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17/2/2015 Fix 

your Draftsight Activation problem | Boxer's CAD CAM Blog

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Fix your Draftsight Activation problem

DraftSight™ is a free* 2D CAD product that lets professional CAD users, students and educators
create, edit and view DWG les. DraftSight runs on Windows®, Mac®, and Linux®.

Are you continuously bugged by these error while trying to use your DraftSight: A Professional-grade,
free* CAD software

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If yes then try the following method to get the issue resolved and activate your software (for windows)
once again and enjoy using it.

1. Close any running application (optional but recommended).

2. Click on Start > Run and type regedit.­your­draftsight­activation­problem/ 2/19
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3. Registry Editor will open up.

4. Go to HKEY_USERS and press ctrl + F or click Edit > Find.

5. Type SWActivation in the Find window.­your­draftsight­activation­problem/ 3/19
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6. Hit “Find Next”.

7. You’ll nd the SWActivation key in the list.

8. Simply select and delete SWActivation key. If you wish you can also rename the key (for this select
the key and press F2 and type in the new name like SWActivation_OLD).

9. Close the registry editor.

10. Now connect to internet (required) and start DraftSight.

11. You should now get the Activation window.­your­draftsight­activation­problem/ 4/19
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12. Fill in your details and click activate.

13. You should get an email for completing the activation process. Simply complete the activation and
you’re good to use your DraftSight.

14. You may now disconnect the internet. In case you get following error (which is due to non-internet
connectivity), simply click OK to use DraftSight.­your­draftsight­activation­problem/ 5/19
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DraftSight V1R3* is available for download now. 

Check DraftSight Resource Center to nd more information you want about DraftSight.

Also read as Why should DraftSight Users Attend SolidWorks World 2013?

*Standalone license. Activation required.

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DraftSight No-Cost Getting Don't Miss It! DraftSight DraftSight V1R3 is available
Started Guide Workshop at SolidWorks for download
In "DraftSight" World 2013 In "DraftSight"
In "Certi cation"

This entry was posted in Certi cation, CSWP and CSWAs, DraftSight, Drawing, General, News, SWW,
SWW13 and tagged 2D, 2DCAD, 2D_Sketch, Activation, CAD, Certi cation, DraftSight, DWG, DXF,
Licensing, linux, MAC, Registry, SP, SWW, SWW13, SWW2013, Windows on October 23, 2012
[ x-your-draftsight-activation-problem/] .

45 thoughts on “Fix your Draftsight Activation problem”

February 13, 2015 at 3:52 PM

Hi Everyone, I use Mac Yosemite and installed Draft Sight for Mac (Beta). I had the same problem with
activation. I solved it by renaming ” proxyservercon g.xml” le to “proxyservercon g-old.xml”. This le is
in Draft Sight le on your mac. If you use Finder you’ll nd it. After this I received the activation mail
after this and I can work!

Deepak Gupta Post author

February 14, 2015 at 1:00 PM

Thanks Radek for sharing the workaround for Mac.

February 14, 2015 at 7:08 PM­your­draftsight­activation­problem/ 7/19
17/2/2015 Fix your Draftsight Activation problem | Boxer's CAD CAM Blog

Just tried to activate by your sugestion on Mac. This is what I get:

There was an error process your registration.
Visit the DraftSight Community and review the iQuestions for possible solutions, or to report a problem

February 5, 2015 at 2:27 PM

iMac late 2007 64bit. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled DS but the activation didn’t work. Even if I connect
with my iPhone (tethering) no proxy or stu like that, the activation windows which keep asking me for
registration, when I ll the form nothing happens, didn’t receive any mail, and the app closed. Then,
suddenly, after trying a few times the same procedure (open the app, ll the form and hit “register”)…
voilà, the app opened, I didn’t receive any mail and I didn’t do nothing strange, the only thing is that I
was always connected to the internet, so maybe it takes lots of minutes (almost an half an hour) to
conclude the process. Hope this post helps someone which is in my same bad situation.

Deepak Gupta Post author

February 5, 2015 at 2:46 PM

Tony thanks for sharing that. May be the server takes a little while to process and get back to your

K Kivelä
January 27, 2015 at 5:03 PM

Hello Mr. Gupta,

i have used DraftSight on my Mac for a year now. It stopped working when year changed and now i
can’t download it anymore. I’m lousy with computers and I don’t know what to do. I get DraftSight on
my computer in Applications le, but then when i try to open it, it always says that “There is a problem
why DraftSight cannot be opened, check if it works with your Mac OS X-version. You might have to­your­draftsight­activation­problem/ 8/19
17/2/2015 Fix your Draftsight Activation problem | Boxer's CAD CAM Blog

reinstall…” (Probably poor translation.) I have Snow Leopard and all of the minimum system
requirements should be ok. I have tried to remove DraftSight and install it again, but it doesn’t work. It
says Dyld Error Message: Library not loaded…Reason: Image not found

Please help me before i waste again the whole day trying to x this.

Deepak Gupta Post author

January 27, 2015 at 5:18 PM

Please check if you are running Mac OS X 64bit v10.6 (Snow Leopard). Also try downloading the latest
version here and check if this helps:

K Kivelä
January 27, 2015 at 6:23 PM

Still not working. Still Library not loaded + Image not found. Any ideas?

Deepak Gupta Post author

January 27, 2015 at 6:49 PM

Try this x which is for a di erent application but sounds like a similar problem:

ctn hidrolik
December 13, 2014 at 3:33 AM­your­draftsight­activation­problem/ 9/19
17/2/2015 Fix your Draftsight Activation problem | Boxer's CAD CAM Blog

thank you for your help

November 26, 2014 at 4:17 PM

Hi I xed the issue I was having.

I un-installed DraftSight and then promoted the user an administrator installed DraftSight and did the
activation, then demoted the user back and it works ne.

I believe when you install DraftSight it asks for admin rights and it then asks you to register whilst using
the elevated permissions so when you restart and use it as a normal user the registration details are in
the appdata for the elevated user not the non admin user.

Hope this helps.

Deepak Gupta Post author

November 26, 2014 at 4:50 PM

Martin, thanks a lot for sharing that

November 18, 2014 at 5:03 PM

It seems if I run it as admin (not an option for the users) it does not ask for activation if the users uses
normal credentials then it asks for activation

Deepak Gupta Post author­your­draftsight­activation­problem/ 10/19
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November 22, 2014 at 1:33 PM

Martin, can you set up the rewall inbound/outbound rule for the DraftSight program for the normal
user mode and check.

November 17, 2014 at 9:02 AM


November 11, 2014 at 11:26 PM

I am having an issue where every time that I open draftsight it asks me to activate and I have entered a
few di erent email address and I have never gotten an email back to activate it! I had our company IT
guy install draftsight for as we also use solidworks, but I still get the activation screen! How do I get rid
of the activation window?

Deepak Gupta Post author

November 22, 2014 at 1:31 PM

Rick, did you tried the x mentioned above i.e. renaming the registry key?

dennis inawan
September 30, 2014 at 3:18 PM­your­draftsight­activation­problem/ 11/19
17/2/2015 Fix your Draftsight Activation problem | Boxer's CAD CAM Blog

Dear mr deepak , i got some problem. my draftsight alway appear this message “Xml error : unexpected
end of le, line = 1282, column = 33517 while loading C:\Documents and

please help ,…


Deepak Gupta Post author

September 30, 2014 at 3:28 PM

Dennis can you please try this: Go to C:\Documents and

setting\barno\application\data\DraftSight\1.2.156\UI\english and cut paste the application.xml and
application.bak to a di erent location. Now load/start the DraftSight and check.

September 10, 2014 at 12:42 AM

I keep getting:
Xml error: unexpected end of le, line = 182, column = 1 while loading….etc.

I tried the reactivation thing and it didn’t x it. Any ideas?

Deepak Gupta Post author

September 16, 2014 at 11:10 AM

Billy go to C:\Users\User Name here\AppData\Roaming\DraftSight\1.2.285\UI\english and cut paste the

application.xml and application.bak to a di erent location. Now load/start the DraftSight and check.

Please note the path listed above may be slightly di erent in you machine­your­draftsight­activation­problem/ 12/19
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July 17, 2014 at 2:29 AM

I have been using draftsight 64 and just purchased pro. But I can load at all it keeps giving me an error
while installing . They didn’t have a problem taking my money but they do have a problem returning my
calls. Enough with that while using DS it freezes up and shuts down and I lose my work. This is the
reason i bought pro verision hoping to stop this issue. Can anyone help or having same issues?

Deepak Gupta Post author

July 17, 2014 at 11:31 AM

Ricky sorry to hear that but I’m also using a Prop version as well free version and I don’t see similar
behavior. When you mean it freezes, do you kill/close it OR it goes o automatically.

July 17, 2014 at 5:38 PM

it just freezes and you have to shut it down and lose your work to a point.But I steal havent been able to
load DS pro. yet.

Deepak Gupta Post author

July 19, 2014 at 11:52 PM

When it freezes next time, then do a ctrl + tab to check if there is any open pop up window from DS that
might have gone o the screen. And until you click on that, you can’t do anything.­your­draftsight­activation­problem/ 13/19
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June 9, 2014 at 4:26 AM

Hi Deepak.

My selection window doesn’t appear whenever i try to select things. so basically its not selecting things.
which is very annoying.

Could you please help me?

Deepak Gupta Post author

June 9, 2014 at 10:31 AM

Go to Tools > Options > User Preferences > Mouse Options > and check if “Enable Click and drag” is
selected or not.

May 6, 2014 at 1:05 AM

Hi Deepak

Could you please help me out?

The selection window and some other commands like ortho and polar are still not working.

Deepak Gupta Post author

April 19, 2014 at 1:09 PM

Anyone having issue with Activation, please try setting the proxy for the DS as mentioned by Suraj here:­your­draftsight­activation­problem/ 14/19
17/2/2015 Fix your Draftsight Activation problem | Boxer's CAD CAM Blog

April 16, 2014 at 8:55 AM

Hi Deepak.

I had a Draftsight installed on my system. I wanted to update it so I rstly uninstalled the older version
and went on to free download it.

After downloading it didnt ask me anything about my e mail address or registration or activation.

It allows me to open the older les but some commands are not working like i cant select the objects via
selecting window. stretch command is not working either cause of that. instead of stretch it move

Could you please get back to me with a solution that why its happening?

May 2, 2014 at 1:51 AM

Thank you so much. My problem is xed

Gary Looney
March 31, 2014 at 8:16 AM

I have Desk Top Win7 64 and no internet, Draftsight do not respond, perhaps they sell internet plans
instead now­your­draftsight­activation­problem/ 15/19
17/2/2015 Fix your Draftsight Activation problem | Boxer's CAD CAM Blog

Fanny Trichet
June 6, 2013 at 7:54 PM

During my work I need to install Draftsight in computer which has a multiple user accounts.
One of the users, who don’t have Internet access, has his 30-day-trial period over.
In order to reactivate Draftsight, I uninstall the software with my account (I´m the administrator). Then,
I renamed the “SWActivation” as explained in this tutorial.
I tried several installations ways that didn’t worked. Firstly, I tried installing the software using my
account and activating it (I never received the email). However, once in the user account, the user
received the same message box “Your 30-day-trial period is over …”. So I tried installing the software
since the user account. But I received the same message box.
I think that, because of the multiple user account I need to do something more or something di erent
but I don’t know what.
Sorry for my poor English .

Vijay Bhide
April 9, 2013 at 8:49 AM

What about draftSight for linux?

George Little
February 16, 2013 at 10:15 PM

i keep getting this error.

Xml error:unexpected end of le, line = 1083, column = 1

Deepak Gupta Post author

February 17, 2013 at 8:32 PM­your­draftsight­activation­problem/ 16/19
17/2/2015 Fix your Draftsight Activation problem | Boxer's CAD CAM Blog

George, when are you getting this error.

trip magnusen
April 18, 2014 at 8:43 PM

I’m getting this same message. Did you get a solution?

Paul Beaumont
October 30, 2012 at 7:23 AM

okay, this will work for pc users, but how do I reactivate DraftSight on my Mac?

Deepak Gupta Post author

October 30, 2012 at 7:53 AM

Paul I’m afraid that I don’t have a clue. I don’t have Mac to test that but will try to nd it out.

Paul Beaumont
October 30, 2012 at 7:57 AM

Thank you for your fast response. I downloaded DraftSight again, and was able to open my existing
drawing les in the new version.

Deepak Gupta Post author

October 30, 2012 at 12:27 PM­your­draftsight­activation­problem/ 17/19
17/2/2015 Fix your Draftsight Activation problem | Boxer's CAD CAM Blog

Glad you got it xed.

Manish Mehra
June 7, 2013 at 1:41 PM

Hi Deepak,

we are also having the same activation issue, we did above steps, done changes in the registry and
reinstalled draft sight but no luck, i have also downloaded draftsight from web and reinstalled but its
still asking for activation when ever i open draftsight. do you any x it for that issue ?…. please help us

Thanks in advance


G Bolland
September 28, 2013 at 3:11 AM

Hello, I have this issue as well.

Everytime I open Draftsight I am asked to Activate. After lling in the details and hitting the activate
button no email is sent. I have tried various email accounts, spam lters are not the issue.
My Draftsight install is on a clean install of Window 7 Home Premium x64. I am not the local
administrator as this is not an option on a non Professional Windows Licence, I have administrator
access however.
I have searched everywhere for an answer, other people have posed this question from as far back as
early 2011. There are no satisfactory answers. Reinstallation after renaming SwActivation reg key does
not work.
This is quite a aw to go unaddressed as it makes Draftsight a chore. Will uninstall the program shortly
if not resolved.

R Marciw­your­draftsight­activation­problem/ 18/19
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August 8, 2014 at 5:45 AM

I was having the same problem and tried deleting the SWActivation key with no luck until I noticed there
was a SolidWorks key (can’t remember how it got there-it must have been there from an earlier install a
long time ago) in the same Software subfolder. in the registry. I deleted that key, started up DraftSight,
lled in the activation elds and presto! I immediately got a message that my request was submitted
and quickly got an email response.

Deepak Gupta Post author

August 8, 2014 at 7:01 PM

Thanks Marciw for sharing it.­your­draftsight­activation­problem/ 19/19

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