Class Observation Tool 2022

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F-AC-003 00 24/10/22
27/11/20 24/10/24


This tool should always be used with the intent to promote reflection, improvement, and support.

How to use it?

For each element of success, record evidence (teacher and student words and actions) that you see during the
observation. Based on the evidence, check the level that best describes the teacher’s current practice. If
there’s no evidence, you can leave the box blank.

What’s the teacher’s current level of practice?

• Not Yet: You do not see this in action in the teacher’s classroom (might check this because they haven’t had
a chance to address it, haven’t thought about it, or needs help to improve).
• In Process: The teacher can do more – with help or on their own - but they’ve begun the work.
• Established: The teacher shows expertise and could help others improve.

At the end, share your insights, based on the questions provided.

TEACHER: Grissel Enid Aguirre Rodriguez DATE: Monday, 7:50 AM

SUBJECT: LM Curve CLASS: (Grade, & Room) 6th, A3

OBSERVER: Alberto Alvarado Carrillo CLASS’ TOPIC:

Briefing Questions:

1. Based on your observation evidence, which component/element you see as the strength of the
teacher? What could you praise about them?

She has a lot of expertise in the topic of Macroeconomy

2. Based on your observation evidence, which component/element might you suggest the teacher
prioritize next in their professional learning?
Real cases to apply the topics.

3. Based on your observation evidence, would you consider this a successful class? Why?

Yes, she has deep knowledge about the topic, almost she shows them actual problems.
and questions
Presence and Personality Evidence
Teacher seems comfortable enough at the classroom,
and it shows in their language, confidence, and ability
to stablish rapport.
❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established
Correctness of Language Evidence
Teacher speaks the language properly; their vocabulary,
Personal Qualities &

She knows technical language of

fluency and pronunciation make the topic at hand CIA.

❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established

Classroom Management Evidence
Teacher shows authority, responsibility and order on
their classroom, without being authoritarian. The
teacher fosters a climate of respect.
❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established
Possible examples, evidence statements, and questions
Disciplinary Expertise Evidence
Teacher has deep knowledge of the disciplines they Central concepts and a esay structure
Applying Knowledge of Content & Pedagogy

teach, including structures, central concepts, and skills,

prerequisite relationships, and methods of inquiry.
❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established
Pedagogical Content Knowledge Evidence
Teacher makes content accessible to students by
understanding and addressing preconceptions,
presenting ideas in comprehensible and powerful ways,
and thoughtfully implementing the most effective
pedagogical approaches.
❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established
Knowledge of Interdisciplinary Relationships and Evidence
Teacher makes interdisciplinary connections to scaffold
learning, support engagement, and build essential
knowledge and skills that cross disciplines and support
student learning in multiple contexts.
❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established
Knowledge of Whole Student Development Evidence
Students’ cognitive, physical, social, and emotional
development are all addressed in the design of learning
environments and experiences to promote student
Knowing and Valuing

success and autonomy.

❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established
Knowledge of the Learning Process and Learning Evidence
Learning requires active intellectual engagement and

appropriate support aligned to students’ individual

differences and needs.
❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established
Tasks and Activities Evidence
Tasks and activities are specifically matched
to learning outcomes, encourage higher-level
thinking and student agency, and create authentic
opportunities to engage with meaningful content.
❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established
Flexible Learning Evidence
Multiple strategies and approaches are tailored to
individual student needs to create the appropriate level
of challenge and support for each student.
❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established
Planning Coherent Instruction

Student Collaboration Evidence

Student groups are an essential component of learning
and development, and are organized thoughtfully to
maximize opportunities and build on students’
❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established
Structure and Flow Evidence
Lesson and unit plans are well structured and flow from
one to the next to support student learning and
❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established
, evidence statements, and questions
Purpose and Motivation Evidence
Teachers and students share an overarching dedication
to both content mastery and personal growth.
❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established
Dispositions for Learning Evidence
Teacher model, encourage, explicitly teach, and
reinforce curiosity, critical thinking, reasoning, and
reflection to support student success and their social,
emotional, and academical growth.
❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established
Student Agency and Pride in Work Evidence
Students make informed choices, devote energy to
learning, take pride in their accomplishments, and
actively suggest ways to make the classroom more
Fostering a Culture for Learning

joyful, rigorous, and purposeful.

❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established
Structure and Flow Evidence
Lesson and unit plans are well structured and flow from
one to the next to support student learning and
❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established
Support and Perseverance Evidence
Teachers and students encourage one another to
persevere and use strategies to support each other
through challenging work.
❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established
Expectations to Support the Common Good Evidence
Students play an active role in establishing and
maintaining expectations with regular opportunities for
critical reflection, both individually and as a group.
Supporting Positive Student

❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established

Modeling and Teaching Habits of Character Evidence
Teachers model, explicitly teach, and reinforce habits
that promote learning, ethical behavior, and citizenship.
❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established
Self-Monitoring, Reflection, and Collective Evidence
Students successfully monitor their own behavior,

attend to their impact on other students, and

appropriately support one another.
❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established
Purpose for Learning and Criteria for Success Evidence
Teacher communicates the goals and objectives of
learning activities and outline an instructional pathway
Communicating About Purpose and

for students to meet the established criteria for

❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established
Specific Expectations Evidence
Student actions during each step of learning activities
are clearly and effectively communicated with specific
expectations articulated and reinforced throughout.
❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established
Use of Academic Language Evidence
Verbal and written content-related language used by

teachers and students is academically rigorous,

accurate, and subject and grade appropriate.
❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established
Critical Thinking and Deeper Learning Evidence
Discussion Techniques
Using Questioning and

Questions and discussions require critical thinking,

have multiple answers, and are used to deepen student
❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established
Student Participation Evidence
Students demonstrate curiosity and engage one
another through questions and dialogue, challenging
each other’s thinking with respect and humility.
❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established
Elements of Success Notes and Observations
Rich Learning Experiences Evidence
Students demonstrate agency and critical thinking in
completion of tasks and activities that require high
levels of intellectual engagement.
❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established
Collaboration and Teamwork Evidence
Student collaboration is a key component of learning
and engagement, and students take initiative to
collaborate in new or unplanned ways that further their
learning and make it more engaging and meaningful.
❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established
Engaging Students in Learning

Use of Instructional Materials and Resources Evidence

Instructional materials and resources are used
effectively to support intellectual engagement and deep
learning of the content.
❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established
Opportunities for Thinking and Reflection Evidence
Individual lessons, activities, and tasks, as well as
instructional pathways, have multiple and effective
opportunities to think, reflect, and consolidate
❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established
Possible examples, evidence statements, and questions TAGE 03
Receptiveness and Responsiveness Evidence
Teachers are open to and capitalize upon unexpected
student actions, questions, and internal and external
events; they encourage and support students to pursue
Responding Flexibly to

new learning and opportunities on their own.

❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established
Determination and Persistence Evidence
Student Needs

Teacher is committed to efficacy, even when students

encounter difficulty in learning, and pursue alternative
approaches when necessary to help students be
❒ Not yet ❒ In process ❒ Established


This tool has been designed according to the needs of the Universidad Politécnica de Piedras
Negras, (2022) supported by some aspects of the following methods:
* Formato de Observación de Clase de la DGUTyP
* The Framework for Teaching, Intellectual Engagement Observation Tool
* Roundout Valley Central School District Classroom Teachers Annual Professional Performance

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