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 Propose to random people with ring pops

 Ask random people for directions then walk the opposite way
 Dress up as dads and have a cookout
 Scream at all the wrong times on a roller coaster
 Buy a disposable camera and take pictures with it the whole summer
 Ask random strangers their favourite song and make a super cool playlist
 Run into a store, ask what year it is then run and scream “IT WORKED”
 Go to the top of an airport parking garage and watch the planes fly away
while the sun sets
 Write random things on tortillas and stick them in people’s mailboxes
 At a red light ask the car next to you what their favourite song is and blast
 Get rid of your phone and buy a flip phone so social media doesn’t
 Go to IKEA and hide in a wardrobe then when someone walks past come
out and say “I’m back from Narnia”
 Have one of your friends dressed up while you and other friends wear
suites. Walk into the mall and have the friend act famous
 Go to the dollar store and ask for their most expensive item
 Paint cute rocks and throw them to people
 Buy an inflatable boat, get seltzer’s then find a lake with friends
 Invite a bunch of random people to go bowling but never show up
 Go on bike rides and runs everyday and stay up all night to watch the
sunrise on the roof
 Buy an inflatable pool, take it to the beach and put pillows/ blanker/
snacks in it and just float around
 Put a bunch of pillows and blankeys in a trampoline and have a sleepover
in it
 Put a blanket on your roof and sneak out with your friends in the middle
of the night and watch the stars
 Sneak out at midnight and go to the beach
 Get a jar and all summer write down the fun things u do and then the last
day of summer read through all of them
 Buy a camera and go round taking random pictures with strangers
 Go to abandoned places and take pictures
 Dance in the rain fully clothed
 Record a clip of you everyday and show what you are doing
 Go to the mall don’t shop try on random clothes and play hide and seek
and video it
 Act like a ghost and walk up to someone and be like “wait you can see
 Dig holes in the ground and put things in them and then try to find them
next summer
 Go to a picnic and dress up like dinosaurs
 Go to a mall and pretend you are guards
 Dress like boys and go around for one day
 Buy glass plates and write down everything you want to get rid of and
then go somewhere and break them
 Do a lemonade stand
 Go to a drive in movie
 Go skateboarding with your friends
 Put glow sticks in a pool and swim at night
 Go to Ikea and make a movie with all the different rooms they have
 Put vanilla pudding in a mayo jar then go out in public and eat it
 Dress up as Disney characters and go out for the rest of the day
 Make a lot of balloons. Every balloon is one wish. Make a wish and
throw it up to the sky at night
 Go to a random kid and tell them you are the future them
 Get a shopping cart and go to a parking lot
 Go cycling
 Get prom dresses and go swim in the lake with them on
 Stay up all night go get something at 5am and walk around an empty
 Go camping
 Have a cooking competition
 Go to an escape room and break the rules
 Make a timecapsule
 Go to a breakfast place with your PJs on
 Have a car sleepover
 Paint your shoes/bags
 Prankcall the police
 Go on a road trip journal

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