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Faculty of Engineering Electromechanical program

Alexandria University Electromechanical materials

Fall 2014-2015 (EME205)
Time: 2 hr
Answer the following questions:
Question 1
a- What is the difference between AX and AmXp ceramics crystal structure? . Give one example
for each type. (4 points)
b- Ionically and covalently bonded materials are typically electrical and thermal insulators.
Why? (4 points)
c-You are given the following devices , battery, ammeter, voltmeter and variable resistor. How to use
these devices to check the a material if it is conductor, semi conductor or insulator. (8points)
d- Draw a sketch for the phase diagram of copper- nickle system and show the difference between
equilibrium and nonequilibrium cooling from liquid phase to solid phase. (12 point)

a- defferntiate with sketches between linear, branched , crosslinked and network polymers.
give one example for each type. (8 points)
b- Explain a test to detemine the hydrostatic design basis (HDB) of plastic pipes. (6 points)
c- PVC1120 and PE2306, what are the HDS for these two materials?. (4 points)
d- Explain a test to determine the hardness of steel. (6 points)

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