Unit 3 Revision

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Week 1

Identify the moral and the motivation in the given story.

1 . K i n g H a ga g ’ s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ g a v e h i m a d v i c e
from The Great Book of Kings.
2. Ki n g Ha ga g ha d a _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ of many
c o l o r f u l r o b e s m a d e o f e x p e n s i v e ma te ri a l s.
3. K i n g H a g a g g a i n e d o v e r a l o n g p e r i o d o f t i m e
from Th e Great Book of Kin gs.
4. The palace guards did not ____________ King Hagag
1. How was the Great Genie able to look like the king?
2. What was the king wearin g wh en the guard s left him outside the
castle gate s?
3. At first, the king refu ses to pu t on h is crown and take back his
throne. Why?
4. How did the king help the farmer
Week 2

Fact or Opinion?

Write 2 sentences using “must”

Example: I must review for the coming exam.
Write 2 sentences using “would”
Example: Would you like some tea?
Week 3
Complete the sentences by adding the prefix trans-, un-, or mis- to the word in parentheses.
Use a dictionary if necessary.
1. Scientists are trying to ______ (lock) the mysteries of the solar system.
2. The rocket launch failed and ended with a ._________ (fire)
3. Some people are__________ (happy) about the idea of going to Mars.
4. The _________(atlantic) flight went from Boston to London.
5. Technology has____________ space exploration since the 1960 (formed)
1.What does the speaker think humans can do to prevent a mass extinction?
2.What resources does Mars have that humans need?
3. Why does the speaker suggest it doesn’t matter much that Mars has water?
4.What does the speaker suggest we do instead of traveling to Mars.

Week 4
Use the context to figure out the meaning of the highlighted words.
1. The ______ of this book is good vs bad.
2. The ______ of my favorite fable is not to trust everyone.
3. Getting his car stolen from the police department parking lot was the final _____ of his
Write the correct answer from the given choices.(ETHICAL, PRINCIPLE, ANALYZE, JUSTIFY)


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