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Tim Collins 1 Mary Jane Maples

~,,,, HEINLE
1 CENGAGE Learning·

Australia • Brazil • japan • Korea • Mexico • Singapore • Spain • United Kingdom • United States
, .. CENGAGE Learning·

Time Zones Combo Split iB Copyright© 2010 Heinle, Cengage Learning

Tim Collins
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright herein
Mary jane Maples
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5 6 7-13
Acknowledgments .............. ................................................................................................ p. iv
Welcome to Time Zones! .................................................................................................... p. v
Scope and Sequence .......................................................................................................... p. vi

History and Culture

Unit 7: Do you like sandwiches? ........................................................................................ p. 66

Unit 8: How much is this T-shirt? ....................................................................................... p. 74
Unit 9: What do you do far New Year's?.............................................................................. p. 82
World Explorer 3: Wonders of Peru .................................................................................. p. 90

Science and Education

Unit 10: When do you usually get up? ................................................................................ p. 94

Unit 11: What are you doing?............................................................................................. p. 102
Unit 12: Save Energy! ....................................................................................................... p. 11 O
World Explorer 4: Cool City: Tokyo ................................................................................... p. 118
Review Game 2 .............................................................................................................. p. 120

Language Notes ................................................................................................................. p. 126

Vocabulary lndex ................................................................................................................ p. 131
Photo and Art Credits ......................................................................................................... p. 137

Workbook Activities ....................................................................................................... p. 30

Workbook Photo and Art Credits .......................................................................................... p. 62
The page numbers in the Combo Split match the page numbers in the full Student Book and Workbook.This helps classes in which both split and
full editions are used.The following pages therefore do not appear in this book: Student Book 6-63, 122-125, l 33- l 36;Workbook 2- 29, 58-59.
The authors and publisher would like to thank the following individuals who offered
many helpful insights, ideas, and suggestions during the development of Time Zones.

Richard Ascough,Wayo Women's University, Chiba; Simone Ashton , Britanic

Madalena, Recife; Keith Astle, Britanic Piedade, jaboatao dos Guararapes; Joao
Alfredo Bergmann, Instituto Cultural Brasileiro Norte-Americano, Porto Alegre;
Jeane Blume Cortezia, Unisinos, Porto Alegre; Lilian Bluvol Vaisman , IBEU, Rio
de Janeiro; Adriane Caldas, Colégio Anchieta, Porto Alegre; Dulce Capiberibe,
Britanic Setúbal, Recife; Flávia Carneiro, ABA, Recife; Mónica Carvalho, ABA.
Recife; Shu-Yi Chang, Ming Oao High School,Taichung; Corina C . Machado
Corréa, Alumni, Sao Paulo; Samara Camilo Tomé Costa, IBEU, Rio de janeiro;
Silvia Regina D' Andrea, Uniao Cultural, Sao Paulo; Gislaine Deckmann,
Unisinos, Porto Alegre; José Olavo de Amorim , Colégio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo;
Stewart Dorward, Shumei junior and Senior High School, Saitama; Andrei dos
Santos Cunha, Unisinos, Porto Alegre; Kirvin Andrew Dyer,Yan Ping High School,
Taipei; Sylvia Formoso, Colégio Anchieta, Porto Alegre; Allynne Fraemam, ABA.
Recife; Carmen Gehrke, Quatrum, Porto Alegre; Elizabeth Gon~alves, ICBEU,
Rio de janeiro; Carlos Olavo Queiroz Guimaraes, IBEU, Rio de janeiro; Rosana
Gusmao, Unisinos, Porto Alegre; Rui-Hua Hsu, ChiYong High School,Taichung;
Ken Hsi lp, Mejiro Kenshin junior and Senior High School,Tokyo; Thays Ladosky,
DAMAS, Recife; Inés Greve Milke, Instituto Cultural Brasileiro Norte-Americano,
Porto Alegre; Brigitte Mund, Unisinos, Porto Alegre; Andrew O'Brien, Second
Kyoritsu Girls junior and Senior High School,Tokyo; Matthew Gerard O'Conner,
Britanic Setúbal, Recife; Atsuko Okada, Shinagawa joshi Gakuin junior and Senior
High School,Tokyo; Simone Raupp, Colégio Anchieta, Porto Alegre; Jonathan
Reinaux, ABA, Recife; Viviane Remígio, Britanic Setúbal, Recife; Rodrigo
Rezende, Seven, Sao Paulo; Ruth Salomon-Barkemeyer, Unilínguas Sao
Leopoldo; Carlos Santanna, IEBEU, Rio de janeiro; Kate Sato, Kitopia English
School, Sapporo; Daniel Stewart, Kaisei junior and Senior High School,Tokyo;
Ludwig Tan, National lnstitute of Education, Singapore; Tamami Wada, Nanzan
University, Aichi; Philip Woodall, Aoyama Gakuin High School,Tokyo; Akira
Yasuhara, Rikkyo lkebukuro junior and Senior High School,Tokyo; Sheila Yu, Shin
Min High School,Taichung

Thanks are dueto Milada Broukal, Janet Gokay, Paul Maclntyre, and
Eunice Yeates for their work in the development and editing of the series. Special
mention must be made of Jennifer Wilkin, who played such a pivotal role in the
development of Time Zones.

Additional thanks to Diana Jaksic, Jim McClelland, Jim Burch , and Todd
Hermann at the National Geographic Society

IV Acknow ledgments
The four Time Zones young global reporters
accompany the students on their journey
through the series' content areas. Each of the
four reporters is an expert in one of the
series' four content areas.

Get to Know the Time Zones Team

Expressing likes and dislikes Yes/No questions with do and
Real English: How about you? short answers
Countable and uncountable nouns
Simple present: like

Talking about prices Wh- questions: How much

Converting currencies Simple present: want
Real English: Excuse me,

Talking about dates, birthdays, lnformation questions with do

and special occasions Simple present verbs
Real English: Oh yeah ... Prepositions of time: far; on, in, during
Wh- questions: When

World Explorer Wonders of Peru

Talking about routines and school subjects Wh- questions: When / What time
Real English: Actual/y, ... Adverbs of frequency: always, usual/y.
sometimes, never

Talking about technology and communication Present progressive

Real English: just

Making suggestions Can (possibility)

Giving instructions lmperatives
Real English: Sure. Object pronouns: them, it

World Explorer Cool City: Tokyo

Vocabulary Pronunciation Reading Writing

Food and drinks Final -s sounds David's Unusual Food E-mail message

Personal items Prices At the Night Market Blog post

Festivals Final -th sound in Carnaval! Web article

Verbs ordinal numbers

Verbs Reduction of do and does An Unusual School Chat room post

School subjects

Verbs lntonation in Wh- and Meet Asimo the Robot Blog post
Technology Yes/No questions

Rooms Word stress A Green School Magazine article

tst tlth 21~
~und8Y January
February 2nd t2th 22nd
Tuesday wrch 3rr1 t3th 23rd -
Wednesday April 4th t41h 24th
íhursday WY 5th t5th 25th
June tóth 26th
61h 17th
Frid8Y July 27th
7th t5th 25th
Augc&t 5th
~tembef tcnh 2llth
Ctth 20th 3()th
october tOth
NO\/en'lbeí 3tst
Open your

Close your Raise your hand.


2 Getting Started
Student Language

Asking and Answering Working in Pairs Asking the

Questions and Groups Day and Date
Can you repeat that, please? Are you ready? What day is it?
Thank you. Just a minute. lt's Monday.
What does "repeat" mean? You go first. What's the date today?
lt means "say it again." 1'11 go first. lt's January 1st.
How do you say ''. .." l'm A.You're B.
in English? What do you have for
What's this? / number 1?
lt's a pen. 1have "computer:"
What are these? Let's do it again.
They're notebooks. What do we do next?
lntroducing Yourself



/ ¡ CUB~

- '



\ 1
\ \

\ /

- _____..._
-\.- ~
Counting Numbers
o 1 2 3 4 s \
zero one

Asking about Colors
Track7 A: What color is it? B: lt's red.
A: What color are they? B: They're blue.

''''' ' ''



4 Getting Started


- IRAQ IRAN -~--­


~AURITANIA -. . . . . . .

l / \

I I¡

- uwonw-e-AMreeN DEMOCRA1TC




\ 1
\ /
. Í /
.... I

I - - rI - -

/ 1
\ Omi 2000


United States

A Maya is interviewing students about school lunches. Listen and numbe r the pictures from 1 to 3.

B Which foods does Maya like? Listen again and check ../ the foods she likes.
1. soup: 2. sandwiches: 3. juice: _ __

C Write the food words in the chart.

Uncountable nouns

sandwiches milk

D Take turns asking a partner about the words in the chart.

A: Do you like sandwiches?
B: Yes, 1do./ No, 1don't.
Ja pan

A Listen to the conversation. Then listen again and repeat.

B Practice the conversation with a partner and replace the words in blue.

A Study the chart.

1like vegetables. You don't like milk.

They like rice. He doesn't like sandwiches.
She likes soup.
don't =do not
doesn't = does not
Do you like bread? Yes, 1 do./ No, 1 don't.
Does he like beans? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't.

B Look at the picture. Then complete the sentences .

1. Maya likes apples. .---------.,.--------------·
2. Ming _ _ _ _ _ _ __ on1ons.
3. Ming _ _ _ _ _ _ __ bananas
and peaches.
4. Ming and Maya _ _ _ _ _ __ _
S. They _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ oranges.
6. Maya grapes, but
she tomatoes.

C Write like or /ikes to complete the conversation. Listen and check

Track4 your answers. Then practice with a partner.
A: l'm hungry Let's eat lunch.
B: OK. Do you ( 1) beans and rice?
A: Well, 1(2) rice, but 1don't (3) beans.
B: Do es Sarah (4) rice?
A: Yes, she does. She (5) _ _ _ __ ____ beans, too.
B: How about Tim?
A: He (6) beans, but he doesn't (7) rice.
B: Hmm. Let's eat soup. We all (8) soup!

68 Unit 7

A Listen to the words. Then listen again and repeat.
TrackS Final -s sounds
1. carrots 2. beans 3. peaches

B Write the words in the chart. Then listen and check your answers.
bananas vegetables desserts grapes
oran ges onions apples sandwiches

Sounds like s in carrots Sounds like z in beans Sounds like iz in peaches

C Take turns reading the words in B with a partner.

1 n
Ask a partner what food he or she likes. Remember the answers. Then play tic-tac-toe.

Make a sentence
about what your
partner likes and
doesn't like.

The ftrst student
with three in

T hat's right.
You don't 1don't like juice.
like juice.

Do you like sandwiches?

A Read the title and look at the pictures.
What is the text about?
a. meat
b. bugs
c. vegetables

B Read the article. Underline the food words.

C Answer the questions on page 72.



David George Gordon eats unusual food. He eats bugs.

He likes grasshoppers and tarantulas. He eats scorpions
and wax worrns. David says people in a lot of countries
eat bugs. Bugs are good to eat, and they are healthy.
s David likes bugs with rice. He cooks grasshoppers and
vegetables for children. Sorne children like grasshoppers,
but they don't like vegetables! David's favorite bugs are
wax worrns. David says you can't eat all bugs. Sorne bugs
are not good for you. Be careful what you eat!
70 Unit 7

1 n
A Answer the questions about David's Unusual Food.
1. David George Gordon likes
a. bugs b. milk c. bread
2. David says bugs are
a. careful b. healthy c. unusual Whatdo
3. David cooks and vegetables for children. tarantufas eat1
ª· rneat ·
a. tarantulas b. grasshoppers c. scorp1ons b. scorpions
c. plants ,
4. What are David's favorite bugs?
a. grasshoppers b. scorpions c. worms
5. A is a kind of spider:
a. scorp1on b. grasshopper c. tarantula

B Make a word web about the artic\e.


e Mail

.é New Print 1 Delete :: Reply

Read the e-mail. To: Kim

Sub·ect: Helio!
Then write a reply
about your family.
What kinds of food does your family like? In my family, we
like different foods. My mother likes peaches, but she doesn't
like apples. My father likes apples, but he doesn't like bananas.
My brother likes carrots, but he doesn't like onions. l like
vegetables, but 1don't \ike meat.
How about you? Do you like hea\thy food? What's your
favorite food?
Ja son

Send J., i

72 Unit 7
What snack
food do
you like?

We can give foods a number to show how healthy

they are.

1 100
unhealthy healthy

to mato
orange JU1ce
broccoli 96

w hite rice oran ge

mango 57 100

wh ite bread
hot dog
29 52

50 soda

Which meals are healthy? Add the numbers.

"lt really b
1. Sandwich (white bread, tomato, cheese) + orange juice = _ __ ugs me"
means l'm
2. White rice + broccoli + orange + milk = a. tired --·
b. hungry
3. Hot dog + cheese + mango +soda= c. angry
4. Noodles + tomato + cheese + orange juice =

Do you like sandwiches?

$ / $$$$

baseball cap
$ / $$$$

$ / $$$$

A Sorne students are ata flea market.Which things are cheap ($)?Which are
expensive ($$$$)? Listen and circle $ or $$$$.

B How much are the items? Listen again and write the prices below.
l. T-shirt: $6 4. sweatshirt: _ __
2. baseball cap: _ __ S. sunglasses:
3. earrings: 6. sandals:

C Take turns asking a partner about the pictures.

A: Is this T-shirt cheap?
B: Yes, it is.
A: How much is it?
B: lt's six dollars.

74 Unit 8
$ I $$$$ Real
p. \jsten to th• conversation.íh•n
. listen again
R and
th• words in b\U•·
[)(cuse ríle, can 1see
6 practic< th• conversation ,,.,th a partner· ep tnose 1'-sh\rts, ?\ease'l
'trac\l 9

\-\oW rnuch is this i-shirt.~

Q A Study the chart.
Track 10
How much is this T-shirt? lt's $29.
How much are those earrings? They're cheap.
Do you want this CD? Yes, 1do. / No, 1don't. 1want that one.
Do you want the black sunglasses? No, 1want the blue ones.
Informal Formal
1 want that T-shirt. l'd like that T-shirt, please.
Do you want these earrings? Would you like these earrings?

B Complete the conversations. Then practice them with a partner.

SALE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

CD A: - - -- -- - - this wallet? @ A: _ _ _ __ ___ the red watch?

B: $12. B: $40.
_ _ _ __ ___ expens1ve.
W A: - -- -- - - - those CDs?
B: cheap. @A: _ __ _ __ __ these keychains?
- - -- - - -- $8. B: $5.

Q C Complete the conversation. Listen and check your answers. Then practice with a partner.
Track 11 A: Excuse me, can 1 see that sweatshirt?
B: Do you ( 1 ) the red one?
A: No thanks. 1 (2) _ _ __ _ __ the blue (3) _ _ __ _ __
B: Here. (4) _ _ __ __ _ $22.
A: Hmm. (5) _ _ _ __ _ _ the red (6) _ __ __ _ _
B: (7) _ _ _ _ __ $18.
A: OK, great. l'd like the red (8) _ __ _ ____ , please.

76 Unit 8

know _____,
A Listen to the prices. Then listen again and repeat.
Track 12

Wh·•eh country
uses pesos as
1. (formal) $2.80 (informal) $2.80 money?
2. (formal) $ 14.08 (informal) $ 14.08 ª· Australia
b. Thailand
c. Chile
B Listen and circle the prices you hear.
Track 13 1. $ 100 $200 4. $207.89 $27.89
2. $20.97 $29.75 s. $56.50 $50.65
3. $1 0.02 $10.20 6. $6.4 2 $64.02

C Take turns reading each price in B in two ways with a partner.

A Look at the picture. How much do you think each thing costs?
Write the prices on the price labels.

B Circle three things you want to buy in the picture. Write them in the
chart. Then ask three students for their prices. Complete the chart.

StudentA Student B Student C


Can 1see
t hat CD?

C Talk to your class about the prices. Whose things are cheap?
Whose are expensive?
How much is this T-shirt ?
A Look at Maya's text messages. Where is she?
a. Tokyo
b. Taiwan
c. NewYork

B What does Maya want to buy? Read the

text messages and circle the items.

C Answer the questions on page 80.

Me : Hi, Ming. Stig and 1

are at the night market
in Taiwan. 1 want a
baseball cap. They're
only $2.
Ming : That's cool. 1 want
one, too. Can you buy a
red one for me?
Me : OK!

Me : Hi, Mom. Look at

these DVDs at the night
market. They're cheap.
They're only $10. Do
you want one?
Mom : Yes! 1 want Harry
Potter and Shrek.

Me: Hi, Nadine. We're

ata night market in
Taiwan. Stig loves this
noodle soup. 1 like it too.
lt's only $1.
Nadine : 1 like that soup,
too! lt's really good.

Me : Look at this fun

game. lt's $1.50. 1 like
this game a lot.
Ming : Cooli

A Answer these questions about At the Night Market.
1. Who is with Maya?
a. Ming b. Stig c. Nadine
2. How much are the baseball caps?
a. $ 1 b. $2
What does Maya's mom want?
c. $3

the first cell
a. CDs b. DVDs c. soup phone?
4. What does Stig eat? a. 25 cm
b. 35 cm
a. fish b. noodle soup c. rice and beans c. 45 cm
5. How much is the game?
a. $ 1 b. $ 1.50 c. $2

B How much money do Maya and Stig spend? Complete the chart.

How many ... ?

1. games 1 1 X $1.50 =$1.50

2. DVDs

3. soup

4. basebal 1caps


Read the blog post. Then write your own blog post about your favorite market or store.
My blog ~
My Favorite Market
Aug. 8
• Blog
My favorite market is
+ Pt>o os Broadway street fair
in New York . There
• f _nd are cool things at the
market. There are
• Mor(. T-shirts, earri ngs,
and posters. There 's
food , too. 1li ke the
fruit smoothies. You
can buy food from a
lot of countries.

80 Unit 8
Look at these
things. They are
really expensive!

To change money, you multiply (x) or divide (+).

You have 1O U.S. dollars. You want Japanese yen .
l. Look at t he exchange rate. USD1 = JPY90
2. Mult iply. 10x90=JPY900
You have 1,400 Chinese yuan.You want U.S. dollars.
l. Look at the exchange rate. USD1 = CNY7
2. Divide. 1,400 + 7 = USD200

Change the money. Use the chart, or look up exchange

rates on the Internet.

Country Rate (USDl =_)
Australia (do llar) AUDl.50
Chile (peso) CLP600
China (yuan) CNY7
Japan (yen) JPY90
Thailand (baht) THB35

1. AU D300 to U.S. dollars

2. JPY450 to U.S. dol lars
3. CLP 1,800 to U.S. dollars
4. USD30 to Chinese yuan
5. USOS to Thai baht
" G o Windo
means W-shopping"
a. look;;- ·
buy them.'ngs but don't
b. buy a window
c. buy somethin~ from a
82 Unit 9
A. Sorne students are talking about their favorite holidays. Write the
holiday on each pictu re and listen to check your answers.

the Fourth of july Diwali NewYear's

B. Listen again. When is each holiday?

Track 15 1. January 1st January Sth July 1st
2. July 1st July 4th July l 4th
3. October 7th October 1Oth October l7th

C. Take turns asking a partner about the hol idays.

A: What do people do on the Fourth of July?
B: They watch fireworks .

A. Listen to the conversation. Then listen again and repeat.
B. Practice the conversation with a partner and replace the words
in blue.

What do you do for New

Year's in Brazil, Maya?

What do you do fo r New Year's?

Language Focus

A. Study the chart.
Track 17
What do you do for Diwali? We light lanterns.
What do they do for the Fourth of July? They watch fireworks.
What does he do for New Year's? He eats a special meal.

1have a barbecue on the Fourth of July 1/You /They /

She has a party during Carnaval. We have
He / She / lt has
When is your birthday? lt's on January 11th.
lt's in January.

When is Carnaval? lt's in the summer.

have a party eat birthday cake open presents and cards

B. Circle the correct words.

1. We ( eat / eats ) special food.
2. My aunt and uncle ( visits / visit) my house.
3. 1( have / has ) a party.
4. We ( decorates / decorate ) the house.
5. She ( open / opens ) cards and presents.
6. They ( watch / watches ) fireworks.
7. On the Fourth of July, they ( has/ have) a barbecue.

Q C. Write in , on, or for to complete the conversation. Listen and check

Track 18 your answers. Then practice with a partner.
A: When's your birthday, Ming?
B: lt's ( 1) the summer. lt's (2) August 1Oth. Is your
birthday (3) the summer; too?
A: No, it's not. lt's (4) _ __ the winter. lt's (5) ___ December.
B: What do you do (6) your birthday?
A: 1have a party with my friends. How about you?
B: 1have a party, too. We eat cake and 1open presents. lt's really fun!

84 Unit 9
Q A Listen to the words. Then listen again and repeat.
Track 19 Final th sound
l. four fourth
2. seven seventh
3. sixteen sixteenth
4. twenty twentieth

Q B Listen to each word . Put a check v' when you hear a th sound
Track20 and an X when you don't.
l. - - - 2. _ __ 3. _ __ 4. _ __ 5. _ __ 6. _ __

C Put the numbers below in order. Then read them to a partner.

a. twelfth fifth twenty-sixth eighth thirtieth
b. thirteenth twenty-seventh ninth nineteenth eleventh

Make two groups and play a game. One group describes a holiday and the other group guesses.
Take turns. The group with the fewest points wins.

HOLIDAY POINTS (one point for each guess)

HOLIDAY POINTS (one point for each guess)

No, it's not New Year's.

1eat a special meal. 1 play games, too.

Is it your birthday?

What do you do far New Year's?

A Look at the title and the pictures.
Where is this festival?
a. the United States
b. Brazil
c. Mexico

B What do people do for Carnaval?

Read the article and underline the verbs.

C Answer the questions on page 88.

1 Everyone loves Carnaval! It's the number one holiday
Track 21
in Brazil. Carnaval is a four-day party in February or
March. That's summer in Brazil, and the weather is hot.
Carnaval starts with the Samba Parade. Thousands
s of people watch the parade. Friends and families play
samba music and dance, too.
During Carnaval, there are big parties. Bands play
music. People wear amazing costumes and masks.
They eat barbecue.
10 Do you like music? Do you like masks and costumes?
Come to Brazil for Carnaval and watch the parade!
A Answer the questions about Carnaval.
In February, it'
1. Carnaval in Brazil is in the _ __ sum ' s
mer in Bra:z·1
a. spnng b. summer c. winter .What season is i~.
in Japan?
2. Carnaval starts with _ __ ª· spring
a. a party b. flreworks c. a parade b. fa//
3. What does "They" mean in line 9? c. Winter

a. people b. flreworks c. costumes

4. During Carnaval, people _ __
a. eat cake and dance b. play music c. play music and
and dance open presents
5. During Carnaval, people wear _ __
a. bands b. costumes c. lanterns

B What's your favorite holiday? Write it in the right side of the chart.
Then complete the diagram. Use sorne of these words.

sing have a barbecue visit family play music

dance watch a parade watch fireworks play games eat a special meal

Carnaval Both holidays Your holiday: _ _ _ __

riti g
Read the travel ~ 19
webp~e.Then · ~ ~J + , ~
write a web
page about your
favorite festival.

Carnaval in Oruro:
8-10 days in February or March
Everyone wears arnazing costurnes. Sorne people
wear monkey costurnes and sorne people wear
insect costurnes. Farnilies wear colorful clothes.
The rnothers wear yellow clothes and fathers wear red. The sisters wear
green clothes and brothers wear blue.
Visit Oruro during Carnaval! There is a big parade. Farnilies dance in the
88 U nit 9 parade. There's rnusic , and everyone dances.
Year's in your

A Make a class calendar. Ask your classmates

about their birthdays. Write the dates.

27 28 29 30 31

MAY ñ- s. JUNE
Su Mo Tu We Th Su Mo Tu 'Nt Th
1 2 3 "' 5 6 7 1 2

6 7 8 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7
A Songkran is New Year's in Thailand.
12 13 14 IS 16 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15
Peo ple wear special clothes. They watch
19 20 21 22 2J 12 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21
a parade, too. Songkran is in April.
25 26 27 28 29 30 29 JO JI 26 27 28 29 30

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa SuMoTuV't/eTh Fr Sa
2 3 4 s 6

6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 IJ

12 IJ 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

19 20 21 22 2J 21 22 2J 24 25 26 27

26 27 28 29 JO 2 29 JO JI

s. Su Mo Tu We Th Fr
2 3 4 s

A In Brazil, people watch fireworks on

December 3 1st. Then on January 1st,
they wear white clothing and put
flowers in the ocean.

B Work in a group.Add your favorite

holidays to the calendar. ldio111
s a Piece of
What's your cake"

tneans it's
favorite holiday?
a. difflcutt
b. easy
c. good to eat

What do you do for New Year's?

Hi! Do you like the ocean
or the mountains? Peru
has everything! Peru has
very old cities and a lot
of amazing animals!

Machu Picchu is high in the Andes Mountains. lt's an

old city with 200 buildings. lt's about 500 years old!
People don't live there now, but a lot of people visit
Machu Picchu every year.

• Machu Picchu today Look at this photo of the desert ..,.

near Nazca. What do you see? Can
you see a bird?This bird is about
100 meters long!
Cusco is a city in the Andes Mountains. lt's very
old. lt has a great market. People sel l fruits and
vegetables.You can buy many diffe rent ki nds of
corn-yellow corn , red corn, and black corn!
You can buy real ly cool clothes here, t oo . ..-

Where is Peru1
Peru is in South America, next to the Pacific Ocean.

• Peru has a lot of great festivals.

Ouring the festivals, people w_ear
rful costumes. Look at th1s
co lo ' 1
woman's beautiful earnngs.

~A lot of monkeys live ó
in the jungle near the
A mazon River. 1 love .¡use.o

monkeys, but 1 don 't like . Na.sea

piranha fish! Can you see

the pi ranha's teeth?

Complete the notes with place names from the reading.

Notes about ~
1. Peru is near the Ocean.

2. Cusca is in the Mountains.

3. The River is in the jungle of Peru.

4. Th ere are drawings in the desert near _____

s. _ _ __ _ _ _ has 200 very old buildings.

6. There is a big market in _____

A Sorne students are talking about their daily routines. Look at the pictures and put them in
order from 1 to 7. Then listen and check your answers.

B What time do the students do each activity? Listen again and write the times.
ack22 l. 2. 3. 4. _ _ _ _ __
s. 6. 7. _ _ __

C Guess your partner's schedule and make a chart. Then ask your partner questions to check
your guesses.

Time A: Do you get up at eight o'clock?


B: No, 1don't. 1get up at six-thirty

getup 8 :00


~.\ A Listen to the conversation. Then listen again and repeat.
B Practice the conversation with a partner. Replace the words in blue.

How is your school

this year; Stig?

When do you usually get up ?

language F-ocus
A Study the chart.
Never Sometimes Usually Always

What time do you get up? 1always get up at 6:45.

What time does he do his homework? He usually does his homework at 5:00.
When do they go home? They go home at 4:00. They're never late.
When does she have music class? Sometimes she has music at 1: 15, and
sometimes she has it at 2:30.

B Complete the questions about daily routines. Then match the answers to the
1. What time does he have dinner? (he / have) b
2. When _ _ _ _ __ _ (you l getup)
3. Whattime _ _ _ __ _ __ to bed? (they l go)
4. When her homework? (Karen / do)
5. What time _ _ _ _ _ _ __ lunch? ( we / have)

a. 1 usually get up at 7: 15. d. They usually go to bed at 9:30.

b. He always has dinner at 7:00. e. We always have lunch at 12:30.
c. She usually does her homework at 5:00.

Q C Write a sentence about each picture. Then listen and check your answers.

l . - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - -
2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __

3 ·--------------------------~
4. _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ _

96 Unit 10
A Listen to the questions. Then listen again and repeat.
Track26 Reduction of Do and Ooes
1. When do you have music? 3. What time does she go to school?
2. W hat t ime does
.._____he get up? 4. When do.......___,,.
t hey eat lunch?

B Listen to the questions. Circle the words you hear.

Track27 l. When (doyou / dothey) usually get up?
2. What t ime (do we / does he) have English?
In France
3. When (do we / does she) do homework?

schoo/ lu;ch
4. When (doeshe / doesshe) have music? /ast es
a. 30 minutes
5. What time (do we / does she) eat lunch? b. 1 hour
6. When (do we / do they) go to bed? c. 2 hours

C Take turns asking the questions in B with a partner.

Answer with information about you and your family.

Write the times you do these activities. Then find other students who do the activities at
the same time as you. The first person who completes the chart wins.

Whattíme . .. ? You Student name Student name

1. have dínner
2. do homework 1

3. eat breakfast

4. watch TV on school days

5 . go to bed on the weekend

-- --- - - - ---~ ----- ___ ___~ . .

What time do you
usually have dinner?

When do you usually get up?

A Look at the title and the pictures.
What do you think the text is about?
a. a school in South Africa
b. a student in South Africa
c. animals in South Africa

B Read the article and circle

the school subjects.

C Answer the questions on page 1OO.

G) 1 Southern Cross School in South Africa is a very special school.
Track 2s At the school, teachers and students study in the classroom and
outside. Every day, students have classes outside. They learn
from animals and plants.
s Students have math, science, English, history, and geography.
But Southern Cross students learn in an unusual way. For
example, in science, they study the wild animals next to the
school. They also have P.E., music, art, and Afrikaans, a South
African language. They learn about dangerous snakes, spiders,
10 and scorpions, too!
There are about 225 students at Southern Cross School. Sorne
students live at the school. They get up at 5:30 and go to class
from 7:15 to 1:00.

A Answe r the questions about An Unusual School.
1. What is unusual about Southern Cross School7
a. Students study science. b. Students have PE. c. Students study outside.
2. Afrikaans is
a. a country b. a language c. an animal
3. How many students go to Southern Cross School?
a. about 225 b. about 275 c. about 300
4. Sorne students live _ _ _
a. in the classroom b. outside c. at school
S. What time do students usually go to class in the morning? How niany
stud~nts study
a. 5:30 b. 7: 15 c. 1:00 Engl1sh in Chin 1
ª· 150 rniflion ª·
B What classes do students at Southern Cross School have? What b. 175 rni//ion
c. 200 rni//ion
classes do you have? Complete the diagram.

Southern Cross Your
School school

Read the chat room post. Then write a similar post about you r school.

Chat Room

7:51 ~ My School Life

~ Eva: There are 600 students at my school in Quito, Ec uado r. 1

usually go to school at 7:30. 1 study math, science, history,
geography, and music. 1 have Spanish and
English, too.

1 usually
go home at 12:30 and eat lunch . 1 always do my
homework at about 7:00. - Eva

100 Un it 10
11 10 9 7 5 3 2 o 3 4 1 • 7 • 10 11 12 11

lt's 2:00 p.m. in London. What time is it in these cities?

The lnternational Date Line is in
1. Los Angeles 6 :00 a.m. 5. New Delhi _ _ _ __ the Pacific Ocean.You can see the
2. New York 6. Sydney line on a world map.
When you go over the line, the time
3. Rio de Janeiro 7. Wellington
changes. When you go from west 0N)
4. Athens to east (E), you subtract 24 hours
(-1 day).When you go from eastto
west, you add 24 hours (+ 1 day).

"Ti ·
rne is rnone "
a. time is chea y rneans - -·
b ti . . p
. .rne is trnportant
c. time is expensive

When do you usually get up?

- - - downloading a video

c. - - - checking my e-mail

f. - - - calling someone

102 Unit 11
A What are the students doing? Listen and number the pictures in order from 1 to 7.

B Take turns asking questions about the students with a partner.

A: What's he doing?
B: He's texting a friend.

C What are the students using? Listen again and write the number of the conversation.
a. cell phone: c. game console: _ __
b. computer: 1 d. MP3 player: _ __

D Take turns with a partner. One student names something in C.

The other student says something you can do with it.
A: cell phone
B. You can text your friends with a cell phone.

A Listen to the conversation. Then listen again and repeat.
B Practice the conversation with a partner. Replace the words in blue.

W hat are you doing?

Language Focus
Q A Study the chart.
What are you doing? l,m downloading a video.
Who are you chatting with? l,m chatting with a friend.
What,s she writing? She's writing an e-mail l'm checking my e-mail.
to her teacher. He's calling his mom.
She's texting her friend.
Are you watching a DVD? Yes, 1am. / No, l,m not.
Are they checking their e-mail? Yes, they are. / No, the/ re not.

B Complete each question . Then match the question to the answe r.

l. Are you usíng this cornputer? (use)
2. What Torn ? (do)
3. she a DVD? ( watch)
4. What your parents ? (download)
5. he to music? (listen)
6. Who Kelly ? (text)

a. A video frorn the Internet.

b. No, he's talking on his cell phone.
c. Sorne friends. •
Peop/e from Wh' h
d. He's reading a book. CO
untry send
e. No, she's playing a video game. the most text
f. Yes, 1arn. l'm checking my e-mail.
;· the Philippines
• Brazi/

e Complete the conve rsation. Listen and check your answers.
Then practice the conversation with a partner.
c. China

echat do play download listen play )

A: Hey, Ana, what ( 1) you _ _ _ __

B: l'rn just playing on my computer.
A: Cool. What game (2) you _ _ _ __
B: Oh, no, 1 (3) not _ _ _ _ _ a game. I (4) ______ just
- -- - - with friends and (5) 1 _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ sorne music.
A: Really? What music (6) you _ _ _ __ _ to?
B: Beyoncé, of course. She's my favorite singer!

104 Unit 11
Q A Listen to the intonation in these questions. Then listen again and repeat.

1. What are you doing?
lntonation in Wh- and Yes/No Questions __.
2. Are you studying?

Q B Listen to the questions. Draw a rising arrow or a falling arrow above each question .
1. Are they chatting online? 4. Are they watching a DVD?

2. What are you downloading? 5. Do you like video games?

3. What is she writing? 6. How old is your computer?

C Take turns reading the questions with a partner.

Work in two teams and play charades. Team A thinks of an action and acts it out.
Team B can guess three times (one correct guess = one point). Try to get the
most points.

f eam A's Points

Team B's Points

W hat are you doing?

A Read the article quickly. What do we
learn about Asimo?
a. Asimo can swim.
b. Asimo can climb.
c. Asimo can talk.

B What can Asimo do? Read the article

and circle ali the action verbs.

C Answer the questions on page 108.

This is Asimo, the famous robot from Japan. There
are about 40 Asimo robots in the world today. They
are visiting many places, like England, China,
Switzerland, and the United States.
s Asimo is about 120 cm tall and can do a lot of
things. It can walk, run, play soccer, and dance. It
can't read, but it can see. It has two cameras in its
head. Asimo can talk and hear, too. When you say
"Asimo," it understands its name.
o Asimo is really smart. It is teaching students all

over the world about science and robots.

A Answer the questions about Meet Asimo the Robot.
1. How many Asimo robots are there in the world?
Which movie is
a. 1 b. about 40 c. about 120 not about robots?
2. How tall is Asimo7
ª· Woll •E
b. Find1ng Nema ...
a. 40 centimeters b. 120 centimeters c. 40 meters c. StorWors

3. Asimo can
a. read b. jump c. dance
4. Asimo can run kilometers an hour.
a. 4 b. 6 c. 8
S. Asimo cannot
a. speak b. listen c. re ad

B Make a word web about the article.

Writing Read the blog post.Then write a blog post about your own robot.

My blog

My blog My blog Photos Friends More-.

Aug. 16

l'm making a robot. 1 call it RBT. My robot can

walk and talk. lt can browse the Internet and
download music and videos. lt can check my
e-mail and text my friends.

We are playing a video game. RBT is very smart.

lt can do a lot of things, but it can't do my

108 Unit 11
Can you text
in English?

These words are not in a dictionary! Txt, or text

talk, is a way people write words on their cell What do these texts say? Work with
phones. Friends use txt to chat online, too. People a partner and write the sentences.
use txt because it's fast and fun! You can write txt
with your friends .
Wht R U doin? lm goin 2 th
seer game

!. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __
T 1111 .,_
Txt Example

a letter = a word b = be J
a number = a wor~ l4 = fS!r j
a number = a sound s -- <t>
ª ~
e soun ··
_ IBr = later
lm= l'm
simple contract1ons
Shes = She's
no vowels (a, e , i, o, u) Íthr =-there

1no g in ::::-ing forms __ wtchin = watching

bf = best friend or Whs goin? lm goin
boyfriend wl my gf
abbreviations gf = girlfriend
hru = h.ow are you

'--~~~~~~~ J wl = w1th
3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ~

"l'm surfing the
Internet" means

a. \'m going to ti~,e o cean

b. \'m shopping on\1ne
4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
c. \'m browsing .
different webs1tes

What are you doing?


"º Unit 12

4. bathroom: - - - - -
A Sorne teenagers are talking with their parents.
Track36 Where are they? Listen and write their names (Yoko James Ana

on the pictures.
B Listen again. How can the students save water and energy in each room?
Track36 Write the rooms under the pictures.

1 _11'
turn off the lights save water unplug the DVD player recycle bottles and cans
Room: Room: Room: Room:

C How can you save water and energy? Work with a partner.
Use ideas from B and your own ideas.
A How can we save water and energy? B We can save water in the kitchen.

A Listen to the conversation. Then listen again and repeat.
B Practice the conversation with a partner. Replace the words in blue.

Stig, you're wasting energy!

Please turn off the lights.

CD player
game console
Language Focus
Q A Study the chart.
How can we be green? We can recycle paper. Turn off the lights.
-7 Turn them off.
(Please) unplug the TV. Don't throw away the paper.
Recycle those bottles, please. -7 Don 't throw it away.
Don't waste water!


m• m•
save energy reuse bottles take showers

i·X·J:lil i•X•J:lil
waste throw away waste water
energy bottles

B Complete the questions. Then unscramble the answers.

l. How we water? (save)
take / can / you / showers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2. How we green? (be)
lights / turn off/ can / you / the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3. How we bottles? (reuse)
use / in / kitchen / can / you / them / the
4. How we energy? (save)
unplug / you / the / can / computer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

G C Complete the conversations. Then listen to check your answers.

Track 39 Q) A: Please ( 1) turn off
the DVD player. lt's (2) _ _ __ __ energy!
B: Oh, sure. Sorry.

@ A: Are you using the computer?

B: No, l'm not.
A: Please (3) it _ _ __ _ and
(4) it

@A: What are you doing?

B: l'm throwing away this bottle.
A: Don't (5) it - -- - - · Recycle it!

@A: Please (6) _ _ _ _ _ water.

B: How can 1 save water?
A: (7) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , not baths.

112 Unit 12
A Listen to the stress in these words. Then listen again and repeat the words.
Word Stress in Compound Words
1. bedroom 2. DVD player 3. living room 4. bathroom

B Listen to the words. Write them down and underline the stress.
l. _ _ _ _ __ 3. ~~~~~~~~ 5. ~~~~~~~~

2. ~~~~~~~~ 4. ~~~~~~~~ 6. ~~~~~~~~

C Take turns reading the words in B to a partner.

A Work in a small group. Look at the pictures. What can you do to save
energy in each room? Make a list.


You can turn off the light5 in the living room. You can turn
off the lights
You can ... in the living
B Compare lists with the class. Who has the most ideas to save energy?

Save energy!
A Look at the pictures and the title of the articl
What's unusual about this school?
a. the classes
b. the school building
c. the students

B Read the article. Find the opposite of these

words. Circle the adjectives.

un usual old expensive cool )

C Answer the questions on page 1 16.

re en 1 Friends Community School in Maryland is an unusual
school. It looks like a normal school, but it's not. There are
4,000 bales of straw in the school walls!

Straw comes from plants like wheat. It is a waste

s product-people usually throw away the straw. Straw
buildings are "green"-this means they are good for the
environment. Every year, new plants grow to make straw.
This saves trees. Straw is cheap, too.
The students and teachers like their straw school. The
1 o straw saves energy, too. Straw buildings are cool in
summer and warm in winter.
A Answer the questions about A Green School.
1. There are bales of straw in the school walls.
a. 40
2. Straw comes from _ __
a. bottles
b. 400

b. plants
c. 4,000

c. trees
P •e
a . 83
b. 830
One tree can

. ces of pape

3. What do people usually do with straw? c. 8Joo

a. recycle it b. throw it away c. eat it
4. Are straw buildings good for the environment?
a. Yes, they are. b. No, they're not. c. We don't know.
5. Straw buildings save because they are cool in summer.
a. cold b. green c. energy

B Why are straw houses "green" ? Write sentences using the words and phrases
in the box.

cool in the summer save trees use waste products warm in the winter_,)

1. Straw houses are green beca use they are cool in the summer.
3. ---------------------------~
4. ----------------------------~

Writing Environmentally friendly tips

Look at the magazine

article . Then write your Gave the ~V1viroV1WJeV1t!
own article about the These fiv e ideas he lp save wate r, e ne rgy, an d
other things . Go green ... do thes e th in gs today!
environment. Write
sorne ideas you think • Put your desk next to a window and
are important. turn off the light.

• Turn off the TV and video games.

Play outside!

• Reuse paper. Use both sides.

• Share books, CDs, DVDs, and video

games with your friends.

• Unplug the TV, DVD player, and

computer at night.

116 Un it 12
Please unplug
your electrical
things at night!

People in these countries use a lot

of electricity. Can you guess why?

.... Please unplug your computer, TV. and DVD
.! 3000 player at night.They use electricity when
e: you sleep.
...a. Look at this special photo.The plugs are
a. 2000
red and hot. The electrical items are off,
VI 1500 but they are using electricity
¡:;. You can save a lot of energy. Unplug your
:~ 1000 electrical things when you're not using
¡¡; 500 them and cut the energy they use by
50 percent.

How can you save electricity? Look

at the pictures. Circle the things you
can unplug at night.

alarm clock lamp

• electrical plugs

[JI air conditioner ~ --- .. DVD player

computer CD player

"Give the
radio rn eans green light"
a. it's o;z;-¡-.
o o som eth ing
b . it's not OK '
to do
fan TV
Hi! Do you like cool
technology? Do you
like shopping for new
things?Then Tokyo is a
great place to visit!

Tokyo has hundreds of cool

electronics stores.You can buy
everything there-cell phones, MP3
players, computers,1Ys.
Best places for electronics:
Shinjuku and Akihabara

Let's Go Shopping1
Tokyo is a cool place for night time shopping. Tokyo's
streets are famous for their bright lights and large TVs.
Shopping in Tokyo is a lot of fun!

There are a lot of great clothes

stores in Tokyo. japanese
people are really into [they
really like] clothes and fashion.
Best places for fashion:
Harajuku and Omotesando
Cool things to do in Tokyo

.._ Travel in a really fast train!

Japan's "bullet trains" are really fast.This train at
Tokyo station is called Nozomi. lt can travel at 300
kilometers an hour!

.á.Have a drink and save the environment! Orno 1

Are you thirsty? There are drink machines

everywhere in Tokyo.There's one on nearly every +
street! But don't throw your can away.There are a f
lot of places you can recycle the cans, too .

.._ Sleep in a really small room!

In Tokyo's "capsule hotels" you
can sleep in a very small room. In
Notes about ~
the room, you can watch TV and 1. You can buy cool in Harajuku.
browse the lnternet.The rooms
are only 1 meter high! 2. Japan's bullet is really fast!

3. In a "capsule hotel," you can _ _ _ _ _ in a very small room.

Complete the
notes with the 4. Do you like electronics? Go shopping in one of the
words below. electronics in Shinjuku.
clothes sleep S. Don't throw away that can! People in Tokyo _ _ __ _
recycle stores
train TVs 6. You can see large _ _ _ _ _ on Tokyo's streets.

To learn more, watch the video Cool City:Tokyo .

What time
do you usually What's she
get up? doing? Say
two things.

What are two

healthy foods?

What are
yourtwo M
What's your favorite
favorite class holidays?
in school? Unscramble
the word:

Name two
things people
do during

What's your
time now?
Heads = move two squares
Tails = move one square
Answer the question.
Can't answer? Miss a turn!
The first person to
finish is the winner!

Say every third

letter of the alphabet.
Begin with C.

What does
the idiom
"lt's a piece of What does
18r mean in
cake" mean?
text talk?

What foods
does Stig
not like?
What can Asimo
the robot do?
Say two things.

How can people

save energy?
Say two things.
Say what two
people are
doing in your
classroom now.

..,, UNIT 1 Do you like sandwiches?

You like
We don't like

She mil k.
doesn't like

Countable Uncountable
sandwich(es) milk
dessert(s) soup
vegetable(s) bread

you Yes, l/we do./ No, l/we don't.

Do like apples?
they Yes, they do./ No, they don't.
he Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't.
Do es she like milk? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.
Stig Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't.

126 Language Notes

.,.. UNIT 8 How much is this T-shirt?

tWM·Ji'4iiM,fi'' ·#f,&bij•-----
How much is T-shirt? lt's $29.
How much are earrings? They're $14.

1want that CD. -7 1 want that one.

1 want the black sunglasses. -7 1 want the black ones.

don't want that CD.
'd like
doesn't want those sunglasses.
'd like

14H1ti·J!éú ij1"511,t.liif'·H#iFL...

Yes, l/we would .

he he
Would like this CD?
she No, she wouldn't.
they t hey


1see those T-shirts, please? Sure. Here you go.

lt's too big!

Language Notes
~ UNIT 9 What do you do for New Year's?

iíli· ·1--------·
!Mi.!ijilfljl.!f1·11 'ifl'·1if 1
you l/We watch flreworks.
What do do for New Year's?
they They eat special food.
he He has a party.
What does do for New Year's?
she She watches fireworks.

1 have
you have
he has
she has
it has
we have
they have

Simple PresentVerbs
The follow1ng verbs take an "s" in the third person:
play. eat. visit, light. decorate, wear, open. dance

you play you eat you visit
he plays he eats he visits
she plays she eats she visits
it plays it eats it visits
we play we eat we visit
they play they eat they visit
The verb "watch" takes an "es" 1n the third person.

you watch
he watches
she watches
it watches
we watch
they watch

128 Language Notes

i#·Jiéii'·'difti é#iii.t.f1íl'· ·ii·''''iéL
1 11 1

on January 11th.

When is your birthday? lt's in january.

in the winter:

'iii.I.fiiji.t.i.iii! .. t.____
What do you do during the holidays?

..,_ UNIT 10 When do you usually get up?

Wh- Questions (What time andWhen)-Adverbs of Frequency

you l/We usually get up at 7:00.

Whattime do get up?
they They sometimes get up at 7:00.
he He always gets up at 7: 15.
When does get up?
she She usually gets up at 7:30.

..,_ UNIT 11 What are you doing?

You 're
downloading a video.

you l'm/We're
What are doing? chatting online.
they They're
she She's
What is writing*? writing an e-mail.
he He's

Yes, 1 am. / No, l'm not.

Are chatting** online? Yes, we are. / No, we're not.
Yes, they are./ No, they're not.
she Yes, she is./ No, she's not.
Is writing an e-mail?
he Yes, he is./ No, he's not.

* Remember to drop the letter "e" from the end of verbs end1ng w1th the
letter "e," for example, have- having, use-us1ng.

** The spelling in sorne words changes, for example, note the double
consonant in chat-chatting.

Language Notes
~ UNIT 12 Save energy!

wa.....________ ./

How can be green? can recycle paper.
we We

(Please) unplug the TV and DVD player.
Recycle those bottles, please.
Don't waste water!

Turn off the lights. -7 Turn them off

Throw away the paper. -7 Throw it away

-7 me
you -7 yo u
he -7 him
she -7 her
it -7 it
we -7 us
they -7 them

130 Language Notes

A carrot ....................... ................. 68 example ...... .... .......................... 99
actually ............................... ... ... 95 change ..................... .... ............. 1O1 exchange rate ......................... 81
Afrikaans ..... ... .. ....... ................. 99 chat online ........ .. ..................... 102 excuse me .............. ................ . 75
ago ............................................. 90 chat with (someone) ............ . 104
air conditioner ........................ 1 17 cheap ............ .. ... ....................... 75 F
alarm clock .............................. 117 check (verb) .............. .............. 102 fan ............... ..... .......................... 117
also ............................................ 99 cheese ....................................... 73 fashion ...................................... 118
always ....................................... 96 children .............. ...................... 70 fast ........... .............. .................... 109
a.m ............................................. 101 class ........................................... 96 festival. ............... ....................... 91
apple ............................. ............ 68 clothes .............................. ... ..... 83 firefighter ................................. 56
art .... .......................................... 98 colorful ........ ................. ... ......... 88 fireworks ..... .... ..................... .... 82
come ......................................... 87 flea market .............................. 74
B cook ..... ....... .................... .......... 70 fruit smoothie ............. ............ 80
baht ........................................... 81 cool (great) .............................. 75
bale of straw ........................... 114 corn ........... ..... ....... ............... ..... 91 G
barbecue .............. .. ....... ........... 82 cost .......... ...... .. ......................... 81 game .......................................... 78
baseball cap ................ ............. 74 costume ......................... .......... 86 game console .......................... 103
bath ........................................... 112 cut (verb) ................. ...... .......... 117 geography ......................... ....... 98
bathroom ................................. 110 get up ........................................ 94
beans ........ .......... ....................... 66 D girlfriend ...................... ............. 109
beautiful ............... .................... 91 dance ........... ............... .............. 87 good .......................................... 67
because .................................... 109 dangerous ................................ 99 grape ......................................... 68
bed .................... ........ ................ 94 decorate ................................... 82 green
bedroom .................................. 11O dessert .................................... . 66 (environmentally friendly) .. 112
behind ....................... ............. ... 103 different .................................... 72 grow ..... ... .................................. 115
best friend ............................... 109 dinner .. ................. .................... 96
birthday .......... .... ...................... 84 dallar ....... ................... ..... .......... 74 H
both ........................................... 88 download ................... .............. 102 have ............. .................... .......... 82
bottle ................. ..... .... .............. 111 drink......... ........................ ... ...... 119 head ............ ... ..... ................... ... 107
boyfriend ........... ....................... 109 drinks machi ne ....................... 119 healthy ....... .... ... ........... ............. 70
bread .................. ....................... 67 during ......................... ..... ......... 84 hear ................ ........................... 107
bread ring ......... ....................... 73 DVD ...... ........ .................. .......... 78 help ................... ................... .. ... 116
breakfast .................... .............. 94 hey ............................................. 103
bright ...... .... .............................. 118 E high ....... ..................................... 90
broccoli .............................. .. .... 73 e-mail ..................................... .. . 102 history ..................... ................. 98
browse ..................................... 102 early .. .. ............... ....................... 95 holiday ...................................... 85
bug ...................................... ....... 70 earrings ............. ... .................. .. 74 home ........................ ................. 94
bullet train ............................... 119 east ......... .. ................................. 1O1 homework ............................ ... 94
buy ............................................. 78 electrical item ....... ... ............... 1 17 hot dog ........ ....................... .. .... 73
electricity ........................ .. ....... 1 17 hotel. ......................................... 119
e electronics ........ .......... ...... ... .... 118 house ........................................ 82
cake ..................................... ...... 84 energy ................... ................. ... 11 O hundred .................................... 73
call (someone) ........................ 103 envelope ................................... 81
can (noun) ......................... ...... 1 1 1 environment ...................... .. .... 115
capsule hotel ........................... 119 everyone ..................... ....... ...... 87 idea ... ......................................... 67
card ................................. .......... 84 everything ........................... ..... 90 lnternational Date Une ........ 91
careful ....................................... 70 everywhere ... ...................... .. .. 119 Internet .................................... 102

Yocabulary lndex
Internet café .......... .................. 103 night .......................................... 116 save ........................................... 11 O
into (to like something) ........ 118 night market ............................ 79 school ...................... .. ............... 94
it (reference word) ................ 112 noodles ..................................... 73 science ...................................... 98
normal ...................................... 115 scorpion ................................... 70
now ........................................... 90 see ............................................. 75
juice ........................................... 67 sell ............................................. 91
just.............. ............................... 103 o share .... ..................................... 116
o'clock ...................................... 95 shopping ........... .................. .. .. .. 118
K off .............................................. 117 shower ..................................... 112
keychain ................................... 76 OK ............................................ 67 shrine ............... ......................... 82
kilometers an hour ................ 106 one (reference word) ........... 75 side ............................................ 116
kitchen ...................................... 11O onion ....................................... .. 68 sit. .............................................. 103
kitten ........................................ 81 online ........................................ 109 sleep ........................................ .. 117
only ........................................... 78 snack ......................................... 73
L open .......................................... 84 so ............................................... 95
lamp .......................................... 117 orange (fruit) .................... ...... 68 soda ........................................... 73
lantern ...................................... 82 or ............................................... 81 someone .................................. 103
large .......................................... 118 other ........ .... ............................. 116 sorry ......................................... 112
late .. .......................................... 95 outside ...................................... 99 sound ........................................ 109
later ........................................... 109 soup .......................................... 66
learn .......................................... 99 p sphinx kitten ........................... 81
letter ......................................... 109 parade ....................................... 86 station ....................................... 119
light (noun) .............................. 111 party ......................................... 83 store ......................................... 118
light (verb) ............................... 82 P.E .............................................. 98 straw ......................................... 114
lightsaber ................................. 81 peach ........................................ 68 street ........................................ 118
line ............................................. 88 people ....................................... 70 street fai r ........................... ...... 80
listen ......................................... 104 percent ..................................... 117 study ......................................... 99
living room .............................. 11O peso ........................... ............... 81 subtract .................................... 1O1
long ........................................... 75 piranha ...................................... 91 sunglasses ................................ 75
look like ................................... 115 plug ............. ............................... 117 sweatshirt ................................ 75
lunch ....................... .................. 67 p.m............................................. 101
poster ....................................... 80 T
M practice .................... ... ............. 95 T-shirt ....................................... 74
mango .... ................................... 73 present ................................ ..... 84 take ........ .. ................................. 112
map ............................ ............... 101 pretty ........................................ 75 tall. ............................................. 108
market ................ ...................... 80 put ............................................. 89 tarantula ................................... 71
mask .......................................... 86 teach ......................................... 107
math .......................................... 98 R teacher ............. ........................ 99
meal .......................................... 82 radio .. ........................................ 117 technology ............................... 118
meet .......................................... 107 read ........................................... 104 teeth ......................................... 91
milk .............................. ............. 66 recycle .............................. .. ...... 111 text (verb) ............................... 102
mom .......................................... 78 reuse ......................................... 112 text talk / txt ........................... 109
money ....................................... 81 rice ......... ....................... ............ 66 thanks ....................................... 76
morning .................................... 95 right ........................................... 103 them .......................................... 112
much ......................... ................ 74 room ........................... .............. 111 thirsty ....................................... 119
thousand .................................. 81
N s throw away .............................. 112
nearly ........................................ 119 samba ........................................ 87 time ........................................... 95
never ......................................... 96 sandals ...................................... 74 tomate ...................................... 68
new .......... ................................. 115 sandwich ....................... ........... 66 train ........................................... 119

132 Yocabulary lndex

travel ......................................... 119 want .......................................... 75 wonder ..................................... 90
turn off ..................................... 111 waste product. ........................ 115 would ........................................ 76
waste (verb) ............................ 111 write ......................................... 104
u watch (noun) ........................... 76
unhealthy ................................. 73 watch (verb) ............................ 82 y
unplug ....................................... 111 wax worm ............................... 70 yeah ........................................... 75
unusual ..................................... 70 way ............................................ 99 yen ............................................. 81
usually ....................................... 94 wear .......................................... 83 yuan ........................................... 81
weekend ................................... 97
V west .......................................... 101
vegetable .................................. 66 wheat ........................................ 114
video ......................................... 102 when ......................................... 84
video game .............................. 103 which ........................................ 103
visit ............................................ 82 white bread ............................. 73
white rice ................................. 73
w window .................................... 116
wall ............................................ 115 window shopping ................... 103
wallet ........................................ 76 woman ...................................... 91

Vocabulary lndex


(armella Lieske 1 Scott Menking

1 CENGAGE Learning ·

Australia• Brazil • japan • Korea • Mexico • Singapore • Spain • United Kingdom • United States
A. Look at the text. What is it?
a. an Internet message board. b. a school notebook. c. a magazine page.

0 8© Message Board
! Home> Fo...;:;.ru_m_s_>_F_o_od_>_W-ha~t-F-ood Do You Like? 3 posts

9:28AM What Food Do You Like?

~ May:
Hi. My name is May. l like peaches, bananas,
grapes, oranges, potatoes, and vegetables. 1
don't like to eat noodles. How about you? What
do you like to eat?

11:36 AM re: What Food Do You Like?

1 ~ Jack:
Hi, May. My name is Jack. 1like meat a lot! 1love
hot dogs! 1don't like bananas and 1don't like
vegetables. 1like peaches. Do you like meat?

11:42 AM re: What Food Do You Like?

~ David:
My name is David. 1like meat, too. And 1like
potatoes, pasta, bread, and rice, but 1don't like
noodles. How about you?


B. Read the text in part A. Circle T (true), F (false, not true), or ? (We don't know).
1. ( T / F (i)) May likes rice.
2. ( T / F / ? ) Jack and David like meat.
3. ( T / F / ? ) David likes peaches.
4. ( T / F / ? ) May and David don't like potatoes.
S. ( T / F / ? ) David likes pasta, but he doesn't like rice.
6. (TI F I ? ) May likes vegetables, but Jack doesn't like vegetables.

C. Correct the false sentences from part B.

32 Unit 7
A. Look at this picture of a supermarket. Draw five food items .

. . . . : -: : :-: -: : -__- -_-_------=-=-=-=-,=riR~IC~E,==1

B. Write sentences about the food items in part A.

1. l like bread. Bread is a healthy food.


C. Practice your sentences in part B with a partner at school. Then take
turns asking and answering questions.

There are apples in my picture .

1like apples. How about you?
1 like apples, too.

Do yo u like san dwiches?

Voeabulary Foeus
A. Look at the code. Write the words.

l. 14 16 11 6 10 1 14 14 5 14 sun9lasses
2. 5 1 13 13 8 11 6 14
3. 14 1 11 - 1 10 14
4. 15 19 - 7 8 13 15
S. 2 1 _ 5 2 1 10 10 3 12
6. 14 - 5 I _ 14 7 - 13 15
B. Match the numbers with the words.
l. $2 • • eighteen dollars
2. $18 • • a dol lar (one dol lar)
3. $1 • • ninety-nine dollars
4. $76 • • two dollars
s. $67 • • sixty-seven dollars
6. $99 • • seventy-six dollars

Put the conversation in the correct order from
1 to 7. Then practice with a partner at school.
a. Sure. Here you go.
b. 1 Excuse me ...
c. lt's $3. Do you want it?
d. No, thank you. Can 1 see those keychains,
e. Helio. Do you want a new wallet?
f. That's cheap.Yes, please.
g. Thanks. They're pretty cool. How much is
the green one?

34 Unit 8
Language Foc:us
A. Fill in the blanks to complete the conversation. Then practice with a partner at school.
A: Do you ( 1) this pink
B: No, 1don't want that (2) _ _ __
l'd (3) this blue one,
please. How (4) is it?
A: (5) $9.

A: Wow! Excuse me, how much

(6) those sunglasses?
B: (7) $50.
A: How about these brown
B: They're only $1 8. (9) you
want them?
A: ( 1O) , please.

B. Look at the newspaper. Write the questions and answers. Then practice them with a
partner at school.

ould you like these things? 1. How much is a sweatshirt?

My name is George. These

are my old sweatshirts.
Would you like one?
They're $8. Call me.
lt's $5.
My name is Lisa. 1 don't
want this old T-shirt. lt's 3. Why doesn't Lisa want her old t-shirt?
too small. Do you want
this T-shirt? lt's $5.
4. How much are the keychains?
My name is Karen. Do
you like these keychains?
They're from Las Vegas,
in the Un ited States.
They're $3. They're from Las Vegas.

How much is this one?

A. Look at the title and pictures. Where is Pedro?
a. in South Korea b. in Australia c. in school

Pedro in Australia
Pedro says, "How much is that wallet?
My father wants a wallet:'
"lt's $12:'
Pedro's friends want key chains.
They're only $3, but he has ten friends!
His sister wants big earrings. They're
cheap. They're $5.

Pedro is in Sydney. He wants to buy

things far his friends and family.
lt's really hot in Sydney today. Pedro
wants sorne cold ju ice. lt's $2.
Pedro's brother wants two CDs.
They're $11 each.
His mother wants a blue T-shirt. lt's $8. The Rocks Market, Sydney
6 7

B. Read the story in part A and answer the questions.

1. What's the weather like in Sydney?
a. lt's cold. b. lt's hot. c. lt's rainy.

2. How much is the juice?

a. lt's $1. b. lt's $2. c. lt's $3.
3. Does Pedro's brother want ten CDs?
a. Yes, he does. b. No, he wants 2 CDs. c. No, he wants 3 CDs.
4. How much is the T-shirt for Pedro's mother?
a. lt's $3. b. lt's $8 c. lt's $12.
5. How many keychains does Pedro want to buy?
a. 10 b. 12 c. 80
6. Are the earrings expensive?
a. No, they're cheap. b. Yes, they're expensive. c. We don't know.

36 Unit 8
A. This is a market in Bangkok, Thailand. Look at the pictures and write a
postcard to a friend about the market.

buy cool clothes

great t-shirts




B. Practice reading your postcard with a partner at school.

How much is this one?

Voeabulary Foc;:us
A . Find these 19 words hidden
in the fireworks. Circle them.

eat. visit
fireworks holiday
barbee ue special meal
parad e Carnaval
shrine December
game Divali
light birthdays
lanterns family
decorate calendar

B . Circle the correct verbs to complete the phrases.

1. ( have / decorate ) the house S. ( play / eat ) a special meal
2. ( light / go ) lanterns 6. ( go / watch ) to a shrine
3. ( play/ visit ) games 7. ( eat / watch ) fireworks
4. ( go / visit) family 8. ( have / decorate ) a barbecue

Put the conversation in the correct order from
1 to S. Then practice with a partner at school.
a. _ __ We visit family during the summer
vacation, too. We a/so swim a lot. And
we watch fireworks.
b. _ __ That sounds fun. Sure.
..:..___ What do you do during the summer
c. _ 1 -,,.. ,
d. ___ Me too! Hey, Let's watch fireworks on Friday?
e. _ _ _ Well, we visit my mother's family. O h yeah, and we have a barbecue.
How about you?

38 Unit 9
Language Focus
A. Correct the sentences. Find the extra word and cross it out.
1. Yukari: Steve, when is ~ your birthday?
2. Steve: lt's in on December. How about you, Marco?
3. Marco: lt's in on January 1st.
4. Yukari: Wow! lt's on for New Year's.What do you do?
S. Marco: Well, 1 open presents and 1watch to fireworks.
6. Yukari: Cool! Steve, what do you do for in your birthday?
7. Steve: 1You eat cake , and 1go out with my friends.
8. Marco: Oh yeah, 1go out to with friends, too.
B. Barbara is an American teenager. Look at her calendar and

..- . -. ... -- .. . ..
complete the questions and answers.

- - ........
•e 1 Mom's
birthday •
•2 •3 •4 • 5 Chinese • 6
: New Year

~ eat a special : • • : watch a • •

e meal with Mom: : : : parade : :
( • • • • • • • • • .• • • • • • • • • • I • • • • • • • • • \ • • • • • • • • •'• • • • • • • • • •'• • • • • • • • • I • • • • • • • • •
• 8 ~9 : 10 : 11 ~ 12 : 13 : 14

• .
.................... .' ......... ., ..............................
. . "......... .
• 15 : 16 : 17 : 18 : 19 : 20 : 21

• .
: School
: Carnival

• ....... . . , ......... ' ......... ." ..............................

. . , ........ .
• 22 :23


:2s :26 :21

; Robby's
•' ......... : ......... .: ......... .........·.......... : ......... : ........ .
: Birthday

• ~

1. What does Barbara do for Chinese New Year? She watches a parade.

2. When is the school carnival? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Robby's birthday is on February 28.

4. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - They eat a special mea\.

S. When is her mother's birthday? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

What do you do for New Year's?

A. Look at the title. What is the text about?
a. fireworks b. a holiday c. lanterns

The Holiday During Divali, everyone lights

of Lights lanterns. People open presents and
watch fireworks. lt's really fun!
People eat special meals and visit
their families. They use rice to paint
pictures called rangoli. Sorne people
sing and dance, too.
Divali is an amazing holiday. Come to
India and see Divali and do all of these

Divali is a special holiday in India. lt's

sometimes called the Holiday of Lights,
too. Do you like these lanterns? You can
see them during Divali.
Divali is a five-day holiday during
October or November. lt's during the
dry season, and the weather is good. rangoli
12 13

B. Read the text in part A. Then circle the correct answers to the questions below.
1. What is another name for Divali?
a. the Holiday for Lights b. the Holiday of Lights c. the Carnival of Lights

2. How many days is Divali?

a. 1 b. 3 c. 5

3. What's the weather like in October and November?

a. lt's bad. b. lt's good. c. lt's cool, cloudy,
and rainy.
4. Can you watch fireworks during Divali?
a. Yes. b. No. c. We don't know.

S. Which sentence about Divali is true?

a. People light lanterns. b. People paint pictures c. People have
with bread. a barbecue.

40 Unit 9
A. Read the message board. Then write a reply to Marissa.

0 8 ffi Message Board

j Home> Forums > Holidays > When is your birthday? 2 posts

1 8:00 AM When is your birthday? ~~

~ Marissa: Hi! My na me is Marissa. My birthday is on December 31 st. That's
on New Year's Eve. 1watch fireworks and eat a special mea l. My
friends visit my house on the 31 st, and my family visits on January

My best friend's birthday is July 27th. That's summer, and it is hot.

My friend and 1swim, and she opens presents.
9:28AM Re: When is your birthday?

~- - -

Close ]

B. Answer the questions.

l. Do you open presents on your birthday? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2. What's your favorite holiday? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3. What do you do for your favorite holiday? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

C. Practice talking about your answers with a partner at school.

What's your
favorite holiday?.

What do you do for New Year's?

A. Find the 13 hidden words. The words can go 1" 1L ~ "" f-. w
-speGia.l.. lanterns, decorate, costumes, wallet, sandals, caps, sweatshi rt,
earrings, beans, carrot, vegetable, healthy

t r a s e b s e e a g
r s d s s e e e d r r r
i a o e a r r o t e e d
h s a n d a 1 s e s t 1
s w s t n e w t s g a t
t a e h w k e u b n r n
a 1 a e h h s m t o r
e 1 b a t e g e V r e e
w e e 1 w b r s e r e a
s t e t g n r o g a d w
e a e h s (1 a i e e p s)
s n e y d a e s e e u s

B. Fill in the blanks to complete the message board.

0 e EB Uve Chatroom Window ~

Home> Forums > Summer Holidays > What do you do (1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the summer holidays?

11:28AM Re: Summer Holidays ~ íll

~ Pet er:
1(2) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fireworks (3) July 4th W
and (4) a barbecue. lt's really fun! What do you
do (S) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the Fourth of July?

11:38AM Re: Summer Holidays

~ Gabby:
In the summer, 1(6) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ my mother's family. We
(7) a parade. The floats are amazing! And when
it's hot, we eat ice cream. 1 like chocolate ice cream . How about you?
What do you do during the summer holidays?

11:48 AM Re: Summer Holid ays

~ Matteo:
Hi! My birthday is (8) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ August. That's summer
vacation in the U.S. We (9) cake, and 1
(1 O) cards and presents. 1want these sunglasses
for my birthday.

42 Language Review 3
C. Read the text from Part B. Answer the questions.
l. Does Peter like barbecues on the Fourth of July?
a. Yes, he does. b. No, he doesn't. c. We don't know.
2. What type of ice cream does Gabby like?
a.cake b. chocolate. c. We don't know.

3. Does Matteo like chocolate ice cream?

a. Yes, he does. b. No, he doesn't. c. We don't know.
4. What does Matteo want for his birthday?
a.cake b. cards c. sunglasses

S. How much are these sunglasses?

a. They're $4. b. They're $50. c. They're $500.
6. When is Matteo's birthday?
a. in the summer b. in the winter c. in the spring

D. Answer the questions.

l. When is your birthday? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2. Do you like tomatoes? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3. What do you do during the winter holidays? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
S. Does your best friend like bugs? __________________
6. Does your father like cheese? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

E. Read the questions and answers from Part D with a partner at school.
Take turns asking and answering questions.

1 like tomatoes.

OK, Ming. Do like 1

tomatoes? ~,you do J

Language Review Units 7-9

Voc:abulary ocus
A. Look at the pictures and write the activities.

l. -+------1-<m

L '(_ ,
[ l~dJid 4. _ __


- - 2. / /(
s. ___

go to 3. ~=~'1-'--,...;--=,,......

B. Write the time in words.

1. 7:00 seven o'clock 4. 9:30 - - - - - - -
2. 8: 15 - - - - - - - 5. 12:00 - - - - - - -
3. 10:40 - - - - - - - 6. 5:00 - - - - - - -

Put the conversation in the correct order from 1 to 7. Then practice with a partner at school.
a. Hi Yanni. How are you?
b. 7:30! Really? What time do you go to school?
c. lt's 8.1 5 here in Athens. l'm having my breakfast.
d. Actually, 1usually go to school at 8 o'clock.
e. lt's 7: 15 here in Paris. What time is it in Athens?
f. 8.15! That's late! 1usually have breakfast at 7:30.

g. Oh! Hi Al ice. l'm good, thanks. What time is it in París?

44 Unit 10
Language F-ocus
A. Look at the pictures. Then write sentences about Rachel's day.

have breakfast do homework go home go to school play table tennis

1. At 7 o'clock, Rachel has




B. Circle the wrong words in each sentence. Then write the correct sentence.

l. What time do you go to home? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. 1go home never at 2: 15. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3. When does you do your homework?

4. 1 usually my do homework at 6:00. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

S. What time do you having lunch? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

6. Always 1 have lunch at 12:00. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

When do you usually get up?

A. Look at the text.What is it?
a. a letter b. a website c. a magazine

How are you'/ Here is sorne information about me.
1from Monáay to Friday, 1get up at 6 :30, 11ut, on weekenda, 1never get up at 6 :30.
That's too early!
My mother drivea me to achool. 1usually go to school at 7 :30. At school, l stuay
English, math, history, ana acience every aay. On Tueaaays, 1have P.E. That's my
favoríte clase! On friaaya, 1eometimes have Art clase, ana sometimes 1have Music.
My claes always eats lunch at 12:1 O. Lunch is 35 minutes.
1go home at 5::30. At home, 1eat ainner ana ao my homework. Then 1go to bea.
How about you'?

B. Read the text in part A again. Then answer the questions.

1. What class does Petra like best?
a. P.E. b. English c. art

2. How many classes does Petra have?

a. five b. SIX c. seven

3. When does Petra have lunch?

a. from 12: 1O to 12:45 b. from 12:35 to 1: 1O c. from 1:00 to 2:00

4. Which sentence is not true?

a. Petra a\ways has art on Fridays.

b. Petra gets up late on Saturdays and Sundays.

c. Petra does her homework at home.

C. Answer the questions.

1. What's your favorite class? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. What time do you usually eat lunch? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3. Do you do your homework at school? _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __

46 Unit 10
A. Read Petra's letter on page 46. Write a letter back to her.

Hí Petra,

íhank you for the letter. My name is

B. Practice reading your letter in part A with a partner at school.

Take turns asking and answering questions.

What time do
1 get up?

When do you usually get up?

Vacabulary Facus
Look at the picture. Match the names and words to complete the sentences.

l. Kate is • checking • • a friend.

2. Luis is • • chatting someone.
3. Kellie is • calling /. his e-mail.
4. Sandra is • • playing • • online.
S. Mark and Pablo are • • texting • • a video game.

Put the conversation in the correct order from 1 to 6. Then
practice with a partner at school.
a. No, l'm just browsing the Internet and chatting online.
b. ___ What are you doing there? Checking your e-mail?
c. ___ Danny. He's at home, downloading a video for me. 1 have
to go. My mom is texting me. Bye!
d. Hi Megan, it's Fran, Where are you?
e. Oh. Who are you chatting with?
f. Oh! Hi Fran. l'm atan Internet café.

48 Unit 11
Language Focus
A. Correct the mistakes.
yo u
Teacher: Lucy, what are"doing?
Lucy: l'm just chatting Marita online. We chatting
in Spanish!

Teacher: Mark, what is you doing?

Mark: l'm just download a video.

Teacher: Sarah, you writing an e-mail?

Sarah: Yes, 1 am. l'm writing an e-mail my math teacher.

B. Look at the pictures. Complete the questions and answers.

1. What is Vicky doing?

2. Where are Mr. and Mrs. Lopez?

No, they aren't reading newspapers. They're reading books.

4. Is Jim playing a video game?

No, she's not writing an e-mail. She's sending a text message.

A. Look at the text. Who is Stig chatting with?
a. Ming and Nadine b. his brother and sister c. Kristin and Leo

0 8 ffi Uve Chatroom Window ~

l What are you doing? Users in Room (3)

Stig: Hi everyone! l'm Stig. l'm sitting in an Internet café in Stockholm, Sweden.
l3gQjy [
1 live here. What about you? Where do you live?

Kristin: Hi Stig. l'm Kristin. 1 live in NewYork, in the United States. Stig

Stig: Cool! What are you doing right now?

Kristin: l'm surfng the Internet. l'm looking for a fun gameto play for my baby Kristin
sister's birthday. She's 4 years old. And l'm chatting with you!

Leo: Hi Stig! Hi Kristin! My name is Leo. l'm at home in Hong Kong. l'm
downloading a game from the Internet, too. This website has a lot of fun

Kristin: Thanks, Leo! l'm looking at that website now! lt looks cool!

Stig: Yeah, 1 know that website too! lt's my favorite! ",. ",.

B. Read the text in part A. Then answer the questions.

1. Where is Stig? 3. Leo is _ __
a. He's in the library a. downloading a game
b. He's in an Internet café. b. chatting online
c. He's at home. c. doing his homework

2. Kristin is in 4. Which of the following statements is true?

a. NewYork a. Stig doesn't like
b. Sweden
c. Hong Kong b. Leo is a writer for
c. Kristin thinks # onl
is cool.

50 Unitll
A. Look at the picture. Write sentences about the robots.

Robot 5 is riding a bike.

B. This conversation is written in txt. Unscramble them and write each

sentence in full English words.
A: R / doin /Wht /U? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
B: Lisa/ chttin / lm / w/ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
A: at / u / e / schl
B: U/ 18r / C ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

C. Practice reading your sentences from part A with a partner at school.

Vocabulary focus
A. Look at the picture. Write the room names.

B. How can you be green? Look at the picture in part A and write phrases.

1. Unplug the DVD player. 4. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

2. 5. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

3.~~~~~~~~~~ 6.

Circle the words to complete the conversation. Then practice with a partner
at school.
1. A: How can we be green? 1 mean, how can we ( waste / save ) energy?
2. B: We can ( recycle / waste ) cans.
3. A: We can turn ( on / off) computers when we aren't using them.
4. B: We can ( turn I wear) off the water.
S. A: And when it's cold, we can ( close I open ) the windows.

52 Unit 12
Language Focus
A. Look at the pictures. Then unscramble the sentences.

1. water I off/ the / turn / please

2. those / recycle / bottles

3. food / waste / don't

4. sides / paper / of / use / the / both

S. TV / off/ turn / the

B. Rewrite the sentences in part A using it or them.

1. Please turn off the DVD pi ayer . _P_le_a_s_e_t_u_r_n_it_ o_ff_. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. Don't throw away that computer. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3. Unplug the lights. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

4. Please turn on the TV. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

S. Don't throw away those bottles. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6. Please turn offthe lights. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

C. Answer the questions. Use always, usual/y, sometimes, or never.

l. Do you waste food? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. Do you recycle bottles and cans? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3. Do you unplug the TV when you're not watching it? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Look at the pictures and read the text. Then answer the questions.

How can we be green?

Don't waste water!

There is a lot of water in our world, but we can't

drink 97 percent of it. 12 percent of people in the
world do not have good water to drink. In the United
States, sorne people use 400 liters of water a day. In
sorne countries, people use just 1O liters of water
a day.

You can save water too! Don't take baths. Please take

Save energy!

You can cut the energy you use when you reuse and
recycle. In Japan, people throw away 1, 111 grarns of
rubbish per day. This wastes energy. Don't throw away
your old bottles. You can decorate them and reuse
thern. You can recycle thern. Please recycle paper too.

Making new paper, computers, MP3 players, T-shirts,

bottles, and cans takes energy, too. You can recycle.
Stop waste, and save energy!

1. How much of the world's water can we drink?

a. 97.5 percent b. 12 percent c. 3 percent
2. How many people have good water to drink?
a. about 97.5 percent b. about 88 percent c. about 12 percent
3. According to the text, how much water do sorne people in the United States use?
a. 400 liters a day b. 400 liters a week c. 400 liters a month
4. According to the text, what can we do to save energy?
a. use MP3 players, T-shirts, bottles, and cans
b. reuse and recycle
c. close windows
S. What can you recycle?.
a. water b. energy c. cans

54 Unit 12
A. Look at the crossword puzzle and write the missing words.

kitchen bedroom save cans lights waste reuse

El íl
11111111111111 11 111
11 11 11 11
11 11 11 11
11 1111111111 11
11111111111 11 111111111
DI El 111
111 m 11
DI 1111111111&11 11
11 m 11
B. Choose five words from the crossword puzzle in part A and write hints for them.
Example unplug Please the TV at night.
l. _ _ __
2. _ _ __
3. _ _ _ __
4. _ _ __
S. _ _ __

C. Read your hints to your partner and ask him or her to guess the correct word.

Save energy!
A. Look at the words. Complete the crossword puzzle.
bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom, unplug, downloading, texting,
email, sometimes, morning, after, home, homework, ~






B. Fill in the blanks to complete the online chat.

0 8 ElJ Live Chatroom Window ~

Subject: Tell me about you! (1) _ _ __ _ _ _ do you get up? What are you (2) _ __ _ _ __ ?

"°'::u~: aboot you! H; Ge°'ge, my name ;s Paula. I usually (3) _ _ _

fruit far breakfast. (5)
__ _ _ _ u_p_a_t t7.:m00e. dia1wy ayusgoRteoply
0 0
school? What are you doing right now?

Re: Tell me about you! ~

~ George: Hi Paula!
l'm (6) online with you, and l'm checking my email. 1get up at 5:00.
1browse the Internet every morning. I usually go to school (7) 8:20.

Re: Tell me about you!

~ Paula: George, it's sunny today. Why are ali your lights and yourTV on? Don't
(8) energy, George! Turn (9) _ _ _ _ __ _ _ off.

Re: Tell me about you! fumJy

~ George: OK, right. Thanks Paula!

56 Language Review 4
C. Answer the questions.
1. What does Paula do at 7:00?
a. She goes to school. b. She eats breakfast. c. She gets up.

2. Who gets up at five o'clock?

a. Paula and George b. Paula c. George

3. What is George doing?

a. He's texting a friend. b. He's checking his e-mail. c. He's playing a video game.
4. Who is George chatting with?
a. his sister. b. his mother. c. Paula.
S. Is George watching 1V?
a. Yes, he is. b. No, he isn't. c. We don 't know.
6. What does Paula ask George to do?
a. Browse the Internet. b. Turn off the 1V and lights. c. Go to school.

D. Answer the questions.

1. What can you do to save energy? _________________
2. What can you recycle? _____________________
3. What time do you eat lunch? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4. When does your mother go to bed? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
S. When do you usually do your homework? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

E. Read your answers from Part D with a partner at school.

Then take turns asking and answering

You can turn

OK, Ming.What can the lights off?
1do to save energy?

Yeah. And 1can

unplug the DVD
player too!

Language Review Units 10-12

A. Look at the chart. Then change the money.
Exchange Rates
Countr Rate US$1 = 1. Change US$300 to Australian dollars. _ _
Australia (dollar) AUD 1.50 2. Change US$100 to Chilean pesos. _ __
Chile (peso) CLP600 3. Change US$500 to Japanese yen. _ _ __
China (yuan) CNY7
4. Change CNY 1,400 to U.S. dollars. _ _ __
Japan (yen) JPY90
Thailand baht TH835 5. Change TH87000 to U.S. dollars. _ _ __

B. Fill in the blanks to complete the text.

dance in watch on meal

New Year's
Chinese New Year is ( 1) January or February. Peo ple wear Chinese lion costumes
and (2) in parades.
In Thailand, people wear special clothes for NewYear's.They (3) parades and eat
a special (4) , too.
In the United States, people celebrate New Year's (5) January 1st.

C. Which foods are healthy? Write the food names in order from 1 to 5.

D. Unscramble the idioms. Then match them to their correct meaning.

1. go / shopping / window • • l'm angry.
2. a/ of / piece / it's / cake • • lt's easy.
3. bugs / it / me / really • • Look at things
but don't buy them.
60 Real World Quiz 3
A. lt's 2:00 p.m. in Shanghai (+8 hours).
What time is it in these cities?
1. Los Angeles (-8 hrs) _ _ __ 3. Sao Paulo (-3 hrs) _ _ __
2. Sydney (+10 hrs) _ __ _ 4. Paris (+ 1 hr) _ _ _ __

B. Fill in the blanks to complete the text.

energy save unplug use

Saving Energy
Please ( 1) your computer, T\/, and DVD player at night. They (2) _ _ _ __
electricity when you sleep.You can (3) a lot of energy in your home. Unplug
your electrical items when you're not using them and cut the (4) they use by
50 percent.

C. Read the questions in txt. Then circle the answers.

1. Whr R U goin?
a. to school b. at school c. in school
2. Wht R U doin 18r?
a. l'm a student. b. l'm John. c. l'm going to a soccer game.
3. Whn R U goin?
a. with Lisa b. at school c. now
4. Whs goin?
a. Lisa b. at school c. now

Match the short conversations. Then practice with a partner at school.

1. Hi. What are you doing? • • a. Yeah, my mom gave me
the green light to go
to the movies ton ight.
2. How about you? • • b. 1know. l'm doing my
You look very happy homework and l'm
learning 100 words
by heart!
3. Hhm. You don't • • c. l'm just surfing the
look happy. Internet

Real World Quiz 4

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