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It is important for professionals to be educated on the functional

importance of effective writing. In letter writing, precision and clarity of
meaning are extremely important. Time is a valuable resource, and
precise communication helps save the time of the writer as well as of
the recipient. People who value time and communication are bound to
gain out of their effective communication skills. Further, the reader
creates an image of the writer or the organization through their letters.
A good letter should make for effortless reading. It should be clear and
concise, with short sentences and simple words. It should keep to the
facts and be easy to read and understand.

The following sections will take us through the various characteristics

and components of professional letters.

The Seven Cs of Letter Writing

To write an effective letter, one needs to understand the purpose of writing and
then draft the letter, focussing on the reader’s perspective. Formal letters should
be clear, courteous, firm, and as friendly as the topic allows. The best letters have
a conversational tone and read as if the reader is being spoken to. The following
are the seven Cs of letter writing:
• Clarity • Cordiality

• Conciseness • Conviction

• Correctness • Completeness

• Courtesy
While writing a letter, we usually try to convince our readers or derive a
positive reaction from them. The readers will respond quickly only if the
meaning is crystal clear and conveyed well. We need not attempt to
present ourselves or our organization as perfect and flawless. Instead,
by taking a stance and accepting responsibility, we may create a more
reliable impression.

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