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Crypt Bats Rat Swarm

v v
Sharp Claws Flying Shadowy Agile Nasty Bite Swarm Legion Scurrying
attack general & attack defend general & defend attack general & attack defend general & defend

d6 d6 d6 d6 Health
d4 d4 d4 d4 Health
+drain +gain advantage +fever +heal 3

• Crypt bats have an extra Move action at start and end of their turn.
 • Nasty Bite – Melee piercing damage.

They try to end their turn 2 squares (2") away from all heroes. Boon: Target is poisoned with Rat Bite Fever, potency d4: Abilities cost
• Sharp Claws – Melee slashing damage.
 two extra stamina to use.
Boon: Drain one stamina from the target. • Legion – Boon: Heal three health.
• Agile – Boon: Gain advantage on next attack. • Has advantage when attacked with piercing weapons.
• Immune to knockback.
• Swoop – Ranged, once

Attack from two squares (2") away with advantage.

Flitting silently through the moonlight night,
 Unclean vermin, bearers of disease, lurk in the shadows of these blasted grounds.

these enormous, monstrous bats feast on corpses in the graveyards. Kill them before they overwhelm you!

Skeleton Warrior Skeleton Archer

v v
Pitted Sword Relentless Ignores Pain Undead Archer Relentless Ignores Pain Undead
attack general & attack defend general & defend attack general & attack defend general & defend

d6 d8 d6 d8 Health
d6 d8 d6 d6 Health
+1 damage +1 damage + heal 5 +1 damage +1 damage + heal 5

• Pitted Sword – Melee slashing damage. Boon: +1 damage. • Skeleton archers attack at range as snipers.
• Relentless – Boon: +1 damage. • Archer – Ranged piercing damage. Boon: +1 damage.
• Undead – Boon: Reset to full health. • Pitted Sword – Melee slashing damage. Boon: +1 damage.
• Has advantage when attacked with piercing or slashing weapons. • Relentless – Boon: +1 damage.
• Undead – Boon: Reset to full health.
• Has advantage when attacked with piercing or slashing weapons.

The chilling horror of the undead! Warriors, risen from the grave
 Though long dead, these reanimated archers still prove to be a deadly shot,

for some dark purpose, fueled by a hatred of the living. striking from the shadows with their black, iron-tipped arrows.
Zombie Wight
v v
Sharp Claws Relentless Tough Hide Undead
Ragged Claws Relentless Ignores Pain Undead
attack general & attack defend general & defend
attack general & attack defend general & defend

d8 d8 d6 d6 Health d10 d8 d10 d6 Health

□□□□□ +2 dmg+KB +heal 3 □□□□□

+1 damage +1 damage +heal 5 □□□□□
• The first attack by the Wight each turn deals cold damage.
• Zombies only get two actions per turn, due to their shambling nature.
• Sharp Claws – Melee slashing damage. Boon: +2 damage, knockback 1.
• Ragged Claws – Melee slashing damage. Boon: +1 damage.
• Undead – Boon: Heal three health.
• Relentless – Boon: +1 damage.
• Nemesis – If the lowest die on a check is smaller than the player level,
• Undead – Boon: Reset to full health. replace it with a die equal to the player level.
• Has advantage when attacked with crushing weapons. • Has advantage when attacked at range.

• Aggressive Howl – Personal, once – Wight rolls its general dice as an
attack dealing Infernal damage. Then, the Wight moves.

A shambling, rotting corpse, animated with foul necromantic energies,
 Unclean vermin, bearers of disease, lurk in the shadows of these blasted grounds.

the zombie seeks desperately to feast on the brains of the living. Kill them before they overwhelm you!

Wraith Gravedigger Beetle

v v
Chill Touch Relentless Incorporeal Undead Mandibles Voracious Carapace Burrowing
attack general & attack defend general & defend attack general & attack defend general & defend

d10 d6 d10 d8 Health

d6 d6 d8 d6 Health
+1 damage +1 damage + heal 5 +1 damage + burrow

• Relentless – Boon: +1 damage. • These beetles have tough carapaces. Reduce all damage to them by one.
• Incorporeal – Boon: Next attack has advantage. • Mandibles – Melee slashing damage. Boon: +1 damage.
• Undead – Boon: Reset to full health. • Burrowing – Beetle digs underground and cannot be attacked. Uses its
• Has advantage when attacked with physical weapons. first action on its next turn to emerge adjacent to you and attack.
• Cannot be attacked with physical weapons until it attempts Enervation. • Has advantage when attacked with crushing weapons.

• Enervation – Melee, once – The Wraith makes a piercing melee attack. If
it hits, it deals damage to Stamina, not Health.

The semi-incorporeal shadow of the vengeful, unjust dead.
 Gravedigger Beetles eat the bones from graves they dig into for the nutrients they need

The creature exists only to inflict pain, terror, and sorrow. to build their tough, bone-white carapaces. They are extremely hostile when disturbed.
Crypt Bats Crypt Bats Crypt Bats Crypt Bats Crypt Bats


Rat Swarm Rat Swarm Rat Swarm Rat Swarm Rat Swarm
Skeleton Skeleton Skeleton Skeleton Skeleton
Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer


Gravedigger Gravedigger Gravedigger Gravedigger Gravedigger

Beetle Beetle Beetle Beetle Beetle

Zombie Zombie Zombie Zombie Zombie

Skeleton Skeleton Skeleton Skeleton Skeleton Devotant

Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior
Wall Crypts
Fold the top parts like a door,
and then glue onto the
accompanying stands.

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