Voz Activa

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1. Presente: Julia sweeps the street. (Julia barre la calle).

2. Pasado: Julia swept the street. (Julia barrió la calle)
3. Presente continuo: Julia is sweeping the street (Julia está barriendo la calle)
4. Pasado continuo: Julia was sweeping the street (Julia estuvo barriendo la calle)
5. Presente perfecto: Julia has swept the street. (Julia ha barrido la calle)
6. Pasado perfecto: Julia had swept the street. (Julia había barrido la calle)
7. Presente perfecto continuo: Julia has been sweeping the street. (Julia ha
estado barriendo la calle)
8. Pasado perfecto continuo: Julia had been sweeping the street. (Julia había
estado barrido la calle)


1. Presente: The street is swept by Julia. (La calle es barrida por Julia).
2. Pasado: The street was swept by Julia. (La calle fue barrida por Julia)
3. Presente continuo: The street is been swept by Julia (La calle está siendo
barrida por Julia)
4. Pasado continuo: The street was been swept by Julia. (La calle estaba siendo
barrida por Julia)
5. Presente perfecto: The street has been swept by Julia. (La calle ha sido barrida
por Julia)
6. Pasado perfecto: The street had been swept by Julia. (La calle había sido
barrida por Julia)
7. Presente perfecto continuo: The Street has been swept by Julia (La calle ha
sido barrida por Julia)
8. Pasado perfecto continuo: The street had been swept by Julia. (La calle había
sido barrida por Julia)


1. Active: My auntie will bake cookies for my birthday.

2. Passive: The cookies for my birthday will be baked by my auntie.
3. Active: I must write an essay for Monday.
4. Passive: The essay must be written on Sunday afternoon.
5. Active: Sandra is helping her cousin to find house.
6. Passive: Sandra’s cousin is been helped to find house.
7. Active: We must have learned this theme for the test.
8. Passive: This theme must have been learned for the test.
9. Active: Harry has been repairing his car.
10. Passive: The car has been repaired by Harry.
11. Active: I have seeing this program all the week.
12. Passive: This program has been seen all the week by me.
13. Active: You can do it!
14. Passive: This homework can’t be done!
15. Active: I will think of you.
16. Passive: You will be tough by me.
17. Active: Madeleine has been traveling to Paris every week.
18. Passive: Her luggage has been traveled with her.
19. Active: They follow the ice cream car.
20. Passive: The ice cream car is followed by the children.

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