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Hardware-in-the-loop Test
of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
The new generation of advanced driver assistance systems uses physical environment data along with logical
information for the predictive computation of driving situations. This data is obtained from navigation databases,
service providers or from networks with other vehicle. It is important to integrate this information into available
test processes to assure these systems in the Hardware-in-the-loop test bench. This article demonstrates how
Audi AG and Audi Electronics Venture GmbH use innovative technological solutions to facilitate the simulation of
such scenarios.

4 ATZelektronik 05I2009 Volume 4

1 Introduction and Test System system due to the numerous possible com- m The Authors
binations of standard and extra equip-
The test system is based on the Hardware- ment. The functional algorithms in the
in-the-loop (HiL) technique, which exam- test which access different sources of data Dr.-Ing.
ines the electric control units using a test require that the sensor data being evalu- Maximilian Miegler
bench instead of testing it in the real vehi- ated must be plausible to each other. For is Head of the HiL
cle. Unavailable hardware components are the later described scenario of prospective Functional Testing
being replaced by software models run- route preparation it means that the exter- r Department at Audi AG
ning on a real time system. The test envi- nal GPS data and the internal measure- in Ingolstadt (Germany).
ronment consists of a dynamic vehicle-be- ments of the vehicle-sensors must be co-
haviour model, interface modules and the herent. This is essential for a correct data
real ECUs (electric control units). The vehi- fusion for the determination of the posi- Dipl.-Ing.
cle being tested is replaced by the vehicle- tion. The main challenge is to expand the Reinhard Schieber
behaviour model. Since the ECUs, the ve- existing simulation of the environment is responsible for linked
hicle-behaviour model and the vehicle bus with environmental data. This data has to HiL Simulators in the
system are interconnected in the HiL simu- be generated at runtime or must be re- Domains Powertrain,
lation, they form a closed loop simulation, quested from other sources which provide Chassis and Driver
Figure 1. The important requirements for it. Thus, the predictive systems in a HiL Assistances Systems at
this implementation are the real time cap- simulation also make use of information Audi AG in Ingolstadt
abilities of the software models [1]. The which is unknown for the vehicle. (Germany).
combination of the model and the real
time system allows the reproduction of a
real vehicle which provides all the neces- 2 Concept Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
sary vehicle-signals for the stimulation of Andreas Kern
the control units in the HiL simulation. The simulation of the environment has is responsible for
This approach is well established and the to supply the tested functions with all projects which uses
simulation models reached a high level of the necessary information to integrate simulation methods
detailing. The HiL simulation makes it interactive and predictive Advanced to develop Driver
possible to test the functionality of the ve- Driver Assistant Systems into existing Assistances Systems at
hicle-components both separately or com- m test processes. For common Assistant Sys- the Audi Electronics
bined. This is crucial for the quality of the tems it is important to provide the infor-
r Venture GmbH in
Ingolstadt (Germany).

Thomas Ganslmeier
M.Sc. (TUM)
is Ph.D. Student working
on Environmental Simu-
lation for Advanced
Driver Assistance
Systems at Audi Elec-
tronics Venture GmbH in
Ingolstadt (Germany).

Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Mirko Nentwig
is Ph.D. Student working
on HiL Simulation for
Advanced Driver Assist-
ance Systems at Audi
AG in Ingolstadt

Figure 1: Principle of a Hardware-in-the-loop

test bench

ATZelektronik 05I2009 Volume 4 5


video and parameter visualisation [3]. By

the use of the communication modules
included in ADTF (for instance modules
for Ethernet and CAN communication)
it is possible to connect and synchronise
the simulation with the HiL test archi-
tecture, Figure 2. Additionally, the open
interfaces of the framework allow the
integration other functions implement- t
ed in modular blocks. Hence, it is possi-
ble to modify the information in the
simulation and supply it with supple-
mentary data from external sources.
With ADTF it is also possible to integrate
Figure 2: Connection of the navigation system data sources which are not connected to
the vehicle. By exploiting the ADTF-mod-
ules, it is therefore possible to integrate
information from service providers, data-
mation of a radar sensor for vehicle de- pants. This information is received via bases or other traffic participants into
tection, a camera for image processing parametrical sensor models, which en- the test system in future application sce-
and position data for GPS systems. The able the adjustment of the position, the narios, Figure 3.
latter require a mapping of the simula- range or the angular aperture of the sen- In addition to the previously men-
tion into the real world. The demands on sors. Whenever an object enters the field tioned advantages, the proposed modu-
the virtual environment are: of the sensor in the simulation, an inter-
r lar concept offers a high degree of reus-
– real-time capabilities of all the in- face sends the information to the ECUs ability and an easy handling. This makes
volved components for further processing. the creation and modification of a
– idealised sensor models project configuration possible even with
– video display for image processing no programming skills. Later in this arti-
– coherence of the data of all involved 4 Modular Design cle, the integration of the “MMI Naviga-
sensors, also for internal vehicle dy- tion plus” navigation system into the
namics values To ensure the scalability and expandabil- Hardware-in-the-loop architecture will
– connection with a vehicle dynamics ity considering future systems, the Auto- demonstrate the concept and the possi-
model – closed loop simulation motive Data and Time Triggered Frame- bilities arising from the application of
– real road works is used to connect the environ- synthetic environment data on the inte-
– scalability ment simulation with the existing test gration testing, Figure 4. The GPS coordi-
– applicability of vehicle independent architecture. ADTF emerged from a de- nates needed for the navigation system
information sources like GPS, data velopment project for Advanced Driver in order to determine the position, are
servers, Car2Car, et cetera Assistance Systems to assist the develop- collected from the position of the vehicle
– realistic simulation of traffic partici- er with the handling of standard tasks in the environment simulation and are
pants. like the link-up with the vehicle-bus or transferred to the control unit.

3 Simulation of the
Vehicle Environment

The requirements mentioned above are

all fulfilled by the application of Auto-
motive Data and Time Triggered Frame-
work (ADTF) and Virtual Test Drive (VTD)
a modular simulation environment de-
veloped by Audi. These tools are also
used in the development of predictive
systems, which generates a synergy ef- f
fect in the whole development process
[2]. Virtual Test Drive provides a 3-dimen-
sional image output together with co-
herent object information of the envi-
ronment and the other traffic partici- Figure 3: ADTF standard modules

6 ATZelektronik 05I2009 Volume 4

Figure 4: Retrieval of data from arbitrary sources

5 Realisation MMI Navigation curvature or the distance to next turnoff. vehicle of the vehicle dynamics has to
plus as a Position Dependent Sensor This knowledge can be used in other ve- drive on a path which matches the
hicle systems for decision making or to course of a real existing and digitalised
Integrating the GPS based navigation optimise the functions of existing assist- road. This is important for the assign-
system “MMI Navigation plus” enables ance systems. To provide the respective ment of the virtual vehicles position to
the functionality of the navigation unit control unit in the HiL simulation with the real geographical position. The vehi-
in the laboratory, Figure 5. This includes the PSD it is necessary to integrate the cle parameters of the velocity, accelera-
both the navigation task, which is im- navigation unit into the overall system. tion and the resulting position of the
portant for the end customer, as well as The navigation system provides the pre- virtual vehicle in the simulation are
the functionality as a position depend- dictive road data based on the current computed by the vehicle dynamics mod-
ent sensor. That sensor is realised by the position and driving direction. To pro- el of the HiL system. The course of the
expansion of the available navigation vide the PSD it is therefore essential to road and the direction for the virtual ve-
software and supplies the other vehicle serve the navigation control unit during hicle are provided from the environ-
systems with the digital road map. Thus, the simulation with plausible und co- ment simulation.
the vehicle systems can access the infor-r herent velocity, acceleration and posi-
mation of the recent and future road tion data. To accomplish this, the virtual
6 Road Design

The reproduction of the real roads is ob-

tained by a powerful editor available
within the simulation platform. The edi-
tor enables the modelling of the desired
road in a pre-processing step based on
digitalised road maps Figure 6. This makes
it possible to reproduce real roads in the
Cartesian coordinate system of the simu-
lation. The number of traffic lanes, turn-
ing lanes, right-of-way regulations and
traffic signs can also be taken into ac-
count in the road design. In addition to
the logical road information, the Editor
contains a 3D-graphics bibliography from
which static elements can be added into
the simulation. The graphical appear-
ance gives the simulation a realistic video
Figure 5: Integration of predictive road data into the HiL test system output.

ATZelektronik 05I2009 Volume 4 7


Figure 6: Reproduction of a real road for the environment simulation

7 Test Configuration the road and traffic information, which gether with the dynamics information of
are easily accessible from inside VTD, are the vehicle model. The computation of
Required driving manoeuvres can be ex- x more important. the vehicle position is as follows: The GPS
actly specified and reproduced by in the sensor model is implemented in C++ and
simulation. The creation of driving sce- is integrated into the test system as a soft-
narios is mainly done through a graphi- 9 Driver Model ware module in ADTF. The sensor model
cal user interface. This makes it possible is conceived as a perfect sensor, which is
to add additional traffic participants into The Driver Model is able to follow speci- not affected by noise. This is done on pur-r
the simulation and to specify accurately fied paths, so that the vehicle can drive pose, because the hardware integration
defined driving manoeuvres based on the on a prearranged route in the virtual en- focuses on the functionality and the in-
modelled road. It is also possible to con- vironment of the simulation. It is real- teraction of the single subsystems. VTD
figure a driving route which is needed for ised as a VTD software component which sends the current position information
the navigation system. assigns an acceleration and steering an- in Cartesian format to ADTF. The conver- r
gle similar to the real human behaviour. sion of the simulation coordinates into a
The virtual driver also takes the traffic geographical position and the merging
8 Coupling the HiL Vehicle rules and speed limits into considera- with the velocity and acceleration infor- r
Dynamics with VTD tion. Therefore, it is able to autonomous- mation are done in ADTF. The transfor- r
ly drive on a road and make turning ma- mation of the coordinates is realised by
When VTD is connected with the HiL sim- noeuvres independently. Another option the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
ulator, the vehicle dynamics are comput- available by the driver model is the exe- System which is valid almost all around
ed on the real time system. The reason lies cution of driving manoeuvres like lane the world. It establishes the connection
behind the strict real time requirements switching or velocity changing in special between the geo and Cartesian coordi-
which are demanded by the Stimulation situations. The same driver model is used nates using the Mercator projection [4].
of the driver dynamics control units like for all the involved vehicles in the simu-
ESP. A high model quality is particularly lation. This allows the creation of very
essential in the border area of the vehicle complex scenarios. The driving com- 11 Coupling of the Navigation System
dynamics. This is achieved by the continu- mands and the mentioned road informa-
ous enhancement and validation of the tion for the test vehicle are sent via the The trajectory of the simulated vehicle
models in recent years. The coordinates of middleware ADTF to the real time system resembles the course of a real digitalized
the wheel contact points, the gradient of the HiL. Thereby, the VTD-Driver sort road. Consequently, the computed geo
and the coefficient of friction of the road of drives the vehicle of the HiL simulator coordinates are laying on a road know
are transmitted through ADTF from VTD inside the virtual world of VTD. for the navigation system. These coordi-
to the real time model in the HiL. Addi- nates, together with the dynamics data,
tionally, some initial conditions and are fed through an interface into the
events like the scenario reset or the pass- 10 Integration of the navigation control unit. The GPS-system
ing through specific points are trans- Navigation Control Unit thereby receives plausible positions, ve-
ferred. The position and the location of locity, and acceleration information,
the vehicle, which are sent back to VTD, The integration of the navigation system which are used by the control unit to de-
arise from the simulation of the vehicle into the test system is done by a GPS sen- termine the position on the digital road
dynamics. The vehicle model and the traf- f sor model which is realised in ADTF map. This approach supplies the control
fic information are still computed from (Figure 5). The position data of the virtual unit with all required sensor informa-
inside VTD, since this information does vehicle is transferred in geographical co- tion for the calculation of the position,
not have to be computed in strict real ordinates from a sensor model and are making the behaviour of the navigation
time conditions. For these components fed into the navigation control unit to- control unit in the simulation analogous

8 ATZelektronik 05I2009 Volume 4


to that of a real driving test. In that way, the

navigation system can display the predictive
road information for the current simulation
position in addition to the visualisation on

the navigation screen. Through the regular 05 | September 2009 · Volume 4

CAN- and MOST-bus-connections, the PSD is Springer Automotive Media | GWV Fachverlage GmbH
P. O. Box 15 46 · 65173 Wiesbaden · Germany
consequently available as sensor data for Abraham-Lincoln-Straße 46 · 65189 Wiesbaden · Germany
other vehicle control units within the test
system. By this means, it is possible to embed Managing Directors Dr. Ralf Birkelbach, Albrecht F. Schirmacher
Senior Advertising Executive Thomas Werner
vehicle functions which evaluate PSD into Senior Production Executive Christian Staral
the automated test process. Senior Sales Executive Gabriel Göttlinger


12 Summary and Outlook Wolfgang Siebenpfeiffer
Ad Manager
Britta Dolch
EDITORIAL STAFF Phone +49 611 7878-323 · Fax +49 611 7878-140
The predictive “Audi Adaptive Frontlighting E-Mail:
System” (AFS) is an implementation which al- Johannes Winterhagen (win) Key Account Management
ready uses predictive road data. The function- Phone +49 611 7878-342 · Fax +49 611 7878-462 Elisabeth Maßfeller
E-Mail: Phone +49 611 7878-399 · Fax +49 611 7878-140
ality of this system could be further optimised Chief-on-Duty
by means of PSD. The information of the pre- Kirsten Beckmann M. A. (kb) Ad Sales Manager
Phone +49 611 7878-343 · Fax +49 611 7878-462 Sabine Röck
ceding road and the steering angle, are con- E-Mail: Phone +49 611 7878-269 · Fax +49 611 7878-140
sidered for the orientation of the headlights. Sections
Body, Safety Ad Sales
Applying the environment simulation makes Dipl.-Ing. Ulrich Knorra (kno) Jeroen Savelkoul
it possible to integrate the optimised func- Phone +49 611 7878-314 · Fax +49 611 7878-462 Phone +49 611 7878-179 · Fax +49 611 7878-140
E-Mail: E-Mail:
tionality into the test process. This helps to Chassis
Display Ad Manager
Roland Schedel (rs)
assure the aimed demands on quality. Phone +49 6128 85 37 58 · Fax +49 6128 85 37 59 Susanne Bretschneider
E-Mail: Phone +49 611 7878-153 · Fax +49 611 7878-443
By the application of the proposed tech- Electrics, Electronics
nique it is possible to qualify available meth- Markus Schöttle (scho) Ad Prices
Phone +49 611 7878-257 · Fax +49 611 7878-462 List No. 4
ods for future tasks. Methods which are already E-Mail:
established can still be deployed. ADTF and Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Moritz-York von Hohenthal (mvh) SUBSCRIPTIONS
VTD open new possibilities for the simulation Tel. +49 611 7878-278 · +49 611 7878-462 VVA-Zeitschriftenservice, Abt. D6 F6,
E-Mail: ATZelektronik
in the context of static and dynamic vehicle Heavy Duty Techniques Postfach 77 77, 33310 Gütersloh
Ruben Danisch (rd) Renate Vies
environments. Virtual methods are continu- Phone +49 611 7878-393 · Fax +49 611 7878-462 Phone +49 5241 80-1692 · Fax +49 5241 80-9620
ously available from the development up to E-Mail: E-Mail:
the validation. These methods can be used for Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Caterina Schröder (cs)
Phone +49 611 7878-190 · Fax +49 611 7878-462
the development of algorithms, the integra- E-Mail: The eMagazine appears six times a year at an
tion into the full vehicle and to automate the Production, Materials annual subscription rate of 131 €. Special rate for
Stefan Schlott (hlo) students on proof of status in the form of current
validation of the final software. The possibility Phone +49 8191 70845 · Fax +49 8191 66002 registration
g certificate 61 €. Special
p rate for VDI/
E-Mail: ÖVK/VKS members on proof of status in the form
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p rate for
information by extending the environment Martina Schraad studying VDI/ÖVK/VKS members on proof of status
Phone +49 212 64 235 16 in the form of current registration and member
simulation makes the system adaptable for E-Mail: certificate 49 €. The subscribtion can be cancelled
Transmission, Research in written form at any time with effect from the next
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English Language Consultant All manuscripts should be sent directly to the
References Paul Willin (pw) editors. By submitting photographs and drawings
[1] Kim, S. and Jung, H., Functional Suspension Model for Address the sender releases the publishers from claims
P.O. Box 15 46, 65173 Wiesbaden, Germany by third parties. Only works not yet published in
Real-Time Vehicle Dynamic Analysis. Proceeding on In- Germany or abroad can generally be accepted for
ternational Conference on Automotive Engineering, Dec. publication. The manuscripts must not be offered
for publication to other journals simultaneously. In
10–13, 2001, Koogmin University, Seul Korea MARKETING | OFFPRINTS accepting the manuscript the publisher acquires
[2] Weiss, C.; Neubohn, A.; von Neumann-Cosel, K.; Kuhn, Product Management Automotive Media the right to produce royalty-free offprints. The
A.:Virtual Testdrive and KISS – Closed Loop Computer Sabrina Brokopp journal and all articles and figures are protected
Phone +49 611 7878-192 · Fax +49 611 7878-407 by copyright. Any utilisation beyond the strict
Simulations for The Development of Active Safety Func- E-Mail: limits of the copyright law without permission of
tions. FISITA World Automotive Congress, 2008, the publisher is illegal. This applies particularly
Offprints to duplications, translations, microfilming and
München Martin Leopold storage and processing in electronic systems.
[3] Löbl, C.; Engineering-Framework für Fahrerassistenz- Phone +49 2642 9075-96 · Fax +49 2642 9075-97
und Sicherheitssysteme. 13. Internationaler Kongress © Springer Automotive Media |
Elektronik im Kraftfahrzeug, Oktober 2007, Baden-Baden GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden 2009
[4] Snyder, John P.: Map Projections – A Working Manual Kerstin Brüderlin Springer Automotive Media is part of the
(U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395). US Phone +49 611 7878-173 · Fax +49 611 7878-464 specialist publishing group
E-Mail: Springer Science+Business Media.
Government Printing, 1987. vii, 23, 25, 55, 58

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