New Password B2 UT 1B

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Unit 1 Test | Group B

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Track 01 Listen to five speakers talking about reading. Match speakers 1–5 with sentences A–F. There is
one extra sentence.
This speaker …
A describes a recent change in his/her reading habits.
B enjoys reading stories which are already familiar to him/her.
C criticises others for their choice of reading material.
D explains why it is vital to read literary masterpieces.
E considers other people’s opinions when he/she chooses books to read.
F likes to read about things that he/she might find useful in the future.

1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5 ___

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2 Read the texts (A–D) and do tasks 1–7.
Since 1973, the Ageas Salisbury International Arts Festival has attracted over a million visitors. Besides amazing
performances of theatre, dance, film and all kinds of music, the multi-arts festival also hosts literary events
and exhibitions of the visual arts, some of which are free to attend. The three-week event takes place from
mid-May to early June. Many of the festival venues include well-known landmarks, both in the city of Salisbury
itself and the surrounding area.
The organisers of the festival always try to make the festival benefit the local community. Besides bringing
large profits to the area, the event encourages the pursuit of art-orientated career development through
including lots of lessons and workshops for young people. The event is regarded as one of the top arts festivals
in the country, a fact highlighted by the massive number of volunteers that are required each year to help
to organise and run the events.

From: Monica
To: Elisa

Dear Elisa,
Thanks for your message confirming that you’ll be available to help us with the organisation of the festival this
year. As usual, time’s running short and we’ve got so much to take care of!
Because you did such a great job last year, we would like to ask you to see to the organisation of all
the workshops and lessons featured during this year’s event. I know it’s a big favour to ask of you, but you’ve
shown really amazing organisational skills.
I’ll put you in touch with some of the other people responsible for arranging the venues and the tutors, so you
can put everything in order and make sure the event runs smoothly. I really believe you’re the best person
for the task.
Hope to hear from you soon.

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Join us in Salisbury to help make the event as great as ever!
Who: Anyone aged 16 or over.
When: 16th May – 7th June (you need to confirm your participation at least two months before the event).
What: a variety of jobs related to the festival activities, such as helping to run the festival lessons
and workshops, organising tours of local landmarks and many others.
Why: to experience the fantastic atmosphere of the festival and become part of a great community.
Contact us via our website (fill in the application form) or call Monica on 765 432 1967.

Emily: Guys, I’ve just read some info that they’re looking for volunteers to work during the Ageas Salisbury
festival and it got me thinking that maybe it could be a good idea. What do you think, Jane?
Jane: Well, I don’t know much about the event, just bits and pieces. What’s it like?
Emily: But Mark, you were there last year, weren’t you?
Mark: I was. And I’m definitely going this year, too. Last year I took part in some sculpting classes, which was
an amazing experience. And the atmosphere of the festival is hard to describe – it’s just fantastic! I’d like to go
as a volunteer this year.
Emily: So why don’t we sign up? Jane?
Jane: Sure, why not? Send me the link to the website, will you?

Match statements 1–3 with texts A–D. There is one extra text.
1 This text contains memories of a past event.
2 This text encourages people to contribute to an event.
3 This text is a request for someone to deal with a particular job.

1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___

Read Emily’s email to a friend. Complete the gaps (4–7) with the information from the texts (A–D). Use one
or two words in each gap.
I’m writing to share some news with you. I’ve just talked to some friends here and we’re going to take part
in the Ageas Salisbury International Arts Festival. Now, the festival itself is a big event, with loads of artistic
performances but also a number of 4 ________________ to promote the idea of artistic careers. They’re
looking for volunteers to help organise the whole thing and my friend who went there 5 ________________
says it’s a great idea to join the team. He says there’s a 6 ________________ during the festival, so I’d like
to get a feel of it. I’ve read the info on their website and the scale of the event is just huge! The people who are
in charge of the event must have really great 7 ________________ to make everything go smoothly. Anyway,
what do you think of it?
Write back soon.
___ / 7

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3 Complete the sentences with the correct words.
1 I don’t think the film is as good ________________ the novel.
2 One good point ________________ the book is that it’s so amusing.
3 To ________________ up, the concert was a bit of a waste of time.
4 ________________ it comes to the plot, it was too predictable.
5 To my ________________ the play is one of the best I’ve ever seen.
___ / 5

4 Read the definitions and write the words.
1 a type of painting that only shows objects rather than people or landscapes (e.g. flowers on a table):
2 the people who attend a concert or theatre play: ________________
3 making you think seriously about a problem: ________________-________________
4 worth remembering: ________________
5 a piece of strong cloth which an oil painting is done on: ________________
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5 Complete the sentences with the missing words. The first letters have been given.
1 Some a____________ c ____________ have viewed the work of this artist as a completely new trend
in abstract painting.
2 I think some sitcoms can be really a____________! You can’t stop watching them once you’ve started.
3 This newspaper is rather r____________ – you can trust it to be accurate.
4 The concert was b____________ l ____________, so while watching it on TV, I kind of felt as if I was there
with the others in the crowd.
5 I like reality shows where you can v____________ f ____________ the people taking part in them to stay
on or drop out of the show.
___ / 5

6 Choose the correct prepositions to complete the sentences.

1 While preparing the exhibition, I was responsible by / for / with contacting the local artists.
2 I was so curious of / with / about the ending of the book that I skipped the remaining four chapters
and read the final lines.
3 My friend is excellent in / with / at drawing caricatures of people.
4 The article was full with / of / for useful information about some contemporary sculptors.
___ / 4

7 Underline and correct the mistakes in the sentences.
1 When we were children, my sister would be very nervous whenever our mum told her to clean her room.
2 I must admit that it’s the first time I eat sushi and I am a little lost with how to use the chopsticks properly.
3 On that day, Jane was running across the park when suddenly her phone had rung.
4 We’ve got to hurry up, the film is starting at 7.15.
___ / 4

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8 Choose the correct answers to complete the text.
Last year, Tim decided to spend his summer holidays in Andalucía. Although he 1 ___ Spain regularly for several
years, he was very excited because this was the first time he was going to visit the south of the country.
On the day of his flight he left home early. He 2 ___ for his plane in the airport café, sipping a cup of coffee
when, all of a sudden, somebody hit him on his back with something heavy. He 3 ___ to shout something
at the person who had made him spill his coffee but when he looked around, he was speechless. He 4 ___ such
a beautiful girl! Her name was Lucia, and she was from Granada. They sat next to each other on the plane.
Lucia and Tim have been a couple ever since. This year, they 5 ___ to go on holiday together. They have been
thinking about where to go for a long time but will probably spend two weeks somewhere colder, maybe
in Scandinavia.

1 a had visited b had been visiting c has been visiting

2 a was waiting b has been waiting c had been waiting
3 a is just going b was just going c just went
4 a has never seen b never saw c had never seen
5 a are planning b plan c were planning
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9 Choose the answer which means the same as the underlined phrase or sentence.
1 The news report about the recent events was very impartial.
a fair-minded
b prejudiced
c unreliable
2 We were really curious about his plans for the future, so we kept asking him a lot of questions.
a concerned about
b disappointed with
c interested in
3 I’d like to learn more about contemporary trends in the fine arts.
a current
b past
c future
4 I didn’t expect to see a great performance. Nevertheless, I was pleasantly surprised.
a As a result
b However
c All in all
5 My grandma would often take me to the theatre when I was a child.
a didn’t like to take me
b had to take me
c used to take me
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10 Read the instructions and do the writing task.
Niedawno pomagałeś/pomagałaś udział w przygotowaniu wystawy artystycznej.
Zredaguj wpis (100‒150 słów) do zamieszczenia na blogu i:
– podaj podstawowe informacje o wystawie;
– wyjaśnij, na czym polegała Twoja rola w przygotowaniu wystawy;
– napisz, jak oceniasz wystawę;
– wyraź swoją opinię na temat angażowania się młodzieży w wydarzenia artystyczne.

Hi everyone!
I’d like to tell you about a recent exhibition that I helped to organise.
What do you think? Feel free to post your comments!

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