WFP-0000009821 CFM

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Minimum Standards for

Implementing a CFM

Complaints and feedback mechanisms handle, and determine who the mechanism is
for e.g. beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries.
A complaints and feedback mechanism (CFM) is a
Be aware that this may need to be adapted
formal mechanism for receiving information from
upon feedback from the community.
people in communities where WFP operates.
4. Ensure sustainability of the mechanism:
The following 10 requirements apply to all forms of
CFMs have costs attached to them. Prior to
CFMs (e.g. hotline, complaints and feedback desk,
the implementation of a CFM, estimate the
complaints and feedback box, or social media).
running costs, such as staff, training,
By meeting these requirements, COs can communication material, phones, and
ensure effective and dignified CFMs that do computers, and ensure a budget is dedicated
not put affected people at risk, and that do to the CFM. This is crucial to ensure that the
not raise expectations that WFP cannot meet. CFM is sustainable and avoid to raise
1. Ensure senior management support: expectations that WFP cannot meet. A CFM
Senior management must support the idea of could run just for the duration of a specific
a CFM. If there is no management project as long as this is clearly
commitment, staff will not be able to follow communicated to the affected population.
up on the feedback and complaints received. 5. Ensure that people understand and
Failure to do so will negatively affect WFPs agree to how their complaint and/or
relationship with the community and may feedback will be processed and the
jeopardize implementation of the results feedback to them: People making a
programme. complaint should be informed of: a) who will
2. Involve affected people in the design of review their complaint, b) when feedback will
the CFM: Affected people (across age, be provided, c) who they can contact if they
gender, and other diversity characteristics) have a concern with regards to their
should be consulted on the design of the CFM complaint, and d) if it is not possible to follow
and their feedback should be reflected in the up on the complaint within the specified time
implementation of the mechanism. It is frame what procedures will be put in place.
important that the mechanism is based on People making a complaint should be asked if
community preferences and cultural norms to these points are well understood and
ensure that it is safe to access and use. acceptable to them. A CFM is only effective
and reliable if it can ‘close the loop’ by
3. Define the purpose of the CFM: Prior to
responding to the complaint received.
the design of a CFM, identify the objectives of
the mechanism, clarify what type of
complaints the mechanism can and should

World Food Programme

Minimum Standards for Implementing a CFM

6. Ensure that the CFM is accessible: The implemented as well as their services to
CFM has to be accessible for all or the address protection issues (e.g. clinical, legal,
majority of the people it aims to serve. It psychosocial, and security). If they exist, a
therefore needs to be designed in a way that referral system between WFP’s CFM and
takes the context in which it will be these services should be agreed with the
implemented into consideration. relevant actors in order to support the needs
Understanding possible obstacles that of the complainant.
affected people might have in accessing 10. Design procedures to adequately handle
different types of CFMs, including economic, high priority cases such as fraud,
social, cultural and physical, can help prevent corruption and complaints related to
or mitigate these obstacles. sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA):
7. Raise awareness of the CFM: Affected Complaints should be graded according to
people need to be informed about the CFM severity and therefore priority. High priority
including how to use it, when they can use it, cases need to be handled with specific
what they can use it for, and what kind of procedures. Any misconduct issues must be
response they can expect. This can be done flagged to the Country Director, and SEA
for example through community meetings, cases involving WFP staff should be reported
consultations with affected people, to WFP’s Office of Inspections and
loudspeakers, radio and through publication Investigations (OIGI). Every country office is
material such as posters and leaflets that are required to have a SEA focal point, and an
issued in a language that is understood by alternate, responsible for handling these
affected people. types of complaints (outlined in the ED’s
8. Ensure confidentiality and Bulletin on protection against sexual
professionalism: All complaints and exploitation and abuse). A referral system
feedback received need to be treated with between the CFM and the SEA focal point
confidentiality to safeguard personal data and needs to be in place for cases where a SEA
respect people’s right to privacy. All the data complaint is raised through the CFM.
(electronic and paper) need to be stored in a For more information ...
safe way (e.g. in locked drawers or rooms,
For WFP Staff, visit the accountability to affected
and multiple levels of password protection).
populations topic page on WFPGo and refer to:
All staff (including WFP and partner staff)
that have any kind of involvement in the CFM  AAP Guidance Manual
should be trained on how to handle, follow-
 AAP Strategy
up and process complaints and feedback in a
confidential manner, and be aware of what  AAP Baseline Survey
their respective roles and responsibilities are.
9. Establish referral systems for protection
related complaints: Before implementing a
CFM, map the known and trusted protection
actors in the areas where the CFM will be

Emergencies and Transitions Unit (OSZPH) February 2017

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