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Name: Paige Barrow

Title: Technology in schools today

General Purpose: To inform the use of e-books in schools

Specific Purpose: At the end of the presentation, people will want to replace textbooks with e-

I. Attention Getter: A personal story...Has anyone ever had a terrible time at school
carrying books? Like someone bumps into you and everything falls on the floor? I remember
being in elementary school, having a my first little girl crush on a boy, riding bikes together
home from school. Every thing was going great, until my book bag strap got locked in my tire. I
went tumbling down and of course I forgot to zip my book back. All my books, and myself, fell
right in a muddy ditch.
II.Greet the Audience: Hello everyone! Today I am here to inform you on how todays
technology can be more then a personal cell phone or a fancy car that talks to you. Technology
could even transform our schools. Not only am I going to tell you about how it could change
schools, I'm going to show you how.

1.Text books are bulky and heavy. How many of you find yourselves struggling in school to
carry 5 different subject books. Not only are they heavy but they age! The wear and tear on
them are terrible. Many times I've seen myself getting through a book and a page is torn out or
water damage ruined the ink.
2. Going paperless. Today the environment is just as important as technology. By switching to
e-books you can expect to save 4 trees a year. Rather then printed copies of pages of books or
magazines given to each student, a copy can be sent right to their electronic devices. Not only
books, but all of their assignments can be stored on it.
3.E-books also allow students privacy. Kids get bullied very easily. Especially when they are on
a slower reading level then others. Regular books allow other students to see what your
reading, while an iPad or tablet allows the student to personalize font size and read on their own
level without anyone knowing.
4. Get with the times! Books are boring. What kid comes home and spends ours reading their
paper back books anymore. If anything they're on their phones, tablets, or xbox. A lot of issue in
schools any more is that students aren't doing the same thing there as they are at home making
them uninterested. You cant do anything with them. E-books allow students to highlight words
and even look up what words mean when they don't understand.
5. One of the number one problems I have seen with technology in schools, and in general, is
the parents and teachers inability to use the technologies properly. Parents get flustered when
students come home with online homework and since they lack skills, the students aren't able to
get help they need. There are tons of assistive programs ready to help any parent or teacher
learn the software.
6. Another problem that many see with technology is the cost. A school in California proposed a
plan of $500 million to go towards iPads in schools. Obama hopes to get an iPad, Tablet, or
Smartphone into the hands of every student in America. The cost, at most, can be outweighed
by more benefits then regular textbooks.
Conclusion: In the end, you may see your students more willing then ever to read an e-book

over a regular old textbook. Wouldn't it be nice to have them with their face in an iPad because

they're reading a book rather then jumping on the xbox when they get home. And who wouldn't

want to help the environment while they're at it too. Rather then being that embarrassed kid

dropping books and papers down the hall for everyone to step on, children could have the easy

to use, light iPad with not only e-books, but all their assignments on one device.

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