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Preparation for Lesson 6 Wrapping Up

In this lesson, we will close the loop on our HS1301 journey.

1. You will write a negative response email to one of the email assignment
submissions and comment on two other groups’ response emails.
2. And you will receive feedback on your team meeting, minutes-writing assignment
and/or email assignment.

There will not be a whole-class meeting for this lesson. Each team will be assigned 15-min
conferencing slots with the tutor, and you should meet up with the tutor only for your slot.

1. Responding to an email from the email assignment

In the Email Writing assignment in Week 4, you took on the perspective of a writer and
wrote a persuasive/difficult email. It is now time to take on the perspective of an email
recipient and write a negative response email.

This is what you need to do:

1. Your tutor will select two emails from those submitted for the email assignment and
post it to the forum.
2. Your team will be assigned to write a negative response to either one of those emails.
 You may meet up to write the response email in your own time before the
tutorial and post it to the forum before the end of your tutorial slot.
 Or you may use the time during the tutorial to work on the response email
together and post it to the forum before the end of your tutorial slot.
3. You should then look at the email responses from two other teams in the forum and
comment on them in the forum.
 You are expected to comment as a reader, not a marker. So, explain how the
tone of the emails makes you feel, whether you feel terribly rejected and hurt, or
whether you feel rejected but feel that the writer has handled it well and not
made you feel hurt, etc.
 Comment on what you like about the emails and what you didn’t like as a
 Your team should complete this by the end of the tutorial slot.

Note: This activity is not graded. The purpose of this activity is:
1. to give you further practice in writing difficult/sensitive/bad news emails but this time in
a safe environment where you do not need to worry about being graded.
2. to give you a chance to see how your email responses impact real readers. That is why
the other teams will respond to your negative response email by telling you how they
feel after reading your negative response.
3. to give you further practice in interpersonal communication skills, specifically in giving
feedback tactfully. To get the full benefit of this activity, please review Lesson 1 SCORM
lesson on how to give feedback tactfully.

2. Tutor feedback on meeting, email assignment and/or minutes-
writing assignments
Your team will be pre-allocated 15-min conferencing slots with the tutor. Your team is to
meet with the tutor for only the 15-min conferencing slot to receive feedback on your work.

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