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First/Second Semester B.E. De

~i[.,mination, June/July 2018

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T1me: 3 hrs. (0\., It;? Max. Marks: 80
. '<'tQ)
.~ Note: Answer any FIVE fut( q~tions, choosing one full question from each module.
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a. E xpIam te1:r:S\~
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I d 10de approx1matlOn
~ iii) Piece-wisp)ll')e~t approximation of diode. (06Marks)
.~ b. Draw the o1f~j~;;Offull-wave rectifier and derive the expression for average dc current IDe,
~E .~~,,~,
~ ~ c.
RMS 10~~Uirent
output voltage Vo in the following circuit:
(08 Marks)
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Fig.Q.1(c) }~~
:/ ':§, Assume Vr (breakdown Vg ofGe) = 0.7V ~"'>
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Assume Vr (breakdown Vg of silicon) = 0.3V. cm~ (02 Marks)
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-0 a. Draw the common Emitter circuit an~~ketch the outP!l~~cteristics, explain active
->,;>0 region, cut off region and saturation region by indicat~r~~~'tn on the characteristic curve.
'§V>-B !lo? (08 Marks)
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0.0. b. A transistor has IB = 1OO~Aand Ie = 2mA. Find: f:'ifr&fthe transistor ii) a of the transistor
E 0. .
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c iii) Emitter current IE iv) IfIB changesby +~~~6~'~~(Ie changes by +0.6mA. Find the new
~ .0
.- value of 13. ~\ (08 Marks)
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§... ''§0
0'- 3 a. Sketch a base-bias circuit and writ~ eq.~)rons for IB, Ie and VeE. (04Marks)
c 01)
c b. A voltage divider bias circuit wRlf(~V supply has Re = 4.7 KO, RE = 3.3 ill, R) = 33KO,
-0.0'" R2 = 12KO and hFE= 50. U~~~~pproximate analysis method to calculate the VeE level.
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0 ~ . . <".<;:~~.. . . (08 Marks)
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c. Denve the output equatlOn.1?~60n-mvertmg amphfier usmg op-amp. (04Marks)
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~2) OR
~ a. Define the ter~~~ew rate ii) CMRR iii) Common mode gain Ae. (06Marks)
§ b. Design an ~1?~fifcuit using op-a~p to obtain an output expression V0 = -(0.1VI + 0.5V2+
8. 20V3) w]J9te-\Y-itV2and V3 are the mputs select Rr= 10KO. (06Marks)
.§ c. Write aiti1<fatifIdeal-o p amp characteristics. (04 Marks )
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Module-3 (~")\.:...
5 a. Convert the following binary numbers to oct~6'iH~fder system:
i) 1 0 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 ii) 1 1 1 1 0 0 I QJ~~YO0 0 1. (04 Marks)
b. With a neat diagram, explain the conce
c. Subtract (1000.01)2from (1011.10h<~~ -.~s and 2's complementmethod.
~~,-a:l]italwaveform. (06 Marks)
(06 Marks)
6 a. State and prove De-Morgan's't'n~rem. (04 Marks)
b. Simplifythe follow~g I,!.cwl~~xpressions:
i) AB+AC+A.~~C)

ii) AB + ABC ~~ + AB)

c. Realize full;r~er' circuit using NAND gate.
. (06 Marks)
(06 Marks )
~~v Module-4
7 a. ~xpl1ij~e working of cloc~ed. R-S fl~~ flop wit~ a suitable c.ircuit, symbol, truth-tabl~rr)\
~t~tPut wavef~rms conslder~ng poslt}ve edge tngg~r~d RS flip-flop. . (08 Mar~$J':' l~:>
b.~~n a neat block diagram, explam how stepper motor ISmterfaced to 8051 mlcrocon~r-QUet2)
IV .~ <) (;.'j

~\:"p ~ OR .J26)<>
tf//:?.. a. With a neat diagram, explain flag register of 8051 microcontroller. ~'S)-"(06Marks)
'" ~ "8 b. Differentiatebetween latches and flip-flops. @)j ,..' (04 Marks)
~?~) c. Draw the TMOD register and explain how it control the modes of
~0r~<6h of (06Marks)
Q. a timer in
r~ 8051microcontroller. -;\\~
~ (>II~'

. . ~odule-5.
9 a. Define amplItudemodulation and denve the expression f9f~~ard amplItude modulation. .
b. A broadcasttransmitter radiates 20kW when the modut~hqn\percentageis 75. How much of
{'~~ (06 Marks)

this is carrier power?Also calculatethe power of rl~id~band. (06Marks)

c. Distinguishbetween frequencymodulationan~ a~~rdde modulation. (04Marks)
OR -~:::::,.
10 a. With a neat diagram, explain the cOI1~yJiOn and operation of LVDT. Also mention its
advantages and disadvantages. ~'...:::-. (10Marks)
b. An FM signal is given as V = 1~1({~ 103t+ 5sin 1250t).Calculate: i) Carrier frequency
ii) Modulating frequency iii)(~~1tcy
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