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CPJXXX10.1177/0009922819845897Clinical PediatricsMier et al

Clinical Pediatrics

Acceptance of Behavior Guidance 2019, Vol. 58(9) 977­–984

© The Author(s) 2019
Article reuse guidelines:
Techniques Used in Pediatric Dentistry
DOI: 10.1177/0009922819845897

by Parents From Diverse Backgrounds

E. Angeles Martinez Mier, DDS, MSD, PhD1 ,

Christopher R. Walsh, DDS, MSD1,2, Christopher C. Farah, PhD3,
LaQuia A. Vinson, DDS, MPH1,2, Armando E. Soto-Rojas, DDS, MPH1,
and James E. Jones, DMD, MSD, EdD, PhD1,2

Objective. To investigate if parental background affects acceptance of behavior guidance techniques. Background.
Behavior guidance techniques are used for the safe and effective treatment of pediatric patients. Acceptance of these
techniques may vary by racial and ethnic background. Methods. A total of 142 parents were recruited and asked to
rate videos showing: active restraint/protective stabilization (AR), general anesthesia (GA), nitrous oxide sedation
(N2O), oral premedication/sedation (OP), passive restraint/protective stabilization (PR), tell-show-do (TSD), and
voice control (VC) techniques. Results. Hispanic parents rated VC most acceptable, followed by TSD, PR, and
pharmacologic techniques. Black and white parents rated TSD, followed by N2O, as most acceptable, and AR and
PR as least favorable. Hispanics found GA significantly less acceptable than whites or blacks. Hispanics were less
accepting of AR than blacks; but more accepting of PR than whites. TSD was highly rated among all 3 cohorts.
Parental background affected acceptance of the techniques in this study.

dentistry, pediatrics, children, behavioral management

Background younger pediatric dentists.5 In some cases, advanced mea-

sures are needed when treating children who are noncom-
Behavior guidance is the American Academy of Pediatric pliant due to negative behavior or fear.1
Dentistry’s (AAPD) term describing the interaction Advanced behavior guidance techniques are consid-
between a child, the child’s family, and a health care pro- ered higher risk and therefore require advanced training
fessional in a clinical setting when striving to achieve safe and informed consent from a parent or legal guardian.
and effective dental education and treatment. Minimizing Advanced techniques include pharmacologic intervention
a child’s fear and anxiety is an important factor in provid- and protective stabilization, which has been known as
ing successful treatment.1 Successful treatment requires active or passive restraint.1 Protective stabilization with a
that behavior guidance techniques be tailored to each spe- Papoose Board has been shown to garner positive attitudes
cific child, the family, and the child’s dental experience.2 toward its use by mothers whose children have required
Successful behavior guidance selection and employment the technique.6 Some younger pediatric dentists predict
can aid achievement of successful dental disease treat- use of protective stabilization will decline in the future.3
ment and prevention, thereby creating a positive dental
experience for child, parent, and dentist.1
A survey inquiring about the use of 13 different guid- Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, USA
ance techniques by pediatric dentists indicated they Riley Hospital for Children, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN,
employ a range of techniques.3 However, basic behavior USA
guidance techniques, especially communicative ones, tend
to be the most successful and widely used.4 Nitrous oxide/ Corresponding Author:
E. Angeles Martinez Mier, Cariology, Operative Dentistry and
oxygen gas inhalation is also considered a basic behavior Dental Public Health, Indiana University School of Dentistry, 415
guidance technique because of its safe and effective capa- Lansing Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202, USA.
bility for anxiolysis.1 Its use is reported as increasing with Email:
978 Clinical Pediatrics 58(9)

Pharmacologic behavior management techniques are affect parental acceptance, it was only partly responsible
also considered advanced. Within this pharmacologic in determining acceptance.10,16,18,19 Conversely, Eaton
continuum, AAPD member dentists prefer general anes- et al17 found, with a middle-class sample of parents, that
thesia most frequently followed by conscious sedation.4,5 parental age, gender, education level, and social status
The most common pharmacologic interventions used have no correlation with parental acceptance.
globally by dentists treating children were general anes- Behavior guidance acceptance has not been specifi-
thesia, followed by nitrous oxide/oxygen, sedation via cally compared across parents of diverse backgrounds,
oral route, sedation via intravenous route, and sedation afforded by ethnicity or race of the parents. When com-
via other routes.7 paring across similar studies that have surveyed paren-
Having such a variety of behavior guidance tech- tal behavior guidance acceptance in countries other
niques available allows treatment to be individualized than the United States some discrepancies have been
for each patient. Many factors contribute to the selection found. With regards to such comparisons, it seems that
of behavior guidance techniques. One panel report sug- cultural background may play a role in parental accep-
gests that postdoctoral students should receive training, tance patterns of behavior guidance. Moreover, several
with regard to behavior guidance selection, in family social science articles suggest that cultural background
dynamics and advocacy, parenting, and multiculturalism may play a role in parenting style, which could extrap-
among other things.8 Another report states more simply olate to differences in parental acceptance of behavior
that the “appropriateness” of a behavior guidance tech- guidance methods.20,21
nique is based on effectiveness and social validity.2 Previous literature on parental acceptance of behav-
Medical sociologists suggest a shift in the health care ior management techniques calls for ongoing research to
industry toward a consumerist approach leading to den- accommodate societal change.22 The purpose of this
tal treatment increasingly becoming a decision-making study is to determine if parental ethnic/racial back-
process between dentist, parent (and potentially other ground affects parental acceptance of common behavior
family members), and insurer. Multicultural influence guidance techniques used in pediatric dentistry. The
on health beliefs, in addition to societal changes in par- study results can provide insight to current parental
enting, reflect complications that dentists face when acceptance patterns of common behavior guidance tech-
deciding treatment approaches for children.9 All of these niques leading to improved communication between
complex factors must be considered when treating a dentist and parent/child, and increased compliance with
child in the dental setting and how a management plan pediatric dental care.
will be accepted.
Parental acceptance of behavior guidance techniques
Materials and Methods
is an important part of successful dental treatment of
pediatric patients as well as for any other specialty that Prior to initiation of this study, Indiana University–
may benefit from the use of these techniques. Multiple Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) Institutional
studies have investigated what guidance techniques are Review Board (IRB) approval was obtained. A video
accepted by parents for their children, and what factors tape developed by Lawrence et al,10 which has been
determine parental attitudes. These studies have shown used in multiple similar studies,11,13,17,19 was digitized
highly variable results ranging from all presented behav- and loaded onto a tablet device (Apple IPad or Microsoft
ior guidance techniques having some degree of parental Surface) for viewing. The videos consisted of 8
acceptance10 to no technique having universal accep- vignettes, including an introduction to the concept of
tance.11,12 The data also suggest a definite continuum of behavior guidance in addition to an explanation and
parental acceptance where the least aggressive, commu- example of the following 7 behavior guidance tech-
nicative guidance techniques are most accepted, while niques: active restraint (AR), general anesthesia (GA),
more aggressive techniques involving restraint or phar- nitrous oxide sedation (N2O), oral premedication/seda-
macologic intervention are rated less acceptable.11-16 tion (OP), passive restraint (PR) with a Papoose Board,
Recent studies have found parents are more accepting of tell-show-do (TSD), and voice control (VC). Hand-
pharmacologic techniques than in the past.17 over-mouth was omitted from this study due to its omis-
Multiple studies have shown that a thorough explana- sion from the AAPD behavior guidance guidelines.1
tion of proposed techniques is one factor that greatly Video vignettes were also translated to Spanish with
affects parental acceptance, where prior explanation voice-over, using a process of translation and back-
leads to greater acceptance.10,11,14,18 Several studies have translation to ensure content equivalency, as an option
concluded that while socio-economic status seems to for Spanish-speaking parents.
Mier et al 979

Study Subjects Recruitment acceptance across race/ethnicity of approximately 15

points on the visual analogue scale (VAS).
One hundred forty-two subjects were recruited from
community centers in Indianapolis, IN, as well as from
the Indiana University School of Dentistry’s Oral Behavior Guidance Vignettes and VAS
Health Research Institute. Participation required that Consented subjects were asked to view the series of 7
subjects be parents of a child under age eighteen, be behavior guidance vignettes, shown in randomized
over age 18 themselves, and be of Hispanic ethnicity, order, and were asked to rate each technique immedi-
non-Hispanic Black, or White. Interested subjects were ately after each vignette on a VAS. Each subject partici-
read a recruitment script explaining a brief study pated in the study individually to eliminate bias between
description and were verified to be a parent and be over subjects. The VAS used was similar to that used in previ-
age 18 at the time. If interested in participation parents ous studies where a 100 mm horizontal line was paired
were individually presented with an IRB-approved with each technique.10,11,17,19 The left end of the line was
study information sheet, which was summarized by a labeled completely acceptable and corresponds with 0
trained investigator and discussed with each partici- on the numerical scale, while the right end of the line
pant to his or her satisfaction, to explain the nature of was labeled completely unacceptable and corresponds
the study, and the risks/benefits involved. Subjects with 100 on the scale. Each subject was asked to make a
with continued interest were invited into a private area vertical line crossing the VAS representing his or her
and asked to complete a demographic information subjective acceptance level of each technique. A numer-
questionnaire asking parents to indicate ethnicity, race, ical value was established by measuring each cross-
age, gender, family income, and highest completed mark with a ruler to the nearest 0.5 mm. The data were
education level. The demographic questions and the compiled and analyzed.
corresponding variable definitions were derived from
multiple sources including the US Department of
Health and Human Services23 website and “The Impact
Statistical Analysis
of Immigration on Indiana”24 briefing papers. Subjects Statistical analyses of recruitment, as well as results,
that did not fit the inclusion criteria were still invited to were completed using OpenEpi version 2.3.1. A 1-way
participate but were informed that their results likely analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) test was used,
would not be used in the study. and a post hoc Tukey-HSD test was used to compare
Recruitment procedures differed from previous sim- acceptance results across study groups. The main study
ilar studies. We recruited from neutral sites in demographic categories (gender, age, education level,
Indianapolis instead of recruiting from dental offices and family income) were analyzed for equal proportions
where specific behavior guidance techniques might be between the 3 study cohorts using a χ2 analysis. Means
used more often than others might. Moreover, we and standard deviations with 95% confidence intervals
aimed for balanced enrollment across the 3 study were calculated for each technique from each study
cohorts. The IUPUI Polis Center was consulted to help group.
determine recruitment strategy using geospatial data.
Recruitment sites were selected based on the greatest
representation of subjects that would fulfill our target
population while controlling for covariates surveyed A total of 142 subjects were recruited to participate in the
for in the study. Census tract counts, based on the 2010 study, one of which was excluded because she did not
US Census Bureau, for each covariate were cross-ref- belong to any of our 3 study cohorts, leaving us with 141
erenced with community center data obtained from the surveys. Sixty-two of the 141 surveyed parents were
SAVI (Smart Applications on Virtual Infrastructure) Hispanic, 40 were non-Hispanic white, and 39 were non-
website, a community information database, to identify Hispanic black. Based on the results of the analysis of the
which community centers would be used for partici- main demographic categories, exclusions were made
pant recruitment. SAVI is a free resource that helps the from the 141 surveys. Two parental responses were
community, including public policymakers and excluded because their gender was not recorded, and 3
researchers, make data-informed decisions. It provides responses were excluded because the subjects were over
data about Central Indiana communities, tools to ana- 50, causing an age proportion difference between study
lyze and visualize the data, and training to build your groups. No exclusions were made based on education
capacity to use it effectively. We aimed to recruit level or income proportions. Considering exclusions,
between 160 and 210 subjects to produce a power of 136 parental responses were used for analysis. The 3
between 80 and 90 with a mean effect difference in study cohorts were considered proportionate (P > .05)
980 Clinical Pediatrics 58(9)

Table 1.  Demographic Recruitment Profile of Study Groups With Exclusions.

Hispanic Parents Non-Hispanic White Parents Non-Hispanic Black Parents

  n % n % n %
Gender P = .92
 Male 13 20.97% 8 22.22% 7 18.42%
 Female 49 79.03% 28 77.78% 31 81.58%
Age P = .75
  19-29 years 22 35.48% 12 33.33% 14 36.84%
  30-39 years 31 50.00% 16 44.44% 15 39.47%
  40-49 years 9 14.52% 8 22.22% 9 23.68%
Education P = .0002
  Less than high school 24 38.71% 5 13.89% 1 2.63%
  High school graduate 22 35.48% 19 52.78% 18 47.37%
  College graduate 11 17.74% 9 25.00% 15 39.47%
  Graduate degree 5 8.06% 3 8.33% 4 10.53%
Family income P = .52
  $0 to $24 999 25 40.32% 13 36.11% 15 39.47%
  $24 000-$44 999 30 48.39% 14 38.89% 17 44.74%
  $45 000 and over 7 11.29% 9 25.00% 6 15.79%
Total 62 36 38  

Table 2.  Mean Visual Analogue Score for Each Technique by Study Group (in mm).

Hispanic Non-Hispanic Black Non-Hispanic White

Active restrainta 59.5 ± 28.3 42.6 ±34.7 39.7 ± 32.3
General anesthesiaa 59.9 ± 29.2 31.2 ± 33.1 31.9 ± 30.2
Nitrous oxide sedation 52.5 ± 31.8 18.6 ± 22.3 20.1 ± 23.6
Oral premedication 45.3 ± 29.3 32.8 ± 33.8 29.1 ± 30.6
Passive restrainta 42.1 ± 30.4 62.6 ± 31.5 55.3 ± 35.2
Tell-show-do 6.4 ± 9.8 16.8 ± 25.2 8.4 ± 10.2
Voice control 4.7 ± 4.5 33.4 ± 31.9 24.2 ± 23.4
Statistically significant difference per ANOVA (analysis of variance) and equality of variance tests.

across groups for gender (P = .92), age (P = .75), and we can only accept these results, based on the equality
income (P = .52); however, education level (P = .0002) of variance (P > .05) test results, for AR, GA, OP, and
did vary in proportion across study groups creating one PR (P = .35, .69, .62, and .57, respectively). However,
limitation to this study. Table 1 shows a demographic the post hoc Tukey test failed to show differences
breakdown of our study population with exclusions. between any of the 3 groups for OP. Other comparisons
Means and standard deviations with 95% confidence among study groups showed that acceptance was statis-
intervals, for each technique from each study group, are tically different between Hispanic and non-Hispanic
shown in Table 2 and Figure 1, respectively. Analysis of white participants for GA and PR where Hispanic par-
included responses with the ANOVA and post hoc ents are more accepting of PR but less accepting of GA.
Tukey-HSD tests yielded statistical differences (P < Statistical differences exist between non-Hispanic
.05) between the 3 study cohorts for 4 of the 7 surveyed black and Hispanic parents for AR and GA where
behavior guidance techniques. Results for AR Hispanic parents are less accepting of both techniques.
(F-statistic: 5.83; P = .004), GA (F-statistic: 14.49; P No differences existed between non-Hispanic white and
= 2.03E−6), N2O (F-statistic: 24.75; P = 7.26E−10), OP non-Hispanic black parents.
(F-statistic: 3.73; P = .03), PR (F-statistic: 5.24; P = Significant differences were not found for N2O, TSD,
.006), and VC (F-statistic: 23.39; P = 1.78 E−11) all and VC; however, differences may exist that are non-
suggest that differences among the study groups exist parametric in nature and would require further study to
with acceptance levels of these techniques. However, validate. Interestingly, the results for these techniques
Mier et al 981

Figure 1.  VAS scores for parental acceptance of pediatric methods.

A value of 0 indicates parents found the technique completely acceptable, while a value of 100 indicates they found it completely unacceptable.
*Indicates ANOVA results were not substantiated with equality of variance test.

Table 3.  Comparison of Behavior Guidance Technique With Rank Orders Between Present Study and Previous Literaturea.

Non- Non- Eaton Scott and Luis de Abushal

Hispanic Hispanic et al17 Garcia- Leon and
Hispanic White Black (Parents Godoy11 et al13 Elango Muhammad Adenubi18
Parents Parents Parents in the (Hispanic (Parents et al25 et al15 Alammouri14 (Parents
(Present (Present (Present United Parents in the in (Parents (Parents in (Parents in in Saudi
Study)b Study)b Study)b States)b United States)b Spain)b in India) Kuwait) Jordan) Arabia)
OP OP OP AR AR N2O GA Phys Res N2O Phys Res
AR AR AR VC VC OP — CS Phys Res —
GA PR PR PR PR PR — — — —

Abbreviations: VC, voice control; TSD, tell-show-do; N2O, nitrous oxide sedation; OP, oral premedication; Phys Res, physical restraint; CS,
conscious sedation; PR, passive restraint; GA, general anesthesia; OS, oral sedation; AR, active restraint.
Only same or similar techniques as those surveyed for in this study are listed in this table.
Study used videos created by Lawrence et al10.

suggest that Hispanic parents may display greater accep- Discussion

tance of VC and less acceptance of N2O than do non-
Hispanic white and black parents. No previous studies were found to investigate behavior
Table 3 shows the rank order of the behavior guid- guidance acceptance specifically by parents of differing
ance techniques surveyed for in our study compared backgrounds; so, direct comparisons to our study results
with the order of the same or similarly labeled tech- are not possible. The results of this study show that
niques (non-similar techniques were omitted for pur- parental background does play a role in acceptance of
poses of comparison) surveyed for in other studies common behavior guidance methods. TSD has been the
conducted in different geographic areas. most widely accepted technique among previous studies.
982 Clinical Pediatrics 58(9)

This trend held true for both the black and white non- the nurturing category then did Hispanic mothers.
Hispanic parents in this study, but Hispanic parents actu- Furthermore, Varela et al21 found that parents of differ-
ally rated voice control as the most accepted technique ent backgrounds show differences in parenting styles.
with TSD ranking second. Hispanic parents tended to Their study found that white non-Hispanic parents
prefer nonpharmacologic over pharmacologic tech- reported less authoritarian parenting styles than Mexican
niques, contrasting data from some recent similar stud- American parents, but similar styles to Mexican parents.
ies. Comparatively, non-Hispanic black and white They also found that Mexican American, and Mexican
parents seem to mimic the recent data, as N2O was pref- immigrant parents in the United States, both reported
erable second. These groups also favored all pharmaco- more authoritarian parenting styles than did Mexican
logic techniques to either type of restraint surveyed for parents. Varela et al21 suggest that minority status, with
in our study. regard to greater society, may play a larger role in par-
Previous studies surveying for parental acceptance enting style than affiliation with Mexican culture. Still,
have used the 50 score as the center point on the VAS to these differences suggest that parental background does
arbitrarily represent the borderline of acceptability ver- play a role in parenting style. These parenting style dif-
sus nonacceptability of a technique. Considering this ferences may also suggest that parents of different
point with regard to this study, both white and black backgrounds may feel differently about what techniques
parents accepted all techniques except for passive are used with their children in the dental setting.
restraint, while Hispanic parents were nonaccepting of American pediatric dentists have suggested that neg-
3 techniques including AR, GA, and N2O. Hispanic par- ative parenting changes have occurred during their
ents also accepted passive restraint unlike the other careers causing a shift from using more assertive behav-
study groups. ior guidance techniques to using less assertive ones.26 It
Although previous studies have not selected subjects is also noted that while multiculturalism influences
distinguishing parental background, cautious compari- informed consent and health beliefs, dentists may be
son of previous study results can be done. When com- unaware of these differences.9 As society evolves, it is
paring across such studies discrepancies are found. important to grasp attitudes of parents toward behavior
Spanish parents were more likely to accept VC and AR guidance techniques because this can lead to more effec-
over pharmacologic-based techniques, even nitrous tive dental treatment for children.
oxide/oxygen inhalation.13 A Kuwaiti sample of parents This study has limitations. The video segments that
accepted VC more readily than any pharmacologic tech- were used in this study were chosen because they have
nique; and physical restraint was more accepted then been used previously by several studies. However,
both GA and conscious sedation.15 These trends gener- while all of the techniques demonstrated continue to be
ally coincide with Hispanic parental preferences in our endorsed in the AAPD behavior guidance guidelines,
study. Alternatively, previous results show US parents, there were some other techniques, included in the
even Hispanic parents, generally favor pharmacologic guidelines, for which there are no videos. These tech-
techniques over VC and restraint.11,17 These trends are niques include the following: positive pre-visit imag-
similar to those found for both non-Hispanic white and ery, direct observation, ask-tell-ask, nonverbal
black parents, but contradictory trends for Hispanic par- communication, positive reinforcement and descriptive
ents in this study Another perspective is that both Saudi praise, distraction, memory restructuring, and parental
and Indian parents rated VC as the least accepted tech- presence/absence. We failed to achieve the initial target
nique (except hand over mouth).18,25 The discrepancies number of participants of 160, which was based on the
found when comparing parental acceptance trends initial power calculation. A larger sample size would
among different cultural groups, suggests, like our study, have been favorable. We also aimed to achieve equal
that parental background is a factor in parental accep- numbers of participants for each of our study cohorts
tance of behavior guidance techniques. with a non-statistical difference among the confounding
Interestingly, the results of Hispanic parents in our variables we were trying to control for. We were able to
study deviate from that of Hispanic parents surveyed in eliminate differences between the 3 study groups for
the Scott and Garcia-Godoy study.11 Differences in par- age, gender, and family income; however, we were not
enting styles among parents of differing backgrounds may able to do so for education level. Another limitation of
lend explanation to this finding. Cardona et al20 report, in the study was that 3 surveyors participated in the data
a survey of Hispanic and Anglo American mothers of collection opening the door to human error among an
young children, that Hispanic mothers indicated a greater already survey-based study, which could lead to error
level of discipline in parenting then did Anglo American based in subjectivity. One other factor to consider when
mothers while Anglo American mothers scored higher in surveying parents on their acceptance of techniques
Mier et al 983

would be to consider prior experience with such tech- article: This study was supported by a Delta Dental Foundation
niques. We did ask parents about this; however, the grant, and an Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
results were incomplete, because many times because Signature Center grant.
parents did not know details of or remember previous
dental appointments. ORCID iD
E. Angeles Martinez Mier
1. Differences in acceptance of behavior manage-
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2. Adair SM. Behavior management conference panel I
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3. The basic tell-show-do technique was highly 4. Adair SM, Waller JL, Schafer TE, Rockman RA. A sur-
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thank the local community centers that permitted us to carry 8. Ng MW. Behavior management conference panel IV
out the study at their facilities with their patrons. We would report-educational issues. Pediatr Dent. 2004;26:180-183.
also like to thank Dr Scott Lawrence for sending to us, and 9. Scheller B. Challenges of managing child behavior in
allowing us to use, the videos he helped create for his study. the 21st century dental setting. Pediatr Dent. 2004;26:
10. Lawrence SM, McTigue DJ, Wilson S, Odom JG,

Author Contributions
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duced the study videos. EAMM and CRW acquired the data. 11. Scott S, Garcia-Godoy F. Attitudes of Hispanic parents
CCF performed the statistical analysis. EAMM, CRW, CCF, toward behavior management techniques. ASDC J Dent
AESR, JEJ, and LAV interpreted the data analysis. EAMM, Child. 1998;65:128-131.
CRW, AES-R, JEJ and LAV were involved in drafting the 12. Fields HW Jr, Machen JB, Murphy MG. Acceptability of
manuscript and revised it critically for intellectual content. All various behavior management techniques relative to types
authors read and approved the final manuscript. of dental treatment. Pediatr Dent. 1984;6:199-203.
13. De León JL, Jimeno FG, Dalmau JB. Acceptance by Spanish
Declaration of Conflicting Interests parents of behaviour-management techniques used in pedi-
atric dentistry. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent. 2010;11:175-178.
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
14. Alammouri M. The attitude of parents toward behavior
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management techniques in pediatric dentistry. J Clin
Pediatr Dent. 2006;30:310-313.
15. Muhammad S, Shyama M, Al-Mutawa S. Parental atti-
Funding tude toward behavioral management techniques in dental
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial practice with schoolchildren in Kuwait. Med Prin Pract.
­support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this 2011;20:350-355.
984 Clinical Pediatrics 58(9)

16. Murphy MG, Fields HW Jr, Machen JB. Parental accep- 22. Long N. The changing nature of parenting in America.
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