21-22 - F.6MockExamPaper2Writing (Marking Scheme)

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Elegantia College (sponsored by Education Convergence and

patronised by H.K. Yee’s Five Tong Assn.)

2021 - 2022
Mock Examination
Form Six English Paper 2 (Writing)
Time Allowed: 2 hours
Marking Scheme

For question 1, write about 200 words in the space provided on pages 2 and 3.

1 Your student council wants to start an English book club. Your plan is to create a reading space for

students to use during breaks and after school. You also plan to have other activities to encourage people
to read more.

Write your proposal for the school principal and senior teachers. You have to include the following:

 What kind of support you would like to have from the school;

 Some activities you plan to organise and their benefits for the students.

Question 1
Background With the advance of technology, students prefer spending time playing online games to
information and the reading. In order to boost students’ interests in reading for pleasure, I would like to
purpose of writing propose turning the lobby area outside Rm 301 into a reading zone.

Support you would The kind of support you would like to have:
like to have:  A space/an area e.g. a lobby area, a vacant room, a corner on school campus etc. to
be turned into a reading area
 Funding/sponsorship from the school
 Recommendation of book list
 Having a teacher-in-charge overseeing the project
 Permission to form a new English Reading Club

Or any sensible ideas.

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Activities and benefits Activities and benefits:
- Guided reading sessions led by teachers and senior form students.
- Talks/sharings related to a chosen theme/topic, e.g. improving writing techniques,
understanding the message in a chosen text, author’s autograph section etc
- Reading and discussion groups
- Role-play or short drama performance based on any texts.

- Boosts students’ interests in reading
- Build a strong sense of belonging to the club, and to the school ultimately
- Promote the English reading environment
- Tighten the relationship between students and teachers

Or any sensible ideas.

Remarks Formal.
Ideas should be feasible in the school context.

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Part A: Total marks x 2 (Max: 42 marks)
(7%) (7%) (7%)
Content (C) Language Accuracy (L) Organization and Presentation (O)
7  Content entirely fulfils the requirements of the question  Very wide range of accurate sentence structures, with a good grasp of more  Text is organized extremely effectively, with logical development of ideas
 Totally relevant complex structures  Cohesion in most parts of the text is very clear
 All ideas are well-developed / supported  Grammar accurate with only very minor slips  Cohesive ties throughout the text are sophisticated
 Creativity and imagination are shown when appropriate  Vocabulary well-chosen and often used appropriately to express subtleties of  Overall structure is coherent, extremely sophisticated and entirely
 Engages the reader’s interest consistently and shows a high awareness of audience meaning appropriate to the genre and text-type
 Spelling and punctuation are almost entirely correct
 Register, tone and style are entirely appropriate to the genre / text-type
6  Content fulfils the requirements of the question  Wide range of accurate sentence structures, with a good grasp of more  Text is organized effectively, with logical development of ideas
 Almost totally relevant complex structures  Cohesion in most parts of the text is very clear
 Most ideas are well-developed / supported  Grammar mainly accurate with only very minor slips  Strong cohesive ties throughout the text
 Creativity and imagination are shown when appropriate  Vocabulary is wide, with many examples of more sophisticated lexis  Overall structure is coherent, sophisticated and entirely appropriate to the
 Maintains the reader’s interest consistently and shows a high awareness of  Spelling and punctuation are mostly correct genre and text-type
audience  Register, tone and style are appropriate to the genre / text-type
5  Content addresses the requirements of the question  A range of accurate sentence structures, with some attempts to use more  Text is mostly organized effectively, with logical development of ideas
 Mostly relevant complex structures  Cohesion in most parts of the text is very clear
 Some ideas are well-developed / supported  Grammar errors occur in more complex structures but overall clarity not  Sound cohesive ties throughout the text
 Creativity and imagination are shown in most parts when appropriate affected  Overall structure is coherent and appropriate to the genre and text-type
 Mostly maintains the reader’s interest and shows some awareness of audience  Vocabulary is moderately wide and used appropriately
 Spelling and punctuation are sufficiently accurate to convey meaning
 Register, tone and style are mostly appropriate to the genre / text-type
4  Content just satisfies the requirements of the question  Simple sentences are generally accurately constructed.  Parts of the text have clearly defined topics
 Relevant ideas but may show some gaps or redundant information Occasional attempts are made to use more complex sentences.  Cohesion in some parts of the text is clear
 Some ideas but not well developed Structures used tend to be repetitive in nature.  Some cohesive ties in some parts of the text
 Some evidence of creativity and imagination  Grammar errors sometimes affect meaning  Overall structure is mostly coherent and appropriate to the genre and
 Engages the reader’s interest sporadically and shows occasional awareness of  Common vocabulary is generally appropriate text-type
audience  Most common words are spelt correctly, with basic punctuation being
 There is some evidence of register, tone and style appropriate to the genre
3  Content partially satisfies the requirements of the question  Short simple sentences are generally accurate.  Parts of the text are generally defined
 Some relevant ideas but shows gaps in candidates’ understanding of the topic Only scattered attempts at longer, more complex sentences  Some simple cohesive ties used in some parts of the text but cohesion is
 Ideas not developed with possible repetition  Grammatical errors often affect meaning sometimes fuzzy
 Does not orient reader effectively to the topic  Simple vocabulary is appropriate  A limited range of cohesive devices are used appropriately
 Spelling of simple words is correct, more complex ones not, with basic
punctuation mostly accurate
2  Content shows very limited attempts to fulfill the requirements of the question  Some short simple sentences accurately structured  Parts of the text reflect some attempts to organize topics
 Intermittently relevant; ideas may be repetitive  Grammatical errors frequently obscure meaning  Some use of cohesive devices to link ideas
 Some ideas but few are developed  Very simple vocabulary of limited range often based on the prompt(s)
 Ideas may include misconception of the task or some inaccurate information  A few words are spelt correctly with basic punctuation being occasionally
 Very limited awareness of audience accurate

1  Content inadequate and heavily based on the task prompt(s)  Multiple errors in sentence structures, spelling and/or word usage, which  Some attempt to organize the text
 A few relevant points make understanding impossible  Very limited use of cohesive devices to link ideas
 A few ideas but none developed
 Some points / ideas are copied from the task prompt or the reading texts
 Almost total lack of awareness of audience
0  Totally inadequate  Not enough language to assess  Mainly disconnected words, short note-like phrases or incomplete
 Irrelevant or memorized sentences
 All ideas are copied from the task prompt or the reading texts  Cohesive devices almost entirely absent
 No awareness of audience
Remarks 1. Too short writings are to be dealt with by overall impression marking and the mark ceiling is 2 in each of the areas
2. No mark penalty for long writings but subject to deduction of marks for accuracy accordingly

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For questions 2–9, choose ONE question and write about 400 words in the space provided on pages 7–11.
Indicate which question you are going to attempt in the question number box on page 7.

2 Learning English through Social Issues

Your school is hosting a symposium about taking care of water resources.

Students from different countries will attend.

Write a speech for students and teachers about the situation in Hong Kong.

 Talk about water use in Hong Kong.

 Discuss some of the problems that affect water resources in the territory.
 Suggest ways that companies and people can save water.

3 Learning English through Workplace Communication

A local company wants to give staff the option of working from home. They want to ensure that people
can maintain a good work–life balance.

Write a report for the company’s managers on different ways people could either work
from home or in the office.

 Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of working from

home compared with going to an office.
 Suggest working options that could be suitable for different employees.
 Give your recommendation about the best way for the company to introduce
a new approach and how they could support staff.
 Give your report a title

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4 Learning English through Sports Communication

Hiking is a popular activity in Hong Kong. A radio programme for hikers

has asked you to be a guest. They want to encourage people to take up
hiking as a fun outdoor activity.

Write a script for the radio programme.

 Explain why hiking is a good activity for people of different ages.

 Share advice on how to get started.
 Suggest some places new hikers could go in Hong Kong.

5 Learning English through Debating

Many young people play online games. However, some reports show that people
are spending too much time playing online and this can affect their physical and
mental health.

Write an essay to discuss the positive and negative aspects of online gaming.

 Summarize the pros and cons of online gaming.

 Give your opinion on what is healthy and unhealthy behaviour for young people.
 Suggest ways that the government, organizations and families can ensure that young people can
enjoy gaming while remaining healthy.
 Give your essay a title.

6 Learning English through Popular Culture

You recently went on a cultural visit to Mainland China. You stayed with a host family and visited many
famous places during the week.

Write a blog post for your school website.

 Describe some of your favourite moments from the visit.

 Explain some of the similarities and differences you noticed between Hong Kong and the Mainland.
 Explain how cultural visits can benefit students in Hong Kong.
 Give your post a title.

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7 Learning English through Short Stories

You are a member of a storytelling group. Every month, the public can attend a
storytelling session and hear stories based on different topics and themes. This
month you were asked to write about ‘being lucky’.

Write a short story for the next storytelling session.

8 Learning English through Poems and Songs

Your school plans to hold a poetry festival. You have been asked to write an email to all students
explaining the types of poems they could write and some of the poetic devices they could use.

Write the email.

 Introduce the poetry festival and invite students to participate.

 Summarize some of the different types of poem people could write and perform.
 Give some guidelines on different poetic devices that people could use.

9 Learning English through Drama

Korean and Japanese TV dramas are very popular in Hong Kong. A local TV
company wants to produce a new drama series based in Hong Kong. The
company has invited subscribers to send in ideas for the new series.

Write a proposal for a new TV drama series.

 Write a title and a synopsis of the plot of your new TV drama.

 Describe the characters and settings.
 Explain who the drama is aimed at and why it would be popular in
Hong Kong and in other countries.

Go on to the next page

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Question 2
Text type: Speech
Introduction Dear students, teachers and distinguished guests,
Welcome to the conference on water conversation today. We are excited to welcome
students from all over the world.
State the purpose of speech: taking care of the water resources in Hong Kong.

Body Situation in HK:

paragraphs - Limited natural resources in HK.
- HK is not self-sufficient and we rely on water from mainland China.
- Using sea water instead of fresh water for flushing toilets in most residential areas.

Problems that affect water resources in HK:

- People do not drink tap water directly given the chemicals used purifying it and
some even prefer bottled water.
- Tap water is not expensive and thus some do not treasure it.

- Government might consider the possibility of using water purification plants
instead of chemicals to purify water.
- Making advertisements that encourage people to use water responsibly, e.g. taking
shorter showers, not leaving taps running when we brush our teeth.
- Provide incentives for companies to invent washing machines that use less water.

Or any other sensible ideas.

Closing End it with an encouraging remark

e.g. It is hoped that we can call benefitted and protect the environment for future

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Question 3
Text type: Report
Title Office working or working from home? Or any other alternatives
Introduction Some background information e.g. Given the outbreak of Covid-19 and the social
distancing regulations, employees are encouraged to work from home.

Or any other background information that introduces the topic.

Body Benefits of working from home:

paragraphs - Reduce the time and cost on commuting
- Working parents have more time to spend with their children and family.
- Work could be done in any weather conditions.
Drawbacks of working from home:
- Problems with dealing with distractions e.g. surfing the Net and doing household
- Employees feel stressed working from home given the unfavourable or too small
working environment.
- Unreliable or unstable internet connection may affect work efficiency.

Alternatives for employees:

- Flexible office hours e.g. divide the employees into groups and they could choose
to work in the morning or the afternoon.
- Work on alternate days

What can the company support the staff:

- Better technical support e.g. hardware and software, could be offered
- Introduce an employee-friendly policy, offer special support to those taking care
of the elderly and/or children.

*Or any other sensible ideas

Closing A positive remark emphasizing that mutual understanding is essential in the workplace
for higher loyalty and productivity.

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Question 4
Text type: Radio script
Introduction Briefly introduce himself/herself and state the theme of this sharing.

Body Reasons why hiking is a good activity for people of different ages:
paragraphs - Trails of different level of difficulties are available for all ages.
- Young people can have more chances to interact with the nature and have fun.
- It is a relief from stress which is much better than simply spending time on
computer or games.
- It is a good way for people to exercise and good for their well-being.

Advice on how to get started:

- Plan your route
- Prepare all the necessary gear, equipment e.g. a map, a guidebook etc.
- Put on suitable clothes e.g. light-coloured long sleeved tops and trousers, which
could prevent mosquito bites; put on a hat to prevent heatstroke…
- Carry a first-aid kit in case of emergency
- Start off with a short and less challenging route first

Recommended route:
- Sai Kung
- Shek O
- Wu Dip Shan (Butterfly Hill in the neighbourhood)
+ reasons e.g. shop around, go swimming, try some local food after hiking etc…

*Or any sensible ideas

Conclusion Restate that outdoor activities like hiking is good for health and encourage the listeners
to stay physically and mentally healthy.

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Question 5
Text type: Essay
Title Online Games – a boon or bane? Or any other alternative
Introduction Description of the situation at present
e.g. Online gaming has been popular among young people. For the talented, gaming can
even be a career. However, parents and teachers are worried that it would lead to
Body Benefits of online gaming:
paragraphs - Build new friendship e.g. making friends all over the world who share the same
- Talented and successful gamers can earn big money playing e-sport
- A good way to relieve stress
- Improve communication skills through collaboration with teammates online, etc…
Drawbacks of online gaming:
- Higher risk of short-sightedness, spine problem, muscle pain etc.
- A sedentary lifestyle leads to poor health
- Hamper face-to-face communication
- Poor academics and family relationship etc……

Examples of healthy and unhealthy behaviour:

- Spend time with others in person together
- Play sports or do outdoor activities
- Have adequate sleep
- Control the time spent on electronic devices etc……

- Government set limit on the amount of time a player can play online
- Game developers can develop more family games
- Parents can be a role model to their children and encourage them to play outdoor

*Or any sensible ideas

Conclusion Express that every coin has two sides, online gaming can be a good way to de-stress and
there are potential dangers.
Express hope that everybody can be a wise user instead of being slaved to online

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Question 6
Text type: Blog entry

Title Exploring our mother country/ What an eye-opener! Or any other alternatives
Introduction Provide background information in brief:
- Reasons for such a visit
- Comparing feelings before and after the visit briefly
Body paragraph Description of the favourite moment:
- The hospitality of the host family e.g. pick you up at the airport and welcome you
warmly, prepare local dishes for you
- A visit to any destination etc…
Similarities and differences between HK and Mainland China:
- Busy city, busy traffic
- Local life is similar to that in HK
- Fashion styles
- The variety of TV programmes
- The use of simplified Chinese vs traditional Chinese
- A closer bonding in the neighbourhood etc…

Benefits to students:
- Have a better understanding of our mother country
- Improve Mandarin
- Broaden our horizons
- Get ready to other possibilities in future etc…
Or any other sensible ideas.
Conclusion Restate that this is a valuable experience to all and encourage readers to participate in
similar program in the future.

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Question 7
Text type: Short story
Title “Being Lucky” (as given in the question) or any other related to that
Introduction Introducing the setting, characters etc.
Body Any story that is related to “being lucky”
paragraphs - Save someone’s life
- Get appreciation from someone
- Be successful in reaching a goal etc……

*Students can take the 1st or 3rd person perspective.

*accept any sensible answers
Remarks - Consistent use of past tense
- Use of dialogues
- An outstanding piece should include a message or coda for readers

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Question 8
Text type: Email
Salutation Dear Students,
Introduction Background information of the festival and state the purpose of writing

I am glad to announce that our school will hold the first poetry festival during the post
exam period. It would be great if all of you could take part in that.
Body Different types of poem and poetic devices that could be used:
paragraphs - Haiku
- Limericks
- Acrostics
- Simile, metaphor, personification, alliteration etc…
- Encourage students to seek teachers’ advice, etc ……

- Voice projection
- Pay attention to rhythm and phrasing
- Express feelings in the poem
- Importance of facial expressions and gestures
- Importance of memorising the poem
- Support offered to participants e.g. training workshops, brainstorming sessions,
Conclusion Encourage the fellows to join the festival.
Complimentary Yours faithfully,
close Best regards,

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Question 9
Text type: Proposal
Title A Proposal for a New Series or any other alternatives
Body Background/Introduction:
paragraphs I am writing to propose a new TV series that could appeal _________.

- What happen to the main characters e.g. DSE students and the problems they are
facing; the owner of a restaurant and how he/she copes with the unfavourable
situations at present; a doctor or nurse talking about his/her daily routine, etc……
- Explain why a particular target audience is chosen
Reasons for the proposal:
- The theme relates to students.
- It stimulates the audience to reflect on their life.
- It brings out a positive message like,“there are ups and downs in life and attitude
matters the most.”

Or any other sensible answers

Conclusion Express hope that this proposal is approved.
Remarks *A title and subheadings are expected in the proposal.

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Part B: Total marks x 3 (Max: 63 marks)
(7%) (7%) (7%)
Content (C) Language Accuracy (L) Organization and Presentation (O)
7  Content entirely fulfils the requirements of the question  Very wide range of accurate sentence structures, with a good grasp of more  Text is organized extremely effectively, with logical development of ideas
 Totally relevant complex structures  Cohesion in most parts of the text is very clear
 All ideas are well-developed / supported  Grammar accurate with only very minor slips  Cohesive ties throughout the text are sophisticated
 Creativity and imagination are shown when appropriate  Vocabulary well-chosen and often used appropriately to express subtleties of  Overall structure is coherent, extremely sophisticated and entirely appropriate to
 Engages the reader’s interest consistently and shows a high awareness of audience meaning the genre and text-type
 Spelling and punctuation are almost entirely correct
 Register, tone and style are entirely appropriate to the genre / text-type
6  Content fulfils the requirements of the question  Wide range of accurate sentence structures, with a good grasp of more complex  Text is organized effectively, with logical development of ideas
 Almost totally relevant structures  Cohesion in most parts of the text is very clear
 Most ideas are well-developed / supported  Grammar mainly accurate with only very minor slips  Strong cohesive ties throughout the text
 Creativity and imagination are shown when appropriate  Vocabulary is wide, with many examples of more sophisticated lexis  Overall structure is coherent, sophisticated and entirely appropriate to the genre
 Maintains the reader’s interest consistently and shows a high awareness of  Spelling and punctuation are mostly correct and text-type
audience  Register, tone and style are appropriate to the genre / text-type

5  Content addresses the requirements of the question  A range of accurate sentence structures, with some attempts to use more complex  Text is mostly organized effectively, with logical development of ideas
 Mostly relevant structures  Cohesion in most parts of the text is very clear
 Some ideas are well-developed / supported  Grammar errors occur in more complex structures but overall clarity not affected  Sound cohesive ties throughout the text
 Creativity and imagination are shown in most parts when appropriate  Vocabulary is moderately wide and used appropriately  Overall structure is coherent and appropriate to the genre and text-type
 Mostly maintains the reader’s interest and shows some awareness of audience  Spelling and punctuation are sufficiently accurate to convey meaning
 Register, tone and style are mostly appropriate to the genre / text-type
4  Content just satisfies the requirements of the question  Simple sentences are generally accurately constructed.  Parts of the text have clearly defined topics
 Relevant ideas but may show some gaps or redundant information Occasional attempts are made to use more complex sentences.  Cohesion in some parts of the text is clear
 Some ideas but not well developed Structures used tend to be repetitive in nature.  Some cohesive ties in some parts of the text
 Some evidence of creativity and imagination  Grammar errors sometimes affect meaning  Overall structure is mostly coherent and appropriate to the genre and text-type
 Engages the reader’s interest sporadically and shows occasional awareness of  Common vocabulary is generally appropriate
audience  Most common words are spelt correctly, with basic punctuation being accurate
 There is some evidence of register, tone and style appropriate to the genre
3  Content partially satisfies the requirements of the question  Short simple sentences are generally accurate.  Parts of the text are generally defined
 Some relevant ideas but shows gaps in candidates’ understanding of the topic Only scattered attempts at longer, more complex sentences  Some simple cohesive ties used in some parts of the text but cohesion is sometimes
 Ideas not developed with possible repetition  Grammatical errors often affect meaning fuzzy
 Does not orient reader effectively to the topic  Simple vocabulary is appropriate  A limited range of cohesive devices are used appropriately
 Spelling of simple words is correct, more complex ones not, with basic
punctuation mostly accurate
2  Content shows very limited attempts to fulfill the requirements of the question  Some short simple sentences accurately structured  Parts of the text reflect some attempts to organize topics
 Intermittently relevant; ideas may be repetitive  Grammatical errors frequently obscure meaning  Some use of cohesive devices to link ideas
 Some ideas but few are developed  Very simple vocabulary of limited range often based on the prompt(s)
 Ideas may include misconception of the task or some inaccurate information  A few words are spelt correctly with basic punctuation being occasionally
 Very limited awareness of audience accurate

1  Content inadequate and heavily based on the task prompt(s)  Multiple errors in sentence structures, spelling and/or word usage, which make  Some attempt to organize the text
 A few relevant points understanding impossible  Very limited use of cohesive devices to link ideas
 A few ideas but none developed
 Some points / ideas are copied from the task prompt or the reading texts
 Almost total lack of awareness of audience
0  Totally inadequate  Not enough language to assess  Mainly disconnected words, short note-like phrases or incomplete sentences
 Irrelevant or memorized  Cohesive devices almost entirely absent
 All ideas are copied from the task prompt or the reading texts
 No awareness of audience

Remarks 1. Too short writings are to be dealt with by overall impression marking and the mark ceiling is 2 in each of the areas OVERALL Mark deduction: (1 mark out of 21 to be deducted for each of the following items)
2. No mark penalty for long writings but subject to deduction of marks for accuracy accordingly 1. Not writing on every line
2. Not writing the (correct) question number
3. Not using names as instructed / Writing one’s own names

End of Marking Scheme

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