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Answer the following questions:

A. Do you agree with Stew Leonard's Marketing policy that the customer is always
right? why or why not?
Yes I agree because If the marketer engages consumers effectively understands their
needs, develops products that provide superior customer value, and prices,
distributes, and promotes them well, these products will sell easily and can't receive
any customer/s complain . In the business it is very important to met the customers
demand, expectations for which we called customer satisfaction because in the first
place when we build a business we will always consider first our target market which
our customer/s. Nowadays most successful companies have one thing in common
they are strongly customer focused and heavily committed to marketing. They
motivate everyone in the organization to help build long-lasting customer
relationship based on creating value because today customer value and relationship
are essential for higher profit and income

B. What is your impression of Stew Leonard's overall marketing strategy? Explain.

Stew Leonard's shows its customers the value of its products through its principle of "show and spell."
This is an example of the principle of secustome.
a. know your customers
b. Know your field
c. make a good personal impression
d. prepare your sales presentation
e. think positively
Stew Leonard Jr. had a negative experience at a local wine store. This experience prompted Stew
Leonard's to educate people on the floor to help the customer, offer great prices.

C. Which among Stew Leonard's strategies you think stands out and makes them very
unique?  Explain.
The poster child for innovative store layout and "retailtainment," retailer Stew Leonard's actually owes
its success to a fairly simple concept: Build and nurture customer relationships. This focus carries over to
the brand connections Stew's forges with shoppers. Despite ongoing expansions and the opening of
several new stores, Stew's focus on customer relationships hasn't wavered.

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