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Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100

Note: Answer FIVE full questions, selecting
atleast ONE questionfrom each part.

raw and explain the V-I characteristics of a silicon P-N junction DioA~)((05 Marks)
b.$'~ingle phase full- wave rectifier supplies power to a 1 KO load. The AC}\r~I1tage
M;" iode is 300 - 0 - 300 V. If diode resistance is 250 and th~ ~the transformer
efficie negligible. Determine ave~ageload current, average load ~~tslge and rectification

c. Draw an /plflin the series negative clipper circuit with a suita . veform. (04 Marks)
d. Derivean eqi~fionfor the collectorcurrentof a P - N - P t1;,a or in terms of base current
and adC and alscG,1'tflin the relationship between adC a~3(~af"
(05 Marks)
2 a. With a neat circuit d" and waveform, expla" the'\,yorking of a half - wave rectifier
and show that its ripple is 1.21. . (07 Marks)
b. Draw the common - emit "uit and skeJ1hthe input and output characteristics. Also
explain operating Legionsby i ICjtQ;gth~*~the characteristic curve. (07Marks)
c. Explain the performance of Zene~~l1iQdewi erms of source and load effects. (06Marks)

a. Explain the o~eration of a fi~e?vtiias circui~'~~'II~ s~itable circuit diagram. (07Marks)
b. What are the Ideal charact ::'lCSof a operatIol1alwimphfier? (05Marks)
c. A voltage- dividerbia it has Vcc = 15V, R{;- KQ and RE= 2.2 KQ, RI = 22 KQ
R2= 12 KQ, hfc= 5 culate VE,Vc, Ic and VCEa als.odraw DC load line and mark the
Q - point. Assum~ = 0.7 V. }' '" (08Marks)


If<-ll. 7'


t 1(..11.



Fig. Q4(b)
c. With a neat circuit diagram and waveform, explain how opamp can be used as a
non - inverting amplifier. (05 Marks)
1 "f' ')

~ ~ 5 a. State De Morgan's theorem for 4 - variables and prove them by the method of perfi
.,fi . induction (06 Ma.f~
?{')..; b. Design full - adder circuit using three - variables and implement it using two half - a~dt
, ."0. ",'I...c. Explain the construction of an OR - gate using diodes.

ct'dealize basic gates ITomNAND gate. "" V..(04Mark

.6 a. ~~~lIOgiC circuit, symbol, and truth - table of exclusive - OR gate. . (04 Mark
b. Con~~ A \I'
i) (29~(f8j~1O - ( )8 ,.. ~ "
ii) (356.1)(~( )2 -( )10. \0';) (05 Mark:
c. Simplify an~{alize using basic gates: 0\ .".

i) ABC+ ABC~C + ABC ~"

~ "C).

ii) (A+B) (A+C) J, C]) (06 Mark!

~ ...
(05 Mark!
d. Subtract (111)2ITom wO'~6>usingl' sand 2' s co~ment method.
~~ PA~t.-.4
iT a. Explain the working of clocked~~. f1!p- flop with a suitahle logic diagram and
truth-table. c( . (06 Mark~
b. Exp1a~nthe logic pin~ut and sig~~f'P.8'08~ ~crop~ocess~r.. (08Marks
c. Explam the constructIon and W,?J'KjHgof a lInpaxanable dIfferentIaltransducer [LVDT].

8 a. With ~ neat block diagra~x~lain the archite~ture o~~ microcontroller. (09Marks

b. What ISa transduc~r{~stmgUlsh between actIve and pass~e transducer. (06Marks
c. What is Thermister~~plain its advantages and limitationI.' "'" (05 Marks
()'" ~/7
~C5 PART-5 ~y)
~ 2
modulation and prove that P, Pc ( 1+ ~
b. ~
a. ~e~litude

.0 'applIcation of each range.

~ ) ."

are commonly used Irequency ranges in communication system1~'~;ntion th,

..W (05 Marks;

(~ The total power content of an AM signal is 1000 W. Determine the power being wansmittea

\ .~
\ at carrier frequency and at each of the side bands when percentage modulation is 1OO'¥~.~
.. . . (05 Ma'rk~)
'.,\. 1\ d. Explam the dIfferences between AmplItude and Frequency modulation. (05Marks)
/,' '" I
10 a. Explain the block diagram ofISDN. (06 Marks)
b. What are the advantages of optical fiber communication? (05 Marks)
c. Explain the basic principle of operation of mobile phones. (05 Marks)
d. What is modulation? Explain need of modulation. (04 Marks)



.~. 5 a. State De Morgan's theorem for 4 - variables and prove them by the method of pe
induction. ..' . . (06 Mar\s~... .

~)., b. Design full- adder circuit using three - variables and implement it using two half - a~et.
\>~r . .. . . ~O~arks)
~..c. Explam the constructIon of an OR - gate usmg dIOdes. . (94,'Marks)

<t'dealize basicgatesftomNANDgate. .: '~ (04Marks)

if a. ~~ n
a logiccircuit,symbo~andtruth- tableof exclusive- ORgate. . ' ,

(29~~~1° - ( )8
(04 Marks)

;., t>
, (05 Marks)
11)(356.1~N( )2 -( )10.\4, C/O'
c. Simplify an~'a1ize using basic gates: . r~\
i) ABC + ABC ~.~
ii) (A+B) (A+C) W'j-C).
V\~'~.9 (06 Marks)
(05 Marks)
d. Subtract (111)2ftom ()~6~2 using l' sand 2' s co~ment method.
"/;t PAP:'I\-'~

a. Explain the working of clocked
\ ~> - S "vJ
fhp - flop with a suitable logic diagram and a
truth-table. ) (06 Marks)
b. Explain the logic pinout and sig~stF 8-5microprocessor. (08Marks)
c. Explain the construction and w.2j;K'jng
of a li~11:Hariable differential transducer [LVDT].
~V U ..~ (06 Marks)

8 a. With a neat block dia r ~~lain l microcontroller. (09 Marks)

! the architect~ 0
b. Whatis a transducer.'. tinguish between active and assi¥e transducer. ...

c. What is ThermisteG.
~O plain its advantages and limitation5~.:/: . (05 Marks)

.. ~ U PART-5~.:)
~l?f 2
~.) VJ:
f} a. De~~Plitude modulation and prove that Pt = Pc ( 1+ (05 Marks)

b. are commonly used frequency ranges in communication syst;mP'Mention the

4.)'application of each range. "".-*~95.
(3- The total power content of an AM signal is 1000 W. Determine the power being iransmitted
"''\ at carrier ftequency and at each of the side bands when percentage modulation is 10b/f;;:r
~.., .. . . (05Mark~)
d. Explam the dIfferences between AmplItude and Frequency modulatIon. (05 Marks)
10 a. Explain the block diagram ofISDN. (06 Marks)
b. What are the advantages of optical fiber communication? (05 Marks)
c. Explain the basic principle of operation of mobile phones. (05 Marks)
d. What is modulation? Explain need of modulation. (04 Marks)


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