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Voyage of The Regal Princess

Trillions of years ago there existed a universe were different forms of life
existed. The upcoming events happen in a universe called celenia
universe where different species coexist with each other. The celenia
universe had six different kingdoms the human kingdom, magical
kingdom, celestial kingdom, demon kingdom and the Empire. Here
different species such as celestial beings, demons, beasts, mages, human
and demi gods/goddesses existed in their respective kingdoms. These
kingdoms were connected through a portal.

Insert portal here

Since ancient times the five worlds was ruled by the imperial Rosette
family they ensured the peace, safety and prosperity of the worlds. The
imperial family lived in the capital which was within the empire. All the
kingdoms in this universe where matriarchal societies were women
assumed most of the important position men were also well-respected
and given opportunities, but mostly it was a female dominated society.
Empire is the oldest kingdom and it is where it all started. At the
beginning of the empire the old and wise prophets received a prophecy
that there would come a person who will be the eternal ruler of the five
worlds who would bring eternal peace and prosperity to all the

Chapter – 1
It all begins on the day when the empire’s queen Olivia Rosette the
daughter of the empress gives birth to her child. It was dark quiet night.
(Somewhere in the suburbs in the citadel in the capital the head priest
Hector received a prophecy that it was time for great events to begin). It
was then the time for the child’s birth and then the child was born the
dark night was suddenly illuminated by a bright light and all birds and
animals sang in joy. There was harmony, peace and joy all around the
The child was very lovely, energetic, bright. The empress then named
her grand-daughter Tianna Rosette. The imperial family was filled with
joy with the arrival of the little princess. The imperial palace became
livelier and was filled with the laughter and joy. Tianna was of direct
imperial lineage. She was loved and adored by all those around her she
was the darling of the imperial family and the empire, she was a bright
and lovely child for her age and days soon passed by it was the day
when the 12 th empress Fianna Rosette was celebrating here only
grandchild Tianna Rosette’s 1st imperial birth anniversary.
The empress hosted a grand ball for three days to celebrate her beloved
granddaughter’s birthday nobles, kings and queens’ dignitaries from all
five worlds were invited. The entire empire was decorated with flower
and candles and lights. The imperial palace was decorated with jewels,
flowers, candles, gold and silver decorative items. Even the citizens of
the empire held festivities to celebrate their princess birthday and
celebrations continued all over the Empire.
It was finally the day of Fianna’s 1st birthday and the kings, queens,
princess and princes, nobles and all influential people of the five worlds
were invited and the ball was going well. But suddenly a dark mage
who had deep hatred with the imperial family infiltrated the ball and
started attacking people and everything turned into chaos people started
to scream and run.
The dark mages from ancient times were magic users who gained magic
by sacrificing human lives they had killed thousands of people just to
gain power and they were ruthless people who exploited the people and
carried out all illegal activities in all five worlds and caused suffering in
the celenia universe. Their power grew tremendously after the heard
the news of 11 th empress illness and when the imperial throne was
vacant for some time. But during the time of the 12 th Empress Fianna
Rosette a large expedition was carried out by the empress which
massacred almost all the dark mages and destroyed all of their illegal
activities and removed their authority and liberated all the five worlds
from their tyranny.
But a few dark mages escaped this and they developed deep grudge and
hatred towards the imperial family. As they had lost most of their power
and authority and since the imperial family killed most of their people
and they caused their downfall.
The empress ordered the Rosette knights to escort the guest to safety
and she called Imperial knights and mages to fight off the dark mages.
Finally, after a long fight they captured the dark mages and they were
executed right before the execution the head of the dark mages who
knew that the empress deeply loved her grand - daughter placed a curse
on the little princess Fianna that each person she loves will turn into a
lost memory which no one remembers until she meets the fifth one.
The empress tried desperately to remove the curse placed on her grand –
daughter she called great and wise mages from all five worlds but no
one of them were able to remove the curse. But one of the great wizards
informed the empress that the dark mage had placed an irreversible
curse on the princes.
The empress decided to protect Fianna by providing her a sheltered life
in the palace.( curse action). The empress granted Fianna the title of
‘Imperial Princess’ and gifted her a beautiful palace for her 1st birthday
and she placed well trained guards, maids a butler and nanny to take
care of Fianna.

Insert here female leads palace picture

After this incident the empress summoned the head priest Hector to
bless the princess. The head priest then enters the princess palace and
then he then waits in the guest room. The head butler of the princess
palace welcomes the priest and serves him tea and sweets. Then the
Nanny enters the room with the little princess.
The priest then stands up and begins to start the ritual for blessing the
princess but once the priest then touches the head of the princess for the
blessing, he feels a huge amount of magic and power within the princess
he was shocked to find out this much amount of power and magic
within a little girl. This much amount of power and magic was usually
found in 3rd level adult person. He quickly blesses the princess and sends
a letter to have an audience with the empress once it got approved, he
quickly heads to the main palace to inform this to the empress.
The head priest Hector then enters the palace and informs the empress
about what had happened during the blessing. The empress who heard
this was also shocked

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