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Quiz 1: Nature of Matter

1. Define matter. [1] _________________________________________________________________


2. Distinguish pure substances from mixtures. [2] _______________________________________


3. Identify 2 ways on how to classify matter. [1] _________________________________________


4. Distinguish the 3 states of matter. [3] ________________________________________________


5. Write E if the item pertains to an element, C if compound, HO if homogeneous mixture and

HE if heterogeneous mixture.

a) Diamond __________________________________________________________________

b) Salt (NaCl) _________________________________________________________________

c) Salt solution ________________________________________________________________

d) Alcoholic beverages _________________________________________________________

e) Air _________________________________________________________________________

f) Sugar and sand ______________________________________________________________

g) Mayonnaise ________________________________________________________________

h) Ozone (O3) __________________________________________________________________

i) Ammonia (NH3) ______________________________________________________________

j) Uranium (U) _________________________________________________________________

6) Use the Periodic Table to identify the sub-atomic particles present in the following species.

Species No. of Protons No. of Neutrons No. of Electrons


7. Isoelectric species have the same number of electrons. Identify the following isoelectric
species by giving the correct symbol and charge. You will need a Periodic Table.

Species No. of Protons No. of Neutrons No. of Electrons

18 22 18

19 20 18

17 18 18

8. Deduce the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in the following species

Species No. of Protons No. of Neutrons No. of Electrons





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