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Date: 13-02-2023,

The Secretary,
Horticulture Welfare Association,
Public Gardens, Hyderabad,
Telangana - 500004

Dear Sir,

Subject: Request a letter for retail selling our product “KAP Bio Manure” at the public
gardens, Hyderabad. – Offer Prices and Samples of each packing - Regarding.

We, KAP Associates are marketing our product “KAP Bio Manure” in 1Kg, 5Kg, and 25Kg
packets at a very reasonable price in the market. Our manure will improve the physical condition of
the soil (soil texture and structure), besides improving the organic content of the soil. It is useful for
terrace gardening customers. The offer pricing of all the packs is mentioned here under for your kind
reference and information.

Packs weight-wise Offer Price Max Selling Price

1Kg 25/- 75/-

5Kg 85/- 150/-

25Kg 175/- 250/-

Note: The above-mentioned pricing is ex-factory (Inclusive of 5% GST), and Transportation is extra.

So, we request you to please examine the samples and place an order for the retail sales at
your counter.

Expecting a favorable response from your end.

Thanking you in anticipation

Yours Sincerely,

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