Lost Island

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The Lost

A Dungeon Hero Zine Adventure

Shipwrecked on an island that was

nowhere to be found on the maps, you
struggle to survive on an island

stuck in time.

Dungeon Start
🔒 Your sloop heaves to and fro violently as the
storm buffets it. “Land Ho!” shouts one of
the sailors above-decks. It can’t be.
Racing up, you see it. Lit up in a flash of
lightning through the rain, a jagged
coastline sloping up to a mountaintop looms
near. No island appears on the map here!
“Heave to!” you shout to your men, but it is
too late. Your sloop slams into the rocks,
and you feel the deck buckle beneath you…
You awaken on the beach, waterlogged and
exhausted. Glancing left and right, you see
only a handful of you made it to the island.
Roll 1d6+2. You gain that many Sailors
you can use in challenge rolls; they may
either add +2 to a roll or take all the
damage from a failed roll.
Choose one trait that represents your
heaviest equipment. It is lost at sea, but you
may replace it with a 1d6 “sharp stick”.
Begin with a 1d6 Lacking Provisions trait.
1. d6 Beach as far as the eye can see.
2. d8 Giant crab, ⚔ 6.
3. d8 Eyes watching from the forest.
4. d6 Harvesting jetsam. 💎
5. d8 Dead from the shipwreck wash up.
6. d6 Insect swarm from the trees, ⚔ 6.
7. d10 Salvaging from the shipwreck. 💎
8. d8 Sharp, sea-shattered rocks.
9. d6 Giant reptile, ⚔ 6.
10. d8 Sea cliffs.
🔒 Beyond the beach, the jungle gets too thick
and dense to easily traverse, but you find
the mouth of a river that cuts upstream into
the jungle, so you follow it.
11. d8 Rocky shores. 💎
12. d6 Crocodile attack, ⚔ 8.
13. d8 Animals drinking.
14. d6 Something in the bushes.
15. d8 Steep cliff walls to either side.
16. d10 Waterfall.
17. d8 Panther pounces, ⚔ 8.
18. d8 Spider bite.
19. d6 Stinging insects.
20. d10 Jungle crowds the shore.
21. d8 Skulls on spears – a warning?
22. d10 Ancient ruins overlook.
🔒 The jungle breaks here into what looks like
the ruins of an ancient city. The civilization,
long gone, built tall, ornate temples and
longhouses, which are now crumbling piles
of stone. Halves and quarters of massive
statues stand tipped by growing trees, their
remainders toppled rubble at their feet. The
statues almost look like…elves?
23. d8 Muddy approach.
24. d6 Wide cobbled walkway.
25. d10 Half-tumbled tower. 💎
26. d8 Hunter elf patrol, ⚔ 8.
27. d10 Poison darts from the shadows.
28. d8 Elfin archers, ⚔ 8.
29. d10 Crumbling temple. 💎
30. d8 Faded murals in a dark room. 💎
31. d10 Warrior elf patrol, ⚔ 8.
32. d8 Inscrutable runes. 💎
33. d6 Brackish pools and twisting vines.
🔒 Suddenly, you are surrounded by a small
army of elves – not the high-browed and
graceful elves of the mainland, but hunched
over elves wearing rags and brandishing
crude spears. They herd you into a large
building, where a stern-looking elf sits on a
makeshift throne.
They speak in gutteral tones, arguing with
none of the decorum of their mainland
cousins, and soon seem to come to a
decision. You are knocked unconscious.
When you awaken, you’re tied to a post in a
strange part of the island. And something
large is approaching…

🔒 d12 Free yourself from the bonds.

Suddenly, a nightmarish creature emerges
from the jungle! It is an enormous bird-like
reptile with rows of pointed teeth. You recall
the scholars positing its existence from
bones; they called it “Tyrannosaurus Rex”!
If you freed yourself from the bonds,
advance two. Otherwise, advance one, and
advance one for the following advancement.
34. d12 Scrambling to escape the
Tyrannosaurus-Rex, ⚔ 12.
35. d8 Fleeing into the jungle.
36. d8 Crashing through the underbrush.
37. d10 Sudden cliff drop.
38. d10 Thick foliage.
39. d8 Splashing through a rivulet.
40. d6 Falling down an embankment.
41. d8 Stinging nettles.
🔒 You managed to escape the terrifying
thunder lizard. You hear it pounding off in
another direction, bellowing.
Panting, you look around, and begin to
appreciate just how different the flora and
fauna is here, like it is from another time.
Plants look odd and primitive. Massive
herbivores poke their heads up out of the
jungle canopy, lazily chewing entire tree
Suddenly, you realize how quiet it has
gotten. Peering into the jungle, you see two
eyes peering back at you…

🔒 d12 Velociraptor, ⚔ 6.

🔒 d12 Velociraptor, ⚔ 6.

🔒 d12 Velociraptor, ⚔ 6.

🔒 More seem to be rustling about in the tall

grass, so you make for a waterfall and
throw yourself off it!
42. d8 Deep water.
43. d8 Crashing waves, roaring water.
44. d10 Whitewater.
45. d12 Predator in the water, ⚔ 8.
46. d8 Swimming in a wide river.
47. d10 Going over another waterfall.
48. d8 Swampy marshlands.
49. d10 Mud and brackish water.
50. d8 Flooded ruins, half submerged. 💎
51. d10 Statues jutting out of the water. 💎
52. d8 Clambering up onto muddy stone.
53. d6 Panting on the shore for breath.
54. d8 Something approaching.
🔒 d12 A triceratops charges out of the foliage!
Stay out of its way! ⚔ 8.

🔒 d12 The T-Rex appears and attacks the

Triceratops! Don’t get crushed! ⚔ 8.

🔒 d12 You see an opening! Can you escape?

🔒 You stumble into a wide area that opens

onto a field of mammoth bones. Massive,
curving ribcages and tusks jut up to the sky
as ravens circle overhead. An elephant
graveyard! A fortune in ivory right there!
The area overlooks a cliff, and in the
distance, you see a ship! A way off this
cursed island! But looking closer, you see it
is flying the skull-and-crossbones. Pirates.
At least you have something to barter for
passage off the island…

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