MPMC Lab Exp - 1 - 2023

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ECLR13 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers lab

Addressing Modes of 8086

Date :

EXP No: 1

Draw the following blocks (left hand side of your record)

Use scale and pencil for drawing. Avoid free hand drawing.

1. organization of 8086 Microprocessor flow

Write the following theory in the right side of your record.

1. Explain about organization of 8086

2. Explain 8086 registers
3. Explain 8086 addressing modes with example

Right side of the record

To learn assembly instructions and different addressing modes of Intel 8086
Software required:
Emulator 8086

Program Code:
(table format (label, CS:IP, opcode, operand, comment)

Label CS:IP Opcode Operand Comment

0700:0100 MOV AX, 1000H ; The Data 1000h is moved into
AX register

0700:0103 MOV DS, AX ; Base address 1000h is copied

into DS

0700: 0105 MOV BX, [0100h] ;The content in 1000:0100h is

copied into BX

left side of the record

Execution result: Before execution and after execution

Before Execution After Execution


AX XX XX 10 00

DS 07 00 10 00

1000:0100 76 43

BX XX XX 76 43

right side of the record

Result :

Thus the different addressing modes and assembly instruction of Intel 8086 Microprocessor
are studied and verified.

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