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SRN PES (Established under Karnataka Act 16 of 2013) PES University, Bangalore UE14EC 104 END SEMESTER ASSESSMENT (ESA) B. Tech Il SEMESTER- May 2015 UE14EC101- BASIC ELECTRONICS Answer All Questions Max Marks: 100 Time: 3 Hrs 1, | a) | With a diagram, explain the different processes that take place when a p-n junction is reverse Ts 7 biased. | b) | Determine Ip and Vo for the circuit shown below. What are their values if the Ge diode is | 5 reversed? Ger, ©) | Explain with a diagram the basic construction and working of an LED. Explain the response of | 6 human eye to lights of different wavelengths, a) | Ina two diode FWR using Si diodes, the voltage across each half of the transformer secondary is | @ 100 V(RMS) and the load resistance is 1K Q. Find (i) Average load current (ii) Average output voltage (iii) PIV of diode. b) | Explain the working of a 2-input AND gate using diodes and write its voltage table. 6 ¢) | For the network shown below, determine the range of V; that will maintain V;, at 8V and | 4 not exceed the maximum power rating of the zener diode. Rs + a ~] + Panaes doom’ 2200 Write the Boolean expression for the output. Simplify the expression and draw the pireuit of the simplified expression using NAND gates. sew [TJ I b) | Realise the following Boolean expression using a 8to-1 MUX ¥ = ABCD + ABCD + ABCD + ABCD + ABCD + ABCD ©) | Draw the circuit diagram and write the truth table of a Decimal to -BCD encoder. | 6 a) | Compare the CB and CE transistor configurations with respect to current gain, voltage gain, input | 5 and output impedance. Give one application of each. by | A certain transistor has = 180 and Ic = 2mA when used in the CE configuration, Find its cament | 4 gain and the input current in the CB configuration. Draw the output characteristics oF transistor in CB configuration and mark the dilfewoal regions °) utp igi ai 8 cf operation, In which regions should the transistor be operated for digital applications? Write che biasing and the characteristic behavior of the transistor in these regions. a) | Explain as to how the operating point is stabilized with respect to temperature variations in an 4 emitter biased circuit. b) | Design a voltage divider biasing circuit using the approximate analysis to meet the Tol lowing specifications. Vee =10V, log = 2mA and Veg = 5V. The transistor has B ~ 100 Choose Ve=# Veo. 6) | The input power to a device is 1OKW and its input impedance is 50 (0, The output voltage is 100V and the output impedance is 20 Q. Find the 2._Power gain in decibels __b, Voltage gain in decibels I 4) | Draw and explain the AC equivalent circuit of op-amip. Give the ideal and the typical Values For IC 741 for the parameters appearing in the equivalent circuit, b) | Determine Vo, V1 and the current through the 10K@ resistor, if Va = 2V and Vb =3V. va Wok .n Wy + yy ska wee we DO vt —o 3k ako ¢) | Explain, the concept of virtual short in an op-amp and hence derive the expression for the voltage | gain of a non-inverting amplifier.

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