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Elements of Human Relations Theory

 A focus on people, rather than upon machines or economics

o a large portion of employee motivation comes from each person as an individual.
o Each individual’s motivation is influenced by their unique personality,
experiences, capabilities, circumstance, thoughts, behaviors, and other factors.
o As such, a key principle of Human Relations is for organizations to consider
individual factors and how they can be influenced to increase motivation.
o This can include initiatives that look to change/improve an employee’s personal
circumstance in and outside the workplace as well as their personal desires,
perceptions, and attitudes. can treat work as a natural state, the easier this will
 The organizational environment is not an organized social context
 Human relations are important in motivating people
 Motivation depends upon teamwork, requiring co-ordination and cooperation of
individuals involved.
o Since individuals have social needs and interact together in the workplace, group
factors must also play a role in employee motivation.
o As discovered during the Hawthorne Experiments, cliques form and establish
informal rules within the workplace, in turn exercising power and influence on the
attitudes and behaviors of all the individuals involved.
o Therefore, a key principle of Human Relations is that an organization must
promote positive group values and relationships so that social pressure will
produce teamwork and positive employee attitudes and behaviors.
 Human relations within teams must fulfill both individual and organizational objectives
o Try to share the overall theme and big picture of the job with employees.
o Everyone wants to feel valued, and they want to know that their work is
contributing to larger successes.
o When employees can see how they fit into the big picture, they will be more
 Individuals and organizations desire efficiency by achieving maximum results with
minimum inputs
o When relationships between a company's managers and its employees are
supportive and positive, productivity is shown to increase.
o Additionally, when employees are dependent upon each other with their work, it
directly influences productivity.
o When employees feel that they're treated with respect and recognized for
contributing to a company's success, they are more likely to produce quality work.

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