sh7 Elec 2021

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Ministry of High Education

Course Title:
Future High Institute for
Course Code:
Engineering in Fayoum
Sheet: 7

Question # 1:
The emitter follower of Fig. must be designed for
an input capacitance of less than 50 fF. If C μ = 10
fF, Cπ = 100fF, VA = ∞, and IC = 1 mA, what is
the minimum tolerable value of RL?


Question # 2:
Due to manufacturing error, a parasitic resistor Rp
has appeared in the cascode stage. Assuming λ = 0
and using Miller’s theorem, determine the poles of
the circuit


Question # 3:
a student constructs the stage but mistakenly
uses an NMOS device for M3. Assuming λ = 0
and using Miller’s theorem, compute the poles
of the

Eng Doaa Ahmed

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