyday problems and responsibilities.

Unsteady settings benefit most from organic structures, because those who highlight
federalization and thus improve resilience.

➢ Semi projects necessitate broad sense solutions to fix them because of uncertainty
and unpredictable outcomes. According to Paul Tan and Jay Lorsch's book, enviro
organisations should be divided up into multiple divisions. The characteristics of
an internal company unit evolve over time.
➢ As the gap between the rich and the poor widens, collaborative effort becomes
more important. Joan Henderson, for illustration, found that management
thresholds, management lengths, but instead employee diplomas varied
throughout larger companies when looking at makers of different working
inventions. Some groups, they found, are better suited to utilising a broad range
variety of job tech than other groups. They looked into the distinct organizational
planning and corporate disparities.
➢ Instead of changing their diet while dealing to turquoise workers, management
assumed they could just do their work opportunities without trying to think.
Investigators in industrial and agricultural theory believe that there are many
highly participatory fabrications events occurring in the world, per this theory.
Japan's manufacturing firms have consistently outperformed the global average
thanks to strong employer participation.

Theory-based on scenarios emerged as an alternative to theory-based on features. To say

Festinger was a ground breaker in his sector would be an exaggeration. Numerous factors
influence the effectiveness of various leadership styles. According to Fiedler's theories, a
leader's official title, organisation culture, and organizational factors all have an influence
on the workplace environment. It's rare to find an excellent leader who isn't both task- and

Van der Vorst, J. G. A. J. (2004). Supply Chain Management: theory and practices.
In Bridging Theory and Practice (pp. 105-128). Reed Business.

Bratton, J., & Gold, J. (2017). Human resource management: theory and practice.

Lakhal, L., Pasin, F., & Limam, M. (2006). Quality management practices and their
impact on performance. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management.

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