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Term Paper

Women empowerment via digital skills

Course Name: Composition and Communication Skills

Course Code: ENG 102
Section: 19

Submitted by:

Name: Joy Banik

ID: 2020-1-10-291
Name: Rudra Banik
ID: 2020-1-60-259
Name: Anika Tawshin Sumia
ID: 2019-2-50-031

Submitted to:

Shibly Azad (SBA)

Senior Lecturer
Department of English
East-West University

Table of Contents

1. Introduction……………………………………………………….……….3
2. Thesis statement. ………………………………………………………….3
3. The main reason for choosing the topic.………………………………….3
4. Women’s digital marketing plans. ……………………………………….3
5. Taking initiatives to do online businesses. ……………………………….4
6. Becoming a freelancer or web designer. ………………………………….5
7. Becoming a social media influencer. . ……………………………………5
8. Conclusion. ……………………………………………………………….6
9. References. ……………………………………………………………….7

Women empowerment means the process of empowering women. It refers to increasing
women’s access to control over social, educational, economic, political, psychological sides.
On the other hand, digital skills refer to the ability to use digital devices. Digital skills are
mandatory for women’s empowerment. A woman, who wants to create her career and stands
on her own feet, must acquire some programming knowledge and analyze a digital business,
digital marketing, online advertisement, digital product management, and decision making.
Some NGOs like Friends in Village Development Bangladesh (FIVDB), Nari Uddugta
Kendra (NUK) help cities’ women. The women who are in rural areas and want to do
something NGOs’ activities are giving them skills training for self-employment, as an
example, providing primary education, financial support, and helping the women in decision-
making. Now they are also teaching them about the internet and online business.

Thesis statement:
This paper will discuss women’s digital marketing plans, creating employment opportunities
for women through providing training, taking initiatives to do online businesses, becoming a
freelancer or web designer, and becoming a social media influencer.

The main reason for choosing the topic:

The main cause of choosing this topic is that we see women can make their own
empowerment nowadays. They are creating many job places. We see women are known for
their skills. Women are also known in other countries for their outsourcing or freelancing
skills, so we decided to make a research paper based on their digital skills.

Women’s some digital marketing plans

Creating employment opportunities for women through providing training:
Nowadays, job markets or business sectors are very hard, challenging, and complex.
Again, it is also hard for women. They have the required qualifications to undergo
training to improve their career. But they face numerous barriers to entering the training
program because of a lack of opportunities, social pressure, work environment, etc. In this
situation, some practical measures should be taken by our society, government, NGOs so
that women can fulfill their dreams. Few steps are rallying youth, skill review,
counseling, technological skills for training, job preparation training, and support.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) makes a business more efficient and
effective. ICT skills can help a woman to develop her skills and make her professional.
Training is essential for developing skills or knowledge about the skills of the job or
business. It also helps to build confidence in one's ability. Training will be improving the
performance and helps to do the work more efficiently and effectively.

We are together doing some research on this topic. We see women are becoming more
efficient day by day. Daily Prothom Alo newspaper published a journal, and they write

their paper, we are seeing an increasing rate of freelancers. They also write their
newspaper; 5 years later, the demand for Data entry, Digital marketing, automation,
robotics making, and artificial intelligence work increases day by day. Bangladesh
becomes 57th for women's self-employment all over the world. We have 4.4% of women
entrepreneurs in our country.

Entrepreneurs rate in some countries

Market Percentage
Bangladesh 4.4%
India 7.4%
Malaysia 16.2%
Thailand 23.4%
Vietnam 27%


Taking initiatives to do online businesses:

The term taking initiatives to do online business describes efforts a company or person makes
to expand business operations on the internet. There are many marketing strategies that are
implemented to attract the ideal customers. If a woman wants to build her online business,
she needs to take some initiatives that can help her understand the strategy and help her
quickly grow her online business performance.

A co-branded training program can help women understand their online business. Large
companies and small businesses sit through social media or active website visitors in this
section. This initiative of co-branded training sessions will help transform and solve a
problem for existing customers. It is an opportunity for a woman to open her company to a
new audience and to give knowledge of the benefits of products or services.

Online events are also important because an expert can be invited to share their valuable
insights. It's an opportunity for a woman to connect with industry leaders, strengthen her
brand and increase sales. Building relationships in online business is very important. After
selling products online, it is important to get detailed reviews from customers to get their

Customer satisfaction is very important for an online business. When a woman wants to run
her online business successfully, she needs to know about the customer's needs. Sometimes
he has to create customized products for certain customers. Customized products mean
products that are uniquely designed according to the specific design and preferences of the
customers. This will help the customer to become a permanent customer that will help
increase sales and profits.


Becoming a freelancer or web designer:

Although there is no shortage of career options for a smart, driven woman who wants to
succeed at the highest level. freelance is definitely one of those options. Career-driven
women looking for the best - a possible way to achieve a prosperous professional life,
freelance is definitely the best delivery. Even, in many ways, freelance provides freedom and
convenience that enables women at all levels of life to have a career that fits their personal
aspirations and lifestyles perfectly.

Despite this increase, the income of female freelancers is lagging. "Women freelancers
charge less, are more likely to get late pay, and they are four times less likely to earn more
than $150,000," Fast Company reported. What is the secret of women being held in a
freelance arena? Experts speculate that traditional workers are less paid women, who are the
same mindset in the freelance world, charging less for their work and compromise less
aggressively for the higher rates they deserve.

When people dominate the web design world, their female colleagues are also slowly feeling
their presence. It was the 20th century and women were attacking more workers than ever
before, but very few women are making a name for the male web design industry. Consider
the 2007 list "Web Design Survey Results", which found that 82.8% of the 33,000
professionals are male and only 16.1% are female (1.1% did not answer).

Despite the statistics, which have attracted my interest that there are very few women in a
relevant male dominated industry who have fought against the odds and have risen to the top
of the industry. But now there are many women from all over the world who are on fire in
web design. In fact, we can now list female web designers who are known for their high
quality of web designing. They are highly rated for creativity, innovation, new ideas and
website design strategies. For example: Rina Miele, Kate Hatchet, Megan Fisher, Jana


Becoming a social media influencer:

As we know that a woman influencer assists to connect with the users and helps the company
to reach millions of followers. To build an online business takes hard work and they have to
give their best measures to gain success. A women influencer helps to maximize their online
susceptibility. For example, Huda Kattan, Cameron Dallas, Kayla Itsines, Selena Gomez,
Aeshariya Roy etc. They are the most leading example of a woman influencer. In this robust
and widespread environment, lots of people are evolving as a social influencer. Nowadays,
women are also growing up as a social influencer. They are maturing as fast as possible by
social media as a social influencer. They are growing as instantly as Google trends.

In today's world, social media influencers are a big part of this transition. Not only in
Bangladesh but also in many other countries, they are growing their social media platforms.
They are also trying to increase their influence, and in some cases, they make out a lot of

money in the process. In this program, they are becoming social media leaders and they are
making their professions as social media influencers. While it's still in infancy, many women
are beginning to build up their future by social media. Many women are selling their products
online. Some of them also make their own products like bracelets, chains, rings, artworks,
and other home accessories. They are using Facebook, Instagram to broadcast their products
and sell their product to make a profit from this online platform.

Now a days, women are developing them as much as men. Women are as much efficient as
men too. Becoming an online influencer is a great sign that women are also coming forward
to make their own identity. And it is turning out to be a great profession for women who
dream to achieve bigger things in their life. A lot of middle class or not well-known women
are getting much popular by becoming an online influencer. And they are also helping the
users to reach good products and promote the company. Good influencers come to the
advertisements on tv and people all over the world see them.

In conclusion if you want to be an entrepreneur or social influencer, you must build up your
mind, knowledge, expertise. You must enhance your profile in people around you and gain
interest in your own work. To become a social influencer, you must choose your area for your
most precise and optimistic experience. Without experience, you cannot become a social
influencer. You have to establish your location to start your social service and need to have


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