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Traffic congestion is a growing concern in many cities around the world.

There are many factors which contribute towards and complicate this issue.

One factor is that the more a country and a city develops, the number of wealthy
individuals increases. An increase in wealthy individuals can lead to more
private cars. Private cars use more space on the road than a motorcycle or a
bicycle, which leads to increased traffic congestion.

Urban areas have a greater population density than rural areas. There are more
people living in the same amount of area in a city than in the countryside.
Because of this greater population density, there are more people using roads,
leading to traffic congestion.

Traffic congestion can be a consequence of traditional work shift patterns,

usually Monday to Friday, 9 p.m. to 5 p.m.
This results in the majority of commuters crowding onto roads at the same time,
causing “rush hour.”

By varying a company’s shift patterns to alternative start and finish times, the
number of vehicles on the road at the same time can be reduced.

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