Physics Notes

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1 Static electricity
there are two types of electric charges positive(+)
Static electricity - effects produced by electric and negative(-)
charges when they are not moving.
- Positive and negative charges attract one another.
The sparks are caused by static electricity - Positive charges repel one another
Lighting is another example of static electricity, on a - Negative charges repel one another.
large scale.
Opposites attract (this is the same as for magnetic
Describing static electricity poles, a North Pole and a South Pole attract one
When you rub a ballon on a cloth, we say that the Finding the sign of an electric charge
balloon has become charged with static electricity.
The ballon has the electric charge.
Before it has been rubbed, the balloon is uncharged.

Charged objects can attract other objects.

Materials such as hair, thread, paper and plastic are
especially easy to attract.
Metals are less easily attracted.
Electrical attraction is an example of a force.

Charged objects can attract neutral objects

If both charges are like they repel
If both charges are unlike they attract
You can use a digital meter called a coulomb meter
Attraction and repulsion to find out whether a charged object has positive
or negative charge. (Unit = nC)
Objects with an electric charge can attract or repel
other objects. Charging by friction
The electric force caused by a charged object is not
the same as the magnetic force between magnets. A poly theme rod and a woolen cloth don’t have
electric charges - neutral.
If the magnetic poles are like they repel When the polytene rod is rubbed using the cloth, the
If the magnetic poles are unlike they attract each rod gains a negative charge.
other. The force of friction charges the rod.
At the same time the cloth gains a positive electric
Summary charges.
Objects can be given an electric charge by rubbing If you use a rod made of acrylic instead of polytene
them. you will find that the rod has a positive charge.
Electrically charged objects can produce a force of The charges that appear when two different materials
attraction or repulsion. are rubbed together depend which materials are
10.2 Positive and negative charge One material gains a positive charge, the other a
negative charge.
German physicists, Otto van Guericke, turned the
yellow ball of sulfur and rubbed it with a pad, he
saw sparks.

Explaining electric forces

10.3 Electrons on the move The rod is no longer neutral, it has lost electrons so
it has a positive charge.

The electrons move from the rod to the cloth

because the electrons are on the outside of the
atoms, so they are easily transferred from one
material to another.

Some materials hold on to their electrons more

strongly than others.
Acrylic holds its electrons weakly, so it easily loses
them and becomes positively charged.
Polythene holds its electrons more strongly.

When a polythene rod is rubbed with a cloth, it

becomes negatively charged.
The cloth rubs against the atoms which make up the
surface of the rod.
The force of friction rubs electrons from these atoms
onto the rod.
The cloth has lost negatively charged electrons so it
has a positive charge.
The rod is no longer neutral, it has gained electrons
so it has a negative charge.

The transfer of electrons

All substances are made of atoms, every atom has a

tiny nucleus at its Centre. Explaining why neutral objects are attracted by
Electrons orbit around the nucleus. charged objects
The nucleus has a positive electric charge.
The electrons have negative electric charge. If you rub a balloon on a cloth, it will become
charged. If you hold the charged balloon near a
Atoms are described as neutral because the amount scrap of paper, it will attract the paper.
of protons to electrons are the same. The paper is not charged.
The nucleus is positive and the electrons are The reason why it attracted is because paper
negative which is why the nucleus attracts the contains electrons. (Everything that is made of
electrons which orbit around it. atoms contain electrons)
If the balloon has a positive charge, it attracts the
Explaining static electricity electrons in the paper and so the paper feels a
force towards the balloon.
When an acrylic rod is rubbed with a cloth, it
becomes positively charged. Summary
the cloth rubs against the atoms which make up the
surface of the rod Objects become charged when electrons a re rubbed
The force of friction rubs electrons from these atoms from one object to another
onto the cloth. The object which gains electrons has a negative
The cloth has gained negatively charged electrons so charge; the object that loses electrons has a
it has a negative charge. positive charge.
10.4 Conductors and insulators

Wires are made of metal, copper - copper is the part

that carries the electricity. The metal that is
covered is plastic which is an insulator.
Metals are described as conductors because they
allow electricity to pass through them.
Plastic and other non-metals are described as
insulators - they do not allow electricity to pass
through them.

Conductor - an object or material through which

electric current can pass

Insulator - an object or material which electric

current cannot pass through
If the lamp lights up, there is a current (a brighter
Electric current lamp shows a bigger current).

Instead of electricity - electric current Measuring electric current

The lamp lights up because there is an electric
current in the circuit. We can measure the current in a circuit using
Electric current - the movement of electric charge. The unit of electric current is amp of A (symbol A)
You need a break in order to connect the ammeter.
Two things are needed for there to be an electric Then the current flow through the ammeter.
Current in a series circuit
1. A complete circuit of metal around which the
current can flow The current doesn’t get used up as it goes through
2. A cell (a battery) to make the current flow. the lamps.
The current flows through the components one after
A switch breaks a circuit to stop the current flowing. another.
The current is the same all the way round the circuit.
Circuit symbols
The direction of the current is opposite to that of
Scientists and engineers draw circuit diagrams to electron.
show how different components are connected The current travels anti-clockwise (comes from the
together in an electric circuit. positive end and flows back to the negative end).
They use a circuit symbol for each type of The electrons travel clockwise (comes from the
component. negative end and flows back to the positive end).

Summary The current comes from the positive end of the cell;
flows through each components then flows back
Metals are good conductors of electricity. Non- to the negative end of the cell.
metals are usually insulators.
A complete circuit is needed for a current to flow. *Voltage is directly proportional to current


A circuit with all the components connected end-to-

end is called a series circuit.
The current is the same all the way round a series

10.6 Understanding electric current

An electric current can flow through a metal but not

through plastic.
A cell make current flow round a circuit.
The current is same round a series circuit.
10.5 Electric current in a circuit An electric current can light up a lamp.

A circuit with all the components connected end-to- Why metals conduct electricity
end is called a series circuit.
Metals are useful materials because they contain lots ! For a voltmeter to measure a device’s voltage, it
of electrons which can move inside a metal. must be connected in parallel of that device !
These electrons are not tightly attached to their Voltmeter - a meter used to measure voltage.
atoms. (Diff from other materials)
A cell can make a current flow in a metal wire. More cells
If you look into the wire, you would see the
electrons moving along. If two or more cells are connected together in series,
Electrons have an electric charge, so charge is their voltages add up
moving through the metal. If you connect two cells back to front (positive to
This is an electric current is. positive or negative to negative), their voltages
will cancel out.
How a cell makes a current flow When it cancel it, it will not completely be zero but
it will minus the values.
The cell has two ends one end is positive (+) other is
negative (-). More volts, more amps
The positive end attracts electrons because electrons
have a negative charge. If the cells in a circuit are providing a bigger
The negative end repels electrons. voltage, the current will also be bigger.
So, when a circuit is complete the electrons in the This is because, if there are two cells connected in a
metal of the circuit start moving around it. series, they give a bigger push to the electrons in
They are pushed from the negative end of the cell, the wires, so there is a bigger current.
and attracted towards the positive end. If there’s a bigger current, the lamp will shine more
The reason why they need a complete circuit is The current is transferring energy more quickly from
because the electrons need to be able to travel all the cell to the lamp
the way round, from one end of the cell to the
other. Summary
This is why the current is the same round the circuit.
The electrons don’t disappear or get used up. A voltmeter is used to measure the voltage of a cell.
When two or more cells are connected positive to
The reason why a current starts immediately is negative in series, their voltages add up.
because the electrons are waiting in the wire, they A bigger voltage in a circuit makes a bigger current
start to move all round the circuit as soon as the flow.
switch is closed. 10.8 Changing circuits 2

Adding more cells to a series circuit increases the

10.7 Changing circuits 1 voltage and so the current is bigger.
Adding more lamps to a series circuit will make the
The voltage of a cell light dimmer and current smaller.

Cells are usually labeled with their voltage Why is the current smaller when more lamps are
The volt (symbol V) is the unit of voltage. being added?
A voltmeter is used to measure voltage
To measure the voltage of a cell wires are connected Adding more lamps will make the current smaller is
from the ends of the cell to the terminals of the because the electrons are being pushed by the cell.
voltmeter. It has to push them through one lamp and then
The positive red terminal of the voltmeter should be through the next.
connected to the positive terminal of the cell. It is easier for the cell to push the electrons through
one lamp than through two, and so the current is
bigger when there is only one in the circuit.
Electrical resistance

We can say that the lamp has resistance

The more resistance there is in the circuit, the harder
it is for the cells to push the electrons round, and
so the current is smaller.
Components which own resistance: fixed resistor,
variable resistor, buzzer and lamp.

Resistance - the property of a component in a circuit

which acts to reduce the current in the circuit.

Resistor - a component in an electric circuit that

reduces the current in the circuit.

Summary with each other.

Components with resistance make the current in a In parallel - describes two components in a circuit
circuit smaller. which are connected side by side
When components are connected in series, the
resistance in the circuit is greater and so the Parallel diagrams
current is smaller.
Each of the two lamps has one end connected
directly to the positive end of the cell and the
other end connected directly to the negative cell.
Each lamp feels the full push of the cell and so it
lights up brightly.

In series means connected end to end

In parallel means connected side by side
10.9 Components in parallel

When two lamps are connected in series to a single

cell, they are dim.
This is because the current in the circuit is small.
It is more difficult for the electrons to flow round the
circuit than if there was only one lamp.
Two lamps = more resistance than one.

Another way to connect two lamps to a cell is to

place them side by side.
Two lamps shine brightly.
When components are connected side by side in this
way, we say they are in parallel Current in a parallel circuits

The current flows from the positive end of the cell.

When it reaches point A, it divides.
Half of the current flows through one lamp, and half There is less resistance and so the current is bigger.
flow through the other.
When the two currents reach point B - join together
again, then flow back to the cell. Voltage is directly proportional to current
When there are tow identical lamps in parallel, there Current and resistance is inversely proportional.
is twice as much current as when there is only one
lamp. Summary

Each lamps gets its own share of the current. Components connected side by side are in parallel.
This shows that it is easier for the current to flow The current in a circuit divides as it passes through
when two components are connected in a the components connected in parallel.
parallel circuit.

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