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Colegio Educare Preparatoria

Ciclo escolar 2022 - 2023


1. Why do you think it´s important the process of Methodology?

2. Write four principal types of research.
3. Explain when we can use the Field setting research and the
Laboratory research.
4. How many types of sampling are and mention them.
5. Write meaning of Qualitative and Quantitative. Try to remember
what does describe or looking those in a research.
6. Describe the meaning of the word SMART (remember the notes
about Smart Goal Planning)
7. Select 5 of the 16 opinion expression that exist.
8. Compare the concepts of Investigation and Research.
9. Write 2 examples using the “7 ways to quote a text” (Remember
all the aspects you need to write that corresponds to a quote)
 You can invent the information.
10. Why do you consider the connectors are important when we try
to explain something?
11. Write 2 types of connectors list using the process of beginning,
development and closing.

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