Ulangan Harian B.Inggris Kelas 9 (Narrative Text)

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Materi : Narrative Text
Kelas / Semester : IX / 2 Waktu : .......................

A. Choose the right answer by crossing a, b, c, or d!

Questions 1 to 3 refer to the following text.
Once upon a time, there was an old snake who was too weak to hunt for frogs. Then, he had an ide to trap
the frogs. He went to a pond full of frogs and relaxed on the bank without any intention to hunt. At first the frogs
ran away, but then they approached him. The frog king asked, "O Snake! Why don't you hunt us as usual?"
The snake replied, "Last night I bit a holy priest. He cursed me that from then on, I have to serve frogs.
So, I lie here to give a ride on my back to any frog who needs service." Then, the king decided to take a ride. The
snake rode him around the pond and the king was very pleased. However, the next morning, when the king frog
asked to ride on the snake back, he said, "I am too weak to crawl. I have not eaten for so long, and must eat
something to be strong to give you a ride.
The frog king decided that they must take turns to serve the snake, one frog each day to keep him strong.
From then onwards, the snake gave rides to the frogs, and got to eat one frog every day. However, the king of
frogs was too excited that he did not realise the frogs were rapidly decreasing. Finally, one day, the snake also
ate the king and the entire frogs in the pond were gone.
1. What is the main point of the story?
a. How the old snake got cursed
b. How the snake befriended with the frogs
c. How the old snake fooled and ate the frogs
d. How the frog king got rid of the snake

2. What adjective best describe the king?

a. Wise
b. Thoughtful
c. Thoughtless
d. Intelligent

3. “The frog king decided that they must serve the snake .... “ (Last paragraph)
a. satisfy
b. work for
c. control
d. look for
Questions 4 to 9 refer to the following text.

The Three Brothers

Once upon a time , there were three young brothers who lived with their father in a small village Their
father was old and always sick. The old man knew that he was not going to live long, so he tried to divide his
wealth among his sons .
"Listen, sons. I'm going to leave you this small hut and that small farmland out there for all of you. The
buffalo is for you, Kimo,' said the old man to his first son "What about me, Father?" asked Beno, the second son
"You can take care of our plough," said the old man. "And you my little son, I give you this small bag of rice
seed." Thank you, Father," said Gito, the third son.
*All of you can change your destiny with all the things I give you. However, you must help each other
and remember that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west," muttered the old man. Those were the last words
from the old man to his sons. A few hours later, the old man passed away
The day after the old man died, Kirno went to the market to sell his buffalo. Gito ran after him, trying to
remind him about their father's will, which asked them to help each other. But, Kimo ignored him. Beno also sold
the plough and enjoyed the money himself. Kimo and Beno did nothing but spend their money.
Gito was very upset, but he wanted to become a good farmer like his father. So, he borrowed a plough
from his neighbour. He had to plough the farmland by himself because he did not have any buffaloes. He worked
so hard from sunrise until sunset.
After seven years of working hard, Gito became a successful farmer. But he was not happy because he
kept thinking of his brothers. He looked for his brothers everywhere, but still he could not find them. One day,
Gito went into town to buy some farming equipment. When he was about to leave the shop, a beggar asked him
for some money and a pickpocket tried to take his wallet. These people were actually Gito's brothers. Gito
recognised them at once. Feeling very happy, Gito quickly hugged them.
In the end, Gito told them that he had become a successful farmer. He also invited them to stay in his
house. Kirno and Beno felt ashamed before Gito. They realised that they had made a terrible mistake in the past.
4. How many children did the farmer have?
a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. Five

5. When the old man said, “ ... the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.”he probably meant that he wanted
his children to ....
a. wake up early and sleep early
b. be careful of a sunlight
c. worship the sun
d. work hard

6. “ ... a beggar asked him for some ....” (Paragraph 6). The underlined word means a person who ...
a. lives by asking people for money
b. has limited money and food
c. always begs for food
d. has a lot of loans
7. How did Kino and Beno spend their money?
a. Wisely
b. Slowly
c. Carefully
d. Carelessly

8. How did Gito feel when he met Kino and Beno?

a. Shameful
b. Upset
c. Happy
d. Angry

9. Which of the following proverbs goes with the story?

a. No pain, no gain
b. Don’t cry over spilt milk
c. Honesty is the best policy
d. One good turn deserves another

Questions 10 to 13 refer to the following text.

Sleeping Beauty
The king and queen were celebrating the birth of their only daughter. The fairies of the kingdom came to
the palace to celebrate the newborn baby. And as tradition required, each one gave a gift to the child. But, as the
youngest fairy was about to bestow her gift upon the baby, a witch came in. The witch was very angry because
she hadn't been invited to the party
"One day, the princess will prick her finger on a spindle and die!" She shouted bitterly. "No!" Intervened
the youngest fairy, 'instead, she will sleep for a hundred years. The youngest fairy did not have the power to
cancel the witch's spell, but she could change the spell and help the princess
The following day, the king ordered his people to burn any spindles in the kingdom He thought by doing
so, he could save the princess from the curse. Time passed. The king and queen were happy to see their daughter
grow up happily and healthily.
One sunny spring day, the princess took a walk, together with her lady companions. The lady companions
were so busy talking that they didn't see the princess opening an old wooden door, full of curiosity, "Well" said
the princess, "I've never been here before." After going up a long light of stairs, the princess found a room with
an old woman spinning with a spindle. The young lady had never seen one before and was very curious!
The princess went in and asked, "What are you doing, old lady? "I’m spinning a spindle. Come nearer
and you'll be able to do it. I’ll show you how. Soon after the lady companions found the young princess lying on
the floor. When they saw the spindle, they immediately understood what had happened
"Oh, no! She has pricked her self! The young princess has pricked herself and will now sleep for one
hundred years!" they cried. The king ordered the princess to be taken to the best room in the palace and sent his
messengers to find the youngest fairy. When the youngest fairy came, she waved her magic wand and everybody
who accompanied the princess immediately fell asleep, too.
The years went by. Nobody remembered the princess and the curse anymore, until, one day, a young
prince decided to climb up the tallest tree and see what the abandoned palace was hiding. There he saw the
princess and fell in love with her. The prince went into the palace. He thought the sleeping princess was so
beautiful that he knelt next to her bed to kiss her check. Magically, the "Sleeping Beauty and the whole palace
The following year, the prince asked the princess to marry him. Eventually, they became the happiest
couple in the kingdom and lived happily ever after
10. Where did the story happen?
a. In the middle of nowhere
b. In a small village
c. in a kingdom
d. In Indonesia

11. What happened during the celebration of the newborn baby?

a. A witch came and cursed the baby
b. The palace became dark and haunted
c. A witch came and frightened every-one
d. The baby slept for a hundred years.

12. What did the king do to save the princess from the witch's curse?
a. He ordered the princess to be taken to the best room in the palace
b. He ordered his people to burn all spindles in the kingdom.
c. He imprisoned the witch in a building with a spindle in it.
d. He asked everybody to hide their spindles in a building

13. How did the curse come true?

a. The princess entered a forbidden room
b. The princess made the witch angry
c. The princess worked too hard
d. The princess pricked herself

Questions 14 to 18 refer to the following text.

There once lived a beautiful Javanese princess named Roro Jonggrang. She was sad because her father,
Prabu Baka, was defeated and killed by Bandung Bondowoso who wanted to marry her. She really didn't want to
marry him, so she made a condition that she would marry him if he could build one thousand temples in one night
as a wedding gift. Bandung agreed with this condition.
Bandung Bondowoso started building the temples, being helped by the spirits of demons. Roro Jonggrang
was in a panic because the work was nearly done. So, she woke all the women in the palace up and ordered them
to make noisy sounds of grindingrice that made roosters think that the dawn had already broken.
Knowing that Roro Jonggrang had deceived him, he became angry and cursed her. Suddenly, the princess
turned into a statue. Bandung Bondowoso then regretted this and he decided to go away to a far land.
14. Why didn't Roro Jonggrang want to marry Bandung Bondowoso?
a. She didn't want to leave the palace.
b. He had murdered her father.
c. He was ugly
d. She already had a fiancé.

15. ” .. dawn had already broken." (Paragraph 2). What does the underlined word mean?
a. Early morning.
b. Evening.
c. Late at night.
d. Night.
16. Why was Bandung Bondowoso so angry with Roro Jonggrang?
a. He wanted to hold the wedding ceremony soon.
b. He knew Roro Jonggrang had deceived him
c. Roro Jonggrang refused to marry him.
d. Roro Jonggrang turned into a statue.

17. How did Roro Jonggrang refuse Bandung Bondowoso's proposal?

a. By asking him to build one thousand temples.
b. By telling him that he had killed her father.
c. By telling him that she was afraid of him.
d. By asking him about his condition

18. What can we learn from the story?

a. We should be powerful
b. We should not cheat others.
c. Don't try to work with demons.
d. Don't force people to do things they don't want

Questions 19 to 22 refer to the following text.

The Great Fortune Teller
(A Story from Korea)
Once upon a time, there lived two friends named Tukkebi and Tori. Tukkebi means toad and Tori means
stone in Korean. One day. Tukkebi felt tired of being poor, "Tori, I want to change my life and live comfortably.
What should I do? I can't think of any good ideas.” The smart Tori then said confidently. "I know what you have
to do. Tukkebi. I am sure we can change our condition later. At first, Tukkebi was confused, but later he agreed
and followed Tori's idea
Tori sneaked into the King's palace that night. He planned to steal the Royal seal and buried it under the
chestnut tree in the King's palace garden. The next morning, the palace became chaotic. Everybody heard the
news that the Royal seal was stolen and the King was very mad. He ordered everybody to search for it, but no
one could find it
Several days later, Tukkebi came to the palace and faced the King. He said calmly, "Dear King, the
chestnut tree has the Royal seal under it. Tukkebi knew where the seal was because Tori told him so. The king
didn't know about that and went straight to the chestnut tree in the palace garden. His people started digging and
found the seal. The King felt very happy and rewarded Tukkebi with a lot of money.
However, the king then asked Tukkebi another question. Some of the queen’s precious jewellery was
stolen and the King wanted to know where they were. Tukkebi got confused. It happened out of the plan. He
regretted his decision to follow Tori's Idea.
He walked back and forth in the court yard. "What should I do?" He whispered to himself. Suddenly,
someone appeared in the dark fearfully. It was a court maid who looked so pale. "I know that you know
everything, Mr. Tukkebi," she said. Tukkebi was confused, "What do you mean, lady?" The maid then confessed,
“I was the one who stole the jewellery. I buried it under the wooden floor at the comer of the building.” Because
of that, now he knew where the jewels were. He felt happy and told the King in the next morning. The King and
the Queen were happy.
Since then, Tukkebi became famous. The Emperor of China wished to meet him and invited him right
after. The King tested him. He pointed to a stone on top of a small mound of earth, "Mr Tukkebi, what is hidden
inside the mound?” Tukkebi got shocked. How would he know what was under the heap of soil? At this point,
he felt suppressed and angry. He shouted. “Tukkebi (Toad) is dying because of you, Tori (Stone)!” The King and
his people then cheered loudly. The King had actually buried a toad under the stone! The Emperor admired
Tukkebi more and gave him a lot of money. Although he could change his fate and became very famous, Tukkebi
decided to stop doing it. He didn't want to cheat people anymore.
19. How did Tukkebi know the location of the stolen seal?
a. Tori told him about it
b. He had stolen the seal
c. He was a great fortune teller
d. A court maid told him about it

20. Who stole the jewellery?

a. Tori did
b. Tukkebi did
c. A court maid did
d. The King's lady did

21. "Tukkebi is dying because of you, Tori! (The last paragraph) Why did Tukkebi shout the sentence above?
a. He was calling the toad under the big stone
b. He was answering the King's question
c. He thanked Ton for his help.
d. He was very angry to Tori.

22. What can we learn from the story?

a. Cheating other people doesn't give any pleasure
b. People should steal something to be successful
c. It is easy to earn money by being a fortune teller
d. Being a toad brings luck and happiness

Questions 23 to 25 refer to the following text.

Once upon a time, there was a very bad king who was hated by all his people. One day, he was taking a
walk by the river and decided to go for a swim. When he got into the water, he suddenly got a cramp and started
to drown.
When two farmers, working in a field nearby, saw him drowning, they jumped into the river and rescued
him. He was so grateful and thanked them by giving each farmer one wish.
The first farmer asked for a pair of water buffaloes. The king gladly agreed to this request. Then the king
asked the second man about his wish. The second farmer, a wise old man, thought for a while. Finally, he said,
"Do not tell anyone that I helped to save your life."
23. Who saved the king from drowning?
a. Farmers working in a field.
b. Two water buffaloes.
c. The king's guards.
d. Rescue teams.

24. "He was so grateful" (Paragraph 2). The underlined word has a similar meaning to
a. thankful
b. careful
c. cheerful
d. awful

25. “Do not tell anyone that I helped to save your life." (Last paragraph). Why did the farmer say so?
a. Because he wanted to ask a lot
b. Because he didn’t want people to praise him
c. Because he liked the king very much
d. Because he got cramp

B. Change the sentences below into a correct past continuous form.

1. When I ……………………...(walk) into the office, several people ……………….. (watch) news on
2. They………………………..(meet) my parents at eight this morning.
3. The salesman ……………….(help) the customer when the thief ………………...(come) into the store.
4. While I ………………………….… (study), she …………………………..…(cook).
5. Children……………………..(talk), when I……………………(fall) asleep.

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