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An Undertaking of Winners Education (P) Ltd
(An ISO 9001-2008 Certified Company)

1. Consider (v)
To give importance to something.
Ex. You may consider your father’s suggestions.
2. Minute (Adj)
Infinitely or immeasurably small
Ex. The minute stain on the document was not visible to the naked eye.
3. Evident (Adj)
Being sure of something.
Ex. The police is evident about the thief.
4. Practise (v)
a customary way of operation or behavior
Ex. Ravi and his team practise daily for the basket ball tournament.
5. Intend (V)
Willing to do something
Ex. Kumar intends to eat ice-cream in the rain.
6. Concern (V)
something that interests you because it is important.
Ex. Exam concerns me a lot now.
7. Commit (V)
To accept to do something or to involve.
Ex. She has committed herself to achieve the state first rank.
8. Approach (V)
To go to a person for a help.
Ex: The student approaches the class teacher for the doubts.
9. Establish (V)
To start or to found something.
Ex: The school is established in 1990.
10. Utter (V)
To say something by making some noise.
Ex: She uttered her rejection in a feeble voice.
11. Engage (V)
To be busy with something
Ex. She engages herself with evening sports practices.
12. Obtain (V)
To get something
Ex. He obtained the good name from the class teacher.
13. Scarce(Adj)
Something is not enough.
Ex. Water is scarce in Chenni during summer.
WICE, 17/6, South Vellalar Street,
Jayankondam – 621 802, Cell : 7373758123
Ariyalur (Dt), Tamilnadu. 9626158123
An Undertaking of Winners Education (P) Ltd
(An ISO 9001-2008 Certified Company)

14. Apparent (Adj)

Clear to the mind or to the senses.
Ex. The police is apparent about the thief.
15. Fancy (V)
To imagine something.
Ex. Rahul fancies about his future.
16. Appoint (V)
To assign a duty to someone.
Ex. The class teacher appointed Kumar our class leader.
17. Vain (Adj)
Useless or unproductive.
It is vain to search for a black cat in a dark room.
18. Constant (Adj)
Something that does not change.
Ex. She is constant in helping the poor.
19. Circumstance (N)
Situation or context.
The circumstances lead us to change ourselves.
20. Affect (V)
To have an influence upon or to have an effect.
Ex. Bad habits affect our character.
21. Institute (V)
To start up.
Ex. The building work is instituted in 2013.
22. Render (V)
To give a help to others.
Ex. Please render your helping hand to me.
23. Appeal (V)
A formal request to the court to change the judgment.
They have appealed to the supreme court for their case.
24. Laborer (N)
A worker.
We need many laborers to complete this work faster.
25. Grant (V)
To allow to have
Ex. The principal has granted the permission to celebrate farewell day.
26. Dwell (V)
To live or to stay in a place.
Ex. Our family has been dwelling in this place since 2011.
27. Entertain (V)
To make others happy by doing something.
C harlie Chaplin entertained many people in his life-time.

WICE, 17/6, South Vellalar Street,

Jayankondam – 621 802, Cell : 7373758123
Ariyalur (Dt), Tamilnadu. 9626158123
An Undertaking of Winners Education (P) Ltd
(An ISO 9001-2008 Certified Company)

28. Earnest (Adj)

Very interesting and eager.
Ex. His earnest desire is to score high marks in the exam.
29. Yield (V)
To result in something.
You must water the garden otherwise the trees will not yield fruits and vegetables.
30. Wander (V)
To move here and there purposelessly.
Ex.Dear students, don’t wander in the corridor during the class hour.
31. Insist (V)
To say something strongly.
Ex. Our school teachers insist on self-discipline.
32. Convince (V)
To make realize the truth.
Ex. My father convinced me to eat rice instead of Pizza.
33. Inspire (V)
To affect our mind in a positive way.
Ex. Abdul Kalam’s quotes are inspiring the young people.
34. Skill (N)
An ability that has been gained by training
Ex. She gained singing skill in her childhood.
35. Harry (V)
To make someone get angry by asking questions continuously.
Ex. Sometimes the child harries the parents.
36. Reflect (V)
To think of what has happened.
Ex. The student reflected on his mistakes.
37. Novel (Adj)
Something new or modern.
Ex. She gave a novel idea to perform differently.
38. Compel (V)
To force somebody to do something
Ex. The parents compelled the children to drink the tonic.
39. Venture (V)
To take the risk in doing something different.
Ex. These five students ventured to participate in national science exhibition.
40. Territory (N)
The geographical area under the jurisdiction of a state
The territory of Tamil Nadu starts from Thiruvallur district and ends in Kanniyakumar district.
41. Temper (V)
Anger or a strong negative feeling.
Ex. You must control your temper.

WICE, 17/6, South Vellalar Street,

Jayankondam – 621 802, Cell : 7373758123
Ariyalur (Dt), Tamilnadu. 9626158123
An Undertaking of Winners Education (P) Ltd
(An ISO 9001-2008 Certified Company)

42. Intimate (Adj)

Very close or familiar.
Ex. She is my intimate friend in this school.
43. Undertake (V)
To take the charge of doing something.
Ex. The school pupil leader undertakes the discipline of the school.
44. Majority (N)
More than half.
Ex. Majority of the students do their homework every evening.
45. Assert (V)
To say something as true
Ex. The advocate asserted that Mr. Rahul did not steal the money.
46. Crew (N)
People working in shop or in plane.
Several pilots and crew members will help us to go to America with comfort.
47. Chamber (N)
A public place for a formal meeting.
Ex. The political meeting was arranged in the
48. Humble (Adj)
To be very gentle and not showy.
Ex. Mr. Kamarajar is very humble and simple.
49. Keen (Adj)
To be very attentive.
Ex. Students must be keen during the class hours.
50. Liberal (Adj)
Free and no restrictions.
Ex. You’re liberal to say your opinions now.
51. Despair (N)
Hopeless or no hope at all.
Ex. The businessman is in despair due to the heavy loss.
52. Tide (N)
Wave in the sea or river.
There are more raising tides in the sea now-a-days.
53. Attitude (N)
Character or behaviours.
His attitude is changed these days.
54. Justify (V)
To prove that something is right.
Ex. Rahul justified his action, though others saw his action as wrong.
55. Manifest (V)
To show something or to say a secret.
Ex. He manifested to us the secret of his success.

WICE, 17/6, South Vellalar Street,

Jayankondam – 621 802, Cell : 7373758123
Ariyalur (Dt), Tamilnadu. 9626158123
An Undertaking of Winners Education (P) Ltd
(An ISO 9001-2008 Certified Company)

56. Persist (V)

To do something continuously
Ex. Ravi persisted in his studies, though he met with many failures.
57. Contempt (V)
Not respecting or disliking something.
Ex. The teacher contempt the wrong actions.
58. Plead (V)
To request very politely.
Ex. She pleaded with her mother to take her to the exhibition.
59. Attribute (N)
A quality belonging to or characteristic of an entity
Ex. She has many positive attributes like helping nature, polite words and so on.
60. Exert (V)
To work hard to achieve success.
Ex. A. R. Rahuman has exerted for many years to reach this level.
61. Oppress (V)
To disrespect and treat someone as inferior.
Ex. The poor are oppressed by the rich.
62. Contend (V)
To satisfy someone.
Ex. Ravi contends all the teachers by his good attitudes.
63. Toil (V)
To work hard
Ex. We must toil daily to reach our dreams.
64. Perish (V)
To die or to get spoiled.
The plants are perishing due to the hot sun.
65. Disposition (N)
A natural quality of a person.
Ex. She has a cheerful diposition.
66. Boast (V)
To speak of oneself very highly or self-praise.
Ex. Anand boasts of himself to others always.
67. Advocate (N)
A person who works in a court arguing for a case.
Ex. Her father is an advocate. Her aim is to become like his father an advocate.
68. Bestow (V)
To shower or to present something.
Ex. God bestows on us His blessings every moment.
69. Lofty (Adj)
Very high.
Ex. He has a lofty dream about his career.

WICE, 17/6, South Vellalar Street,

Jayankondam – 621 802, Cell : 7373758123
Ariyalur (Dt), Tamilnadu. 9626158123
An Undertaking of Winners Education (P) Ltd
(An ISO 9001-2008 Certified Company)

70. Multitude (N)

A large indefinite number
Ex. There are multitude of people for Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s funeral.
71. Steep (Adj)
Raising or falling quickly especially of places or roads.
Ex. There are steep roads in Otty Town.
72. Heed (V)
Pay close attention to
Ex. As students, we must heed to the instructions of the teachers.
73. Modest (Adj)
Medium in size or amount
Ex. She takes only a modest effort in her studies.
74. Partial (Adj)
One-sided, not balanced or half
Ex. The umpire was partial in his judgment during the match.
75. Apt (Adj)
Very much suitable or matching.
Ex. This dress is very apt to you.
76. Esteem (N)
Great respect or admiration.
Ex. Kumar has a high esteem about his friend Vasanth.
77. Incredible (Adj)
Unbelievable or unable to believe.
Ex. The cost of vehicles is incredible. It goes very high now-a-days.
78. Provoke (V)
To make something to happen.
Ex. The teachers provoked the students to complete their projects on time.
79. Tread (V)
To crush or press something with your feet.
Ex. Mani trod the scorpion with his shoes.
80. Perpetual (Adj)
Continuing forever or indefinitely
Ex. Our friendship is perpetual till the end.
81. Decree (N)
An official rule or order
Ex. In our school, speaking English is a decree.
82. Elaborate (V)
To explain something.
Ex. The teacher asked me to elaborate the theory properly.
83. Sob (V)
weep nosily taking sharp breaths.
Ex. She sobbed over her grandfather’s death.

WICE, 17/6, South Vellalar Street,

Jayankondam – 621 802, Cell : 7373758123
Ariyalur (Dt), Tamilnadu. 9626158123
An Undertaking of Winners Education (P) Ltd
(An ISO 9001-2008 Certified Company)

84. Flourish (V)

To grow vigorously
Ex. She flourishes in her studies.
85. Pious (Adj)
Very prayerful and showing more respect to God.
Ex. Rahul is very pious. He goes to the temple every Friday.
86. Vex (V)
To be disturbed or to worry.
Ex. I was vexed due to my failures.
87. Bolt (V)
To run away
Ex. The thieves bolted from the house on hearing the whistle sound.
88. Sanction (V)
To give permission to
Ex. The head-master sanctioned us to arrange for the farewell party.
89. Exalt (V)
To praise, glorify, or honor
Ex. We exalt God for all His blessings and graces.
90. Malicious (Adj)
A feeling of hatred that makes them to hurt.
Ex. He is malicious in his attitude now.
91. Venerate (V)
To give respect to God through prayers and praises.
He venerates God daily in the morning and in the evening.
92. Assail (V)
To attack someone physically or emotionally
Ex. The Pakistani Army assailed Indian Army last week.
93. Sublime (Adj)
Very high value or great admiration.
Ex. She has a sublime character.
94. Kindle (V)
To light up something so that it burns.
Ex. My mother kindled the candle.
95. Humiliate (V)
To cause to feel shame
Ex. My friend humiliated me in front of my class-mates.
96. Brook (N)
A natural stream of water smaller than a river
Ex. We can find many brooks in Kerala.
97. Indicate (V)
To say or to show something.
Ex. He indicated that they must toil still more.

WICE, 17/6, South Vellalar Street,

Jayankondam – 621 802, Cell : 7373758123
Ariyalur (Dt), Tamilnadu. 9626158123
An Undertaking of Winners Education (P) Ltd
(An ISO 9001-2008 Certified Company)

98. Dispatch (V)

To send something to a person.
Ex. The postman dispatches our letters now by sealing.
99. Slay (V)
To kill intentionally.
Ex. The butchers slew the goats for their meat.
100. Predecessor (N)
one who has worked in the same position before.
Ex. Priya was the manager of the company. Now Seetha is the manager. Seetha is the
predecessor to Priya.

WICE, 17/6, South Vellalar Street,

Jayankondam – 621 802, Cell : 7373758123
Ariyalur (Dt), Tamilnadu. 9626158123

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