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The following topic to be discuss in this module, to wit:

Introduction of Rock and type of Minerals; Composition of Minerals;

Physical Properties of Minerals; Rock-forming Minerals; Non-metallic
Mineral Resources; Kinds of Rock Bodies; Types of Rocks; Physical,
Chemical and Rate Weathering; Application of Rocks and Mineral to Civil
Engineering Problems.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the module, you will be able to:
1. Determine the difference between rocks and minerals
2. Find out the composition of minerals
3. Categorize the physical properties of minerals
4. Determine the types of minerals and rocks and its classifications
5. Find out the uses of rocks and minerals in relation to civil engineering

2.1 Introduction

Geology is the study of earth, the materials of which it is made, the structure
of those materials and the effects of the natural forces acting upon them and is
important to civil engineering because all work performed by civil engineers involves
earth and its features.

Rocks are the naturally solid aggregate of minerals. Since the crust of the
earth is composed of rocks, a rock may be defined as a unit of the earth crust.
Minerals are only responsible for the formation of rocks. Civil engineers need to know
the properties of rocks, for it has used in many purpose (as foundation rock, as
building stone, as road rock or metal etc.)Rocks are used in the formation of
foundation or base of civil engineering projects, because the rocks are more stable
and having high strength. Engineering geologists are needed wherever an
understanding of rock properties and geological structures is required, i.e. road
construction, building foundations, dam construction etc. Natural hazards
(earthquake, landslide, and tsunami) are originated and produce the deformation on
surface of earth. Natural hazards cannot be prevented, but its prediction is

The following questions commonly ask when you read about rocks and

What is Mineral?
What is rock?
Minerals are found in rocks and these rocks found in Earth’s crust.


What is Rocks?
A rock is an aggregate of one or more minerals. It may be hard or soft
and varied colours. It has a combination of two or more minerals.

Petrology is science of rocks. A petrologist studies rocks in all their

aspects, mineral composition, texture structure, origin, occurrence, alteration
and relationship with other rocks.


Types of Rocks

 Igneous Rocks – solidified from magma and lava

 Sedimentary Rocks – the result of deposition of fragments by exogenous
 Metamorphic Rocks – formed out of existing rocks undergoing recrystallization


 Form out of magma and lava from interior of the earth.

 Ignis– in Latin means “Fire”, formed when magma colds and solidifies.

 Formed out from particles of sand, shells, pebbles, and other fragments of material.
 Sedimentum – means settling
 Rocks (Igneous Sedimentary and Metamorphic) of the earth’s surface are exposed to
denudational agents, are broken up into various size of fragments.

Lithification --Fragments are being deposited by different exogenous
agencies. These deposit through compaction turn into rocks.

Classification of Sedimentary Rocks

a. Mechanically formed – sandstone, conglomerate, limestone, shale loess, etc.

b. Organically formed – geyserite, chalk, limestone, coal etc.
c. Chemically formed – chert, limestone, halite, potash etc.

 Formed under the surface of the earth from the metamorphosis (change) that
occurs due to intense heat and pressure (squeezing).
 The word metamorphic means “change of form”
 Form under the action of pressure, volume and temperature changes.


Metallic Minerals
These minerals contain metal content and can be sub-divided into three
(i). Precious Metals: gold, silver, platinum etc.
(ii). Ferrous metal: iron and other metals often mixed with iron to
form various kinds of steel.
(iii). Non-Ferrous metal: include metals like copper, lead, zinc, tin,
aluminum etc.
Non-metallic Minerals
These minerals do not contain metal contain, Sulfur, Phosphates and
nitrates are examples of non-metallic minerals. Cement is a mixture of non-
metallic minerals.


ESSAY. Write your answer in the space provided

QUESTION: What is the difference between rocks and minerals in terms of civil engineering
application to vertical structure?


What is a mineral?

A mineral is an organic, naturally occurring solid that has a definite chemical

composition and atomic structures.


Transpa- Hardness
rency –
Cleavage Color – relative
Fracture Luster Streak – the ratio resistance
– - Struc- being
tendency – - between
External – some
transparen ture the
to break in internal minerals colour of ten minerals
Crystal given molecular appea- have the ground t; light rays – weight of are being
Form directions rance of characteristi powder of pass particular a given selected to
arrangem c colour through so measure the
ent so a determined any arrange object degree of
– relatively
complex material by their mineral. It that
ment of and the hardness
plane without molecular may be of the weight of from 1-10.
determine surfaces – there are structure – the same can be They are; 1.
d by no planes regard to seen individual an equal
results of malachite, colour as Talc, 2.
internal internal of colour; azurite, plainly; crystals; volume of Gypsum, 3.
the mineral
arrangeme arrange- molecule each chalcopyrite or may translucent fine, water; Calcite,4.
nt of the ment of s; the mineral etc., and
differ – – light rays medium object Fluorite, 5.
molecules some pass or coarse weighed Apatite, 6.
molecules crystal has a minerals are malachite Orthoclase,
– cubes, – may through grained; in air and
will break distinctiv coloured by is green
but will 7. Quartz, 8.
octahe- cleave in streak, fibrous – then
drons, in an e luster impurities.
diffused so
Topaz, 9.
one or like For fluorite is separa- weighed Corundum,
hexagonal more irregular example, purple or that 10.Diamond.
prisms, manner, metallic; because of objects ble, in water Compared to
directions green but
etc. and at any not along silky, impurities cannot be divergent and this for
gives a
angle to planes of glossy quartz may
white seen; , divide example, a
be white, opaque – radiating. weight in fingernail is
each cleavage. etc. green, red, streak. 2.5 and glass
otherr. yellow etc.
light will air by the or knife blade
not pass at differenc is 5.5.
all. e of two


TRUE OR FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is true. If not change the underlined word or
phrases that makes the statement erroneous with the correct one. Write your
answers on this activity box.

1. Streak is a tendency to break in given

directions producing relatively plane surfaces –
results of internal arrangement of molecules.
2. Hardness is determined by internal
arrangement of the molecules.
3. A mineral is an inorganic, naturally occurring
solid that has a definite chemical composition
and atomic structures
4. A physical properties of minerals in which luster
is the appearance of a material regardless to
arrangement of molecules and specific gravity
5. Structure of the physical properties of minerals
refers to the particular arrangement of the
individual crystals; fine, medium or fine grained;
fibrous – separable, divergent, radiating.


Type of Rocks and Minerals that are common in the field of Civil Engineering

Definition/Description/ Minerals found Disadvantages

Uses in the rock of rocks
- a light-colored igneous Quartz and feldspar
GRANITE rock with grains large enough with minor amount
to be visible with the unaided of mica and
eye. amphilobes.
-is used in buildings, bridges,
paving, monuments, and many
other exterior projects. Indoors,
polished granite slabs and tiles
are used in countertops, tile
floors, stair treads and many
other design elements. Granite
is a prestige material, used in
projects to produce impressions
of elegance and quality.
- a very light rock material filled feldspar, augite,
PUMICE with tiny bubbles of gas. hornblende and
-It is fire resistant, with excellent zircon
sound proofing qualities and
most importantly it is a high
insulation material. Furthermore
it has excellent mechanical
strength, low specific gravity
and a uniform white color.

- Gabbro is a coarse-grained, augite, plagioclase,

GABBRO dark-colored, intrusive igneous minor amount of
rock. It is usually black or dark amphilobe and
green in color and composed olivine and
mainly of the minerals pyroxene
plagioclase and augite.
It is the most abundant rock in
the deep oceanic crust. Gabbro
has a variety of uses in the
construction industry. It is used
for everything from crushed
stone base materials at
construction sites to polished
stone counter tops and floor

BASALT - a dark, fine-grained volcanic pyroxene, calcic  Sinks into soil.

rock that sometimes displays a plagioclase  Absorbs heat and
columnar structure. It is feldspar and olivine reflects light.
typically composed largely of  Can become a
plagioclase with pyroxene and hazard and a
olivine. nuisance.
It is most commonly  Does not
crushed for use as an decompose
in construction projects.
Crushed basalt is used for
road base, concrete aggregate,
asphalt pavement aggregate,
railroad ballast, filter stone in
drain fields, and may other

- is a hard rock which can be
COAL burned as a solid fossil fuel. It is
mostly carbon but also contains
hydrogen, sulfur, oxygen and
nitrogen. It is a sedimentary
rock formed from peat, by the
pressure of rocks laid down
later on top.

-coal ash is widely

used in the civil
engineering sector for
road construction, foundation
improvements, back-filling, or
for use in other earthwork and
in the construction sector as
an artificial light-weight
- is a carbonate sedimentary calcite and
LIMESTONE rock that is often composed of aragonite.
the skeletal fragments of
marine organisms such as
coral, foraminifera, and
- have a high strength,
durability and resistance to
corrosion. Their non-slip and
heat-resistant properties are
highly prized.

- is a fine-grained sedimentary illite, kaotinite,

SHALE rock that forms from the smectite, quartz,
compaction of silt and clay-size chert and feldspar.
mineral particles that we
commonly call "mud."

a source material in the

ceramics industry to make
brick, tile, and pottery.
Shale used to make pottery
and building materials requires
little processing besides
crushing and mixing with
water. Shale is crushed and
heated with limestone to make
cement for
the construction industry
- is a coarse-grained clastic silica, calcite or iron
CONGLOMERATE sedimentary rock that is oxide.
composed of a substantial
fraction of rounded to
subangular gravel-size clasts,
e.g., granules, pebbles,
cobbles, and boulders, larger
than 2 mm (0.079 in) in

-can be used as a fill material

for roads and construction.
Hard rock may be cut and
polished to make dimension
- is a sedimentary
SANDSTONE rock composed of sand-size Most sandstone is Not as hard as
grains of mineral, rock, or composed of quartz sedimentary and
organic material. It also or feldspar metamorphic rocks.
contains a cementing material
that binds the sand grains

together and may contain a
matrix of silt- or clay-size
particles that occupy the
spaces between the sand

SCHIST - is medium grade metamorphic muscovite
rock, formed by the
metamorphosis of mudstone /
shale, or some types of igneous
rock, to a higher degree than
slate, i.e. it has been subjected
to higher temperatures and

GNEISS - is a high grade metamorphic quartz, potassium

rock, meaning that it has been feldspar, and
subjected to higher sodium feldspar.
temperatures and pressures
than schist. It is formed by the
metamorphosis of granite, or
sedimentary rock.

-used as a building material

such as flooring, ornamental
stones, gravestones, facing
stones on buildings
and work surfaces.
QUARTZITE - is a metamorphic rock formed
when quartz-rich sandstone or zircon, rutile and
chert has been exposed to high magnetite.
temperatures and pressures.
Such conditions fuse the quartz
grains together forming a
dense, hard, equigranular rock.

is use for making bricks and

other strong building materials.
It is also growing in popularity
as a decorative stone, and has
a limited use as crushed stone.
Quartzite is also quite dense
and extremely hard.
Crushed quartzite can be used
as railroad track ballast
because is so hard and

MARBLE - a metamorphic rock formed

when limestone is exposed to clay minerals,  Foliates
high temperatures and micas, quartz,  Its complexity
pressures. pyrite, iron oxides, makes it difficult
-It is used for and graphite. to predict on
its optical properties in how they will act
cosmetics, paint, and paper. It
is used because it is an
abundant, low-cost commodity
in crushed stone prepared
for construction
projects. Marble has many
unique properties that make it a
valuable rock in many different


INSTRUCTION: Read comprehensively and following the instruction carefully.

Indicate by the correct letter of which the following classes/types/descriptions
of type of rocks listed below belongs in:

a. Igneous Rock b. Metamorphic Rock c. Sedimentary Rock

1. Clay minerals, micas, quartz, pyrite, iron oxides, and graphite.

2. Used for its optical properties in cosmetics, paint, and paper.
3. Used in buildings, bridges, paving, monuments, and many other
exterior projects.
4. Sinks into soil.
5. Widely used in the civil engineering sector for road construction,
foundation improvements, back-filling, or for use in other earthwork and
in the construction sector as an artificial light-weight aggregate.
6. Calcite and aragonite.
7. Use for making bricks and other strong building materials.
8. Contains a cementing material that binds the sand grains together and
may contain a matrix of silt- or clay-size particles that occupy the
spaces between the sand grains.
9. It is usually black or dark green in color and composed mainly of the
minerals plagioclase and augite.
10. Absorbs heat and reflects light.



The type of rocks and its engineering properties:

Type of Rocks and Its Engineering Properties

 Plutonic rocks often  The resistance of the  Rocks showing foliation should
become resistant to sedimentary rocks to not be preferred as construction
breakage and pressure breakage and pressures materials in terms of strength.
when they are fresh and varies depending on the  The strengths of the foliated
although the rock is hardness grades and the metamorphic rocks, along with
fractured. Therefore they susceptibility of the minerals the leavening and foliations that
show high resistance. to water. For example; Clay, develop as a result of the
 They can be used in marl, gypsum and limestone metamorphism, are decreasing
material engineering cemented sandstones and along the foliage planes due to
services when their conglomerates show little clay minerals that swell in water
resistance is between resistance to water pressures. like chlorite and epidote.
1500-2000 kg / cm2. Silica cemented ones are  Marbles from metamorphic rocks
 The resistance of the rock more resistant, like granite are preferred as a good building
depends on weathering and basalt. Good cemented material. It is the building
and hence degradation rocks have high porosity and material that is required in the
degree will vary inversely permeability ratings, so their building coverings.
with the degree of water storage capacities are  The metamorphic masses
weathering. high, while their resistance is provide a solid structure for the
 Since the volcanic low. foundation of the building, if it is
masses have different  Sedimentary rocks containing not separated. Some slip planes
physical properties, it is clay minerals such as clay
necessary to thoroughly and shale contain water in a can be used without any support
inspect them before small or large amount if the slip gaps are not full with
construction starts. depending on the type of clays.
 Some lavas, minerals they contain. Their  Metamorphic can be exposed to
agglomerates and indentations loosen or change immediately under
volcanic rocks protect degrade according to the favorable climatic conditions.
their freshness, so their water content. As a result, Due to the changing
resistance may be as resistance and handling construction, volume increases
high as deep rocks such power are reduced. and pressure increases. Such
as basalt. But volcanic  Limestones are used as features should be observed in
tuffs and breccias are building material for producing tunnels and dam constructions
hollow and decayed, so lime, aggregate, gravel and and other constructions.
they show a drossy building stone. The resistance  Schist rocks along the schistosity
structure. At the same of the limestones to be used plane cause shifts in the
time they lose credibility in this area must be at least excavations. This is especially
because they show clay 200 kg / cm2 with respect to the case for the dissociated
mineralization. water absorption, less regions where the schistose and
abrasion, and pore and cleavage are opened and
porosity weakened and the rock
 The resistance of the resistance is greatly reduced.
limestones is low and high, so  Schists and similar rocks create
the stratification of the landslide hazards in road
limestones is effective. constructions, dam abrasions
 Cracking systems and melting and reservoir slopes.
gaps should be avoided or  Massive gneisses provide very
minimized in limestones if good conditions for large
they are used in foundation underground openings. Facilities
and dam construction. for swimming pools, theaters,
 Limestones must be cracked skating rinks, industrial
and melting space at warehouses, production plants
groundwater investigations. and many other activities have
Limestones which have high been created economically and
porosity and cracked provides safely in large openings to such
to generate high rocks.
dishargeskarstic springs.  Schistosized and competing
gneisses can create stability
problems in underground
openings. Even in the ravaged
schist and the small tunnels
opened in the phyllite, the ceiling
may collapse. As the
metamorphic rocks are cracked
and contested on the surface,
excavations cause the rock
blocks to move


TRUE OR FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is true. If the statement/phrase is incorrect , write
FALSE. Write your answers on this activity box.

1. The resistance of the limestone is average, so that

the stratification of the limestone is effective.
2. Schists and similar rocks create flashfloods and
earthquake hazards in road constructions, dam
abrasions and reservoir slopes
3. The resistance of the sedimentary rocks to breakage
and pressures varies depending on the arrangement
of moles and crystals form grades and the
susceptibility of the minerals to water
4. Sedimentary rocks used in material engineering
services when their resistance is between 1500-
2000 kg / cm2.
5. Marbles from igneous rocks are preferred as a good
building material


 Geology is the study of earth, the materials of which it is made, the structure of those
materials and the effects of the natural forces acting upon them.

 A rock is an aggregate of one or more minerals. It may be hard or soft and varied
colors. It has a combination of two or more minerals.
Petrology is science of rocks. A petrologist studies rocks in all their aspects,
mineral composition, texture structure, origin, occurrence,
alteration and relationship with other rocks.

 Types of Rocks
 Igneous Rocks – solidified from magma and lava
 Sedimentary Rocks – the result of deposition of fragments by exogenous
 Metamorphic Rocks – formed out of existing rocks undergoing

 Types of Minerals
 Metallic Minerals : Precious Metal, Ferrous Metal, and Non-Ferrous
 Non-metallic Minerals - These minerals do not contain metal contain,
Sulfur, Phosphates and nitrates are examples of non-metallic
minerals. Cement is a mixture of non-metallic minerals.

 A mineral is an organic, naturally occurring solid that has a definite chemical

composition and atomic structures.
Physical Properties of Mineral: External Crystal Form, Cleavage, Fracture,
Luster, Color, Streak, Transparency,
Structure, Specific Gravity, and Hardness

How Much Have you Learned?


INSTRUCTION: Read comprehensively and following the instruction carefully.

Indicate by the correct letter which of the following classes/types/descriptions of
geologic materials each minerals and rocks listed below belongs in:
a. Sedimentary Rock b. Igneous Rock c. Metamorphic Rock
d. Metallic Minerals e. Non-Metallic Minerals

1. Solidified from magma and lava

2. Limestone
3. Rocks showing foliation should not be preferred as construction
materials in terms of strength
4. Gneiss
5. They can be used in material engineering services when their
resistance is between 1500-2000 kg / cm2
6. Granite is a prestige material, used in projects to produce
impressions of elegance and quality.
7. Formed out of existing rocks undergoing recrystallization
8. Cement
9. Minerals contain Precious Metal content.
10. Basalt



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provisions and sample problems in order for you to get a remarkable and
exemplary rating… Don’t turn to the next page until you comprehensively solve
the questions and problems given. You may review your answer. Good luck to the
next Lesson!



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